The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 112: Battle at the Coliseum

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 112: Battle at the Coliseum


Oscar mulled over the name many times as his fingertips continued to bleed and splatter blood across the floor. This awe-inspiring power of Reis was not easy to obtain.

The tricky part was that this training had to be done as soon as possible. As Exalts progressed, their bodies would also strengthen but not in the traditional sense. Rather than body training, it was akin to becoming a completely different material.

If Apprentice Exalts were like gravel, then Elites were like iron, and Knight Exalts were like steel. The training for Adamasreis required Oscar to mold and shape every fiber of his body continually.

How could it get easier?

It was simply common sense; different metals were harder to process and shape, the same for the flesh. The flesh was easily malleable earlier on. These earlier stages of an Exalt were the best time for Oscar to get as much progress done with Adamasreis.

His body was the material, and the Reis was the hammer.

Even the Warden, Draven, wrote he was not 100% complete in Adamasreis. His body as a Marshal Exalt made it incredibly difficult to make the adjustments needed. Though he mentioned, he was very close.

The progress was mind-numbingly slow for Draven.

But, unlike Draven, who started late. Oscar had the advantage in starting now. Thus, Oscar poured all of his efforts into it.

The end of the day approached. He carefully wrapped his fingertips in medicine and bandages to prevent any festering. Even after all of this, his fingertips were not completed, and he had gone through two vials.

"I'll need to buy a lot more. Which means I can't save contribution points for anything else. It's good that I have a free spell from Elder Saul." Oscar lamented over the lack of points.

On the way back, Oscar noticed the Commune was incredibly noisy. He stopped to grab some food but could not eat in peace because of the noise.

"Excuse me. What is everyone so excited about?" Oscar asked a random passerby.

"Eh? Haven't you heard? Gilbert Lockwood was challenged to a duel by a senior. They'll be fighting tomorrow at the coliseum in Azure City." The passerby noticed his group and ran off.

Fighting? No wonder everyone was abuzz with excitement. To see a real Grade Nine in action would be an eye-opening experience. Oscar disliked Gilbert but was also interested in the battle.

Suppose there was anything he could learn, whether new ways of fighting or Gilbert's weaknesses. It would help in the future. Oscar didn't want to fight Gilbert, but if Frederick fought, he had to help.

Oscar came back to his room to find another package waiting for him. Inside was the rewards Elder Saul promised him.

There were the shining moonlight liquid, the Ein Burst elixir, and a token for the Archives for a free spell. Oscar stowed away the Ein Burst elixir because he wanted to focus on his Adamasreis training as much as possible. Also, it was better to use it when he wanted to advance.

"Tomorrow, I'll have to go to the Archives and watch Gilbert's fight. I guess it all lines up." Oscar was tired and plopped right to sleep.


"It's really crowded…." Oscar looked around the coliseum. Everyone was here to watch, from the Minor Hall to even some from the Legacy Hall.

The people from the Legacy Hall all had a powerful aura around them. These people were the true geniuses that reached the Knight Exalt realm before age 24. They all wore a variance of the uniform that had a gold cape draped behind them.

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Even elders of the Pavilion were seated in the front row to watch. This was also being broadcasted all over the Pavilion, so who knew how many more were spectating?

"It was a good idea to leave early." Emily was seated next to Oscar. "I have to thank you for finding us such good seats."

On Oscar's other side was Erik Miller, who nervously accepted Emily's gratitude. His plump, short figure trembled. "Ehehe. It's no problem. I was just lucky."

On the way, they ran into Erik, who led them to these seats with a great view of the entire stage. However, it seemed like he was waiting for them. Oscar quelled his suspicions in light of these good seats.

Emily's orange eyes scanned the area.

"I don't think Fred is here." Oscar knew Emily's intentions. "He's been going on missions constantly without pause. I don't think he would be caught up on current events."

"I guess you're right." Emily was sad as her shoulders dropped with a sigh.

Erik looked slightly irked and was about to say something when a loud bell rang across the area. It was the signal that the battle was about to start.

