The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 229

To you who survived (4)

You who survived

The end of that long journey where you had to risk your life at every moment may be very different from what you thought.

What doesn’t change though is that you went through a long and difficult journey and were able to stand proudly alive at the end.

Are you happy that you survived?

Or are you afraid that you will have to continue living a life filled with pain and suffering?

Have you found your reason for living?

Was life worth living?

What have you gained and what have you lost?

What succeeded and what failed?

What did the joy when you were happy and the despair when you were frustrated make you?

Why on earth do we continue to cling to this life which will only end in vain when it ends?

What is the reason for trying in vain to change the journey in a life with a fixed end?

Why do we struggle so futilely to survive?

This book is a record of the agony over the answer.

– 『Introduction to the Wise Man’s Seal』 by Sylvania Robester

*“An event to conclude the festival will be held soon.”

The chief aide entered the throne room bowed his head and spoke.

Although it was a temporary throne room in the royal family’s quarters its luxury was comparable to that of the imperial castle.

The royal residence where Princess Fenia was staying already had many occupants who were well-versed in the royal etiquette so it did not take long to prepare a residence that complied with the laws.

The throne room was also prepared on a scale commensurate with Emperor Cloel’s authority.

Emperor Cloel who was sitting on the seat in the throne room and looking toward the terrace solemnly brushed away his long beard and looked at the spire of the Academy with his intelligent eyes.

“The level of education in Sylvania has improved more than I thought. “Compared to when Jim first visited Sylvania we can see that it has progressed to the point where you wouldn’t even think it was the same place.”

“Even Soin was very surprised. The level of students has also improved day by day with the Combat Club producing students who are proficient in swordsmanship and the Magic Club producing even the highest level magic users… “I think this is an institution worth investing in.”

“Penia has become a lot more reliable and even though it was a long distance I think it was a good idea to come and inspect it in person.”

Emperor Cloel smiled once in satisfaction but soon a dark shadow appeared on his face again.

Selaha Persica Fenia.

Emperor Cloel was already well aware that the conflict between the three princesses had been intensifying since Lindon gave up his position as crown prince.

It’s completely different from the past when Lindon was fine and was able to raise a stable family.

Now all of this conflict will only end when Emperor Cloel himself makes it clear who will be the next successor to the throne.

However even for Emperor Cloel who is said to be a rare saint it was very difficult to determine superiority among his children.

As their father Emperor Cloel knew very well the strengths and weaknesses of the three princesses.

Princess Selaha possesses leadership and charisma worthy of a monarch. She has no hesitation in her decisions she moves forward quickly in whatever she does and she is confident in her own thoughts and choices so she never wavers. These were the qualities that a monarch must have.

However he is arrogant bound by status and authority has strong self-righteousness that does not admit that he is wrong and does not respect those under him so if he makes a mistake he has the possibility of taking the path of a tyrant.

The Princess of Persica loves knowledge is passionate about studying and exploring and has deep wisdom. She knows a lot she is good at intrigues and tricks and she is a compromise politician who can take advantage of anything that is available. That’s why she always thinks of realistic solutions and she’s also a businesswoman who never makes a fuss.

However an overly compromising attitude is likely to lead to corruption. If they seize power they are likely to look out for their own self-interest rather than consider the people. As she was a girl who had no aversion to secret plots and plots it seemed likely that the atmosphere in the imperial family would become even darker and more insidious.

Princess Fenia is benevolent always tries to take good care of those under her and knows how to admit and repent for her mistakes. She is the image of an ideal monarch who always keeps her ears open and thinks of her people and is neither bound by authority nor swayed by self-interest.

However there is a high possibility that they will not be able to maintain their authority and position because they are overly understanding and sympathizing with the positions of those below them. Because he has a tendency to be obsessed with idealism he will be unable to compromise with real politics and as he struggles between the difficulties of practitioners and idealism he may give up his position and become a puppet king.

He has firm faith and tenacity as a monarch is wise but cunning enough to listen to others and has a sincere concern for his people and is not swayed by authority.

