The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 110

Hey, Mr. Yenica (2)

“Whoa… .”

The staff room terrace of the Ofilis Building.

Basically due to the nature of maids who have to deal with a barrage of tasks throughout their working hours it is important to take breaks whenever they have free time.

It was Belle Maia who had just finished cleaning up after dinner at the Ofilis Building and was leaning on the terrace for a moment to get some fresh air.

The dinner schedule that comes to mind right now is also tight. Before the students went to bed I would go around to check that the bedding had been properly changed and I also had to check that the final cleaning was done neatly.

And I had to prepare for the academic inspection tomorrow.

There is no need to rush to deal with it since it is always kept very neatly but since it is the day when Vice Principal Rachel personally comes to inspect… There was a need to ask student representatives to behave themselves.

“At dawn… Is it a day to stay at work? .”

Although she has become the top manager at Ofilis Hall she never misses working overnight shifts. To begin with she doesn’t seem to be having any trouble at all.

Rather if you come in the regular maids’ on-call days will be reduced and you will have more time to rest which can contribute to increasing overall work efficiency.

Previously… First of all I have to bring Miss Lucy… .”

Since the suspension was lifted Lucy who had been going out all the time had to be brought in and put to sleep at the Ofilis Pavilion.

In order to prepare for the academic-level inspection that will be held tomorrow morning it was necessary to first organize Lucy the senior representative of the grade.

Once you catch her it won’t be a big problem as she will sit quietly and obediently but you still have to go to Ed’s camp in the northern forest to pick her up.

Since I have a lot of evening work and work to do I was tempted to just send the maids under my command… Soon Bell changed his mind to go in person even if it meant splitting time.

Bell was obviously shocked when he heard about Ed’s death but was deeply relieved when he heard that he was alive. I didn’t have time to find out the details of the situation because I was busy cleaning up Lucy’s fuss.

Since work was back to normal I thought it would be better to go and check on Ed and see if he was okay while I was picking up Lucy.

hmm… .”

However what comes to mind when thinking of Ed Rothtaylor is his complex interpersonal relationships.

It seems like things have been sorted out to some extent but when you think about his actions it’s not very positive.

I take off my Katyusha for a moment lean on the terrace railing and look up at the starry sky.

As I quietly feel the cool night breeze of late spring I suddenly think that there is no other time of the year as pleasant as this to live in the wild.

What kind of person is Ed Rosstaylor?

Wasn’t he the type of man who was always in a corner and had no time to worry about other human relationships because he was trying to survive with his own life?

However as I feel this cool night breeze a new thought arises.

The thought that comes to mind while watching his camp recently is that something has increased in one way or another.

Compared to the past where we gritted our teeth and fought against the wild leaving only a wooden shelter for the bonfire… A decent cabin and a simple wooden warehouse. A fairly large campfire site with various tools and various materials piled up. There are fishing tackle and net fish farms along the river systematic hunting traps here and there in the forest and various horsemanship supplies that are helpful in daily life.

The variety of food ingredients available has increased so it looks like they are cooking and eating quite a bit and the Ofilis Center is helping them with their clothes.

In short after working hard for over a year Ed Rosstaylor… . He ‘has managed to survive.’ Although the environment is still relatively poor we have improved the environment to the point where we no longer have to grit our teeth to survive. It was entirely the result of effort.

Leisure of the body and leisure of time… It soon leads to peace of mind. This means that he also has time to think about things other than survival.

well… .”

But Bell again expresses doubt. Wasn’t he an impregnable man to begin with? When he wonders if there is anyone who could somehow get into his heart he can’t think of anyone. For that to be possible simple inner intimacy will not be enough.

An anomalous attack from a different direction. I wonder if forming relationships from an unfamiliar and new perspective would be more effective… I couldn’t think of anyone who could carry out such a high-level attack.

It’s not something anyone can do. If someone manages to do it it would be by accident like catching a rat while a cow is backing up rather than intentionally doing it. In other words the possibility is slim.

“It’s a shame… .”

Feeling the cool breeze of late spring Belle Maia prepared to go out.

In any case if the man had the temperament to be even a little stubborn wouldn’t now be the right time to attack him? He’s hopeful that whoever it is will come to some conclusion. This is because he feels like his blood is draining just by watching him.

“Will it be joint combat training soon?” . I hope no one gets hurt this year… .”

I hope that the interpersonal relationships around Ed will be sorted out… Belle prepared to pick Lucy up.