Everyone looked down in interest at the stage. The anticipation was building as each moment passed.

"Welcome everyone to the Azure City Coliseum!" An elder of the Pavilion came forth. She had short, curly brown hair and a pair of black eyes. She looked quite youthful and energetic with her shout.

"I am Primary Elder, Ava Jones. I will be the overseer of today's match." Ava's cheerful voice uplifted the crowd as they cheered.

"Now, without further ado, let's introduce our fighters!" Ava waved to one end of the Coliseum, where a large black door slowly opened. "Gilbert Lockwood!"

Oscar looked calmly at the black door that opened fully. A figure stepped out, walking calmly and leisurely to the stage. His azure eyes and hair, with his handsome face, drew the affection of many girls in the crowd, who squealed and shouted endearingly.




The crowd chanted, except for Oscar and Emily. On the other side, Celestina was watching silently with a scoff.

Gilbert waved and smiled to the crowd; his eyes stopped on Celestina, followed by a nod. Celestina clicked her tongue and narrowed her eyes.

However, they all paid close attention to him. A Grade Nine was that sort of existence.

Oscar saw Gilbert's weapon, a broadsword. But it was far wider than normal. It was about the width of half an arm and as long as Gilbert; the Grade Two armament, the Stonescribed Ruler.

"That's a fearsome weapon. I wonder how he uses it." Emily wondered.

"From what I gathered, his Anima is also a broadsword similar to this one. But he didn't use an armament in the Grand Gathering." Oscar tried to find details of how Gilbert fought, but the information was restricted for some reason, and he seldom interacted with Inner Hall students. There was Celestina, but she disliked talking about Gilbert.

Oscar's eyes narrowed as he stared into the opened black doors. He could make out people who were cheering him on from there. There was Isabella, Aurora, and a man with ruffled yellow hair which covered his eyes.

"Next, his opponent!" Ava waved to the other end, prompting the door there to open. "Leon Richter!"

A tall, slim figure stepped onto the stage with great haste. His eyes were sharp like blades. His black hair was long and flowed down freely. His handsomeness was great, almost comparable to Gilbert.

Leon Richter, a three-year student of the Inner Hall, brought out his weapon, a trident. He glared daggers into Gilbert while swinging the trident around.

"He's a Middle Elite Exalt, isn't he? Gilbert is still a Lower Elite Exalt. This fight has a big disparity." Emily felt the dangerous undulations from both fighters.

"Can't be helped; they got into an argument. Leon tried to take a mission Gilbert wanted, and they got into a dispute leading to this." Erik filled in the blanks. "Gilbert challenged him, and Leon accepted."

"All because of a mission? What was the reward?" Oscar asked.

"It's not really about the reward. Leon had been harassing Gilbert ever since the year began. So Gilbert wanted to settle this."

Oscar scratched his head in thought. Was Gilbert so reckless to take on a fight against someone a full realm above him? Or was he that confident in himself?

"Why does Leon hate Gilbert?" Emily asked.

Erik was happy to have Emily talking to him, so he gleefully answered. "There is a lot of jealousy toward Gilbert for his Grade Nine. But none of the seniors want to fight him out of pride of being in a higher realm. Leon is the first to do so. But the main reason would be the princess."

Oscar was caught off-guard by this remark and coughed a little.

"Cele…The princess?" Emily corrected herself. Right now, they were in public.

"Leon always favored the princess but hated how Gilbert was constantly chasing after her. The announcement Gilbert made to the princess during the Grand Gathering was the last straw."

Oscar and Emily were amazed by how such petty reasons could bring a large duel.

On the stage, Gilbert smirked while staring at Leon for a moment. His attention turned to Celestina with a determined expression.

"Little son of a baron. I will not accept you and the princess together. I will protect her from scoundrels like you." Leon's cold voice only made Gilbert scoff.

"You don't have the right to speak for her. I'll prove I am worthy, starting with your defeat." Gilbert lifted his Stonescribed Ruler.

The match was about to begin.

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