The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 557

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 557

Episode 557 This is what a genius is (2)

This is what a genius is.

It just happens.

This person is able to do things that would be close to impossible for others, as naturally and naturally as breathing, without the need to learn small and detailed tricks. Even so, I am not able to realize how great it is as much as others.

– Tsk, are all geniuses like that?


The archangel’s grunting could be heard on the other end of the phone.

Hell King Haviel kept his mouth shut.

And then I waited for the archangel’s next words.

– How come you don’t have an answer?

“I thought you might have something more to say.”

– I don’t have any?

“Then why did you contact me?”

– Did you just call me to say that?


– Pause. I was going to say, “If I don’t have anything more to say, I’ll stop now,” right?

“How did you know?”

– It’s obvious. What I’m going through with you isn’t even for a day or two.

Archangel Lloyd.

Once my master and lifelong friend.

A terrible(?) relationship that continues to this day.

His grumbling continued.

– As I was watching what was going on down there, I suddenly thought of you.

“As for what happened down there… you were watching it, after all.”

– Well, that’s right. You have to be very careful.

“yes. I agree. And I was honestly surprised a little while ago. “I never thought I would succeed at it all at once.”

– I know. Self-mana muscle control technique? A technique that counteracts the paralysis of Lou Gehrig’s disease by manually controlling and moving every single muscle fiber? Honestly, when I first heard it, I thought it was a little crazy.

“I also agree.”

Hell King Haviel nodded.

Self-mana muscle control technique. I can’t tell you how surprised I was when I saw Rakiel of the earthly world presenting that. I’m crazy. There’s no way that’s possible.

In fact, that could only be a natural sentiment.

‘If I, as a human, had to put myself in Damian Cayenne’s shoes and learn it… how long would it have taken?’

It didn’t seem easy.

The shabby mind method he created?

It seemed much more difficult than that.

So, if I were to calculate the date accurately…

‘I think it took about ten to fifteen days.’

It takes 10 days at the earliest to take the first step, or 15 days at the earliest. It seemed like it would take that long. That was his conclusion.

However, just today Damian of the surface world succeeded in taking his first steps(?) in controlling the Selma muscle in a similar period of time.

‘It’s only been 12 days since I started learning the technique.’

It was amazing.

The magnitude of talent that the Demon King’s vessel possesses. Amazing acquisition and recognition skills.

He said, gathering his thoughts.

“But honestly, I didn’t know that I would be able to do that already. That’s amazing. “This is the most genius talent I have ever seen.”

– I know. Looks like he’s almost on the same level as you?

“It seems so.”

– and. Isn’t it normal for people to show off their humility by saying things like this, “I think they’re better than me?”

“That seems more like a deception that is misleading the truth rather than humility.”

– The world decided to call it humility.

“I don’t know much about such lip service. “Don’t you know?”

– Anyway, humans have become hard.

“It’s true that it’s hard, but it’s not human.”

– Tsk, I won’t say a word.

“yes. “Because I don’t want to lose to Lloyd.”

– Write it. You shouldn’t lose to anyone else but me.

“You mean the Demon King?”

– okay.

Archangel Lloyd’s voice on the other end of the phone became slightly heavier.

– I guess it’s not that serious. Honestly, Lou Gehrig’s disease? Even if I overcome that, things might get better.

“I guess so. “The Demon King’s tenacity surpasses our imagination.”

– that’s right. So I guess we should also be prepared?

“The Hell Legion is already ready to go.”

– okay?

“yes. “Isn’t it the same in heaven?”

– Well, that’s right. We’ve already prepared for an all-out war.

“Then… the most important key is probably the one in the hands of those two people.”

– Rakiel and Damien?


– I guess?

Archangel Lloyd continued.

– There is one guy who is a genius in mana management who is comparable to you, and the other guy… I guess that guy is a genius too.

“Are you a genius for not giving up or something?”

– uh. Did you have the same thought?

“yes. “Roughly speaking.”

– Then, have you perhaps caught a glimpse of the new thoughts that Rachiel is having these days?

“yes. any.”

– After I saw that, I really thought he was crazy.

“I agree.”

– So you have to be ready to go out at any time to respond to that crazy idea, right?

“I’m tired, but that’s okay.”

– Well, that’s about it. Actually, I’m more tired talking on the phone with you.

“…Then why did you contact me first?”

– I’ll keep in touch, but I won’t sing you a lullaby.


– See you next?

“Hey, wait a minute…”


call was cut off.


Laughter flowing out of embarrassment.

On the forehead of Javiel, the King of Hell, a tendon was already wriggling in a lamprey dance of ascension.


This is truly absurd.

It’s so ridiculous that it feels like I’m doing the lamprey ascension dance and ascending to heaven as a handful of dioxin in the world.


‘Does this make sense?’

Rakiel rubbed his eyes roughly as if he had been caught by a hidden camera. And I thought. I am so tired these days that I have presbyopia. So did I see something wrong?

But no.

Damian was standing facing this way.

Well, I was just standing there.

It is true that if you look at it alone, it is really a trivial situation. Usually, it’s not a big deal for a person to stand on two feet.

But it was different now.

