The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 213: Sparring with the Princess

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 213: Sparring with the Princess

The next morning.

On the base of the Vermillion Mountain Range, before Gosla City, Oscar and Celestina were locked in close combat. Oscar asked her to spar without Ein to test out their Prinstycts, to which she happily agreed.

His third eye stared as though it could burn anything it stared at, fueling the Prinstyct; however, Oscar found himself on the backfoot under Celestina's swift and controlled moves. As a princess, she received brutal combat training since she was young, but Oscar was not shabby, having been trained by Draven. The deciding factor was the source of Oscar's frustration, the Prinstyct.

As Celestina was already an Elite Exalt long before Oscar even awakened the Prinstyct, her Prinstyct was far more developed than Oscar.

The air whistled along with the force of her kicks; her legs were long and flexible, snapping like whips on Oscar. Oscar grew frustrated that his attempts to counter or move first were shut down by her Prinstyct, reading each of his moves.

Draven had molded him well, but his Prinstyct was toned down to a bit above Oscar's level during that timeframe. This spar was Oscar's first battle against a superior Prinstyct that did not hold back.

What a difference! Oscar felt her fist get past his block and ream him on the shoulder. Although he didn't feel any pain due to the body training he went through, Oscar knew it would be a loss if Celestina used her Ein.

But he didn't want to lose in physical combat. His hands moved quickly.

Celestina realized Oscar's intent and tried to pull her fist back, but Oscar grabbed her wrist with his firm grip. He smiled and began to turn to throw her over his shoulder.

But as he was mid-throw, he felt a tightness around his neck and waist. Despite the force of the throw, Celestina somehow wrapped her free arm around his neck and locked her legs around his stomach, refusing to let go. He strained hard and used his neck muscles to prevent Celestina from choking him.

"Give up." Celestina was worried for a moment. Oscar had taken advantage of the fact that while the Prinstyct allowed her to see a person's intent, it didn't increase her speed and power. His tough shoulder muscles blocked her fist, and his hands moved faster than she could retract her arm. "You already incorporated anti-Prinstyct tactics in this battle, and your Prinstyct is quite advanced, more so than any other Lower Elite Exalt to be able to fight me this well."

Her legs and arm tightened around him like a python trying to choke its prey to death, but despite her best efforts, she could not force Oscar to submit as Oscar's body was unbelievably sturdy. What kind of insane body is this? Celestina couldn't believe that her natural strength, given by the advancement to Middle Elite Exalt and further training, couldn't surpass Oscar's.

"What in the world?" Celestina was stunned and tried to clench harder but realized how futile it was against Oscar's dense muscles.

Oscar chuckled, imagining Celestina's stunned expression. Training in Reis and becoming stronger in Adamasreis meant becoming a physical freak of nature. He also had the same feeling when Draven's stomach stopped his fist.

In a purely physical battle without Ein and the rest, Oscar knew he was king and wouldn't let Celestina win because of her Prinstyct. His hands had a vice grip on her arms and pulled them, much to her frustration. With tight grips on her wrists, Oscar swung her around his left side.

Even with the Prinstyct watching his moves, Celestina could not escape as he locked her arms. The only option was to release her leg grip and kick Oscar, but that would allow him to move more freely, and she didn't think her kicks would be effective in this close range.

Despite her legs gripping from behind, Oscar forcibly swung her around the back to face her directly. His obsidian eyes stared directly into her emerald eyes, but reflected in Oscar's eyes was only the drive for victory. He knelt and slammed Celestina to the ground; one hand gripped her wrists together, and the other arm pushed on her neck; a single inch further would snap her neck.

"Yield?" Oscar asked.

Celestina sighed and glanced at Oscar above. "Yield. Now please get off of me."

"Eh?" Oscar realized the awkward position they were in. Her legs wrapped around his waist, his hand held her arms above her head, and he was on top of her on the ground. In an instant, he released her, got up with an apologetic expression, and bowed deeply. "Sorry for my lack of manners."

He didn't show it to her, but his face was furiously red. Reflecting, he realized how closely entangled they were as if they were engaged in a certain activity, but that was horrible manners toward a princess.

"It's fine." Celestina got up and rubbed her wrists. "It was a spar, but we fought with all out to the limits we set. I'm just surprised you were so physically strong without using Reis."

A case of literary theft: this tale is not rightfully on Amazon; if you see it, report the violation.

Oscar was relieved. At least she didn't mind him being so close to her. Perhaps there was hope they could be more than friends.

Oscar stood up and smiled at her. "Thank you for being understanding. I thought girls would have killed me for that."

"Are you serious? It was the unfortunate result. I initiated it by grappling you from behind, so I can only blame myself for how you responded." Celestina seemed to understand, but her eyes soon turned chilly, and Oscar tensed up. "But don't think this means you won. If we fought as Exalts, I'd win."

"I know." Oscar nodded. Celestina truly disliked showing signs of weakness and always wanted to remain as the lynchpin, a beacon that others could rely on; even a small spar like this caused her pride to be hurt. Oscar gripped his fists in a silent cry of victory to not provoke her; although it wasn't an Exalt fight, he still won in his domain. "My physical power can match a Middle Elite Exalt."

