The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 107: Shock Therapy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 107: Shock Therapy

Spells, Anima, Element, Prinstyct.

The four fundamental foundations of an Exalt.

Oscar waited in anticipation for what would come next. He felt Robert's rough finger tap his forehead and waited for the process to begin. Within his meditation, he scrutinized every part of his forehead.

"There will be a lot of pain. But you must not pass out, no matter what." Robert's tone seemed more aged and rugged than before, carrying a harsh warning.

Oscar nodded for Robert to proceed. As he did, he felt a faint glow on the center of his forehead, where Robert's finger rested. It did not feel bad; it was soft and warm, but he remained vigilant.

A Greater Knight Exalt said this was an excruciating process. There was no chance this was it. A bead of sweat ran down Oscar's chin as he waited.

Suddenly, the faint glow became so bright, like a purple sun. It was not just the glow that mirrored the sun; the heat was unbearable. Oscar felt someone had taken a hot chisel and stabbed it into his head.

He had experienced and lived through many painful moments in his life. There was the Abyss Prison, the Warden's training, the advancements of an Exalt, and the Rainbow Didus.

But none like this.

This hot stamp on his forehead seared into his soul and mind. The pain of the soul and mind was worse than the body.

"GAAHHHH!" Oscar screamed loud in agony. His fingertips were trembling uncontrollably from his efforts to keep calm. But it was hopeless. His vision completely blacked out as he leaned forward.

Robert caught the unconscious Oscar, who had dead fish eyes. He placed his hand on Oscar's head and put in a surge of Ein. This surge was like a shockwave of electricity that ran through Oscar's body.

"Hah?" Oscar's eyes regained light as he woke up, coughing ceaselessly and shaking all over.

"I said not to lose consciousness. It is paramount that you stay awake until a session ends." Robert sighed and put Oscar back in his spot.

"My mind could not hold on anymore. What is the purpose of this?" Oscar rubbed his forehead, which was steaming hot.

"Using my superior Ein, I am forcibly causing the third eye to pulse and show up in your meditative state. Once it pulsates, you must quickly pour in a lot of your own Ein to force it to stay and not regress into darkness. Understand now?"

Oscar understood immediately. If the third eye required his active contribution of Ein at the right moment, then it would be pointless if he missed the window.

After taking a deep breath, Oscar smacked his head. Pain? Suffering? He was always close to those two things. He would not allow himself to be deterred by this.

"Please try it again!" Oscar resumed meditation with a stern expression, not wanting to waste time.

"Fine. Try your best to stay awake." Robert stamped his finger onto Oscar's forehead and poured his Ein in.


"Damn." After another failed attempt, Oscar woke up again from Robert's jolt of Ein. "I still cannot hold on."

"Don't beat yourself over it. There's a reason this isn't normally done. The pain is so horrendous it can be traumatizing or disabling." Robert tossed Oscar a parcel of food. "The fact you still maintained your drive is noteworthy of praise."

Oscar munched on his meal and sighed. It's been dozens of tries, and he could not hold on for even a minute. The more pressing issue was that there was no idea when his third eye would be visible.

"Let's stop here." Robert stood up and stretched his back.

"Stop? I can keep going. There is no issue with that." Oscar said.

"You need a break from it. Pick up your buckler."


Robert swung his claymore down hard onto the ground, kicking off a wave of dirt. "We cannot neglect your combat training. Come."

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

Oscar charged forward with his buckler without complaint. The two clashed together in a series of exchanges, honing Oscar's combat abilities.

In the end, Oscar lay on the ground, gasping for air. The two suns had long since set, replaced by the moon that shone down on True Sword Peak.

"We're done for the day. Get a good night's sleep. You must be mentally prepared and rested to have a better chance of staying awake. If I find that you didn't sleep at all, I'll have you buried in this mountain." Robert gave a stern warning that caused chills down Oscar's back.

Oscar nodded. He was hoping to read more books in the library but feared Robert's retribution.

'It's not bad to be well rested. Elder Saul and Draven said the same things before. When was the last time I gave myself a chance to rest?'

Oscar stared up into the stars as he wondered. From when he lost to Phillip and Frederick left, it was like he had been trying to speed through everything without pause.

Remember to relax. Elder Saul told him before.

Returning to his room, Oscar dove straight onto the bed and closed his obsidian eyes in deep, peaceful sleep. The sound of his breathing was quiet and steady.


