The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 287: The Unexpected Help

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 287: The Unexpected Help

"The enemy?!" The man, dressed in the Earth Core Academy's uniform, lifted his glasses, not hiding the displeasure and hostility towards Oscar and the others. He waved his hand, and the others closed in to surround Oscar, not allowing a single gap for them to escape. "Why are they alive, Orden? Since they are the enemy, you should have killed them by now with your strength. Or are they your hostages?"

Oscar frowned upon hearing the chill in the other person's voice, a grating voice that treated them like cattle at the slaughterhouse. Including the man with glasses, there were five other Earth Core students surrounding him and his friends with mockery, sneers, and indifference.

"No, they're not my hostages." Orden rubbed the back of his neck.

"Then kill them," The man's Ein elevated, rippling around him.

The others followed suit, and the overwhelming powers made Oscar feel despair for the first time in a long while. Other times, he would have fought with conviction and belief in the chance of escape. However, the indomitable wall known as Orden stood in their way with allies.

"Sorry, everyone." Oscar sighed.

"We came with you of our own volition. Don't be so hard on yourself." Austin consoled Oscar. Initially, it was his and Erik's decision to go with Oscar to Tectusen after Oscar tried to go by himself. He brought his hand to his eyepatch. "Never regret. Keep moving forward."

"Though, it seems there is no place to move forward here." Erik quipped.

Hearing his friends' words, Oscar chuckled. This situation was beyond what they could overcome, but he wanted, needed, to find a way out. He couldn't allow it to be the end for them. 'Think, Oscar. Think. They're close but not too close that we can charge at one, kill them, and run through the gap. They're cautious, unlike those Undying Flame students.'

"What a strange conversation to have before you die." One of the Earth Core students said, a strange look across their face because Oscar and others weren't quivering in fear like the previous ones they'd encountered. He took a step closer, and his Ein flowed around his hands.

'Here it comes!' Oscar gnashed his teeth, going through every possible option he could think of it. His thoughts were cut off when a hammer flew by and stopped in front of the Earth Core student. The air blew away from the hammer, staggering the student, who stopped his Ein.

Oscar turned to Orden in shock. Not just him but everyone present stared blankly at the large figure with a pair of deep brown eyes. Oscar became speechless, unable to muster a word, feeling doubt and shock at Orden, who stepped forward, becoming a wall between the two parties.

"What is the meaning of this, Orden?" The man with glasses looked distraught. "Is this a betrayal? Are you not a student of the Earth Core Academy?"

"Shut up, Max." Orden did not smile and had a cold gaze that made the Earth Core students lurch back. The fear was obvious, and Oscar held his breath, staring at Orden's back.

"Then why?!" Max shouted.

"I owe them one," Orden recalled his hammer. His Ein burst out. "Let them go."

Oscar could not believe this was happening. Orden's sudden shift was too abrupt and gave him a glimmer of hope for survival, but he could not understand Orden's reasons. He saved him once due to their agreement and to advance through Tectusen, but alliances were temporary, and Ashen Grove was about killing the enemy.

"Orden. What is this?" Oscar asked.

"You three can leave," Orden yawned.

"Orden!" Max shouted again.

"I said to shut up, Max," Orden's deep voice came out like a bestial growl threatening to tear anyone apart. "If anyone wants to step up and kill them, enjoy having my hammer crushing the brain out of their skulls."

This tale has been unlawfully lifted without the author's consent. Report any appearances on Amazon.

The Earth Core students paled, and Max had sweat flowing down his brow. Oscar wondered what Orden did for them to have so much fear that it was engraved deeply in them. Then Orden flipped his head, turning to him with a smile.

"You know this is a one-time show of mercy," Orden said.

"I know," Oscar chuckled weakly. "You're one strange person."

"Next we meet, it'll be to the death." Orden's eyes grew cold, making Oscar wince. "Best to master your powers to have a chance. Now go."

Oscar and the others stepped toward the side, noting the sun's position to determine their base's direction. The Earth Core student nearby frowned, and his Ein circulated slightly, but one look from Orden scared him to the side, allowing Oscar to pass. Turning back, Oscar nodded to Orden and left with his friends.

