The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 154: A Heartening Reunion

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 154: A Heartening Reunion

Oscar stepped inside his home, hoping to see his parents idling by or resting, but no one was inside. He did a double take to ensure he was in the correct house and grew confused at their disappearance. "They're not here."

"They must be out somewhere. So this is your house? Seems nice." Frederick wasn't lying or being nice; he truly felt this house was quite good compared to the large desolate place he called home. There was a soothing air to it that he also felt at Emily's place. "Should we wait for them?"

Emily peeked inside but turned her attention outside to the stables. Her eyes glittered with interest at the two horses munching on hay. "Those two horses look nice."

"I can introduce you to them while we wait for my parents." Oscar brought the two over to the stables. "Tucker, Sherry! I'm back."

The two horses gathered around Oscar and rubbed their heads affectionately on Oscar's head. He chuckled and petted the two, stroking their manes. "These two are my friends."

Tucker and Sherry circled Frederick and Emily, sniffing the crown of their heads.

Frederick looked slightly annoyed, while Emily was all smiles and patted their heads. "They're so cute."

"Cute?" Frederick was in shock. What part of these snot-dripping creatures was cute?

"Right? They're old, though, so I'm worried for them." Oscar fed the horses each an apple, watching with affection as they chewed them off his hands.

"WHO IS IN OUR STABLES?!" A loud stern voice made the three jolt, but Oscar soon smiled, recognizing who it was. A large man with burly muscles and black hair and eyes.

"Dad, you forget your son?" Oscar stepped out of the stables and waved to his father, Henry, who brandished a pitchfork as a weapon.

Henry looked dumbfounded at his son, Oscar. He noticed noise coming from the stables and hurried over to see if there were any intruders. Tucker and Sherry were horses but also a precious part of the family and farm; Henry did not wish for any harm to come to them.

He did not expect to see Oscar smiling and waving like a fool.

"You dear son of mine! You should have written us a letter before coming here." Henry bolted forward with his large body and entrapped him in a bear hug, but Oscar was unaffected by it. "You've gotten taller, but a far cry from me. It seems you do take after your mother."

Oscar felt his father tussle and rustle his hair, leaving it in shambles. "Where's mom?"

As he said that, another voice, full of shock, called out for him. "Oscar!"

A woman ran ahead; her brown hair whipped around without a care. Her face was full of glee, and tears formed in her eyes. "You're back!"

Oscar gently hugged his mother with a satisfied look. "I'm back, and I brought some friends."

"Oh?" Gwen looked behind Oscar and saw Frederick and Emily.

Frederick and Emily introduced themselves; they were in the back, watching Oscar hug his parents with smiles on their faces.

"Oh my, you're so pretty, and you're so handsome." Gwen looked incredulously at the pair. She hadn't seen this level of beauty since Isabella and Clara, Isabella's mother. "Is my son treating you two alright? He's a good boy but can sometimes cause trouble."

"Mom!" Oscar looked embarrassed and facepalmed while Henry laughed hard, holding his stomach.

Frederick said, "He is the best friend anyone can hope for. If anything, I'm the one who caused the most trouble."

Emily nodded in agreement.

Gwen looked excited and was about to keep asking more until Henry intervened.

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

"I think we should get a meal together, and we can talk all we want then. Isn't that better, honey?" Henry looked helplessly at his wife, who could spew thousands of words in a minute.

Gwen coughed and regained her composure. "You're right. This calls for a celebration! Oscar didn't interact with many other children, so this is amazing!"

On the other side, Oscar felt like crawling into a hole and hiding. This was so embarrassing for him, seeing his mother like this. Listlessly, he followed the group back to the house.

The whole group had a great time together around the small table. Though, Oscar kept dying on the inside from his mother sharing his embarrassing childhood. But the taste of his mother's cooking took his mind off it.

"How long will you be staying?" Henry asked.

"Less than a day. We have a mission in this region, so we must journey on foot. I wanted to come back home for a little bit." Oscar answered.

"I see…." Gwen looked saddened and asked, "Is the mission dangerous?"

Her eyes were full of worry as she clenched her hands together. She knew a mission for Exalts would entail something dangerous.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Terr. We're right by him." Frederick put his arm over Oscar. "Besides, he's pretty strong."

