The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 240: The Survivors' Burden

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 240: The Survivors' Burden

Half a day; it took half a day for Oscar and the others to travel from their island to Portland Island. Without going the roundabout route from earlier to inspect all the odd locations Elizabeth had marked, their boat steered straight to their destination, cutting the time down. But their faces brushed with relief and delight of returning, turned to horror and disbelief at the dense red ocean around Portland Island.

Oscar saw many remains of Exalt Beasts floating around in the waters, the dense smell of blood overwhelmed him, and he held his hand over his nose. With so much blood, Oscar thought and wondered about what had occurred here in their absence. Mary nearly barfed and felt sick at the disheartening sight.

"What's going on?" Frederick looked shaken, while Emily fared no better.

Austin frowned but kept his cool.

"We'll find out when we dock. But look at those massive airships." Oscar pointed at the airships docked in Portland Island, bearing the flag of the empire.

"Those are military airships. A horrible battle must have happened here." Austin said.

Finding no mood to continue speaking amid the stench and sight of blood that stretched long distances, Oscar continued to steer the ship toward the pier but was halted by soldiers.

"Students of the Pavilion?" A soldier grunted. "You're lucky to be alive."

"Sir, what happened here?" Oscar asked.

"A beast tide. One we had never seen before. It nearly destroyed Portland Island, but we won. Continue forward and rest up."

Oscar docked the ship and stepped onto the pier with heavy steps. All around him, he heard many people's cries and saw large bodies surrounded by weeping civilians. So many dead Oscar was shaken by the lines of bodies, some missing limbs, others just their heads, but all had grievous wounds.

Everyone looked sadly at the fallen and bowed to give their respects.

"Little Em!" An excited Elizabeth flew in and hugged Emily tightly. "You're alive! All of you!"

"Elizabeth?" Emily smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry for you sending you all out. If any of you died, then I would not be able to bear the sin." Elizabeth looked delighted, with a smile full of tears. "I won't do that again."

"It's ok." Emily patted Elizabeth's back with care like a mother. It was hard to tell who was the older one. Elizabeth finally let go with a boisterous laugh.

"I heard a beast tide happened. What happened?" Oscar asked.

"I can explain that," Robert came out of nowhere.

"Master Robert!" Oscar shouted and bowed.

Robert smiled and patted Oscar's head. "It's good to see you alive and well. But what is that body over there?" He pointed at the wrapped-up corpse that Frederick was dragging.

"We met a strange group that tried to kill us. Most of them burst into flames to take their own lives, but Frederick killed this one before he could off himself." Oscar explained.

"Truly?!" Robert stomped over to the corpse. His eyes contained a hint of fury but also excitement. "You have done a great service. Follow us to the City Lord's palace."

They hopped onto a small airship and flew toward the center of Portland Island, where the City Lord's palace was. They came inside as Robert carried the corpse over his shoulders.

Inside was a man in a captain's hat, a person clad in armor, Celestina, Serena, Phillip, Eleanor, and Charles. Oscar felt delighted to see his friends, as did they.

"You're alive!" Celestina and the others rushed over in excitement. They had no news of Oscar and the others and worried for the worst. After all, the beast tide was so terrifying that Oscar and the others could have died.

"We're back!" Oscar and the others rushed ahead. Their laughter and delight filled the room. Although they had not seen each other for a few days, reuniting after such an ordeal roused their emotions.

"Ahem!" Robert coughed. He laid the body down on the floor. "Oscar, explain everything that happened."

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The group settled down, and Oscar stepped forward to explain, feeling the pressure from the stares of the two individuals. He explained the battles they fought and the strange stone pillars they destroyed.

"You have done a great service to the empire." The armored man stepped forward and shook their hands. "I am Commander Rof, and you have my gratitude."

"Can someone explain what happened?" Oscar asked in confusion.

Robert explained everything about the fearsome beast tide, Elizabeth's encounter, and the stone pillars' effects. Oscar and everyone else looked terrified, realizing the gravity of how much danger they really were in. "If it had not been for you all and Elizabeth destroying the stone pillars, Portland Island would have been destroyed before the army's arrival."

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, brave students, for what you have done." Rufus bowed in gratitude. "I am the City Lord, and you have saved Portland Island."

"Thank you, everyone," Celestina said softly with her emerald eyes watery. Her gratitude was immeasurable for what Oscar and the others had done. If not for them, then corpses would have littered Portland Island.