It is not easy for a monarch to possess all these qualities.

“Lindon… ”

After chanting the name of his son who was no longer stuck in the spire for a moment Emperor Cloel shook his head. He has to obsess over what he lost but the situation does not get better.

No matter who it is Emperor Cloel has the obligation to select a successor and raise that person to become an ideal monarch.

It is absolutely necessary to ensure that this peaceful era that our ancestors worked hard to achieve can be passed down to future generations.

──As a result Emperor Cloel was thinking of naming Princess Selaha as his successor.

I just had time to finalize my conclusions. Although it has not yet been completely concluded it is safe to say that this is a provisional conclusion.

Selaha’s arrogant attitude will naturally be corrected once he experiences a serious injury due to wrong decisions a few times.

Emperor Cloel was ready to roll up his sleeves and change the attitude of being bound by authority or treating subordinates excessively.

In the end the most important thing as an emperor is to have a sense of how to control the crowd.

Moral sense and understanding can be taught through acquired education. However the nobility and appearance of being able to reign resolutely as an emperor are not within the realm of education. To some extent you have to be born with it.

Princess Selaha’s elegance which makes her alluring yet difficult to touch is something that Persica and Fenia do not have. She attracts attention wherever she goes and has an energy that makes you feel like you can’t even touch her lowly status.

Although there is still a long way to go Princess Selaha seems to be the most suitable person to be appointed as the emperor’s daughter.

The problem is that Selaha has not yet been completely refined as a monarch.

As a father I don’t know if it’s okay to think like this but it was necessary to break Selaha’s nose which was soaring high.

There is a high possibility that Selaha’s arrogant character will one day become a major disaster for the empire. In order to prevent it in the first place a person was needed to properly educate Selaha.

But where on earth is there a person in this empire who can control Selaha?

Selaha Einir Cloel is the first princess of the Cloel imperial family and is a girl who learned from an early age how to suppress people with authority and control the crowd.

At least he bows his pride and bows his head to Emperor Cloel but that is only because Emperor Cloel has the authority to decide who will be the next emperor.

There is no way Emperor Cloel is unaware of her ambition and desire for power. In order to make the girl her good ruler she had to crush her sky-high pride and subdue her once.

It would be meaningless for Emperor Cloel to do it himself. In the first place it was natural to submit to the emperor of the empire.

So is there another person that Selaha could cling to?

It was the car that Emperor Cloel had such concerns about.

“And I don’t have any intelligence worth reporting… “I think I should tell you about Princess Selaha’s recent movements.”

“Selaha’s movement?”

yes. “Recently we have been inspecting together with His Majesty following His Majesty’s movements and it is said that we are constantly communicating with the outside world by exchanging letters at night.”

“You didn’t say anything to me but are you saying that you are keeping it a secret from me and are communicating with someone inside Sylvania?”

yes. It seems like it’s an extension of the competition for imperial power… You can investigate further. “What can I do?”

Emperor Cloel glanced at his chin for a moment lost in thought.

I knew at least that there was a conflict between the three daughters but it seemed necessary to keep an eye on their subtle movements when they came to Aken Island where Fenia was located.

Emperor Cloel does not see it as a particularly bad thing to continue healthy competition to inherit the imperial throne.

However what is worrisome is that there is a possibility that Selaha’s character may cross a ‘line’.

Like plotting an assassination or causing serious injury… Even if it is not such an extreme number movements that harm each other or leave great wounds may continue.

This is not very pleasing to Emperor Cloel who loves all three daughters.

“Just take a look.”

And the contents of Selaha’s letter which I discovered by spying on Deacon Dest… Even Emperor Cloel could not help but be shocked.

*“Oh oh oh oh oh oh brother. Oh oh oh oh oh you came..”

Upon reaching the entrance to the royal residence Tanya who had also been summoned by the emperor was trembling.

“What are you doing? “Have you been summoned too?”

“Yes yes… Suddenly a call came from the royal family’s quarters… After finishing all my work I was rolling around on the sofa with a sense of freedom… Why now… ”

“… “Why are you shaking like this?”

