The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 139: Bringing Son-In-Law To Pay His Respects

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 139: Bringing Son-In-Law To Pay His Respects

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've been in these mountains." Emily looked around with a beaming smile; her orange hair whipped from side to side from her ever-changing gaze. There was the familiar smell of the fresh mountain air and the sight of ridges and round green peaks.

"It's been over two years since you were home?" Oscar asked as they hiked through the mountain.

"That's right," Emily answered. "So much has happened over the past two years. I never thought of coming back."

Frederick followed behind them, his shoulders tensed up as his brows scrunched up in brooding. "Why is this happening now? Can we return when I've made it all up to you?"

Emily scoffed and pulled on Frederick's ear. "It doesn't matter. You can introduce yourself if you want, but I won't force you. We have many years to think about that. I'm coming here purely for myself."

After Emily's somewhat comforting words and actions, Frederick seemed to loosen up.

Oscar noticed a house made of logs with a straw roof. Outside was a shed with no walls, just a roof propped up by logs hammered into the ground. Inside the shed were bundles of firewood and a deer that had been strung up and left to bleed.

He felt awkward seeing the deer in such a state. Since his anima was a deer, he had a natural inclination to the species.

"I'm home!" Emily's boisterous voice came forth as she opened the door without reservations. Inside was an open fire pit containing fresh black charcoal and two beds covered in fur. "He's not here? He must be out hunting or gathering herbs. Come in! Make yourselves at home."

Oscar stepped inside and looked around, recalling his own home. He felt at ease inside, while Frederick was interested in the fur beds.

"Who goes there!" A bellowing voice startled them. Then they felt Ein flowing outside in a burst of power. But the power was only that of a Middle Apprentice Exalt.

Oscar and Frederick were about to respond with their own strength, but Emily stepped ahead and shouted, "Old man! Are your senses dulling or what? You can't even sense your daughter in the house?"

"Huh?" The Ein calmed down, and a large man stepped in.

Oscar looked at this man and compared his size to his father, Henry. His father was large, but this man was unbelievably a head taller. He had a scruffy beard and shaggy hair, wearing fur clothing with a bow hung over his shoulder and a quiver on his back.

"Emily!" The man raced forward, his steps somehow not breaking the creaking wood underneath, and hugged her fiercely. "You little dolt of a girl. You don't visit at all until two years later? Am I nothing but chopped liver?"

"Don't hug me so tightly. Your bear arms are uncomfortable, and stop rubbing your beard!" Emily talked as if she were uncomfortable but made no effort to free herself even though she was vastly stronger than her father. Instead, there was a wide smile plastered on her face.

The two continued their weird conversation while Oscar and Frederick looked on, smiling and realizing something.

'That's why she talks so harshly….'

Their minds had little doubt that she inherited her scathing mouth from her father.

"Let me introduce you to my friends." Emily got out of her father's embrace and gestured toward the two boys. "They are Oscar and Frederick, my best friends. Everyone, this is my father, Edward Nevena."

"Nice to meet you!" Edward Nevena put his hand out.

"Thank you for welcoming us inside." Oscar shook Edward's hand. "I am Oscar Terr."

"Good man," Edward said in a deep voice and turned to Frederick. "And you?"

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Frederick cleared his throat, stepped up to Edward, and grasped his hand. In one fell swoop, he bowed deeply and said, "I am Frederick Klein. I have the fortune of being Emily's partner."

"...." Emily tried hard to keep control but blushed scarlet red. She didn't expect Frederick to be that bold!

Edward Nevena did not respond as if his mind had exited his body with a dumbfounded look, but it wasn't long before he turned red like Emily but with bulging veins over his forehead, saying through clenched teeth, "What did you say?"

Oscar stayed silent in this awkward moment, knowing this was between Frederick, Emily, and her father.

Frederick lifted his head and said again, "I am your daughter's partner. Nice to meet you."

"EMILY?!" Edward turned to his daughter but felt something caught in his throat at the sight of her blushing in embarrassment. He had seen her embarrassed before but not to this extent. He spoke on with a shaking voice, "Is this true?"

Emily was silent for a moment before she nodded while staring at Frederick with a smile.

