The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 63: Hurin Plains

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 63: Hurin Plains

After getting off the airship, Oscar smoothly distanced himself from the other students. They were most likely on a mission while he was here for training. Also, being around them would make him stick out like a sore thumb.

Oscar put his backpack on top of his buckler and went on his merry way to the station's exit.

There was a huge crowd of people going in and out of the airship station—all with their own purpose. Oscar's ordinary clothes helped him blend in and become one of the masses.

When the other students came out in their bright blue uniforms and prideful looks, many passersby noticed the group and glanced with curiosity. Out of all the population, few could become Exalts. So, anyone from the Blue Ocean Pavilion was an entity of attention.

"This was why I told Fred and Emily always to dress inconspicuously." Oscar sighed as the other students got irritated.

"Fred…." Remembering his friend, Oscar grew slightly dispirited. He could not help but worry about Fred's current mental condition. Soon, he realized he was wasting time.

"Snap out of it!" Oscar smacked his face, making some people look at him strangely. "I can deal with Fred later, but I need strength to help him. I need to be stronger."

If it ever came to the point where Frederick fought Gilbert, Oscar wanted to ensure he could help Fred overcome him. Though, Oscar preferred if Fred did not fight Gilbert at all. It was suicide to attempt it.

Oscar settled down his agitation and looked around. The airship station led directly into a district full of inns and restaurants. Lined on every side of the nicely paved stone road were booming businesses.

Loud chatters could be heard from every building. Some places had outdoor tables where many were enjoying their meals.

Oscar wished he had more eyes to see everything. He had been to a city with Emily and Frederick before, but it was always exciting to go through a new place.

A bustling city of activity like this captivated Oscar.

"Come to our Inn! We have great accommodations and food!"

"We have the best beds in the city!"

"Comfort and Food, come down to our Inn!"

From all sides, showgirls were calling for potential customers to stay at their inn. Each claimed to be the best in Tufall City and shouted out with great enthusiasm.

Seeing Oscar's attire and backpack, they looked at him like a predator staring down its prey. They pounced right in front and swarmed him. Oscar inched back from surprise.

"Sir! Come to our Oakthorn Inn; we promise to take care of all our customers!"

"Don't listen to her. The White Goat Inn is the best."

"Hah? You can't even make a good stew. What makes you the best?"

"Says the one who has creaking beds!"

The workers argued endlessly. Oscar had enough and intervened to cut the conversation short.

"I'm not staying in any of the Inns. Goodbye." He tore himself out of their vice grips and ran away, leaving them dumbfounded.

"What? Dammit, he wasn't even a customer."

"What a waste of time."

The showgirls went back to their respective entrances to wait for real customers.


The markets of Tufall City were even busier than the other district. Stalls were lined up, trying to sell their goods and ware. Jewels, clothing, weapons, and more were exchanged.

Oscar looked around the market and found it was divided into two separate sections. One section was for the ordinary folk, which was bustling with activity. The other section was for Exalts and had maybe a tenth of the size of the normal section.

But the Exalt market was not his destination. Oscar went along the normal markets, looking for the things he needed for his journey to the Hurin Plains.

It was an exhausting tour as people kept coming up to Oscar to try to sell their merchandise. He was an Exalt, but he felt like all his Ein was drained.

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"Where is it?" Oscar searched for an hour, but the market was huge, and the crowd's pace was slow. He could have easily parted through the crowd if he wanted to, but that was unnecessarily eye-catching.

Oscar's eyes shone with delight. Finally, he found it.

"Excuse me. How much for that tent and the small pot?" Oscar went up to the average wood stand and asked the shopkeeper. It was a shame, but Oscar had to spend his time in the Hurin Plains rather than in the city, thus his rejection of the Inn showgirls earlier.

"That will be ten silvers and no refunds." The shopkeeper grunted. He was a middle-aged man with a great shaggy beard that covered half his face. His big belly was barely contained inside his shirt.

"Here you are." Oscar handed over the ten silvers with a reluctant look. Ten silvers was a lot of money for Oscar. His family was farmers, so they only used coppers and barely saved up silvers.

But as an Exalt of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, he was able to exchange a few amounts of points for money. A hundred coppers equal one silver, and a hundred silvers equal one gold.

Exalts could earn incredible amounts from employers. Oscar felt it would be nice to buy his parents a nice home to live in and retire in peace once he was successful.

"Going out to the plains?" The shopkeeper asked in a hoarse tone.

"Yes. There is something I need to do. I'll most likely be staying out there for a long time."