"Hmph. Maybe I should start working out too." Celestina grumbled before snapping her eyes on Oscar again. "My physical power is not the best. I'd say I'm the lowest of the Middle Elite Exalts."

"Really?" Oscar was shocked.

"It's the truth. Others have greater physical gifts that are elevated by each advancement. However, my powers over light are quite strong, and my Ein is devastatingly powerful. Do you want to spar as Exalts?" Celestina put on a cold smile, her emerald eyes asking for a rematch.

"No, thank you. I'll concede right away." Oscar rubbed his obsidian hair and caught a waft of a flowery scent on his arm. He froze, realizing whose scent it was, and turned around quickly with an awkward face. "We should return to Gosla and read more books at the Observatory."

"That's right. The airship is coming at night, so hurry up." Celestina rushed ahead with a radiant smile. Her mind was full of books.

Oscar ran and followed, his eyes locked on her back as his mind wandered. 'Lilacs.'


After a long day in the Preisn Observatory, Oscar returned to the airship, getting off first and wandering away before Celestina also got off in her disguise. Celestina didn't wish for anyone to disturb them or bother Oscar, so to avoid chaos, she willingly hid. Oscar felt sorry that Celestina went to such lengths for him when she was the princess, but he also felt uplifted that she regarded him that well.

They handed in the mission, split up, and entered the Inner Hall alone. Oscar went to his private home and lay on the couch to relax. However, after some time, the door flung open.

"Os, you're back!" Frederick stepped through with a handsome smile and bright green hair.

Emily entered behind him and sighed. "Oscar just got back, Fred. You're being too loud." Her fingers pinched Frederick's ear, and he stuttered in pain.

"Fred! Emily!" Oscar sprang from his rest and gestured for them to sit down.

Fred came close to Oscar and remarked with a frown, "Seems nothing happened between you and the princess. What were you up to?"

Oscar frowned at Frederick's words and explained what happened during their adventure, showing them the core and red shell. Frederick and Emily were particularly interested in the battles Oscar fought.

"Celestina is a kind person." Emily smiled. "She treats everyone with a modicum of respect except for the few who angers her, but you seem to be higher on her priority."

Frederick agreed with Emily's statement and gripped Oscar's shoulder. "So when do you plan on confessing? I get you're hesitant, but this mission was a great opportunity. What a waste."

"Not everyone can have a one-minute get-together like you two," Oscar grumbled. "I can tell she's still not open to serious relationships."

Frederick and Emily had wry smiles, understanding what Oscar meant.

"What about you two? How are things so far?" Oscar asked. He was gone for three days, but a lot could happen quickly.

Emily crossed her arms with a frown, her brows scrunched up. "We ran into Gilbert."

Gilbert?! Oscar stood up and glanced at Frederick, who seemed indifferent. He turned to Emily. "What happened?"

"Nothing." Frederick scoffed. "We passed by each other, but he didn't seem to recognize me or didn't want to know me. Either way, I was not in his eyes at all."

"Bastard." Emily nearly cursed her usual harsh words. "He could have at least acknowledged Fred. But he treated Fred like air."

"Don't be mad, Emily." Frederick hugged Emily, resting his face on her head. "A person who forgets so easily is no longer worth being mad over. There's nothing more between us. I'm happy right now."

"Hmm." Emily rested on Frederick's chest with a smile. "You need to be stronger, though. We'll go for missions later."

"Ok, ok." Frederick sighed.

Oscar slumped on his couch, feeling exhausted. "I'm just glad nothing happened to you two."

The trio spoke for a while longer before Emily and Frederick left to give Oscar more rest. Oscar bade farewell to his friends but didn't stay idle for long. There was one place he had to visit.


Within the Foundry, Oscar reviewed notes on grade-two armaments, thinking about the red shell and core he needed to forge into a new buckler.

"Oscar!" William Andora found Oscar in the library. He exuded a stronger presence than before; the loss last year engraved a drive in him to become stronger.

"William." Oscar closed his book and went down the stairs.

William observed Oscar with a strange face; his black hair was scruffy from working in the Foundry. "You're an Elite Exalt?!"

"Took you long enough to find out. We might need to work on your sense." Oscar placed the book back on the shelf.

"This is bad!"

"Bad?" Oscar was confused. "What do you mean?"

"You can't participate in the Clash of Metal for the one-star fabricator division as an Elite Exalt. You can still hand in six grade-one armaments as your yearly tribute until you become a two-star fabricator, but the Clash of Metal divides by both stars and Exalt realm." William chattered on.

Oscar leaned on the shelf as if his soul had left his body. In disbelief, he asked, "Are you serious?"

"Serious. But congratulations on becoming an Elite Exalt. That is a major achievement. I think it's more important than the Clash of Metal." William tried to cheer Oscar up.

But it did little as Oscar departed with a listless expression. He wouldn't be able to keep his promise to William after all they went through last year.

As his feet carried him back home, and his shoulders hung down in shame, Oscar noticed someone at his front door.


Serena had been waiting for him, and she snapped her head toward Oscar and sprinted toward him.

"Oscar! I'm glad you're back!" Serena cheered up.

"What are you doing here?" Oscar asked.

"You went on a mission with the princess, right?" Serena asked with clenched hands. She tugged on his arm. "Go on one with me."

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