Edward staggered on his feet for a little, but he kept a firm grip on Frederick's hand. His chest heaved up and down, trying to catch a breath. With two hands, he firmly grasped Frederick's hands and stared straight into his eyes, making Frederick feel a bit nervous.

"Take good care of her."

"Huh?" Frederick was taken aback.

"I said, please take good care of her." Edward lowered his head. "I was shocked and angry at first, but I'm glad my daughter found someone. Come, let's drink!"

Emily and Oscar watched in confusion as Edward retrieved a large barrel of ale and poured it into several cups.

"Come here, all of you!" Edward put cups in everyone's hands and toasted. "To my daughter's return and her coming of spring!"

Oscar followed Edward and drank, feeling a slight buzz in his head. Although they were Exalts, they were still Apprentice Exalts and still susceptible to normal alcohol. The taste was not as bad as when he had it before.

The night ran long as Edward talked with Emily about her time in the Pavilion. Together they laughed and had fun while Frederick and Oscar chimed in from time to time. She was not good at holding her alcohol and quickly fell asleep on her bed.

"Frederick. How is Emily?" Edward slurred a bit.

Frederick bobbed his head from left to right and slurred his words, "She's more than I deserve."

"HAHAHAHA!" Edward patted Frederick's back. "That's what I said about her mother. I'm glad that Emily's face took after her mother and not me. But her attitude and speech were always a concern for me."

"We can tell." Oscar was feeling sleepy, and his eyes flickered from open to close.

"It was my fault. After all, her mother died when she was a baby. She picked up everything from me. Did you know? She got so nervous talking to the village kids a few days away from here that she made them cry by being rough and abrasive?" Edward downed another mug. "She spent a week inside and wanting to go out. I worried she would keep up that habit even in the Pavilion, but thank god she met you two."

Frederick laughed. "You're right. She really made me mad the first time we met. But she became more amazing the more I knew her. She still insults me sometimes, but I know she truly cares."

"Hahaha. She can't stop talking rough to me either." The two drank and eventually fell asleep.

Oscar, still drowsy, pulled them onto the bed and killed the fires. He took a deep yawn and slumped to a bundle of furs on the floor, falling asleep.

"My head…." Frederick woke up with a splitting headache. "Os. What happened?"


"Oscar went out to take a morning walk to relax. Have some stew, my boy!" Edward was by the fire and cooking a pot of enticing stew, somehow alright from the heavy drinking. Emily was still fast asleep on her bed.

"Thank you."


The morning passed by.

Oscar returned from his morning walk feeling much more refreshed. He noticed Emily and Frederick were already changed into their uniforms.

"Ready to head out?" Oscar asked.

"No problem from us," Frederick responded.

"Farewell, dad. Make sure not to overdo it." Emily was saying her farewells.

"Emily!" Edward cried many tears that soaked his scruffy beard. "Take care of each other."

"We will." Emily sighed at her father's messy display, but a smile crept on her face. This was her father, after all.

With a great farewell hug, Oscar and the others departed to return to the Pavilion.

"That was nice." Oscar smiled, recalling how it was when he returned to his parents. "We should take the few moments we have to see our parents."

"That's right," Emily said.

"Just not mine." Fred frowned. He had no wish to see his cold and cruel family except for his aunt, Ivanka Klein. "I should visit my aunt if I can and say my thanks. The two of you would not have come for me if not for her."

"We all have gratitude for her. We'll go together." Emily said.

If not for Ivanka, She and Frederick would not be together. She had to thank her.

The trip back to the Pavilion was uneventful and relaxing. After a day, they returned to the Pavilion in high spirits. Oscar looked at his two friends, who were holding hands together, with a smile, feeling everything had finally returned to normal.

First, they had to return to the Mission Hall to confirm Frederick's mission completion. However, the Judge looked at them oddly after confirming the mission details.

"Follow me."

The Judge led them into a room and said to wait while he went out. Oscar looked around in confusion. Frederick and Emily didn't know what was going on either.

Then enforcers came in and surrounded the trio; their presence was intimidating and made the three pale.

"Oscar Terr. You are called in for questioning on the case of Ivanka Klein's infractions. Come with us to the Record Hall."

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