"In that case, take an extra blanket." The shopkeeper threw him a blanket. "Even as an Exalt, it gets cold out there."

"How'd you know I was an Exalt?" Oscar was astounded.

"You don't look like a merchant or a traveler. Also, you're alone. Most of my customers are always accompanied by Exalt bodyguards. If you're heading out alone, you can only be an Exalt. Only a fool would go out there with no power."

"Amazing. Are you sure you're not a detective?" Oscar was amazed by the shopkeeper's analysis.

"Just been around for a while. You see all kinds of people in this city, but it's the first time I'm talking with an Exalt. That blanket is thanks for that. Well, good luck on your journey."

"Thank you for your charity." Oscar gripped the tent, pot, and extra blanket and stowed them away in his bag.

The shopkeeper ignored Oscar and went back to attend to his wares.

With his uplifted mood, Oscar carried on to the western gate. Beyond that gate lay the way to the Hurin Plains.

Oscar arrived at the western gate; its walls were high but not as high as those of the Pavilions. Guards were stationed all over as they stared out into the wilderness.


The strange feeling surged from Oscar's body. It was as though his body was exposed to the air. It was the Ein of an Exalt. Silent and faint, but it was still there.

"Is someone watching me?" Oscar looked around. What reason was there for someone to spy on him?

"Don't worry. That is a routine scan of any Exalts that come in and out." One of the guards noticed Oscar's strange behavior and went up to him.


"Any Exalts that come in or out are to be scrutinized by the Exalts stationed in Tufall. It's just customary to make sure everything is fine."

"I understand, thank you."

The guard did not tell everything. The reason was not just to see if everything was fine but to serve as a warning.

The Ein that approached was from someone far more powerful than himself. It contained a slight provocation as if asking Oscar to try causing trouble and see what happens.

"With measures like this, no wonder everyone wants to move to a city. It is secure, and the housing is better. Not to mention the connections you can make."

Oscar wondered if his parents would want to move to a city. Certainly, he'd feel better if his parents were safe from danger.

Leaving aside the thoughts of his parents, Oscar stepped outside the gate. There was a wide road that led out far into the horizon. The place where the road ended was the Hurin Plains.

Oscar focused and dashed out on the road. Since he was outside the city, there was no need to hold back.

His Ein surged as his feet moved swiftly, and Tufall City was already becoming a small splotch on the horizon.

Along the way, others were making their way toward the city. The Ein around them indicated they were all Exalts. Of course, many who did go to the Hurin Plains were Exalts unless they were travelers or merchants who had to go through it.

Some had indifferent looks as they passed by Oscar, others glanced at him before turning their attention back forward, and some were injured. These injured Exalts were slow and had looks of pain.

"They must have met some mishap. The Hurin Plains is a dangerous region like recorded." Oscar's eyes glinted with seriousness.

From what he gathered about the Hurin Plains, it was similar to the Glenwoods he went to. A wilderness where Exalt beasts made their home.

Though it was dangerous, it was also full of precious resources that could be a great prize to Exalts. Hence, many took the risk to come here for the treasures.

After running for around ten minutes, Oscar finally reached the end of the road. All over stood tall yellow grass that seemed endless in all directions. A cool breeze came down and tickled the grass, swaying them slowly.

"Beautiful." Oscar stared in wonder and stepped onto the grass. It reached up to his knees but was incredibly soft, unlike the normal tough grass he knew of.

The vast fields of golden yellow reminded Oscar of the wide fields of grain back in his home. But these fields were larger, and their color was more distinct.


Oscar spotted a herd of large beasts marching around on the plains. They had clear black horns, three of them, and long faces. Their fur was black, and their four legs had great hoofs on the bottom.

They were like buffalos but larger, and Oscar felt Ein emanating from them.

"Apprentice Exalt Beasts, the Tri-horned Buffalo. I need to hide."

The Tri-horned Buffalos were very territorial and traveled in a herd. Provoking one was inviting the entire herd to a fight. This was not the time for Oscar to fight them.

"There's no way to fight them all off. Maybe if one was alone, but they say it's rare for one to be separated from its herd." Oscar slowly waited as the herd lingered until they finally went away.

Oscar got up from the ground with strands of golden grass on his black hair. He swiped the grass off and tidied himself.

"Come out."

Out of nowhere, his deer anima manifested and shook its body almost as if it was stretching itself.

"We're finally here in the Hurin Plains. It's time to start your training." Oscar patted his Anima's head.

The deer anima bleated out with resolve. It was prepared.

Out in this vast wilderness, Oscar and his Anima set out to survive and become stronger.

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