The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 196: Welcome to the Inner Hall

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 196: Welcome to the Inner Hall

"It's big," Oscar said after he stepped into the Inner Hall. From his view, he gauged the Inner Hall to be twice as large as the Outer Hall, but the number of people was significantly less. In the distance were large houses spread out with a lot of space between them and a place that looked like a center of activity. "There's more space for each person."

"Hello there. You must be the newcomer." An elder of the Pavilion smiled as he approached Oscar. "Allow me to see your student badge."

Oscar respectfully passed his student badge that recorded his identification along with his new Inner Hall badge. He remained silent as the elder reviewed the information and took out a scroll to review. Slowly, he meditated while waiting, feeling the incredible Ein that permeated the air, far more abundant and purer than the Outer Hall.

Ein was everywhere, but some areas had denser amounts that provided a perfect place to train. Most factions and powers, such as the Blue Ocean Pavilion, made their homes in the places with the most abundant Ein that aided in the cultivation of special herbs, beasts, and people. Although Oscar was a Grade Four and limited in his absorption and advancement, this place was still a godsend that aided his progression.

These denser Ein areas became more important as people advanced to higher realms of power because each next realm required more Ein than before. The abundant source of Ein here was perfect for accommodating the hungry Inner Hall students who constantly absorbed as much as possible. Oscar felt his core devour as much as possible like a starving beast.

"Everything is in order. Let me guide you to your new home." The elder confirmed Oscar's information and led him inside. They moved along a stone-paved path with golden lining, leaving Oscar to wonder how much was spent on paving it. The elder coughed to grab Oscar's attention. "Every single student of the Inner Hall has their accommodations. Unlike the dorms of the Outer Hall, the Pavilion will give you your own private home."

The elder pointed to the neatly spread-out houses. Getting closer, Oscar realized just how far apart they were, similar to how far his home was from Uncle Carlson's. He followed the elder until they stopped in front of one of the houses.

The house was white with a blue-tiled roof, surrounded by a large grass lawn and a brick wall. Oscar stepped past its gate and front door, entering the house. Delighted, Oscar smiled at the large living room with two couches and a table; there was also a large room with a king-sized bed and a luxurious bathroom with a pool for a bath.

"This is your home now. There is a central district for the Inner Hall where students can gather and talk, but it's mainly used for the training rooms there. You can even fight constructs for battle training."

"Constructs?" Oscar was shocked. "That's quite lucrative."

"The Inner Hall enjoys a lot of benefits. You are a Greater Apprentice Exalt, but the Pavilion will send you Grade Two Ein Burst Elixirs every two months. Several years ago, it used to be every four months, but we've changed it with the Ashen Grove looming ahead." The elder's face tensed up at the mention of the Ashen Grove. "I am not privy to what makes the higher-ups so riled up, but as a student, you must be prepared. Train hard."

Oscar bowed. "I will do my best."

The elder gave a small nod and departed to allow Oscar to settle in by himself.

Oscar unpacked his things, lining the empty bookcase with all the books he owned, filling the closets with his clothes, and cleaning the entire place from dust. He opened to windows to air it out and sat on the soft couch in the living room with a letter in his hand. It was the same letter that Great Elder Robert passed onto him from his master, Draven.

His hands opened the letter as his eyes slowly scanned over the page.

"To my permanent disciple, Oscar,

Congratulations on passing into the Inner Hall. If you failed, I would have dragged you back to the Abyss Prison for some retraining. Thankfully, you remembered that you're my disciple."

This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.

Oscar felt a shudder down his spine from those words. He pictured Draven appearing in the Spire of Ascension, grabbing his neck, and teleporting him back to the Abyss Prison. He wiped some sweat from his forehead and continued reading.

"However, since you are now an Inner Hall student, you have access to so much and will likely become an Elite Exalt soon. Don't.

Do not try to advance until your Adamsreis reaches to cover your entire arms and legs. But you must also adjust to the Elite Exalt realm before entering Ashen Grove, so this is a compromise. When you've advanced, we can work slowly on your torso to complete the Adamasreis.

But you need to get as much done beforehand.