* * *

“Responsiveness itself is important for multiple manifestations but it is more influenced by ‘spirit understanding’ which is separate from responsiveness. In other words the more you handle it and make it manifest the better the efficiency of the magic power used to manifest the spirit.”

The days are long. This is proof that summer is approaching.

Even though I had finished dinner and cleaned up the bonfire and started my spirit sensitivity training there was still a slight bluish feeling in the sky.

The sun has already disappeared into the western sky but there is still no sign of the moon taking over. The temperature is rising little by little and the sound of insects spreading softly through the forest is gradually gaining momentum.

However it is not hot again. The cool breeze blowing through the trees carrying the scent of grass felt very pleasant.

It is late spring now. There is no better time to camp outdoors.

“If the understanding of spirits is low the efficiency of spirit manifestation itself also decreases so when multiple spirits are summoned at once the efficiency and combat power of each spirit drops.”

“Is Yenika like that too?”

“Umm… .”

Yenika who was thinking while twisting the hem of her blouse a few times across from the campfire finally answered.

“Actually I… It’s a style that comes naturally to manifesting multiple spirits with complete efficiency… .”

“That’s amazing.”

“These things all vary greatly from person to person. I’m sure Ed will be able to do it after trying it a few times. “If you think about Ed’s style it seems like training his understanding like this would be much more effective.”


Yenika nodded then raised both hands and stretched out their index fingers.

“Being a spiritist… To an outsider they can’t help but say that they are just people who deal with spirits but if you think about it carefully they can be divided into two types. “Mainly in terms of combat.”

“Two types?”

huh. There is a style that completely entrusts the battle to the spirit itself or there is a style that receives assistance in battle through the spirit’s various unique abilities spirit formula and partial manifestation.”

“If Yenika is the former I have a strong feeling that I am the latter.”

Yenika briefly summarized the explanations of the two types of spirit messengers by clicking each index finger.

“Of course it’s not unconditional. It’s simply a matter of proportion and inclination. “It’s not that I can’t use spirit food or unique abilities but Ed also uses water spirits like Lacia as combat agents right?”

“Of course.”

“It’s not a concept that makes distinctions like cutting with a knife but… Ed mainly feels supported by his natural fighting style so it’s good to pay attention to not only his spirit sensitivity but also his understanding of spirits. “Because it directly affects elemental consciousness and unique abilities.”

After talking to that point Yenika gathered magical power into her fingertips.

For a moment the wind energy gathered there and then a sparrow-shaped lower wind spirit Charis materialized and sat at the fingertips. This is a spirit that I have encountered several times in the forest.

“For your information when your understanding of the spirit reaches its maximum level the magical power required for the manifestation itself becomes almost nothing. “All of the lower-level spirits that have made a contract with me have the maximum level of understanding so all of the lower-level spirits that I have contracted with can appear without restrictions.”

As Charis floated into the sky flapping her wings all sorts of spirits began to appear and wait behind her. Sparrow squirrel rabbit snake dog deer… Although various types of spirits have appeared in their own forms there is no feeling of any strain on Yenika’s magical power.

“Hmm… “I knew that understanding itself had an effect on various things but I didn’t know this specific part.”

I focused my mind between my eyebrows and tried to manifest the lower fire spirit mug.

A flame blazed in the air then spread its wings and a bat emerged.

[Oh! ]

It flapped its wings and came down to sit on my shoulder.

[You don’t have to worry too much about comprehension Master Ed… ! Who am I? Aren’t I the right-hand mug who has been through all sorts of hardships since last winter and has finally fulfilled his role as the master’s limb! ]

“It is relatively quick and easy to increase understanding of lower-level spirits. “Ed has spent a lot of time with Mug so he’s become quite adept at handling low-level spirits right?”

I glanced at the bat sitting on my shoulder with dry eyes. It is a sight to see that it is so happy to be attracting attention that it takes a pose by folding its wings here and there.

“Come to think of it it’s been a long time since Mug signed but he and Ed really get along well. He seems to be really good at signing contracts as he seems to be able to get the results right in every battle without any significant loss of magic power. “Usually when you have no experience you often don’t handle the spirits you first contracted with properly.”

“I think I’ve heard quite a few things like that.”

huh. “There are some things about Ed that he is very skilled at for a first time and even though Mug looks like that he is probably a very efficient spirit.”

[ This fire candle mug is simply glorious! When I get praised like this I just don’t know what to do… ! ]

Seeing Mug making a fuss as always Yenika smiled sheepishly.

“The last thing to point out is… “It’s about spirit phase shift.”

