The Corpse Collector In Conan

Chapter 8: Let Me Take A Look

Chapter 8: Let Me Take A Look

After Yuko Ikezawa entered the door, Jian Xia also put on the camera and followed silently.


Yuko Ikezawa walked into Yoko's unit and turned on the light.

Then she walked straight into the bedroom, raised her hand, and scattered many threatening letters stained with chicken blood on Yoko Okino's bed.

After doing the bad thing, Yuko Ikezawa looked at the messy bed with blood letters, remembering Yoko Okino's current bad state, and felt like a genius.

She flipped her hair, smiled happily, and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, she was confronted with a pitch-black camera when she turned around.


Yuko Ikezawa froze and felt a cold air rush to the top of her head.

At the bedroom door, Yuko didn't know when there was another person. The man was wearing a mask, hood, and gloves, covering his body tightly, his eyes were hidden, and she couldn't see his face at all.

He leaned leisurely against the door frame. Then, when Yuko Ikezawa turned around, the young man nodded at her and silently gave a thumbs up where the camera couldn't see as if he was very satisfied with the woman's performance just now.

This was originally a fairly positive move.

But Yuko Ikezawa stared at the camera, and her heart was cold:

Illegal entry into someone's house, harassing and threatening colleagues with blood-stained threatening letters... Once these things that she did were filmed and sent out, let alone her career would be ruined, she might be sent to jail!

...but, it was fine.

Yuko Ikezawa thought; she was wearing a scarf and sunglasses, the scarf was pulled up high, and her face was covered.

As long as you didn't get caught on the spot and didn't get a clear full face, you could completely wash it off afterward, saying that it was someone else who pretended to be her to pose for a photo and that it was framed.

In short, you must flee quickly and must not be caught!

She looked at Jiang Xia, who was blocking the door, and planned to smash something over, knock people down, or frighten them away, and then rushed out the door to escape.

Thinking of this, she turned her eyes slightly and landed on the step stool beside her.

Just as she was about to rush over to pick up the stool and slammed it on Jiang Xia's head.

However, at this moment, when the line of sight staggered, Yuko Ikezawa's eyes flashed - Jiang Xia came close and pulled the scarf and sunglasses off her face, instantly removing all her disguise.

Yuko Ikezawa's face suddenly appeared in front of the camera without any cover.


Suddenly realizing this, Yuko waved her hand like crazy, trying to smash the camera.

Of course, she didn't succeed. Instead, she was grabbed by the neckline and fell onto the room carpet.

Jiang Xia pressed Yuko's struggling hands with his knees, held the camera in one hand, the other free hand, pinched her face, and tugged hard.

Due to the activity of a well-known phantom thief, many people in this world know about the "Disguise Technique."

If you didn't record and pinched her face like this, in the future, Yuko Ikezawa might say, "someone has disguised with her face."


Jiang Xia originally thought that as long as he pinched Yuko's face in front of the camera and let people see that she was not disguised because her skin was naturally red after being pinched, he would be able to prove that the person he video was true. It's Yuko Ikezawa.

However, Jiang Xia was surprised to discover that the situation was not quite right.

- There was no disguise.

But Yuko's skin didn't turn red either.

Jiang Xia retracted his hand in confusion and found that his black gloves were covered with a thick layer of makeup powder.


After silence, Jiang Xia stretched out his hand in disbelief and grabbed it again.

Ikezawa Yuko's face was still not red.

Maybe the powder was too thick.


...In this case, there was no way to prove that it was her real face.

Jiang Xia looked at his dirty gloves and Yuko Ikezawa, who was screaming under him, and briefly fell into thought.

After a while, he remembered that when he passed by the living room, there was a box of wet wipes on the coffee table.

An illusory light bulb of inspiration appeared above Jiang Xia's head.

He picked up Yuko Ikezawa like a sandbag, put her on the sofa in the living room, and pressed her again.

Then he grabbed a wet towel and wiped it hard against her face.

This time, it was finally wiped off.

Yuko Ikezawa's face was rubbed until red under the camera. This extremely natural change couldn't be achieved by the current disguise surgery. Therefore, it could be proved that this was the real face.


Yuko Ikezawa felt wet on her face.

She opened her eyes suspiciously. At a glance, she saw Jiang Xia holding a wet wipe covered with her makeup.

Yuko looked at the wet wipes dully and then at the camera that was still shooting at her.

Realizing what happened, she burst into a scream of rage.

The decibel startled Jiang Xia, and he unconsciously dropped a knife to the side of Yuko's neck.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

Yuko Ikezawa's beautiful eyes rolled, and she fainted with a face full of unwillingness.

The place became quiet again.

Jiang Xia withdrew his hand and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Holding the camera, he looked down at Yuko Ikezawa and hesitated for a moment, feeling that since things had already started, it would be best to end them.

So he took some more wipes, wiped Yuko Ikezawa's face thoroughly, and videoed the whole process.

Then stopped the recording.

With this proof, whether it was sending Yuko Ikezawa to jail for reform or threatening her to stop harassing Yoko Okino, it was enough.

However, there was a new problem...

Jiang Xia recalled the footage he had just shot, played it back, and paused the scene at the end.

He looked at Yuko Ikezawa's face without makeup and remembered her usual appearance on the poster, and suddenly he was a little confused.

The difference in her appearance before and after seems to be a bit big?...In this way, could it really prove that Yuko Ikezawa was not someone else's disguise?


But after cleansing, it was impossible to repaint her makeup again.

Jiang Xia recalled the desperate eyes of Yuko Ikezawa just now and realized that she seemed very concerned about the content of this video.

...So it shouldn't be a big problem.

The plan could still proceed as usual.

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