I started my Reis training late, so I still haven't completed Adamsreis. But you have a better chance than me to complete it while you're an Elite Exalt."

Oscar gripped the paper tightly. He read on.

"I realize this sounds like you'll be at a disadvantage. By the time Ashen Grove opens, you might just make it to the Middle Exalt realm. But trust me. This is necessary.

Return to me at the Abyss Prison when you've entered the Elite Exalt realm and become proficient enough in armament creation. I will teach you more.

Your master."

Oscar laughed. "Just like my master to end the letter like this. Fine. I'll follow your instructions."

Oscar had a thought. He should send letters to everyone to tell them of his success. He sat by the table and started writing letters to Robert Raeven, Uncle Carlson, and his parents.

A series of knocks resounded from his door, stopping Oscar's pen. He stood up, confused about who would visit him this morning. Oscar opened the door and was surprised at the guest, a handsome man with rosy hair and purple eyes with a sword hanging from his waist.

"Phillip?" Oscar was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face. "What brings you here?"

"The princess told me about your promotion. Sorry to say I couldn't come to congratulate you yesterday. I was busy with my training." Phillip came inside and looked around the house.

Oscar looked around but was embarrassed. "Sorry, I don't have tea or snacks to serve you. And you don't need to apologize; training is important. You're in the Elite Exalt realm, aren't you?"

"Indeed. But it's not enough for the Ashen Grove." Phillip clenched the sword on his hilt with a sharp gaze. "Where's your buckler?"

"In my room." Oscar was puzzled.

Phillip relaxed his stance. "Bring it along with us. We have a long day ahead of us."

"Are you taking me out to spar?" Oscar asked. "But as I said, you're an Elite Exalt. I don't think it would be educational for both of us."

"It's not just me." Phillip shook his head and smiled. "There are others that you need to meet. Just follow me."

Oscar didn't say any more. He moved swiftly to get ready and placed his buckler on his back. He didn't know who Phillip was going to have him meet, but he had to be prepared for a fight. "I'm ready."

Phillip led Oscar out of the residential area toward the central district the elder mentioned earlier. It was still early morning, so the students were scarce around, but Oscar could see multiple grand halls built for training, trading, and communities. Oscar passed a series of pillars, uploading large arches, into a small mountain of several rooms stacked on each other.

Phillip passed his token to one of the workers, who gave him a key. The small mountain of houses had several paths built to allow them to go up and down. They stopped in front of one door, which Phillip unlocked.


Oscar was taken aback to see Celestina greeting them enthusiastically. By her side was another lady with bright chestnut hair and green eyes, similar in radiance to Celestina's, and a young teen with silver hair and golden eyes.

"I brought him, princess." Phillip bowed and said, "Here's Oscar."

Oscar felt himself being pushed by Phillip, making him stagger forward. He stared at the three in the training room and said, "Hello, I'm Oscar Terr. Nice to meet you."

"Hello." The chestnut-haired lady came up and eyed Oscar with interest. "I'm Eleanor Shaw, Celestina's cousin from her mother's side. I heard you passed the Inner Hall exam as a Grade Four. That's amazing!"

Eleanor wasn't exaggerating or feigning her praises. She couldn't believe it when Celestina brought it up yesterday, but the truth was right in front of her. Somehow Oscar had passed the exam with a Grade Four Exolsia core.

"Celestina said you're a bigger bookworm than her. I thought that was impossible, but you exist." Eleanor giggled teasingly at Celestina, who looked on with reprimanding. She sighed at her cousin's hostility. "Ok, I'll stop." But her next words were short and full of authority like a powerful noble. "But, Oscar. Be mindful not to call Celestina by her name in public."

"I understand." Oscar nodded but saw Celestina put on a cold smile.

"Charles. Say your greetings too." Celestina tossed away her coldness and rubbed the head of the younger teen. However, the silver-haired teen brushed off her hand and walked toward Oscar with an icy gaze in his golden eyes.

"I don't believe what you said about him being strong. He's also out of line for being near you, sister. You must be careful of unknowns like him who might hide their intent." The teen, Charles, said. He faced Oscar and said, "Fight me, and I'll judge him for myself."

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