The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 85: The Floating Islands of Edin

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 85: The Floating Islands of Edin

The Floating Islands of Edin were a collection of islands suspended in the air. It was a sanctioned-off area where Exalt Beasts roamed freely.

Twelve massive islands were made up the Floating Islands of Edin, assembled in a spiral formation that led to the center. The farther one traveled, the stronger the Exalt Beasts they would encounter.

The first island was occupied mainly by Lower Apprentice Exalts, the second by Middle Apprentice Exalts, and this pattern continued until the end.

The location of their target, the Thousand Serpent, was the third island.

Oscar went over everything he learned about the Floating Islands of Edin as they approached the first island.

"Harsh currents surround the islands, but there is an opening on the first island. We will enter through it and dock at Windroc City."

As the safest and most accessible place in Edin, the first island was the best place to build a city to facilitate the flow of goods from Edin and as a home base for the Empire's purposes.

The other islands looked serene, but their surroundings were anything but that when one approached closer.

Phillip looked over the islands and said, "The Raeven family's territory is a few days from these islands. My grandfather, the head of my family, a Marshal Exalt, has some responsibility in this place."

"A Marshal Exalt?!" Everyone else but Phillip and Celestina exclaimed. The strongest Oscar knew of was the Greater Knight Exalt Adam of Tufall City. It showed just how fearsome the beasts were in these islands for a Marshal Exalt to be at the ready.

"For what purpose? What manner of Exalt beast lives here to warrant such caution?" Oscar could not help but ask.

Celestina and Phillip showed serious expressions before answering, "A King Exalt Beast."

King Exalt Beast, these words struck like thunder through Oscar, Emily, and George. King Exalts were the strongest individuals who ruled empires and were unfettered by no one but other kings.

Their Brilliant Drake Empire only had two King Exalts, the Pavilion Master of the Blue Ocean Pavilion and the Emperor, Celestina's ancestor.

For there to be another King Exalt who is also an Exalt Beast living here was unbelievable.

Oscar spoke in astonishment. "I thought it was hard for Exalt Beasts to enter the King Exalt realm, not to mention the Empire keeps close tabs on every region."

The empire contained the Exalt Beasts in special regions and posted cities to keep a watchful eye. If there were evidence that an Exalt Beast was close to a King Exalt, they would invade to stop it. This was a method for the Empire to quell any potential threats.

"The Floating Islands of Edin are different. No matter how much they tried, breaking through all the islands and stopping the rise of a King Exalt Beast was impossible. It's almost like these islands were impeding them from doing so." Celestina eyed the islands with a watchful gaze. "However, it is also the same for the King Exalt Beast. It cannot leave this place for some reason. Still, we have Windroc City to make sure."

"I've never heard of a place that restricts in such a way." Emily was in disbelief.

The captain heard them talking and said, "You may not know this, but we sailors have a certain belief about this place."

"A belief?" Everyone's attention was on the captain.

The captain took a deep breath from his pipe, blowing out some clouds of smoke. "If you look at the way these islands are set up, there is only one opening on the first island, and the strangeness that prevents beasts from going out and the pressure that builds as we try to go deeper, there is one conclusion."

"This place is manmade."


Everyone, even Celestina and Phillip, was taken aback by this theory. If they thought about it logically, it made a lot of sense. But if they were manmade, then who created them? More importantly, why?

"If someone did create these islands, how powerful were they?" George asked in fear.

"I don't think even a King Exalt could do it." Celestina asserted.

"Haha! No need to think so much about it. You're all kids right now. You can come back when you're stronger to find out." The captain roused the group back to their senses. It was unproductive to think about things beyond their reach.

"You're right, captain. Let's focus on our target." Celestina agreed.

The airship approached closer to the first island. There was a single large mountain that took up the entire island. There was a large structure built into the mountainside.

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Windroc City was built like a vertical slanted tower of large buildings and houses. It stood like a massive castle of iron walls and was lined with large ballista crossbows. It was appropriate to consider it a fortress rather than a city.

In a short descent, the airship docked at the port on the lowest level. Their party of five stepped out.

Oscar Terr, Grade Four Exolsia, Deer Anima, Middle Apprentice Exalt, an average-looking teenager with black hair and deep obsidian eyes

Emily Nevena, Grade Six Exolsia, Staff Anima, Middle Apprentice Exalt, a pretty girl with orange hair and orange eyes.

George Harper, Grade Five Exolsia, Bow Anima, Tamed Sapphire Hedgehog, Greater Apprentice Exalt, a tall and skinny boy with black hair and eyes.

Phillip Raeven, Grade Seven Exolsia, Sword Anima, Greater Apprentice Exalt, a handsome man with rose hair and purple eyes disguised as brown.

Celestina Lovre Dragnar, Grade Eight Exolsia, Lower Elite Exalt, a beautiful royal girl with silver hair and emerald eyes but currently disguised with black hair and blue eyes.

"Why are you still in your disguises?" Oscar whispered among the group.

"My features are too distinctive. Everyone knows of the features of royalty. Don't worry; I brought enough elixir." Celestina gave an ok symbol.