“Didn’t you hear the news? I heard that Emperor Cloel himself summoned you. Considering that he even summoned his brother it seems like it’s related to the Ross Taylor family… I was nervous because I was told that I had to meet Emperor Cloel a rare saint right in front of me… ”

Since I am in a position where I have to give speeches in front of large crowds whenever I get the chance I would have never thought that I would have the temperament to get unnecessarily nervous in these areas.

Sometimes it’s majestic even in difficult and difficult situations and other times it’s trembling… When I look at Tanya I cannot tell whether she is brave or timid.

“Senior Ed. You came alone. “I thought you would bring someone.”

Next to Tanya were Ziggs and several student council aides. Even so he is the student council president of Sylvania Academy and it looks like he couldn’t be sent alone to the audience with the emperor so he came with the bare minimum.

“This is a bit strange. Brother. The Elte Company is friendly the Telos Church is friendly Princess Fenia is friendly… I understand everything but now that you’re suddenly calling me out to Emperor Cloel a rare saint it’s too much… that… This is unusual… ”

“… This is out of my hands. “Tanya.”

lie! Don’t lie! What kind of trick are you trying to tie me to the position of student council president? I am… More than this… I don’t want to be in power anymore… !”

If someone hears it they might slap her in the back for saying she’s full but since I know Tanya’s position I can’t help but watch with dim eyes.

“… ”

“You know senior Ziggs. How about having a great time in front of Emperor Cloel? Would you look at me with pitiful eyes? “You will look at me with cold eyes as if you were looking at an unsophisticated person right?”

“Perhaps the student council president who is so strong also has a human side wouldn’t you just laugh out loud?”

What is it. Why are you looking at me so kindly? !”

“I’ve said this time and time again but a position makes a person. “When you sit in a high position small mistakes are somehow disguised as a human aspect.”

Tanya wiped her face and sighed heavily. Her neatly coiffed blonde hair falls in waves around her shoulders.

“Anyway seeing as you also summoned senior Ed it seems like it is related to the Ross Taylor family. We thought it was something that needed to be dealt with at the student council level so we brought everyone in like this… “I don’t think it was necessary.”

“Zix is ​​always having a hard time. “Does Tanya owe you a lot for this or that?”

no. I’m just going about my business as usual. In fact if it’s hard work Anis whom senior Ed introduced does it more. “The next time I see you I’ll have to at least say thank you.”

Ziggs politely responded to my greetings and then gestured to the student assistants who had been dragging a bunch of them signaling that they could leave.

Then Tanya suddenly raised her head and asked Ziggs what he was doing.

“Why are you sending everyone away!”


“We agreed to go to the throne room together! “I heard that all the student council aides are following along!”

“… No it’s true that everyone has to cooperate when it comes to student council work but… “If it’s the Ross Taylor family’s business isn’t it completely external to the student council?”

“That…” ”

“It is too much to ask someone to follow and assist with external work. Isn’t it? Since all student assistants are busy I think their work efficiency should be respected even in this regard.”

that… “I think that’s true too.”

“… ”

“… ”

Ziggs was looking at Tanya with complicated eyes for a moment.

Then he glanced at me once took a deep breath and spoke.

“Well since Senior Ed is here there’s nothing to worry about… “Just in case I will accompany you as a counselor for now even if it’s just me.”

“There’s no need to go that far Ziggs… ”

no… I think of it as an extension of my work. I have to pick Elka up after class… “It doesn’t matter as long as the work is completed by then.”

Ziggs stood reliably with his arms crossed.

From Tanya’s perspective she breathed a sigh of relief as if she had wanted to go with at least one more ally.

“I have my brother on my left and Senior Ziggs on my right… This is reliable enough… ”

Only then did Tanya speak majestically as if relieved.

There’s no point in acting confidently about a topic that I was nervous about before…

is it so. No matter what Emperor Cloel says I will not be surprised and will respond gracefully… !”

