The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 13

Bright pearl - got it!

The long lost system sound rings again, just like the sounds of nature. Li Yu's music is going to float. Of course, King Jing is still in front of him. He has to be more restrained. He can't leave King Jing into the system with dignity.

At the moment of the completion of the task, the night pearl should be useless for him. Plum fish can't always hold the Pearl in his hand. He wanted to put the night pearl down, but king Wang and Wang Xi always gathered in front of the blue and white porcelain fish tank, and their eyes were burning at him.

Li Yu:

Li Yu thinks that if he dares to lose the night pearl, he may be stabbed to death by the tyrant's eye knife.

King Jing thought that he liked the bead very much, so he gave it to him?

He just apologized that he couldn't throw the beads away. He had to pretend to like it, but the fish's mouth was so sour

The plum fish thought for a while, put the Pearl to the bottom of the jar, and arched it shyly with his mouth. The round bead rolled forward two times and stopped. The plum fish continued to arch and top with his mouth and pushed the night pearl out to the far away.

Think of it as playing football. Li Yu comforts himself and enjoys himself.

"You see, your highness, you have given the little thing beads. The little things like them very much. This is the ball bearings."

And just now the little carp jump that called a Huan, also know from the master's hand to catch the night pearl, Wang Xi excited.

Er, although the rolled bead is worth a lot of money, the prince looks at it for the princess's pain.

The night pearl is chased and frolicked by small carp. The bright light and silver gray fish shadow crisscross, which can be called a rare spectacle.

King Jing smiles. The fish really wants beads. That's right.

Plum fish roll beads all the way to the corner, pretend to roll tired to rest, spread on the white stone bed into the system.

Sure enough, the reward prompt for completing the branch line task came.

Li Yu repressed his elated mood and carefully read the usage method of deformation medicine. He was just about to confirm the acquisition. Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of something.

The medicine bottle is simple and unsophisticated with patterns that he can't understand. Although it doesn't look big, if you take it down directly, where will he put the medicine bottle?

Is it possible to let the medicine bottle float in the pool of clear water in the personal space?

It seems a little bit * *.

Plum fish quickly calculated, asked the system: if not immediately collected, deformation medicine will disappear?

System: "No. The reward for completed tasks will always be there. "

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction: very good, then this reward will be kept first. When I need it, I will use it directly!


Li Yu found that he seems to have opened the door to a new world. Even if the carrying capacity is not large enough, it does not prevent him from using this smart way to keep things that are not in a hurry. Always by the system pit, occasionally pit a system is also good!

At first, he was too happy to hear that there was a deformation drug. However, after careful consideration, he could not use it casually. There was no such person as him in the original book world. If he showed up in human form, he might cause unnecessary disturbance. Moreover, the deformation could only last for an hour. The timing of deformation and what to do were very important. We had to plan ahead of time and find a suitable way out It is not proper to change back to a fish in public.

You don't have to worry if you have the medicine.

Li Yu boldly closed the task of "Jiaojiao Mingzhu", checked the main line again, and immediately withered.

The countdown of "getting along" is still decreasing, reminding him that there is less than one day left before the deadline.

If he can't finish the main line step, even if he gets the potion, he won't have the chance to use it.

Li Yu: it's time. The pit fish system doesn't even give a hint. Won't conscience hurt?

System: "the system has no heart. Please host to finish the task patiently. "

Li Yu:

You know it's a system of emotion.

The plum fish retreated into the dead of the night. The Pearl of the night was still emitting light fluorescence, which made the celadon fish tank shine like day.

The plum fish put the water grass quilt on the night pearl to cover up the brilliance of the night pearl, yawned, and fell asleep against the Pearl.

When he woke up again, Liyu smelled the smell of ink, and there was a row of fish food that he had hidden for King Jing not far away.

His gift king did not move, this gift can not be put out for a long time to be bad, plum fish had to solve by themselves.

After eating the fish, I think of the main line of bad luck. Do you want him to wait too long?

It's impossible. He has to see what king Jing is doing, and then he can get in touch with him. It's better to exert himself than not to exert himself.

Li Yu can hear King Jing's movements in the room, but the blue and white porcelain fish tank is a little high for him. If King Jing doesn't take the initiative to come over, it is very difficult for him to see King Jing.

Li Yu's tail has hidden strength. Now he is very skilled in using his tail. It's very good to jump out of the tank. This time, he wants to grab the edge of the fish tank and stay on the top of the tank, instead of falling back to the bottom of the tank just by looking at it. This is a new pattern. He has never practiced it before. He also requires good coordination between the fish body and the fins. He seems not very good at it.King Jing, who was writing at the desk, heard a slight noise, and the little carp jumped up with his tail swinging.

King Jing had seen the carp wagging its tail several times, but he was not surprised. In the Qianqing palace, he heard that the carp could fly. The Emperor didn't believe it, but king Jing didn't doubt it. He knew that his fish could actually "fly" in a unique way, but king Jing would not speak for Qiu.

Seeing that the fish jumped up again, King Jing had a natural air. Anyway, he would fall down soon.

However, after a while, the fish actually declined, but fell on the edge of the jar, fins and tail of a fan, the whole fish slowly sliding down.

Then, puff.