Feye walked through the well lite halls of the Raeven estate with her attendants behind her. She came before doors adorned with the carvings of beasts and swords.

Knock Knock

Tom came out of the room and quickly bowed when seeing it was the Madam of the estate. "Madam, the master is inside and has been waiting for you."

"Thank you, Tom." She turned back to her attendants, indicating for them to wait outside.

With Tom by her side, Feye entered the room. This was the main office of the head of the family. Abraham sat behind a large table with a pensive look as he viewed documents and stamped his sigil on some.

"Busy, my dear?" Feye smiled with care in her eyes.

"There's too much happening right now. The military academy is draining many of the Empire's resources, and everyone is locking down their finances. I hope the outcome is worth it." Abraham sighed as he moved from his desk to the center table meant for guests and visitors. On it was some tea and snacks.

He sat across from Feye and asked, "So what did sister-in-law say?" He was referring to Margaret Ward, Feye's older sister.

However, contrary to his expectations, his wife sighed with a troubled look. She passed a rolled-up scroll to him. "She said not to dig into this and leave Elder Saul alone."

Abraham was shocked. Even though he was a Marshal Exalt, this behavior from Margaret was unnatural and surprising. He quickly unfurled the message and read on.

"Elder Saul easily made a royal guard sweat without doing anything, not even a glance."

"Are you able to do it?" Feye wondered.

"No." Abraham shook his head. "The royal guard is a peak Greater Knight Exalt. I can do it, but not with such ease."

"He's stronger than you?" Feye's eyes widened in disbelief. Her husband was a powerful Middle Marshal Exalt close to becoming a Greater Marshal Exalt. That fact put a sudden suspicion in her head. "Is Elder Saul a King Exalt?"

"He must be. Sister-in-law is normally not like this, but to allow Elder Saul free reign means she has no choice." Abraham's face sank in thought. What on earth was a King Exalt doing here?

The King Exalt. He had long wished to enter this grand realm that stood above so many.

In front of him, Feye paled as sweat formed on her forehead. She was worried that her sister might be caught in something troublesome. Despite her confidence in her sister's strength, she still worried.

Seeing his wife's state, Abraham held her hands lovingly and said, "Your sister is smart and powerful. There is nothing to worry about."

Feye looked at this man with his beard and smiled. She grasped his hands tightly and hummed.

Taking her leave, Feye left Abraham alone in the room.

'A King Exalt….Does the Dragnar Ancestor know about this?' Abraham could not help but worry inside.


A week passed.

Oscar had occasional run-ins with the others, who expressed shock and congratulations at his advancement to Greater Apprentice Exalt. However, they could not interact longer since everyone looked like they had been through the wringer.

Everyone had various cuts and rough skin. Emily looked especially tired and only said a few words before retreating to her room.

Their training was complete hell.

Oscar lost count of how many times he had been knocked out, only to be resurrected forcibly by Robert.


Oscar groaned during another session. The burning sensation had not weakened in the slightest. But he was slowly getting better at tolerating it.

'Please, show yourself!' Oscar begged internally. His attention focused on the spot where his third eye should be.


A low hum rang through his body. In the throes of suffering, Oscar noticed a slit about the size of his thumb, fading in and out. The slit fully displayed itself and stayed unchanging.

"NOW!" Robert's voice echoed. He noticed Oscar's third eye had finally shown itself.

Without hesitation, Oscar forced his Ein into his forehead. It clashed against the closed third eye, trying to break inside. Then in the center of the slit, a small dot began to glow brightly as the Ein crashed over it like a tidal wave.

Then Oscar blacked out again. He could no longer hold on.

"Wake up!" Robert forced him back.

"I saw it! The third eye was there!" Oscar said in excitement.

Robert nodded and said, "Go into meditation." See it for yourself.

Oscar viewed himself in meditation and saw his forehead had a singular dot. Was this the third eye?

"I see it, but it's only a dot?"

"We need to keep doing this until you fully manifest the third eye. This dot is a step forward." Robert flicked Oscar's forehead, making the boy curse out in pain. His forehead was incredibly sensitive right now.

"Then let's keep it going. I can't wait another moment." Oscar was finally making progress.



A figure came out of a medicinal bath of elixirs.

It was Celestina. She had finally awoken after all this time.

"Where am I?" Her emerald eyes darted around as her silver hair was wet and draped down her back. Then she noticed her current attire. "Why am I in this bathrobe?"

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