The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 244: The Day They've Been Waiting For

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 244: The Day They've Been Waiting For

The time finally arrived for them. In front of the golden palace, known as Triton Hold, the headquarters located in the heart of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, students gathered in orderly conduct. Many had mixtures of anxiousness, excitement, and fear on their faces.

Oscar stood next to Emily, Frederick, Eleanor, Phillip, Serena, and Mary. His eyes fixed on the looming Triton Hold, where the Pavilion made all of its important decisions, and now he stood before its gates. In front of the gate was a large platform where all the elders, judges, and proctors gathered together.

The lineup on the platform made all the students stare in awe. From left to right were Forgemaster Rosett Evergold, Grand Commander Margaret Ward, Great Elder Robert Levitt, Vice Pavilion Master John Williams, Record Hall Direction Austell Jones, and finally, Cauldron Lord Isaac Weiss. Oscar tilted his head, he had never thought about it before, but it was odd that he met and talked with half of them in strange circumstances.

'Master isn't here.' Oscar seemed sad that his master didn't come out, but it couldn't be helped due to his madness. He stared at a far corner of the platform where he spotted Elder Saul, seemingly ordinary and not as dazzling as the ones in front. The elder's eyes locked on his for a moment before he saw the elder give him a slight nod.

Oscar returned the nod and clenched his hands. The dead silence made everyone feel sick, but none dared to say a word to single themselves out in front of these powerful figures. Suddenly, thunder echoed across the sky.

In the distance, descending from the clouds, a pure white airship stopped above the stage, and a man flew down. This man wore silver armor with a large flowing green clock; his eyes were golden, and his hair a vibrant silver, well-fitting for his handsome face. An entourage of golden guards with spears stood behind him.

Seeing him, Oscar gaped in shock. This person looked like a more mature and older version of Charles. The identity of this person was obvious to all.

"We greet the emperor!" The elders on the platform bowed on one knee to the Emperor, Julius Evergrant Dragnar, Celestina and Charles's father and a powerful Marshal Exalt, said to be at the very peak.

Oscar instantly fell to his knees like everyone else and shouted, "We greet the emperor!"

The enthusiastic cries of all the subjects did not crack a smile on the emperor's face. He gazed across the huge crowd of students and then to the gates of Triton Hold. He spoke, then, with a deep, magnetic voice that made one feel respect and awe down to their bones. "I, the emperor, have come. Does the Pavilion Master wish to keep up with his jokes?"

"Hehe. You have improved since last we met." A soothing voice echoed in response, and the Pavilion Master Remulus Grant appeared from thin air. He rubbed his bald head with a tired smile and bowed. "I greet the emperor."

Julius bowed in return. "I greet the Pavilion Master."

Remulus smiled in satisfaction and faced the students. "You may rise."

Oscar got to his feet, staring at the Pavilion Master. He had a cheeky thought to use his Prinstyct to try to see him but quelled that desire instantly. Right now was no time to test but to listen and prepare.

"The Ashen Grove is finally upon us. We have gathered all the students of the Pavilion together here so we can face this trial together." Remulus's voice did not lack in volume and reached everyone. "All the students in the front section are the brave Elite Exalts who will fight in Ashen Grove, not just against the monsters that lurk within, but also those of other factions."

Oscar saw Frederick and Emily tighten their grip on each other's hands. The nerves were getting to everyone.

"Now, I shall explain everything. After all, why has the Pavilion made the strange decisions it has? The Ashen Grove is a mystery to even us because, in our long history, we have only ventured in twice. I'm sure you've all read and gathered information on it. It's a relic of a bygone era preceding the empire and the pavilion, and it only allows Elite Exalts under the age of 25."

"The first time was a joint expedition between the four empires and yielded favorable results. The second time, after realizing the vast resources and treasures within, the factions decided to go their own way and fight for their own share. Of course, it was all for the benefit of Elite Exalts, so we did not pay too much attention to it. However, now that is changed."

This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.

Remulus's relaxed kind face darkened with his green eyes full of power.

"The previous entry into Ashen Grove started as normal, but after the students came out, they talked about something they saw within its depths, deeper than they've ventured before."

Oscar narrowed his eyes. Something in the Elite Exalt-restricted Ashen Grove proved so valuable that it spurred everything into motion. He gulped from the tension.

Remulus continued speaking. "They discovered a divine essence."

Waves of shock pounded in Oscar's head, and his face paled with his jaw slacked open. Some students who also knew of its existence had similar reactions, while others had confusion written over their faces. Oscar read about divine essences in an old book in the Archives and could not believe one was in Ashen Grove.