“Are you interested in getting engaged to my daughter Selaha Ed Rosstaylor?”

“… yes?

Finally the emperor’s throne room.

After a brief greeting Tanya gaped awkwardly at the words that came out of Emperor Cloel’s mouth.

The same was true for Ziggs who was standing behind him as an assistant.

*Selaha has a history of attacking the Ross Taylor family to the extent that one wonders if it is okay to do this. The number of people who attacked the Rosstaylor family so clearly could be counted on one hand.

The Rosstaylor family which had been close friends with Princess Selaha had already weakened its power even within the imperial family. The duke title was still maintained but it seemed obvious that if time continued like this it would be extinct within 10 years.

Emperor Cloel’s decision to bring together Selaha and the Prince of the Rosstaylor family took many aspects into consideration.

First of all by binding Princess Selaha and the Rosstaylor family one of the biggest conflicting forces into a marital relationship the internal conflict in the imperial family can be forcibly resolved.

In addition by giving the Ross-Taylor family a leash of royal blood it can prevent them from making more foolish ideas in the future and it can also create a justification for actively interfering with figures from the Ross-Taylor faction who are still opposed by the forces within the imperial family. One way or another the characters of Ross Taylor who lived as close associates of the imperial family for a long time were very useful.

Not only that I even thought about picking Ed Ross Taylor as a talent who could control and sway Princess Selaha.

As they are a rare group of saints their eyes for seeing people are very accurate.

The emperor’s position is a position to judge people. It’s a place where you judge people all day long 365 days a year.

Ed Rosstaylor who bowed his head solemnly in front of the emperor after the duel was a calm and deep man even at first glance.

In addition he achieved academic achievements as the head of the Ministry of Magic and also has a political status as the prince of the Rosstaylor family.

More than anything… . This is a man who was never appeased no matter how many times Selaha tried to appease him.

Princess Selaha knows how to suppress anyone with her power and authority or control them with promises of huge rewards and a brilliant future.

However if you are someone who doesn’t even blink at Princess Selaha’s endless cajoling… Selahara which no one in the world can control may be able to hit a huge bomb.

I needed a man like that. If Emperor Cloel gave him just a little bit of strength he would become a human being that not even Selaha could do anything about. For Selaha to become a good monarch such a person was needed.

“… “I don’t think Princess Selaha will like it very much.”

no. On the contrary I think Selaha will be very welcoming.”

As expected he seemed to know the contents of Selaha’s letter.

Ed Rothtaylor recalled Dest’s exact words. No matter how much he was the deacon he couldn’t completely escape the emperor’s information network.

Emperor Cloel… He is mistaken on a crucial point.

The reason Selaha hid it from Emperor Cloel and sent the letter to Ed Rosstaylor was because he did not want the emperor to see his dirty secrets and plots.

The contents of the letter are all lies. There is no way that Princess Selaha would harbor such feelings for Ed Rosstaylor.

However from Emperor Cloel’s point of view such secret movements of Selaha… One cannot help but think that it was the result of girlish shame.

“I thought she knew everything because she was my daughter but I didn’t know that Selaha had that kind of side… I still have a long way to go as a father… ”


no… I made a mistake. “I’m just talking to myself so don’t worry too much about it.”

Emperor Cloel smiled for a moment while sitting on the magnificent seat in the throne room then cleared his throat and began talking again.

In front of him was Ed Tanya Ziggs who was preparing the courtesies for his subjects.

“In any case the relationship between the Rosstaylor family and the imperial family was long. Although we are facing many challenges right now I wanted to talk about using this engagement declaration as an opportunity to further refine our mutual political position.”

“Okay… Did you… ”

okay. And if I’m right I don’t think Selaha will attack the Rosstaylor family anymore after this. So think positively about your engagement.”

It was a foreigner.

If Emperor Cloel who boasts the highest authority in the empire had ordered her to consider an engagement she already had no right to veto it.

Even though he was the eldest son of Duke Rosstaylor he could not shake his head at the emperor’s recommendation. Ziggs felt the blood draining from his head.