"Orden! Explain yourself!" Max felt it was too strange. These were three easy targets, yet Orden had let them go. "Even if the Second Mountain Headmaster favors you, I can't let this go."

"Oh, then, by all means, take it up with him when we leave." Orden scoffed and threw his hammer, stopping it in front of Max, who gulped. "But right now, you follow my orders. Leave."

Orden stood firm, his back toward the direction Oscar and the others ran. The other students frowned but showed no signs of resisting his orders.


The familiar ancient trees and leaves of Ashen Grove became a blur, the strong scent of fresh greenery overwhelmed his nose, and the cool, moist air tickled his skin.

"That was too close," Erik could not hold back any longer and yelled out his relief. Austin could not contain himself as well and let out a long sigh. Seeing his friends' reactions, Oscar was affected and joined in.

"We're alive!" Oscar shouted.

"Not too loud; you're bursting my ears." Austin grimaced.

"Sorry," Oscar laughed. He felt so alive for some reason. The brush with death and the following deliverance from Orden compounded the love for life and sparked endless delight in him and his friends.

They traveled a far distance even as the sun began its descent to the other horizon, encountering some Exalt Beasts and mishaps along the way, and Austin and Erik were more than enough for the task.

Finally, after hours of sprinting through the vast forest, Oscar saw the base of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, a beacon of safety and security that shone brighter than the crystals of Tectusen in his eyes. The guards kindly remarked they get a good night's rest.

They happily entered past the gate, but that delight soon turned somber as they saw some of the other students. Oscar saw some students lying down, the life gone from their pale bodies and their eyes closed as if asleep, dead. Besides these fallen, other students were weeping and kneeling with looks of regret and tears of blood; some had horrific injuries, missing some limbs, bandaged all around the head, and burned all over.

Oscar and the others walked in silence; the crying and shouts of anger were the most unpleasant sounds they had ever heard. The sight of all those bodies and the grieving survivors was burned into Oscar's eyes. He recalled the familiar sight of the bodies at Portland Island and how Celestina cried silently and alone for their deaths.

Nudging himself off Austin, who looked on silently, Oscar struggled to his feet and bowed. Celestina had asked him to take care of the other students, but he could not save them all. All he could offer them was this bow to thank them for their efforts and his apology.

"Kuh, that was close." Oscar groaned after entering his tent.

"Part of it was because you held back that monster or else I would have been dead. I don't know what you did, but you should take better care of your body." Austin scoffed, but he was interested in how Oscar had forced so many wounds on Orden. "What did you do?"

"I told you, I don't know. I just woke up, and Orden was bleeding and tired." Oscar replied.

"Enough. Oscar needs some rest." Erik munched on some snacks. His stubby hand held a great number. "I'll be breaking through tonight with the Nydil seeds. Take your time to recover, and come at your own pace. There's no hurry; we have two weeks until the temple opens."

"Two weeks…." Oscar looked downcast. He had spent a little over a week in this place, going from Oen Fortress to Tectusen. An entire week of the constant struggle in Ashen Grove had already passed, and the effects were already devastating.

He thanked whatever luck he had that he and the others were still alive. He could only hope that luck carried on to the others in the middle and inner regions.

"I'll be leaving for the Middle region after advancing as well. Join us later." Austin exited the tent.

"Have a good rest, Oscar," Erik said.


The next day, Austin and Erik successfully advanced thanks to the help of their Nydil Seeds, which provided all the Ein they needed. Oscar bade his friends farewell and watched their backs disappearing into the distance toward the middle region, clenching his fists and cursing at his body for not recovering faster despite the healing elixirs.

Two days later, Oscar moved around in his tent, punching and kicking.

"All better now, lad," Gol-4 said, having been taken out of the space pocket to accompany Oscar on these lonely days. "Now it is time."

"Finally," Oscar took out the two Nydil Seeds, shining like jewels in the palm of his hands. He breathed in deeply and exhaled, staring at the seeds with a determined gaze.

"Time to become a Middle Elite Exalt."

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