To quell the confusion, Remulus explained. "Ein flows everywhere in our world, but some places have greater and purer Ein than others. There would be rich ores, powerful Exalt Beasts, or great fields of high-class plants in such places. Our Pavilion is on such blessed grounds to allow our students to have a slightly faster progression and accumulate better resources."

"A divine essence can turn a desolate wasteland into a divine land of Ein that outstrips our own." Remulus's words made everyone forget to breathe, but he continued. "Not only that, the divine land affects the people, increasing the chances of their children possessing Exolsia. Now, do you understand why we have placed such importance on Ashen Grove?"

"If we obtain the divine essence and transform our Brilliant Drake Empire into a divine land of Ein, our Exalts will progress faster, our resources will overflow, and more Exalts can be born."

"Students! You all have a great burden to bear. You must travel into the twisting lands of Ashen Grove and retrieve the divine essence." Remulus projected an image of a small flower with seven petals, each containing one of the rainbow colors; this flower was the divine essence. "The other empires must not take it. This battle is one for the survival of the Pavilion and Empire."

The students remained silent, stunned by the Pavilion Master's words. The reality of the situation finally clicked, and the pressure built as their hearts sank. Oscar bit his lip to calm himself, barely holding it together.

"I ask you!" Remulus shouted. "Are you not students of the Pavilion?"

The students said with shaky voices, "Yes."

"Are you not proud Elite Exalts who have proven themselves?"

"Yes, we are." The students replied with more volume.

"Are we all not children of the Brilliant Drake Empire? Will we abandon it in its time of need?" Remulus shouted.

"Yes, we are!" The students gave a loud cry.

Remulus smiled and stared at the students with a gentle gaze. "I'm glad to see everyone's spirits roused. Let me introduce you to the ones who will lead you within Ashen Grove."

"First, we have Charles Anholt Dragnar. Though he is a Middle Elite Exalt, his leadership abilities, tactics, and royal blood make him the ideal sub-commander."

Charles stepped forward to the front of the platform, nodding at his father, who nodded back. He beat his chest, placing his fist over his heart, and shouted, "I, Charles Anholt Dragnar, prince of the Brilliant Drake Empire, accept this heavy role and will fulfill it to the best of my abilities."

"Second, Gilbert Lockwood. The sole Grade Nine Exolsia in many years. His prowess in battle and overwhelming force have become famous. He is appointed as the second sub-commander."

Gilbert stepped up, showing his handsome face with blue hair and eyes and causing a stir amongst the students, who cheered loudly for Gilbert. Off to the side, Oscar could see Aurora Bellwood, Isabella, and others cheering the loudest. Though he didn't want to admit it, having Gilbert as an ally was more reassuring than having him as an enemy.

"I, Gilbert Lockwood, a direct disciple of the Great Elder, accept. May the Pavilion live forever." His voice instilled confidence in everyone but Oscar and the others.

If Gilbert was only a sub-commander, it was obvious to Oscar and everyone else who the commander was.

"Lastly, Celestina Lovre Dragnar. She will be the supreme commander, and the burden is heaviest, but she has proven herself the most suitable."

Celestina drew in a deep breath and exhaled. She opened her emerald eyes and walked to the front, smiling at her father, who had a slight smile on her face. Her eyes gazed over the crowd to where she spotted her friends.

Holding her rapier out, pointed toward the sky, Celestina spoke with a fearsome resolve. "For the Brilliant Drake Empire. For our home."

"For our home!" Everyone cried out.

"The divine essence is the priority of this undertaking, but there are also many resources in Ashen Grove." Remulus flicked his wrist, and a small black orb appeared in front of Oscar.

Oscar's eyes widened further from shock. This black orb was the near impossible item to buy, the space pocket.

"These space pockets are precious and are on loan to everyone participating in Ashen Grove. Store your items and anything you gather in there."

Oscar quickly flowed his Ein into the space pocket, and he felt a vast emptiness within it. He removed his bulwark and placed it by the space pocket; it instantly vanished, but he could feel the bulwark in the vast space within the space pocket. The space pocket sucked in his entire backpack like a hungry beast.

"Now, look to the skies."

A massive airship descended. It did not look like a ship but closer to a fortress with its thick metallic plates and fort-like structures. An entire army of a soldier appeared and bowed below.

Julius's voice rang through the air. "To all my subjects. May fortune be with you."

Margaret flew onto the ship and shouted, "Everyone on board."

The ground beneath Oscar quaked and started to levitate into the air, ascending to the fortress airship. He turned to catch a glimpse of Aunt Rosett, who gave him a small thumbs up.

"Ashen Grove." Oscar exhaled and opened his obsidian eyes with a cold glint. "Bring it on."

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