The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 204: Time Passes in the Inner Hall

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 204: Time Passes in the Inner Hall

"What's happening here?" Celestina stared at Serena and Mary, then turned to Charles and Oscar. Her breathing was short and pained because she had just battled a fierce battle against Gilbert and immediately ran off. Her pleasant surprise at Oscar's unexpected appearance slowly shifted into confusion at the two others who came from nowhere.

Oscar stepped up with an awkward face. "These two ladies are my friends I made during the Inner Hall Exam. They came over to say hello."

Serena stared weirdly at Oscar, seeing the slight smile on his face that was unlike his usual ones of kindness and friendliness. Something else was behind that smile directed at Celestina; her woman's intuition started ringing like an alarm in her head. She took a short glance at Celestina before quickly bowing her head not to show any disrespect.

"I am Mary Jones of the Jones Family. I greet the princess." Mary introduced herself. She had seen the princess but had never engaged in conversation before, so she felt the nerves getting to her. However, as a member of the ancient Jones family, she did not fail to greet Celestina properly.

"Oh, someone from the Jones family. It's nice to meet you." Celestina smiled and shook Mary's hand with an enchanting smile. "Oscar mentioned you before. You are a dutiful and strong person."

Mary blushed at Celestina's sudden move, bowed, and said, "I'm sure he exaggerated my contribution."

Celestina nodded at Mary and turned to Serena. "You must be the other person Oscar mentioned."

Serena bit her lips with a troubled face, not showing it to everyone. 'So the one Oscar mentioned he was probably in love with was the princess….Then it makes sense why he was slightly hesitant when he said it. This is troublesome; the princess is a tough opponent, but what does she think about Oscar?' Serena calmed herself down and introduced herself. "I am Serena Fulgir. I greet the princess."

"Hmmm." Celestina seemed interested in Serena, who felt like the princess's emerald eyes were peering right through her and judging her. "The Fulgirs are well known even to me. Your family has made great strides recently."

"My family and I are honored by your praise." Serena smiled her usual merchant smile and bowed her head, but her eyes were shaky. 'What was that? Why was the princess staring at me like that? It's like she was trying to appraise me, similar to when my father looks at potential business partners. Did Oscar tell her about my attempts to seduce him?' Serena lifted her head and stared at Celestina, their emerald and green eyes locked on each other.

"To become acquainted with the princess is truly a great moment in my life." Serena kept up her compliments while Celestina looked like she was pondering something. Serena managed to keep up her poker face, but she was screaming internally. 'Oscar definitely told her. But why don't I sense a hint of jealousy? She's acting a bit strange herself, but shouldn't she be jealous if she was in love with Oscar? I have full confidence in reading people, but this is unexpected.'

Celestina turned away from Celestina and looked at Charles and Oscar. "I lost the battle against Gilbert. I would like to discuss our day, but we all need some rest today. Serena and Mary, you're welcome to join us tomorrow."

Oscar nodded and glanced around. He could tell she was annoyed at the stares around them and that she still had to attend the award ceremony. "I'm afraid I won't be able to stay longer. I'll see the princess tomorrow."

Celestina smiled at Oscar and ran off to receive her award and rewards. Charles followed along after bidding farewell to Oscar as he also needed to get his rewards. Philip and Eleanor followed after the two royals.

Oscar heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to depart. Serena and Mary followed him outside the stadium.

"Oscar, where were you?" Mary didn't see Oscar in the Grand Gathering.

"I was at the Clash of Metal." Oscar cracked his back; the tension from the fierce competition was still stressing him.

"Oh, is that why you're so sweaty?" Serena leaned closer. "I would have loved to see your strong arm swing that hammer."

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Unbothered by Serena's usual seductive words, Oscar looked listless as he continued. "I lost. There are some incredible people out there. It makes me wonder how long it'll take to catch up."

Mary and Serena didn't know how to comfort Oscar after his defeat. They only remained silent until Mary noticed they were near her home.

"I'll have to leave. Serena, don't trouble Oscar too much." Mary behaved like an older sister to Serena despite her small frame.

"Got it, got it." Serena was irritated at Mary's words.

Once Mary was gone, Serena looked around to see if anyone else was nearby. Seeing no one, Serena hugged Oscar from the back with a satisfied expression, overwhelmed by his smell which she felt was similar to the scent of the forest. "I missed this."