"I'm glad that Oscar has great friends like you." Gwen was relieved.

Before they left, Gwen gave Oscar some new clothes and waved goodbye with tears in her eyes. Henry stood by the side and patted Oscar on the head with a grin.

"They were nice parents." Emily hummed.

Oscar sighed. "I just wish they didn't talk too much."

Frederick laughed and smacked Oscar on the back. "Those were some hilarious stories. I didn't know you accidentally slipped on fell into–"

Oscar gripped Frederick's shoulder and said coldly, "Don't finish that sentence."

"Ok! You're far too strong physically now." Frederick rubbed his shoulder.

Emily noticed something odd and asked, "Are we not heading back to Greenwich City, Oscar?"

Their path was not the same dirt road they had taken from Greenwich City. The location of their mission was on the other side of Greenwich City, so Emily needed clarification about their current path.

"There's one last stop I want to make. Sorry for my selfishness." Oscar was apologetic.

Frederick and Emily didn't speak any further and followed Oscar on this road. As they did, they came upon another farm.

Oscar looked at the farm; his face brightened, and his eyes had a tinge of relief and happiness at the fields of grain growing instead of the previous desolate state they were in years ago. Although he had known about Uncle Carlson's progress through his letters, seeing it for himself was the most relieving.

"Can you two wait outside? I'm visiting Isabella's father." Oscar asked.

Frederick had a look of understanding and pulled Emily with him. "Take your time."

With Frederick and Emily giving him space, Oscar strode forward and knocked on the door. "Uncle Carlson, it's Oscar. Are you inside?"

There was a loud clatter and commotion from inside the house. Hurried footsteps came closer to the door until it opened wide. "Oscar?"

It was Uncle Carlson. He looked healthier than the last time Oscar had seen him. He was no longer the walking corpse he used to be but a normal middle-aged man with wrinkles forming and a bed of graying hair.

"You look better, Uncle Carlson." Oscar smiled.

"Oscar!" Carlson laughed, then got into a coughing fit. "You should have sent word before you came. I could have prepared."

"My parents said the same thing." Oscar looked behind Carlson into the small house. It was clean and tidy, and there was no sight of any misplaced bottles on the floor. Oscar relaxed, seeing that Uncle Carlson was living better now.

He remembered Elder Saul's words before about telling the truth or not. It resonated true for Uncle Carlson. Telling the truth was devastating and nearly destroyed Uncle Carlson, but Oscar was there to sway him.

'Telling the truth is one thing, but it's what needs to be done after that can truly make a change. If I had lied to Uncle Carlson, perhaps he would have come to hate me later and fall into the same state with no one to trust.'

Oscar said, "I'm glad for you, Uncle Carlson."

Carlson nodded with a small smile and rustled Oscar's hair. "You've gotten taller."

Oscar laughed. "How are things on the farm?"

"Good. The harvest is smaller than I usually bring, but I can't move as well as I did before. Your father comes by to help whenever he has time, and your mother sends meals to me. No matter what, I owe you, Terrs." Uncle Carlson bade Oscar to come in, but Oscar shook his head.

"I wanted to come by for a short moment to say hello. I have a mission in the area I must attend to, and I can't keep my friends waiting too long." Oscar said.

Carlson understood and said, "Then take this."

He went inside and pulled out a bottle. He noticed Oscar's nervous look and said, "Don't worry, I don't drink that heavily anymore. This is a celebratory mead. Take it and drink it with your friends. This is the only thanks I can give you."

Oscar scratched his head, looking at the bottle of mead. He didn't enjoy the taste of alcohol but took it anyway. Perhaps it would taste better this time.

"You know, I still send letters to Isabella," Carlson confessed, making Oscar tense up. Carlson sighed, looking dispirited. "She hasn't responded at all."


"Have you had a chance to tell her my words?"

Oscar shook his head. "She's in a different place, but I plan to head there soon. When I do, I'll tell her your words. Whether she does anything with that is up to her."

Uncle Carlson softly smiled and looked more at peace. "That's good. Good luck, and stay safe."

Oscar waved goodbye and returned to Frederick and Emily. His thoughts turned to Isabella, thinking of their time together as children.

"I wonder if she will even want to listen."

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