The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 242: Home Once Again

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 242: Home Once Again

"Oscar!" Gwen Terr ran toward her son and jumped to hug him in a loving embrace.

"Mom!" Oscar hugged his mom back, but not too tight in fear he may break her back with his powerful arms. He lifted her in the air and smiled brightly. "I'm back!"

"Hey, only I'm allowed to lift your mother like that!" Henry gripped Oscar's shoulders, but his eyes shot wide open at the sheer toughness, like steel feeling in his hands. He moved over and took Gwen from Oscar, holding her in one hand and Oscar in the other. His rowdy laughter made Oscar and Gwen cover their ears until Gwen slapped his head to make him stop.

"We got your letter from before. Come! I prepared so much for you." Gwen tugged on Oscar, dragging him along to the house.

"Did you get the money I've been sending?" Oscar asked. Even though his parents told him that they didn't need money, he still sent a good amount every so often to help his parents.

"We saved it." Henry puffed. "You don't need to worry about us so much. That money should be used for yourself. You can take it back."

Feeling helpless and delighted about his parents' selfless nature when it came to him, Oscar could only shake his head with a smile. Next time, he decided to buy things and bring them home rather than just send money. That way, there's nothing his parents can do but use the gift.

While his insidious plot against his parents stewed in Oscar's mind, the smell of stew wafted to his nose, making his mouth water. On the table, his mom disregarded any notion of limits and filled it with all the foods she could make. Oscar sat down and laughed. "It looks delicious!"

"I heard you're going to some other place for a while and that it can be dangerous." Gwen bit her lips and looked down sadly. "The most I can do as a mom is give you a good meal to send you on your way."

"Mom…." Oscar felt his eyes water, and his dad's large hand covered the dome of his head.

Henry patted his son gently. "What's this? If you start crying now, it'll spoil the meal. Eat it with a big smile. It's your mom's amazing cooking." His hand rustled Oscar's hand.

Oscar's bangs covered his eyes, and tears flowed down his cheeks. Despite the years he had been gone, all the ordeals he went through, and the hardened life of an Exalt, Oscar remained that young boy who always worried his parents. Wiping off the tears with his sleeves, Oscar smiled and said, "Let's eat!"

"Wait for a moment before you start." Gwen chuckled, recovering from her disspirited state. "Not everyone has arrived."

"Everyone?" Oscar tilted his head and rubbed his still, watery eye.

"Excuse the intrusion." A deep voice sounded as the door opened.

Oscar's eyes brightened up, and he stood up. "Uncle Carlson!"

The man by the door smiled and laughed, showing how healthy he had become. His hair had regressed a bit back to his black hair, and his body looked sturdy. "I can't miss a meal like this. I brought mead!"

"Come in, Carlson." Henry smacked his friend on the back and pulled out a chair for him.

Together they say around the table, feasting on Gwen's homely cooking. There was a scuffle about Carlson breaking out the mead and pouring Oscar a cup, but in the end, they drank with satisfaction. Oscar could not stop smiling, seeing his mom, dad, and Uncle Carlson together in one room.

"So, Oscar. I've been wondering if you found anyone you like." Gwen asked with a sparkle in her eyes. Her son was now a marriageable age, and she worried he loved books more than women. The only one she knew about was Emily, but that girl was already taken.

"Mom. What are you asking?" Oscar groaned.

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"It's a mother's business to think about her son's future and love life. I want you to marry a nice girl and be happy." Gwen put on her scolding face and looked fearsome despite her small stature.

Henry and Carlson were drunk and laughed while their arms hung over each other's shoulders like good brothers. Even when they were young, they couldn't believe Gwen's straightforwardness at times, which made Henry fall in love with her.

With a red face, gulping down another cup of mead, Henry said, "Don't keep your mother waiting. Come one! Spill it! My son can't be a stone, right?"

"Ah, who does he take after?" Uncle Carlson downed a cup.

Oscar sighed at seeing the two drunkards egging him on while his mom burned a hole through him with her eyes. He rubbed his temples, feeling the effects of the alcohol, and decided to speak his mind. "I do love someone!"

"Oh!" The two drunks cheered.

"Finally!" Gwen looked happy and drew close to Oscar. "Who is she? What does she look like? How close are the two of you? Ah! Is it an unrequited love?"