"Gratitude can be for later. The concern is the strange intruders. Elizabeth's foe mentioned that this was just the start and that they had already obtained their objective. We thought there was no way of getting information, but now you have brought this." Commander Rof pointed at the corpse. "Although dead, his body may uncover some secrets and ease some of our questions. We will be taking this body with us."

"As you should, Commander," Celestina said. Her face darkened, and her eyes held a viciousness never seen before. "Whoever they are, they will perish for their schemes. See to it personally."

"Yes, princess." Commander Rof bowed. He left with the body, holding it with care for his people to dissect and analyze.

Rufus sighed. "I am sure it has been exhausting for everyone here. All of you may rest in my palace and can leave this place next morning to return to the Pavilion." He departed as well to handle the aftermath of the battle. There were many bodies to bury and compensation to be given to their families. All the losses bore on his shoulders, but such was the City Lord's duty.

Everyone had cheers and festivities at their survival and victory. By nightfall, they all tucked into their rooms, but Oscar could not sleep and silently left his room.

Oscar wandered around the halls to calm his mind. The gruesome scene of Natasha burning herself to death with a smile stuck in his mind, refusing to go away like an incessant fly. The smell of burning flesh was nauseating, the sight of her body turning to ash was unpleasant, and the fact it was his second kill was uncomfortable, but it was her smile.

Why did she smile? The thought echoed in Oscar's mind. Death was a scary thing. Oscar remembered Greg's haunting screams for help and anguish before his death and Kan's throes of woe before his destruction. But he also thought of Nicholas's death from long ago, a similar kind of smile.

His feet continued through the vast halls. Oscar shook his head and thought there was something wrong with him. He could not help but feel an inexplicable attachment to their smiles in the face of death.

Oscar's black eyes stared out the window into the night sky where the constellations lived. An Exalt's life was long; his lifespan from becoming an Elite Exalt had extended by 150 years. The thought of what could happen in his future made him wonder if he died right now, would he do so with a smile like them or in anguish and despair like the others?

"Hmm?" Oscar stepped out on a terrace and noticed Celestina staring down onto Portland Island. Her shoulders dropped as her back looked weary. He walked out and called out to her, "Celestina?"

"Oscar?" Celestina shuddered and quickly wiped her eyes with her arm before turning to face him and smiling brightly. "What brings you out here?"

Oscar stared at Celestina's sunken eyes, a smile anyone could see was forced, and her damp sleeves. The moonlight whisked through her silver hair as the breeze blew around her nightgown; she looked like a tragic goddess. Oscar sat on the bench and said, "It's hard to sleep."

"Really? Tell me about it." Celestina sat down next to him with a comforting smile. Her previous saddened look forcibly died down.

"How are you doing?" Oscar refused to answer her question. Celestina had always been there for him, comforting him when Frederick had left years ago, staying as the stable rock, but now she was the one in need of help. This time, he wanted to do the same for her. "I'm your friend and fellow book-lover. If I can't help you, what am I good for?"

Celestina remained silent and smiled. "Thank you, Oscar."

A silence befell the two as they stared out into the horizon around Portland Island. Even under the night sky, the red blood waters could be seen.

Finally, Celestina spoke, "It feels so tiring sometimes, being a princess."

Oscar listened.

"I love my home and the people who live in it." Celestina sighed with a small smile, revealing the weariness she hid deep down. "But sometimes the burdens get too big."

"What sort of burdens?" Oscar asked.

Celestina didn't answer but stood up and stepped over to the edge. She bowed deeply to Portland Island, its people, and the fallen who defended it with their last breath. Her mouth parted with a small whisper. "I'm sorry."

Oscar gazed at this scene with a heavy expression. He stepped up and bowed with her.

Celestina chuckled and patted Oscar on the shoulder. "So, what went on with you?"

In the end, she never fully told him what bothered her, but Oscar understood what ate at her inside. In the end, it was too much burden for her to order people to fight to the death; each death must have weighed heavily on her shoulders. He decided to help take her mind off it by answering her question and telling her about Natasha's strange smile before death.

Celestina seemed deep in thought after hearing Oscar's words. "Do you think the people who fought today were the same?"

"I don't know," Oscar answered as Celestina winced. "But I would like to believe that they did. They fought and died with smiles, knowing they fought for you and their home."

Celestina perked up and stared at Oscar with her emerald eyes. This time a smile blossomed on her face, a real smile. "Thank you."

She stood up and walked toward the exit. "You should get a good night's sleep as well. Don't overdo it."

Oscar smiled, seeing Celestina's mood improving. "Don't worry. I'll only be a bit longer."

He stared up at the moon, shining dimly in the night. "How pretty."

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