The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

“Accept it!” urged the chef constellation.

Regardless of Choi Yeonseung’s dismissive attitude toward her, the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust was a powerful constellation. Naturally, having her on their side was better than leaving her to the Master of Slowness and Silence.

“Fine. If I win, I’ll get her as a bonus.”

The face of the goddess of pleasure twisted with anger at being treated as a mere bonus. Of course, it was hard for her to express her anger in this situation. She had been ambushed and taken completely by surprise by the observer constellation, and so she couldn’t do anything.

‘This damn thing...! How dare...! How dare you!’

As the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust boiled with fury from the inside, Choi Yeonseung and the observer constellation locked eyes with each other.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ is wondering why she called Choi Yeonseung a constellation.]

Not everyone had fully grasped the situation.


I won’t let this go...

Quit your whining already.

The observer constellation froze the mouth of the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust again. The goddess’ eyes widened in shock, not because she had been silenced, but because of the scenery in front of her.

Several constellations were encased in pillars of ice.

In addition to the Goddess of Discord and Estrangement, some other constellations had tried to hinder the observer constellation.

Indeed, thinking back, the goddess of pleasure recalled some constellations suddenly vanishing from the Abyss. She had never suspected that they had been turned into ice statues in the realm of the observer constellation.

It was only then that the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust realized the difference between herself and her captor. She had arrogantly boasted that she was among the ten strongest constellations in the Abyss, but now she realized that there was a completely different league above her.


The frozen Goddess of Pleasure and Lust looked around. Given that she could feel human souls from afar, it was clear that this was Earth.

Antarctica. It is a pretty good place on Earth, the observer constellation remarked as though she had read the goddess’ thoughts.

Many constellations intend to establish their own territories only in the Abyss. That’s why they’re always a few steps behind. You want to get your hands on Earth, but you’re not taking any interest in it? What kind of arrogance is that?

The other constellations were silent at the words of the observer constellation, not that they could speak through the ice anyway.

Then, the observer constellation addressed the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead, the only constellation whose mouth wasn’t frozen shut.

Why aren’t you answering? Speak.

I... I apologize if you’re upset about the mistakes I’ve made.

The goddess offered a tentative apology, but this only seemed to further anger the observer constellation.

What, is that an apology? You’re apologizing to me now?!

The Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead had nothing to say. After all, she had made those mistakes, and she could no longer do anything about them.

Out of anger, the observer constellation released cold air, making the area even chillier.

Back then, I sensed that the mortal wanted to walk his own path, so I just watched from afar without contacting him. But then you saw some crazy vision, contacted him, and sent him to the Abyss! And the most ridiculous thing is that he’s defending you despite what you’ve done!


The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust, who had been listening to them, removed the ice that was covering her face and intervened.

So unsightly... In the end, it’s jealousy, isn’t it? You’ve made such a fuss because you’re jealous over some insignificant household member. Every constellation in the Abyss would laugh at you if they found out... Aaaghh!

The observer constellation sealed the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust deep into the glacier. The goddess struggled against the cold sensation that was several times more painful than before.

Keep talking. I’ll send you deeper into the Abyss.

I admit the mistakes I’ve made, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on fighting the Master of Slowness and Silence and instead fight other constellations...

The Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead tried to persuade her opponent by appealing to her rational side. No matter what grudges the observer constellation had, the Master of Slowness and Silence wouldn’t take that into account.

Rather, if the observer constellation was injured in a fight, the slowness constellation would be the first to step forward and attack.

If you’re serious about dealing with the Master of Slowness and Silence, why don’t you sacrifice yourself? Declare it and stay locked up here. If you do so, I’ll cooperate with you in dealing with the Master of Slowness and Silence.

...Fine. I understand. I’ll do so.

The Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead pondered before making a decision. Neither Choi Yeonseung nor the other allied constellations could intervene; the goddess alone had to make a decision.

She couldn’t deny the fact that the tremendous power previously displayed by the observer constellation would be of great help in dealing with the Master of Slowness and Silence.


Of course, the observer constellation’s expression became more distorted. She couldn’t help being angry as this annoying constellation kept being more annoying.

For what purpose was the goddess of balance even saying this? After all, Choi Yeonseung and the other constellations wouldn’t tolerate it!

Ha... Hahaha! Hahahaha!

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust burst into laughter as though she had read the observer constellation’s thoughts.

Hah, you’re not satisfied with how she took your threats, is that it? Haha! What are you going to do now? She told you to do what you want, but you can’t do that, can you...

Yes, that’s true. However, I can still put you in your place.

With that, the observer constellation waved her hand in annoyance. Then, the ice surrounding the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust grew thicker and sank deeper in the water. Now, she was barely even visible.

Keep talking. Oh, you can’t, can you?

The Goddess of Pleasure and Lust glared at her, but the observer constellation turned back to the goddess of balance.

Yes, I have become so irrational because of an old grudge. I will admit it.

I should’ve stopped him when he ordered you to do work. I’m sorry...

How many times have I said that it’s not because of that?!