Oscar felt dizzier from his mom's endless questions and staggered around in his chair.

"Calm down, honey. You need to give Oscar time to explain." Henry held back Gwen, who had a red face from excitement. Her stone son finally experienced spring.

"Let me tell you," Oscar explained how he and Celestina met, hiding her identity to avoid everyone causing a stir, only mentioning she was a high noble. It might have been the alcohol or perhaps the happy memories with Celestina, but Oscar's face looked like a fool with a wide smile.

"A powerful noble, huh?" Henry seemed to sober slightly from the information. One could only imagine how quickly he'd gain clarity from the shock of knowing his son was in love with the princess. "That's a very steep goal."

"Don't discourage my son!" Gwen pulled on Henry's ear, making him flail his large arms around. She turned to Oscar with a sweet smile. "She sounds wonderful. If possible, bring her here. Oh, but she's a noble girl; maybe you should visit her home first."

Visit the Imperial Palace? Oscar's eyes twitched at the very notion. It would have to be when he's more accomplished and stronger. Ashen Grove was the perfect place to find ways to contribute.

"Oscar…." Uncle Carlson mumbled. "Don't be scared. She may be nobility, but you're a good man. Although your face may not be up to par, it's alright."

Gwen smacked the drunk Uncle Carlson. "Did you just call my son ugly?"

"I didn't!" Uncle Carlson rubbed his head.

"You did!" Gwen looked angry.

Oscar pointed at his mom while giving his dad a confused look.

Henry laughed and said, "Your mom is a very moody drunk. Gets angry so fast and overly excited."

The night continued with more food, drinks, and teasing Oscar about his love life. When they heard about Serena, the three adults seriously discussed what Oscar should do but settled on letting him figure it out by himself. However, Gwen was very excited to hear that her son was attractive enough to get attention like this.

In the end, they all plopped right to sleep except for Oscar, who was an Exalt, and Uncle Carlson, who had a high tolerance. The snoring sounds from Gwen and Henry surrounded the two, who clinked their cups and drank more mead.

"Uncle Carlson," Oscar said.

"What is it?" Uncle Carlson was dozing off.

Oscar put his cup down and leaned back on his bedside. His obsidian eyes reflected the moonlight well. "I spoke to Isabella."

Uncle Carlson perked up slightly. "Did you, now? How is she? What did she say?"

With a heavy sigh, Oscar shook his head, much to Uncle Carlson's lifeless chuckle. "I'm sorry, Uncle Carlson. But she's dead set on this. I, myself, have cut off all ties with her."

"That is probably for the best." Uncle Carlson nodded, but some tears welled up in his eyes. "You don't have to tie yourself to her or this old man. Live your life."

"No." Oscar rejected Uncle Carlson's words. "I cut my ties with her, but I will never abandon you. You are my family."

Tears fell from Uncle Carlson's eyes, dripping to the floor. He made incomprehensible sounds from his mouth, struggling to find the right words as he was overwhelmed by his mixed emotions. Finally, after a long while, he came toward and embraced him. "Thank you, Oscar."

These three words were all he could muster.

Oscar hugged his uncle back and said, "Please take care of my mom and dad."

"I will," Uncle Carlson sniffed, holding back more tears. "I will."

The next morning arrived. Oscar exited his house, looking back at this family, who had worried expressions across their faces. He hugged them all as his mother wept.

"Don't, mom." Oscar tried to console her.

"Leave your mother to me, Oscar," Henry said. "You come back alive, ok?"

"I will." Oscar nodded at Uncle Carlson, who nodded back. He stepped away and gave everyone a big smile with a thumbs up. "I'm off."

""Take care!""

Returning to the Pavilion, Oscar leaped off the airship, feeling refreshed, but his eyes caught sight of an old man with a rake.

"Elder Saul!"

Elder Saul turned around and put up a wrinkly smile. "You seem much happier than before."

"What brings you out here?" Oscar asked brightly.

"Interested? There are six months until Ashen Grove. Follow me." Elder Saul turned around and walked away.

Oscar stared blankly at the elder's back. Elder Saul was always a strange person he could never understand, but he knew that the elder always had his back in one way or another. Without hesitation, he went on to follow.

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