The engagement of Princess Selaha and Ed Ross Taylor. If this fact is made public the inside of the university will be completely turned upside down.

Especially when I thought about the expressions on the faces of some of the characters especially Ed when they heard the news I couldn’t help but laugh even if it was just a joke.

“Ed Rosstaylor. “Looking at your past actions and evaluations I think you are a pretty good guy.”

“I am grateful for Your Majesty’s favor but I am not a person who deserves to be evaluated very highly.”

“Humility is good but sometimes you have to know how to shine yourself.”

Emperor Cloel stroked his beard a few times and spoke as if he would leave no room for further argument.

“Become engaged to Selahah.”

The princess’s fiancé. He is also the fiancé of the 1st princess Selaha who is said to be closest to the emperor’s position.

It was truly like a highway toward success that would lead one to join the ranks of the most powerful men in the empire.

Usually this is the time to shed tears of joy or bow in gratitude.

This is because it is a position that everyone dreams of and in fact it is an opportunity to join the ranks of the royal family’s most powerful people.

This is probably a position that most officials are drooling over.

In addition it may be possible to straighten out the declining fortunes of the Ross-Taylor family.

Tanya’s plan which was gathering the power of noble families to take down Princess Selaha can also be stopped for now. Then since there will be a lot less work for the family you will be able to escape to some extent from the hellish work swamp.

It is an offer that cannot be refused in every way. That destructive offer to make you a member of the royal family has the power to overturn all interests in the world.

– Bang!

At that moment Princess Selaha came in forcefully opening the throne room.


Now that I heard the news I rushed out of my room.

The sight of her running with the hem of her dress slightly lifted was eye-catching. The way she was out of breath made me feel like she had sprinted out of the room at once.

“Abama how could you do something like this without even telling me… !”

The moment Princess Selaha entered the throne room saying those words she made eye contact with Ed Rosstaylor.

The fact that he is here means that he has already heard the whole story. Princess Selaha was conscious of the look in Ed’s eyes for a moment and then with her mouth tightly closed she spoke to Emperor Cloel.

“Abama! If you allow a person like this to have the blood of the royal family… !”

“Thank you for the offer but I’m fine.”

Just before Princess Selaha continued Ed Rosstaylor spoke with his head down.

At those words the air in the throne room froze.

Emperor Cloel’s proposal. Ed Rothtaylor rejected the proposal which was practically an order.

“If someone like me steps into the sacred blood of the royal family it will be a big disaster.”

Words of humility that humble oneself. But that’s just finding a reason for rejection.

Finding the reason for rejection in one’s lowly status is a more perfect justification for rejecting Princess Selaha who is tied to her status. Even if they are lowly they are the best duke family on the continent.

“And becoming engaged to Princess Selaha here would be a betrayal of Princess Fenia to whom I have given my allegiance.”

“… ”

“Sincere loyalty is the most basic quality a subject must have. Even if you were to betray someone you were loyal to and fall into the arms of Princess Selaha would that be considered honorable? “I think they are just bats moving with the flow of power.”

Ed Rosstaylor just continued his story calmly.

“Once loyalty is engraved in your heart you will keep it until the day you die. I think that is the duty of a subject. Therefore the engagement with Princess Selaha… “It cannot be uploaded.”

The person who opened her eyes the most at those words was Princess Selaha herself.

If it is an order from the emperor even Selahah cannot resist it. Once Emperor Cloel makes up his mind he listens to no one.

Therefore for Ed Rothtaylor it would have been a unique opportunity to step into the royal family.

Even in this situation where even Selaha who can control everything in the world can’t do anything…

Ed Rosstaylor… He refused to accept Selaha even going so far as to go against the royal command. It is impossible unless it comes from the heart.

you… ”

Selaha glared at Ed in disbelief.

“You kicked me?”

Selaha’s life has always been looked up to with reverence since childhood.

A person who has been in a position to kick someone. It was a life where I never had to be dumped by anyone.

no. Princess Selaha. “My humble status is just not enough to become a member of the royal family.”