“You mean your status will rise to the next level? Low-level spirits become middle-ranking spirits and middle-ranking spirits become high-ranking spirits.”

“Oh Ed knows it well too. Well it’s been a while since I trained in elemental arts.”

At those words Mug’s eyes began to shine brightly. Perhaps for spirits phase transformation may be like a dream.

but… I’m not sure if Mug can become a lieutenant spirit or not. “I have dealt with so many spirits but I have rarely seen one whose capabilities increased to the point where its phase changed during the time it signed a contract with me.”

“What level is a mug?”

well… Although he is quite versatile for a low-level spirit… “I’m not sure if it’s comparable to a mid-level spirit.”

[Ugh… Thank you for being blunt! I will work harder on this fire candle mug… ! of course… It’s not that it doesn’t hurt but… !! ]

‘Okay okay…’ .’ Yenika smiled sheepishly.

“There is a theory that phase variation is influenced by sensitivity and understanding but the direct growth of the spirit’s abilities is probably the most important… . “I guess we have no choice but to watch it slowly.”

okay… Anyway a lot of things have become clear. Thank you Yenika.”

“Oh no… . I’m just reciting what I learned… .”

Yenika was just fiddling with her fingers pulling her chin and twitching.

〈 Advanced Crafting Skill Slot: Elemental Injection 〉 Skill Proficiency: 25 Power Amplification: 5 Injection Success Rate: 95 ― Fire-type Elemental Food Proficiency: 7 ― Water-type Elemental Food Proficiency: 3 ― Wind-type Elemental Food Proficiency: 5 Contract Spirit: Low-level fire spirit Mug Spirit sensitivity: 31 Spirit understanding: 34 Unique skill: Fire Spirit’s protection Explosive contract spirit: Middle water spirit Lacia Spirit sensitivity: 12 Spirit understanding: 10 Unique skill: Brother’s protection Water source manifestation Contract spirit: High-ranking wind Spirit Merilda Spirit sensitivity: 5 Spirit understanding: 3 Unique skill: Storm’s Protection Updraft

As it is a stat mainly related to spirit food information on spirit understanding can be found in the spirit food injection part of the production skill category.

It’s something I’ve already looked at several times while training spirit food but I never thought it would have such an impact on direct combat use.

“I know that the level of understanding of a spirit increases the longer you spend with it use it in battles and engage with it frequently. As I said before it feels like the lower the spirit’s status the better it rises.”

“Obviously Mug has been working on it for a long time so his understanding is quite refined. But even though it’s only been a while since you signed the contract Lacia your understanding of Merilda is at a miserable level.”

“Umm… To put it bluntly the problem is that Ed is not yet a spiritist at the level to handle Merilda… .”

The contract I signed with Merilda was almost half a trick.

The status of a high-ranking spirit is so high that even Yenika needs to focus on making it appear.

“To begin with it’s ridiculous that Ed’s sensitivity has increased to this level in just one year… . “It usually takes three to five years for a spirit master who first discovered the ability to sense spirits to handle middle-level spirits.”

Of course I am accustomed to drawing an efficient growth curve and training by distributing stats appropriately through my numerous experiences playing .

In addition I received help from various magical engineering supplies so it is true that I was in a quite advantageous position.

“So it would be good to increase the sensitivity and understanding of high-ranking spirits as much as possible. Ordinary people can’t even approach it because the contract itself doesn’t work. “It’s Edman’s advantage.”

okay… You just have to use it a lot and try it out again… ? But Merilda disappears whenever she gets the chance and never shows up.”

“Ahaha… Merilda has a bit of wanderlust… .”

Even now thanks to Yenika the camp is full of all kinds of spirits but Merilda is nowhere to be seen. She knew that running around was her hobby. It doesn’t matter because she shows up quickly when it’s important but… .

“Anyway if I can steadily increase my understanding of Merilda it will be of great help in the future. “Ed knows well the power of high-ranking spirits.”

The power is definitely… I was feeling it too.

* * *

―Track crackle.

By the time I finished basic elemental arts training it was already getting close to midnight. The curfew at the dormitory where Yenika was living was coming soon.

After chopping up various ingredients in an iron pot and boiling meat soup I sat side by side with Yenika and divided it into bowls and had a late-night snack.


Belle Maia always appears without any foreshadowing.

The maids’ always quiet and discreet temperament. Thanks to this it is so quiet that you cannot help but be surprised when you encounter it in the forest. When I was a senior maid I used to come to collect various herbs and plants but after I became the head maid I rarely had to visit the northern forest.