‘This guy is really… standing while controlling the contraction and relaxation of his muscles using only mana.’

It was seen through acupoint scanning.

Manahart located in Damien’s chest. From there, hundreds of thousands of rays of thin light, countless of which could not be counted, were flowing throughout the body. It also appeared that each and every ray of light was connected to each muscle fiber.

‘Does that… really make sense?’

Hundreds of thousands of streams of shining mana. Each one was controlled extremely delicately and pulled the muscle fibers. Millimeters? no. In micrometers. In ultra-detailed units comparable to the diameter of a single cell. I pulled, loosened, pushed, and sometimes tightened.

Muscle fibers throughout Damian’s body were also seen responding to the input. Every time the string of mana applied a stimulus such as pulling, loosening, pushing, tightening, etc., the muscle fibers contracted, held, and sometimes relaxed.


Of course it was.

This was the case with my ankles, calves, calves, groin, buttocks, abdomen, sides, chest, back, and all other muscles in my body.

As a result, the guy was standing with both feet on the ground, using only manual control(?) mode using mana without mobilizing any of his motor skills.

“How did you… do that…”

I was so surprised that the words came out like an idiot. To be honest, I still couldn’t believe it when I saw it. And even more so when I look back.

Because right before he stood like this, he started walking.

Back again!

To moonwalk!

“You mean this?”

But does Damian feel that this surprise is insignificant? He answered as if explaining something obvious, as if asking why they were making such a fuss over something so simple.

“It just works.”


“Like this.”

Swish swish.

This time, three steps. The guy moonwalked three steps back. During this time, I could see all the movement of acupuncture points and mana flowing in the guy’s body.

What can I say?

It was closer to art.

It was from the moment I started walking. Hundreds of thousands of thin strings of mana glowed all at once from this mana heart. Muscle fibers throughout the body contracted and relaxed at the most appropriate moment, in the most appropriate order, and with the most appropriate intensity.

And the guy moonwalked three steps.

What is this if not art?

“Well then…”

“If you’re asking if you can only walk backwards, no. “Like this.”

Swish swish.

This time take three steps forward.

The guy even smiled faintly in this direction and even showed off the Yeongdeok snow crab step to the side!


It was really crazy.

But Damian’s thoughts seem to be a little different.

“Just from earlier, when I used mana to move my middle toe. What can I say? “I felt like I had a new sense.”

“A new sensation?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Damian nodded.

Of course, even that movement was not the result of mobilizing motor nerves, but rather the result of manually controlling the neck and surrounding muscles using strings of pure mana.

“Really, what can I say? I can’t find the words to explain it accurately. But this is just my feeling. “It’s as if your body does everything automatically without you having to worry about breathing, drinking water, and digesting the food you eat.”

“Manually controlling every single muscle in the body… has become as natural as an innate sense?”



As expected, this is absurd.

But there is no way not to believe it.


Because I just noticed it.

A little while ago, I saw through acupoint scanning that even when he spoke, he was using only pure mana to move his respiratory muscles, vocal cords, and tongue muscles.

“under. crazy.”

At this point, I have no choice but to admit it.

Damian Cayenne.

This guy is a genius.

He is not just a genius, but an all-time great genius who will be remembered forever in history.

‘No matter what… To be honest, it took at least a year before I could successfully take my first steps.’

He said he had made some preparations.

Let’s not give up until then.

Let’s not get impatient.

Let’s continue to believe in what we are doing now. Even if there comes a moment when you feel tired and gloomy, let’s never waver. Let’s stay by Damian’s side and encourage him to be strong together.

I had a solemn resolve.


Rakiel’s appetite became bitter(?). The resolve I had made so far was in vain. But I was so happy. It was natural. Thanks to Damian’s incredible genius, we were able to drastically shorten the period of suffering.

So, I was able to put into practice the next stage of the operation that I had been thinking about in the future, which I had planned to pursue after Damian’s Selma muscle control skills became proficient.


Rachiel tried to smile broadly.

I tried to congratulate Damien with a practical joke. But that was then.


Suddenly, I felt nauseous. What can I say? It feels like I’m being completely turned upside down. It felt uncomfortable, as if I ate lunch in a hurry and then suddenly started vomiting.

“Huh, wait a minute?”

I guess it won’t work.

Because you can’t throw up in the director’s office.

Rachiel hurriedly walked to the bathroom.

Damian’s worried question was heard from behind.

“majesty? Are you okay?’

“uh. are you okay. I feel a little sick. “I guess I was so surprised when I saw you take your first step that I was in a hurry?”

“…Would you like me to help you?”

“Tsk, overdoing it. Here it is.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”


I guess it won’t work.

I really feel like I’m going to throw up.

But it’s a little strange.

Rather than just feeling nauseous, what should I say? I have to say that my throat feels very uncomfortable.

Anyway, I walked quickly.

I almost rushed into the bathroom while being greeted by an attendant. We were greeted by a top-of-the-line flush toilet exclusively for the royal family that operates using water-based magic that can only be found in the imperial palace and villas. It was nice to see that. Now I can release as much as I want(?). I felt relieved. I vomited.



A hot lump rising up the throat.

But it was red blood.

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