Unable to contain her anger, the observer constellation struck the Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead, the cracking of the ice making a sharp sound.

You and that constellation! You both have a knack for talking nonsense!


Be quiet! In any case, I am going to make a decision in this constellation battle. There is no need to talk about it.

The observer constellation was determined to no longer vent her anger with this meaningless conversation. She had intended to talk to the goddess of balance to release the frustration that had built inside her, but somehow she found herself even more enraged.

In the end, it was power that mattered. It determined everything in the Abyss, and it was power that had allowed the observer constellation to turn those constellations who had been brazen to her into ice pillars and store them in Antarctica.

Eventually, Choi Yeonseung would also kneel and become her subordinate.

The observer constellation decided to change her approach. In fact, there was no need to care for mortals, as ungrateful mortals couldn’t appreciate serving a constellation. She just had to use force to subdue Choi Yeonseung. She could receive his allegiance after forcefully taking him into her household.

He’s coming, she said coldly.

Choi Yeonseung was approaching in the distance.


[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ says that what happened...]

[The ‘Chef of Endless Gluttony’ argues that this isn’t what really matters right now.]

[He reminds you that knocking down the ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’ remains the priority.]

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ says that this matter is too shocking...]

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ asks if they are going to keep disturbing Choi Yeonseung.]

[It shouts that this is tantamount to taking the side of the ‘Master of Slowness and Silence’.]

Some of the constellations couldn’t help expressing their shock, while others silenced and chastised them for hindering Choi Yeonseung with their useless remarks. Indeed, what had transpired was shocking, but they had to stop the Master of Slowness and Silence!

The other naive constellations unfortunately tried to squash the topic with another topic.

[The ‘Six-Winged Angel Who Hunts Dragons’ shouts to be careful!]

[He warns that the power of the ‘Observer Who Returned From a Cold Place’ is unimaginable.]

Choi Yeonseung could feel that even without the warning of the angel constellation.

Although he had become one of the top ten constellations on Earth in terms of power of existence, he was forced to admit that the power of existence of the observer constellation was overwhelming.

He glanced at the remarkably clear blue Antarctic sky.

You don’t have to hold back with your powers. The other constellations won’t be able to see you.

“Thank you. I didn’t expect you to show me such consideration.”

You don’t have to thank me.

Choi Yeonseung hadn’t even finished speaking when his arms and legs started to freeze.

[The power of the ‘Observer Who Returned From a Cold Place’...]

Since she was in her domain, the observer constellation was overwhelmingly fast. The target area froze the second she thought about it.

Choi Yeonseung used martial arts. As he circulated internal energy through him, his power of existence bound with it, resulting in a constellation power. Indeed, his martial arts had long reached the realm of constellations.

A powerful yang energy radiated throughout his body, and the heat of his power of existence melted the ice. He could move freely again, but his adversary’s attack had just begun. Glaciers erupted from the ground around him, seeking to trap him.

However, Choi Yeonseung swiftly shattered them with his punches, clearing all the obstacles.


Choi Yeonseung felt his breath turn icy and his body temperature plummet. It seemed that the observer constellation had directly used another power on him while he had been dealing with the glaciers.

‘Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts!’

Fortunately, the martial art he had honed all his life protected him once again, repelling the frosty power of existence of the enemy.

No matter how mighty the power of existence of the Observer Who Returned From a Cold Place, the manner in which she used it was the most important factor.

This was a battle of technique—the one who used their power of existence more efficiently and with more precision would emerge victorious.

Her attack having been nullified by the Origin of the Celestial Divine Arts, the observer constellation frowned while bracing for Choi Yeonseung’s counter. He had bought enough time to respond with an attack of his own.

The observer constellation was almost entirely familiar with Choi Yeonseung’s arsenal. He was a tough adversary who used a variety of powers based on martial arts. Unlike other constellations, he was particularly experienced in hand-to-hand combat. Even the stronger constellations would be in trouble if he closed the gap and clung to them.

‘But it doesn’t matter.’

The observer constellation was prepared to deal with anything Choi Yeonseung threw at her. She was confident that she could win no matter what he did. After all, her powers were a natural counter to his fighting style.

The moment Choi Yeonseung threw a punch, the frost would instantly slow him down...


The observer constellation cast Choi Yeonseung an incredulous look, as if to ask what he was doing. He should’ve instantly rushed at her, but he was standing still...?


What are you doing? You want to do this from a distance?

She would be genuinely disappointed if Choi Yeonseung was keeping his distance due to being afraid of her power. His only chance at winning was to charge at and cling to her. If he kept a distance like this, his chances of winning were nonexistent.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to win.”

Really? How?

“I’ll try to persuade you.”


The observer constellation seemed to have been caught off guard.

Then, the Goddess of Pleasure and Lust managed to claw her way up from the deep ice underground and cried out, Don’t be stupid, Undefeated Incarnation of Training! She’s your enemy, and she has no mercy! You need to aim for the vital points!

If that piece of trash opens her mouth one more time, I’ll scrap the idea of having her as a bonus reward and instead grind her to pieces! the observer constellation declared to Choi Yeonseung, to which he nodded in agreement.

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