Even after being promoted to the position of head maid do you always take care of Lucy yourself? Sometimes he comes to this northern forest to look for Lucy.

The same goes for his sudden appearance at the camp like this.

“… “Are you here to look for Lucy?”

“… yes. There will be an inspection of Ofilis Hall at the academic level tomorrow. “Vice-Principal Rachel will be attending in person so Miss Lucy who is at the top of her class must also be present.”

As he said that Lucy had already been dragged out of the hammock and into Belle’s arms.

… It was an expression of liberation that did not even show the will to resist. What on earth does being a maid at Ofilis Hall mean to Lucy? ?

Belle gently held Lucy in her arms and greeted her with her elegant hair hanging around her neck.

“I was really surprised when I heard the news of his death but seeing him alive and healthy makes me feel relieved in many ways. “I feel like I can finally put my mind at ease.”

“I’m sorry for worrying you for no reason Mr. Bell. “This side also had its own circumstances.”

“Do you even have something to apologize to me for? By the way do you know what? Another official document was issued at the academic level and it seems that the discipline of the junior maids who assist students has become very lax. As a maid it is a virtue to always assume a low position. “It is deplorable.”

okay… I won’t give up on talking though… .”

“… In any case since this is a sensitive issue at the academic level it seems necessary to take advantage of this time to re-establish the hierarchical employment relationship between maids and students and thoroughly inspect the content of their work. “Especially the issue of raising and lowering one’s words.”

indeed… okay… . Still I will continue to respect you… .”

A moment of silence.

Belle always has her eyes closed or has a discreet expression so it’s refreshing to see her look at someone with her eyes open like that.

How long will this meaningless war of nerves last? . No one can say for sure. After coming this far I feel like it has escalated into an inexplicable battle of pride between us.

Who is this fight for? . I don’t know but strangely enough I don’t want to lose either.

“I’m glad to see that Miss Yenika has been healthy ever since she moved to the Dex tube.”

huh… ! There are a lot of inconveniences compared to when I was at Ofilis Hall but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to live with friends… !”

Yenika smiles brightly and looks angry at Belle.

Wasn’t Belle the maid whom Jenica knew most specially when she was at the Ofilis building? At the time she was not the head maid but rather a senior maid but it seemed like they were happy to see each other again after a long time.

“Anyway I have to prepare for the inspection and refurbish Miss Lucy so I’ll leave now. “I hope you both take good care of your health and have no major problems with your studies.”

Belle said hello once again holding Lucy in her arms and left the camp wading through the grass.

Just sitting in the position of head maid would have piled up all kinds of paperwork and protocol but it is said that he personally manages Lucy and even has a hand in low-level tasks such as laundry and cleaning… At the undergraduate level there will never be another human resource like this gold nugget.

There must be a reason why they are treated well and earn quite well compared to their age group. I was a person who was curious about what I would do with my life after I retired from my position as head maid.

Suddenly Yenika slapped her palm as if remembering something and then began to twist her body on her own.

“You know Ed.”

Then he called me again.

I who was sitting side by side on a large tree stump tilted my head and looked at Yenika. Now that we think about it it’s just the two of us left in the camp.

that… “Can I ask you a strange favor?”

“Strange request… ?”

that… What should I say… . I feel like I’m just playing around… ? Like play… Well that kind of feeling… why… Anyway… It’s a strange request but… .”

Jenica twirled her braided hair put the bowl of stew down on the fire and spoke.

“Ooh let’s try using some polite words… ?”

Polite word… ? Why? why?

“You just have to do it. Reestablishment of relationships… It’s a bit weird to say such a grandiose thing… ! I just try to widen the distance and try to reduce it again… Anyway that’s the trend… ! It’s like role play… !”

“… Everything is trendy. And we were friends to begin with. Why bother… .”

Jenica caught my attention by grabbing my forearm then shook her head and begged me to try it just once.

As for me I have received so much from Yenika that if I were to say it this way it would be a bit difficult to reject it. In the first place Yenica is not the type to express her opinions to others without any reason.

“Well it’s not that difficult… .”

yes? Just trying it… ! I’m just doing it for a little bit as a joke but there’s no need to take it too seriously… !”

I wonder what the hell it means but when Yenica talks like that it’s a bit rude to just grunt and say things she doesn’t like.

