The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 119: Operation Rescue Frederick

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 119: Operation Rescue Frederick

A month ago, Ivanka noticed on the records that Frederick had yet to return from his current mission. She ignored it initially. After all, she saw the records of his battle with Oscar; Frederick was certain to take his time to brood over it.

However, she double-checked for Frederick's return every day, but there was no update. There must be a mistake. Frederick never took this long on a mission.

At her fastest speed, she arrived at the dorms to confirm if Frederick was there, only to find an empty room devoid of decorations or designs.

Not even the drapes were opened to shine on the room.

She came to the drapes and rotated the lever, which squeaked from how little it had been used. There was not a single trace of Frederick. If it were not for the few clothes in the closet, Ivanka might have thought there was a mistake in the records about his residency.

Frederick was not here.

But it was inconceivable. Ivanka read over his records to the point it was burned into her eyes. The mission Frederick was currently on was not too harsh, but she recalled Frederick's scar over his eye.

He's in trouble.

She remembered Frederick's younger days when he was a lively child whom she took care of. She believed that the young child was still somewhere in the husk that was Frederick now.

Ivanka paced around the room while wiping off the tears welling up. All she ever wanted was for her nephew to live happily. Where did it all go wrong?

"What Exalt? I can't even help my nephew!" Ivanka stomped on the dorm floor. Last time, she was too late to help Teresa and Frederick. Would she repeat this same mistake again? No, she could not allow that.

"I can't leave without proper authorization. But there is someone." Ivanka looked up as though she could see through the walls. In the direction of her gaze was dorm room 3407.


"That's why I'm here. Please help Frederick." Ivanka bowed, her head hitting the floor.

Oscar quickly reached to Ivanka and tenderly pulled her up. "You don't need to bow to me. Saving Frederick is my responsibility as well."

Ivanka quickly separated herself from Oscar with a slight flush on her cheeks. She glanced around in all directions before taking something out of her pocket. It was a folded piece of paper.

She grabbed Oscar's hand and placed the paper on his palm, closing it tightly despite the sounds of it crinkling. "This is a copy of Frederick's record. It entails only the mission he went missing on."

"Don't give it to me!" Oscar immediately pushed back to Ivanka, but he could not unfurl his hand that was closed in Ivanka's firm grip. "You're a Judge! I cannot take this." He understood the Pavilion took its rules seriously, and rulebreakers were punished severely. Only Elder Saul was untouched after causing trouble before.

"It doesn't matter. I made a mistake in not helping you earlier. Don't worry; I'm a Grade Seven Exolsia with a bright future as an Exalt. I can get off lightly." Ivanka smiled, but even a child could tell it was fake. She was determined to take on the punishment, whether it was imprisonment or worse. "Besides, you need this to investigate thoroughly."


"Let me do this." Ivanka released her grip on Oscar's hand into a gentle wrap. "I couldn't help him, but I believe you can."

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Oscar opened his hand, staring at the crinkled piece of paper. He glanced at Ivanka, who was silent with her weary look. In the end, he grasped the paper tightly once more. "I will go. But if something does happen to you, let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"You'll help enough by taking care of Frederick." Ivanka slumped a bit to the floor. The days had not been well for her, so hearing Oscar's agreement was the one ray of light. "I'll be leaving now. It would be best if you departed as soon as possible. I've already put in the records that you and Emily would leave today."

"I understand."

"Thank you." Ivanka left the dorms in great haste, leaving behind Oscar, who was still gripping the paper.

"I better go find Emily." Oscar dashed out to the Commune to find Emily. After a long search, he could only send a message to her dorm.

Emily quickly arrived at Oscar's location in a small room of the Commune. Her breathing was ragged as sweat dripped down her chin. "You said you have news of Frederick?"

"He's missing."

"MISSING?!" Emily grasped Oscar's shoulders, shaking them.

"He went on a mission and disappeared. Ms. Klein gave me this. She's arranged for us to leave today to where Frederick was supposed to go." Oscar held up the paper and unfolded it.

He and Emily read the contents together.

"Frederick Klein accepted the mission in the Spiraling Willow Forest. The mission requirements were to secure a Moonblossom Fruit from a rare Luna Willow.

He departed for the mission on the seventh day of the second month in the year 4089.

The mission's difficulty is suitable for a Greater Apprentice Exalt. It is recommended as a solo mission.

The next airship to the Artomos City, which borders the Spiraling Willow Forest, will leave today at the 18th hour."

"The Spiraling Willow Forest…." Oscar recalled this place and stepped toward his bookshelf, pulling out a book about the Eastern Regions of the Brilliant Drake Empire. He flipped through the pages until he reached a certain part. "Here it is."

Emily stepped beside Oscar to read along.

"The Spiraling Willow Forest is a vast forest of willow trees in the eastern region. Well known for how no sunlight shines below the large willow trees. It is a realm shrouded in obscurity with the only respite from the few flora and fauna that offer some light." Oscar read the passage describing their destination.

"That idiot. I can understand wanting to get stronger, but that place just reeks of danger." Emily looked at Oscar; their eyes locked before nodding.

"Artomos City, we need to be prepared. Grab as many elixirs as you can and maintain your armament. I'll see you at the port." Oscar came up with the preparations. Whatever happened to Frederick was enough to threaten a Greater Apprentice Exalt.

As he remembered from Robert's lessons, he had to be thoroughly prepared and do everything within his means.

The rest of the day passed as Oscar went to the Azure City markets to get a cheaper deal on some elixirs. He went to the Foundry to get his shield looked at for maintenance. There was only so much he could do by himself with no experience.

"Elder Saul." Oscar found the elder again on his way to the port.

"Boy. What are you doing? Aren't you normally training at this time?" Elder Saul was on a break and eating a small sandwich.

"Remember when I said I would make what happened with Fred a blessing?"

"I remember."

"That time has come. Maybe next time, I'll be visiting you with Fred." Oscar bowed and walked off with a wave of farewell. No matter what, he promised himself that he would come here with Frederick.

Elder Saul looked at the back of this young student. "Should I help?" He contemplated while pouring some tea. "No. My interference would make it worse."

Oscar stepped onto the port, busy as always despite the time. It was almost the 18th hour of the day, so the stars were shining all over the night sky. Oscar sat on the bench, waiting for Emily.

He tried to meditate but to no avail. His fingers kept tapping on his knees as if he were playing piano.

In his mind, he played over the nightmares he had of Frederick's death. Will the nightmares finally end? This time, he would not fail. He had to succeed and make Frederick come back.

"What if he's already dead?" The horrifying words escaped Oscar's mouth before an iron punch slammed down the crown of his head.

"He's not dead." Emily was the culprit. She just arrived and heard Oscar's loud thoughts "Frederick is not someone who would simply fall over and die."

"That's right. He's not that weak. Sorry for saying that." Oscar slapped himself for even having such a thought.

"It's alright."

A new airship docked on a landing pad.

"All aboard for Artomos City!"

Oscar got off the bench. "Ready?"


Together they went. They resolved to find their friend. Whether he was dead or alive, they would bring him back.


In the depths of the Spiraling Willow Forest, where the sun cannot shine down, a sinister voice whispered in a dark room.

"Hehe. It's almost ready. I never thought I would find someone suitable."

This voice was strange. It was as if it was composed of many different voices of children, the elderly, adults, sickly, strong, high, low, and the norm.

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