King Jing:.... "

The little carp didn't seem convinced and jumped up again.

King King:

King Jing roughly guessed what the fish was going to do. He picked up the fish at the right time when he fell on the edge of the VAT for the second time.

Plum fish:???

The little carp is trying to fight against the fish tank. Suddenly, he feels that the fish is light. He is lifted up and looks up. It is not the king who is.

Li Yu happily rolled the king's fingers with his tail: Master, help me!

King Jing:.... "

The fingers are itchy. King Jing took the fish and coughed gently. He was too quick to find a vessel to hold the fish in advance. He was afraid that the fish could not be eaten for too long. King Jing placed the fish in a clean tea cup on the table.

The tea cup is made of white jade. It's green and shaped like petals. It's just enough to hold the next fish. King Jing poured some water into the cup. The tea cup is very shallow. Once the carp enters the tea cup, he can easily look up and look around.

Although he had already lived in King Jing's house, the fish's vision was very limited. He heard the voices of people coming and going all day long. He had not seen what king's house was like, and he soon saw it clearly.

Some of the little carp are not tasty.

Having seen the delicacy and luxury of Qianqing palace, the house of King Jing is a little shabby. In summary, it is introverted, simple and steady, which is in line with the despot's cool temperament. Unless necessary, the ornaments are poorly decorated, which is a bit like a snow hole.

It doesn't matter, Li Yu thought. Anyway, his existence is to turn the tyrant into sex. Maybe he can make the snow cave warm in the future.

Next to the tea cup where he was now, there was a pen and ink. King Jing settled him down and picked up the pen.

It turned out that he wanted to write and paint. Li Yu remembered the smell of ink and wagged his tail excitedly. He knew a lot about it and could give advice to King Jing.

As soon as the little carp was happy, his tail cocked up. King Jing gave him a warning glance. Li Yu immediately put his tail down to make it easy for him to get out of the fish tank. In case of getting Jing Wang's handwriting or painting wet, he would be punished.

The little carp stares quietly and warmly.

King Jing pondered for a moment, spread out the paper, and with a few strokes he drew a vivid fish.

Li fish a look, this fish head, fish body and tail, oh, King Jing is actually painting him!!

Li Yu was very happy when someone gave him a portrait. From hair to heel, he could see King Wang as pleasing to the eye.

He thought that he should also make some efforts. Since King Jing has painted, how about if he would be king Wang's model fish?

The little carp pondered over and over again, in the tea cup protruded a self feeling majestic shape, in fact, it was placed an extremely twisted s.

King Wang smiles. He thinks the little carp is very interesting and changes several strokes according to the appearance of the fish.

One person and one fish, though silent, is also happy.

"Your Highness, your highness, the reward from the emperor has arrived." Wang Xi came in sweating.

King Jing put the pen aside and put the painting aside to dry. He wanted to go out to receive the order. Looking back before he went out, he saw that the little carp was flickering and wagging his tail, eager to try.

King King's eyelids jump, turn back, put the fish in the tea cup to take away together, so as not to put the fish alone in the house. When he came back, he saw several more tail marks on the painting.

The plum fish "lianguoduan" by King Jing???

The news of Qiu Guifei's framing King Jing has been spread all over the palace. The emperor knows very well that if he met with the construction of the prince in the early years, he would never let it go like this. However, since he liked the second prince to be the future prince, he could not help but worry about the face of the second prince. Although the emperor was cold to Mu Tianzhao for several days, he still did not want to change the prince's selection.

Since the emperor punished the imperial concubine, King Jing had to make great efforts to pacify him. It can be seen from the thickness of the gift list that all kinds of rare treasures were given to King Jing without money. The Emperor didn't even blink his eyes.

One of them is unusual. It is a rare brocade carp that foreign countries pay tribute to the emperor. There are only a few pairs in the world.

The emperor used to reward King Jing, but in the past, King Jing was too hard to please. There was no shortage of gold and silver, and there was no interest in beauty. The emperor often had a headache about how to appreciate King Jing. Now, he was surprised to find that King Jing also had a hobby. The emperor waved his pen like a chicken's blood. Since King Jing loved to raise fish, he simply gave more fish.

Manager Luo was smiling, and his servant carried a fish tank three or four feet long and sent it to Jingtai hall. The fish tank was carved from a whole piece of crystal. It was rare to see through. The fish tank was filled with precious broccoli in red and gold, which was picked out by the Emperor himself. These Koi were fed very well. They were very big. They swam in groups and were very beautiful.The plum fish was being held by the king and ate the red fish food he had given him. When he learned that the emperor had stuffed the king with fish, he was surprised and a fish food floated away.

Nowadays, do you want to be a fish?

With his intelligence quotient, how can he compete with the nearby fish, but he still has a task. In case King Jing ignores him, who does he look for to do the task?

No, we have to fight.

Plum fish covetous, decided that the old hen general guard king, if there are other fish colluding with king king, he will drive other fish away.

However, the king did not leave the only couple of Koi in the world after watching the crystal fish tank with Koi.

King Jing is determined and not seduced by the beautiful Koi. The plum fish is very happy.

Of course, the plum fish is more happy when he is taken back to his room and finds that his blue and white porcelain fish tank has turned into a huge crystal fish tank with Koi.

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