Oscar quickly turned and pulled away from her arms without hurting her. With a sigh, Oscar said, "How was the Grand Gathering?"

Serena's shoulders twitched. She stared at the ground with a gloomy face. "I lost in the second round against the prince. Mary had the worst luck of fighting him in the first round."

"Charles is a Grade Eight Exolsia and a strong fighter. It's not shameful to lose to him." Oscar said. But he could see Serena was still saddened at her loss; he understood that while she was playful and accommodating toward him, she was stubborn and held great confidence in herself; a loss was the worst for her. With nothing else, Oscar patted her head and gently caressed her hair. "You did your best. Do better next time."

Serena felt like lightning coursed down her spine. Her lips trembled until they formed a bright smile, and her arms wrapped around him again; this time, she placed her face by his chest. "I love you!"

"Don't." Oscar pulled her off again. "I told you that I can't return your feelings."

"It's because of the princess, right?" Serena lowered her arm, losing her excitement. "I saw the way you looked at her. You're in love, but you're lost because she's a princess, and you don't know how she feels."

Oscar stared at Serena in shock. How had she figured all that out from one interaction?

Serena chuckled bitterly. "Don't understand a woman merchant's intuition. But I wonder if she loves you back?"

"You can't tell?" Oscar asked. "You figured me out pretty fast, but you can't for her?"

Serena looked bothered. Her face turned into a frown. "I can't tell. I can only think of two possibilities. One, she does love you, but she hides it well, seeing as I couldn't feel a hint of jealousy out of her, or perhaps she doesn't see me as a threat. Two, she doesn't love you that way, but she regards you as a close friend and was trying to see if I was a good person that won't hurt you."

Serena still shuddered from seeing Celestina's eyes that seemed to look right through her soul. She also saw the way Celestina looked at Oscar was a bit different, but she couldn't make the call if it were love or not. There certainly was an affection of some kind.

"My place is around here." Oscar didn't seem bothered by what Serena had told him. He already had an inkling it was one of the two. But he was in no rush as they had plenty of years as Exalts to think upon it. "Farewell, Serena. Glad to see you in the Inner Hall."

"Ok, Oscar. I'll see you tomorrow." Serena waved goodbye with a soft smile. But as she turned away, she looked determined, with unwillingness in her eyes.

The days turned into months.

Serena and Mary adjusted well to Celestina's group. Though, Serena sometimes took glances at Oscar while he talked with Celestina. This did not escape Oscar and Celestina's notice, but Oscar didn't see much of a reaction from Celestina.

The two had a cordial relationship. Celestina regarded Serena on the same level as Philip, Eleanor, and Mary, keeping them at arm's length but not too close.

Their training sessions dealt with spars and discussions on improving their capabilities. All the while, Celestina tried her best to throw Gilbert off her tail.

Eventually, Emily joined the Inner Hall because of her advancement to the Elite Exalt realm. She was greeted with much joy by Celestina, who hugged her tightly, to the surprise of Eleanor and Charles. Frederick joined in a few weeks after her after a hellish Inner Hall exam, but he soon progressed to the Elite Exalt realm with the amazing resources of the Inner Hall.

Oscar also began to feel the lull of the incoming advancement and knew he could try for the Elite Exalt realm now. But Oscar continued his training in Adamasreis to fulfill his master's requirements while keeping up his fabricator work, creating armaments for the Foundry's requirements, and honing his spells. His time for the Elite Exalt realm would have to be much later.

Emily and Oscar made it a point never to let Frederick cross Gilbert's path and actively signaled each other if Gilbert was spotted. Thus, they were able to make sure Frederick wouldn't sink back into his vengeful self.

But other than a few stints, Oscar's days in the Inner Hall were full of joy with his friends. He enjoyed reading everything on the second floor of the Neptune Archives with Celestina, forging and refining with William, who became stronger, and training with everyone.

Seven months passed into Oscar's fourth year at the Blue Ocean Pavilion. He was eighteen years old but almost nineteen.

Within his private home, Oscar had bandages wrapped around his arms and legs. Blood dyed the white bandages red. His heavy breathing filled the living room as the couches shook from how fast his legs were shaking.

"Finally did it." Oscar looked at his arms and legs through his 'Reis Awaken'. The transformed muscles that could enact Adamasreis filled everything from his feet to his waist and his fingers to his shoulders.

His body trembled, not just from exhaustion but also excitement. The time he had waited for had finally arrived.

"I will become an Elite Exalt!"

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