The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 30

C30 – Hope

Currently, he was at the late period of the second level. His knowledge might be limited, yet his sensitivity to the fluctuations of Spiritual Qi far surpassed that of his fellow Ni family disciples.

If one were to liken the two attacks to flames, then the swirling Spiritual Qi around them resembled moths, ceaselessly drawn to the light.

He perceived that the attacks themselves weren’t particularly powerful, but their ability to attract Spiritual Qi had altered their nature.

As more Spiritual Qi converged, their destructive power inadvertently increased. However, the attacks seemed to have a limited capacity to contain the energy, with excess Spiritual Qi chaotically swirling in the vicinity.

“Cultivation methods vary in quality. At this level, the superior the method, the greater the amount of Spiritual Qi it can accumulate.”

Ni Huibo watched the two fading attacks on the battlefield, pondering to himself. This seemingly trivial information was, in fact, crucial for him. Understanding the flow of a cultivation method and the formation of attacks could significantly aid him in future combat or during his meditations.

He kept these reflections to himself, not voicing them aloud. After all, if Teng Feimei were to find out, she might exclaim in astonishment once more.

The Spiritual Qi in the midst of battle was in utter disarray. Teng Feimei’s advice to observe was an invitation to grasp the intricacies of the cultivation method’s release. She hadn’t anticipated that Ni Huibo would directly grasp the essence of its operation.

The clash between Teng Si and Ni Xianjian endured as long as it takes an incense stick to burn. They employed nearly all the cultivation methods at their disposal, save for their trump cards.

Though the fight concluded without a clear winner, the onlooking Ni family disciples were left in awe, particularly Ni Huibo. The battle had been an epiphany for him. Despite lingering questions, he had advanced in his understanding of Spiritual Qi management and the versatility of his combat techniques.

It was akin to someone who had always carried weapons finally mastering the art of the strike.

Before, his cultivation was at the late second level, but he lacked the know-how to wield it effectively, stifling his true potential. Now, with some practice, he could harness up to eighty percent of his power. Once he fully grasps the Clear Qi Gathering, he believes he won’t be bested by anyone of equal cultivation.

After the battle concluded, everyone on the field was left with a lingering desire for more, yet they dutifully made their way back to their quarters. Ni Xianjian and Teng Si, however, headed to the council hall.

“I haven’t been active in quite some time. I feel like my body’s about to rust,” Ni Xianjian remarked with a wry smile, feeling the weariness in his muscles. They had nearly exhausted all their cultivation methods in the fight. Despite their cultivation sustaining them, fatigue was inevitable.

“I’d say you’re in pretty good shape. We fought for so long and still ended in a stalemate,” Teng Si said, clearly not entirely pleased with the outcome, but what was done was done; they couldn’t very well go out and have another round.

Exchanging glances, they both allowed a smile to spread across their faces. They took their seats at the head of the council hall, where tea was already waiting, steam rising gently from the cups.

Without any hesitation, Teng Si took a cup. With no one else around, there was no need for the usual formalities. They both took a sip of the hot tea.

​”Good tea,” he complimented, then set his cup down, his demeanor shifting to one of seriousness. “Brother Ni, I’ll be departing tomorrow. But before I go, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“What news?” Ni Xianjian inquired, taking a casual sip from his cup.

“You might have an opportunity to return to the capital.”

​”What?!” Ni Xianjian was so startled that he sprayed out the tea he’d just sipped, droplets clinging to his beard, but he paid them no mind, leaning in eagerly, worried he might have misheard.

Teng Si sighed softly and reiterated, “I said, there might be a chance for you to return to the capital.”

At those words, Ni Xianjian’s face flushed with emotion, his hand holding the teacup shaking. His other hand gripped Teng Si’s shoulder tightly, his eyes brimming with incredulity.

The Ni family hadn’t always belonged here. A century ago, they were among the prominent families in the capital, the direct line of the Ni family. But after a series of unfortunate events and losing out in a struggle for power, they were compelled to leave the capital and seek a new beginning in Mightcairn.

Even after a century, Ni Xianjian, as the patriarch of his family, constantly yearned to lead his kin back to the capital and reclaim their rightful glory.

Teng Si was well aware of this aspiration and spoke plainly, “I’ve heard that in three years, the Ni family in the capital will host a grand competition among the branches. The victor will earn the chance to return to the capital.”

“Is this information trustworthy?”

“Absolutely. All the Ni family branches should be aware of it by now.”

Ni Xianjian paused, his eyes shimmering with emotion, nearly spilling over with tears, yet he fiercely held them back.

“A hundred years! We were forced to settle here, and all this time, we’ve awaited this very day!”

His demeanor was tinged with excitement, his frame quivering subtly.

Indeed, they had clung to this hope for a full hundred years. Once a prominent family in the capital, they now resided in a lesser city, compelled to vie with inferior forces for standing—a profound indignity for them.

Teng Si observed in silence, the tea in his cup sending out ripples from where Ni Xianjian’s hand rested on the table’s edge.

After some time, once Ni Xianjian had regained composure, Teng Si spoke with gravity, “Ni, take heed. From what I gather, the Ni family branches boast several exceptional individuals. Given the current climate, they will not easily stand down. Among them is a youth who, at just sixteen, has already reached the second level, and another, merely fifteen, is on the cusp of the same achievement.”

His words were deliberate, for as Ni Xianjian’s close friend, Teng Si took a special interest in the Ni family, possessing a general insight into the capabilities of its younger members. He knew that the most promising among them, Ni Situo, was eighteen and at the early period of the second level. Respectable as that was, he still fell short of the branch families’ prodigies.

As for the rest, like Ni Yong, too many variables were at play to predict their performance in the Ni family’s branch competition three years hence.

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