Ed Rosstaylor humbles himself like that and gets away. But that is still just a justification.

Ed Rosstaylor is not engaged to Selaha. He simply sacrificed the rest to carry out his will.

“What are you… Do you reject me? At best I am only the eldest son of a failing duchy but in front of me Selaha Einir Cloel… ! Even if I could just grab his ankle and ask him to look at me just once it wouldn’t be enough but I… !”

Selaha widened her eyes and strode over to Ed putting her face in his face. Ed Ross lifted Taylor’s collar and looked her in the eyes but Ed’s expression did not change at all.

“Why do you have such peaceful eyes? Why do you always look like everything in the world is okay… ! Why don’t you throw your head on the floor in embarrassment! this person… A lowly bastard… ! On a subject without authority or dignity… !”

“… “Princess Selaha.”

“Even though I gritted my teeth and wrote the letter he didn’t budge. At the end of every word Fenia Fenia… ! Mine is much more promising… Even though they say they will give you everything you need… ! Why do you have such motionless eyes… !”

In the end Selaha couldn’t hold back his anger and ended up spitting out the words.

“On my side… “I guess you could just take a look at it at least once..!”

Those words may just be an expression of Selaha’s resentment who is full of arrogance and pride…

“Your Majesty is watching.”

“… ”

It had a completely different meaning to Emperor Cloel who was watching the scene.

It is not common for Selaha who is full of arrogant pride to lose his temper and get angry like this.

Selaha who had lost her senses to the point where she even forgot for a moment that she was in the presence of Emperor Cloel finally took a deep breath and lowered her head.

“It was disgraceful. “Abama.”

The atmosphere in the throne room was completely cold.

A man from a simple ducal family refuses to obey the emperor’s orders and the first princess is losing her mind right under the emperor’s nose… From the emperor’s perspective he must have felt like his authority was being challenged.

Selaha closed his eyes tightly as he waited for the emperor’s next shout.


However Emperor Cloel’s reaction was completely different from what was expected.

Rather a satisfied smile came out.

Everyone could not help but be confused by that sight. It was a situation in which anyone could see that they had to be angry at the sight before their eyes that had flouted the authority of the emperor.

However Emperor Cloel smiled with satisfaction as he looked at Ed Rosstaylor.

Ed Rosstaylor.

A man whom Princess Selaha is strangely obsessed with Princess Persica is strangely wary of and is favored by Princess Fenia.

In fact this man who had a wide influence on the three princesses was someone who was deeply involved in this competition for imperial power.

He has met all three princesses and has been evaluated in his own way. Plus to see Selaha behaving in such an indecent manner… Emperor Cloel saw a new possibility.

“Ed Rosstaylor. I won’t make unreasonable demands on you right now. Instead I thought of another suggestion. Would you like to hear it?”

Cloel a rare star knows very well how to use a man like Ed Rothtaylor. He only needed to apply very little force to swing the Selaha.

“There are still many shortcomings in Gwain so I am still contemplating which of my three daughters to consider as the next successor to the throne.”

“It’s a big issue that will determine the future of the country so it’s natural for you to be worried.”

“So I would like to hear your opinion after meeting all of my daughters. From what I hear he is a wise man so he must have deep thoughts. Although she supports Selaha her loyalty is to Fenia and it feels like she is at odds with Persica. “I think you would give your opinion without hesitation.”

A person who can advise the emperor about the next successor to the throne.

Considering Emperor Cloel’s tendency to judge everything on his own it was safe to say that there were virtually no such people within the imperial family.

“After today’s festival would you like to play a game of chess in my room?”

“I’m not sure if I a fool can get involved in discussions about the future of the country.”

“Don’t worry too much about it. “I just want to talk to you once.”

In this way Emperor Cloel ended the story in a satisfied manner.

Cold sweat was flowing from Princess Selaha who had her head down.

A person who can speak into the emperor’s ears. In fact I am now in a position to influence the selection of the emperor…

As a result the position of Ed Rothtaylor the man bowing his head next to him changed completely.

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