The five passed through the port and entered Windroc City. Unlike Tufall City, which had millions of ordinary citizens, Windroc was comprised mostly of exalts.

With its unique location in the Floating Islands of Edin, there was no purpose for ordinary citizens to live here in large numbers other than the few merchants.

Oscar and the others were immediately met with scrutinizing gazes from the surrounding exalts. A mix of Apprentice and even Elite Exalts.

They quickly pulled away after seeing the people in the Blue Ocean Pavilion's uniforms, but they couldn't help but take glances at Phillip, Emily, and Celestina.

"I still think it would have been better to change our clothes." Oscar sighed. Recalling the criminals of the Abyss Prison, like John, Oscar was extremely cautious about flaunting his status.

"Going incognito is a good idea, but as Pavilion students, we must take pride in being students. I can hide the fact I'm royalty, but I cannot do that for the Pavilion." Celestina walked without any concern for the small gazes thrown her way. She was far too used to this as a princess.

She may hide her status as royalty, but that was her limit. To show the strength and pride of the Blue Ocean Pavilion was a student's job, and she did not wish to neglect that duty.

"We need to rent a windstrider if we want to traverse between islands. But first, does anyone want to eat?" Oscar suggested they eat a good meal before departing for the first island. Additionally, a public place was the best place to gather some information.

With the agreement of the others, they found and settled in a bustling restaurant. All around them were wandering exalts, and attendants engaged in conversation and feasting.

Oscar's table was filled with delicacies from the local Exalt Beasts and fresh produce.

As they dined on their food, they listened to the surrounding conversations. The main topics were the various beasts and happenings on the other islands.

Oscar flagged down a worker here and asked, "Have you seen other students of the Blue Ocean Pavilion come by?"

His other purpose for coming here was to find Frederick. Emily's ears perked up as Oscar posed his question.

"I've seen several groups of students come and go." The worker replied.

"Then, have you seen a person with green hair and yellow eyes?" Emily asked impatiently.

The worker thought but shook his head, "My apologies, I see so many people daily. It's hard to keep track of all their appearances."

"I see. Thank you anyway." Oscar and Emily looked gloomy.

"This is about your friend, Frederick, right? You mentioned that he might be here." Celestina said.

"I heard about it from the prin….from her, but what is going on with your friend?" Phillip asked. He liked to know everything about the mission and any other related tasks.

"He's a dolt. A big dolt that thinks he is better off without us. A crazy man who'll get himself killed due to his recklessness." Emily squeezed her metal spoon hard that it was bending.

Oscar sighed. Ultimately, he didn't want to tell anyone about Frederick's past. He told Celestina about it because he was depressed and needed some guidance. But spreading it around would be disrespectful to Frederick and Teresa and may incur Gilbert's retaliation.

Once they were finished eating, they made their way to a large metal building with sculptures of thin, flat boards with sails mounted on them.

"Hello, we're here to rent some windstriders." Oscar went to the shopkeeper.

"How many would you like? They fit one person each."


The shopkeeper took out five folded-up wooden boards that unfolded to the size of a surfboard. She handed them out to the five students.

"You're students of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, so I can just charge the Pavilion for this." The shopkeeper beamed from the good business she's received.

"Excuse me. Have you seen a student with green hair and yellow eyes around?" There was a good chance a windstrider shopkeeper would have seen Frederick. Oscar placed his hopes on that chance.

Not disappointing Oscar, his hopes were answered.

"Yes, I have seen him! He was quite a handsome person, but this one here is even more handsome." She answered while looking at Phillip, who smiled back charmingly, making her blush.

"He purchased from you?" Oscar grew excited and interrupted the shopkeeper's ogling session.

"Yes. He was alone and immediately went off. That was a few days ago."

"Thank you!"

With their new windstriders, they exited Windroc City and traversed through the island.

The first island was the smallest of all the islands, so they didn't take long to reach the edge. Oscar looked across the vast divide to the second island. The mountains and forests below looked like painted smudges.

"Frederick must be somewhere on the next island or perhaps the third. But we should prioritize the mission." Oscar suggested.

"The floating islands are distanced, but often, a large stream of wind flows to and back from one island to the other. We came at the right moment at when the streams would start." Celestina noted the timing.

The windstriders they purchased were to ride these large streams of wind to the next island.

Five minutes later, a large gust of wind blew so fiercely that it was visible to the group. Quickly, they unfolded their windstriders, unfurling their sails, and rode the winds.

The feeling was uncomfortable at first, but Oscar got used to it and even felt it was exhilarating to ride the winds. He clutched tightly on the handles of the windstrider until he landed.


Right as they landed, a large beast strode forward to attack them.


However, its head was cut cleanly off its body before it could react. Its body fell heavily to the floor.

"Indeed, these islands are a monster's paradise." Phillip was the one who sliced the monster with his prismatic sword anima.

"This island is far larger than the first. Let's get to the other end and establish a camp." Celestina suggested.

They traversed inward without fear but in anticipation of what lay ahead.

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