When I nodded Yenika awkwardly twisted her body again… She suddenly sat upright. I’m wondering why my knees are hurting for no reason so I’m telling them to take it easy.

therefore… Rather than simply saying something polite… hmm… You’re acting like we just met… . Rather than feeling like I was the same age I met at school what can I say… . just… It’s not awkward… Respect each other and be polite… ?”

“… I’m sorry if you ever thought that I didn’t respect you and wasn’t polite to you… . I did it because I thought we were friendly but if you think I don’t care about that part… .”

“No no no that doesn’t mean… ! You know I’m not the type to talk back like that… ! Don’t get me wrong it’s not really like that… !”

Yenica was startled and made a fuss to dissuade him.

“It’s just…” “I wanted to do this at least once.”

“… .”

When I nodded Yenika lowered her face.

What is so shameful is that he remains silent for a long time with his head down.

It’s not that big of a deal and it’s just something you need to get along with.

I thought ‘I guess I can just exchange a few words say hello appropriately and then send him away.’ That was all I could think. There isn’t much time left until Dex’s curfew so I have to let it go quickly.

Yenica took a few deep breaths thinking that she was doing something great then suddenly folded her arms on her knees and cleared her throat in a calm manner.

The heat is already rising to my face. She appears to be very embarrassed by the topic she asked to discuss. Eventually even when she speaks her voice is like an ant crawling and the gap from her usual lively appearance feels too extreme.

I underestimated the destructive power of the words that followed.

“Oh hello… Mr. Ed.”

Is it a problem to look sideways and talk to people around you with your head down like that in an attempt to show off even the slightest hint of embarrassment?

To begin with emotions have a contagious nature. No matter how much you think about it it may not seem like a big deal but since the person involved is twisting his body like that in such shame it’s hard not to be affected by it.

“Oh yeah… .”

After saying that silence again.

If you ask anyone in the world why they should be ashamed of their large joints they can’t help but tilt their heads… The cause of voices not coming out easily is not so easily identified.

Above all even though she simply changed her words the distance between her and me once again objectifies the relationship between her and me.

Because we were close and special I didn’t even realize it… If we reconsider our relationship with each other from a step apart we are different people from top to bottom.

Jenica always smiles lively and acts friendly but objectively speaking she is a person who cannot be easily approached.

To say that she has a beautiful appearance is nagging and in fact that is only a secondary issue.

She handles high-ranking spirits without a care in the world is recognized as one of the top few in her bachelor’s degree and is a talented person who is sure to achieve something even after graduation.

The reason I forgot that fact was because our relationship became as comfortable as family. When I look at the girl with the glasses of familiarity down the strange tension that comes from that unfamiliar feeling makes me recognize my current state again.

After exchanging just one word we remained silent for almost three minutes.

“Uh… that… .”

Jenica tried to raise her voice perhaps feeling obligated to say something since I had cooperated so much… .

“Oh no… .”

As he flicks his fingertips he lowers his head in a voice that makes an ant crawl again… Of course I can’t help but feel nervous. Although they are talking incessantly they are being polite to each other and using respectful language so I don’t understand why Yenika is so nervous.

I held my breath for no reason. I don’t know why but it feels like there’s a breath-holding fight to see who can last longer.

First ‘Pahat’ from over there. He exhaled and said “Let’s stop here.” I smiled and said… I wish I could vividly picture a scenario where we say it’s late put away the dishes chat about tomorrow’s schedule and then go back to the dormitory… .

This crazy atmosphere continues as I wonder how long I will be able to hold my breath.

At this point I realized it too. The flow of emotions has already crossed the line. It is clear to see that Yenica her face as red as an apple is holding her knees with her head down.

Even Jenica herself who suggested it never expected that it would be so heartbreaking. After actually putting it into practice the emotional gap was deeper than expected and she had no idea how to fix it. He looks like a novice driver who can’t find the brake position.

At this point I decided that it would be right for me to grit my teeth and strike first so the moment I was about to say something… .

“Oh look at me! It’s almost curfew time in the dormitory… !”

Yenika kicked the floor and stood up quickly putting on a shawl with pretty cosmos embroidery and picking up an oak staff.

ah… I… that… .”

And they end up choosing the worst option running away or ‘maintaining the situation’.

“Oh thank you for today. “See you tomorrow.”

Holding the cane tightly with both hands he bowed his head in greeting and quickly ran away through the grass.

Just like that Yenika disappeared out of sight in an instant.

“… .”

A camp with only the faint sound of bugs chirping.

After sitting alone in front of the bonfire for a while… Eventually I wiped my face.

“Doing this… Continuing… ??”

Cold sweat ran down my back.

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