The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

‘Did I do something wrong? Have I corrupted the demons with an inhumane culture?’

Choi Yeonseung seriously reflected on his actions.

-To be precise, it isn’t an inhumane culture. It’s just human culture...

-Shut up.

Choi Yeonseung had simply taught the demons, who wanted to work more efficiently, about the ways of humans. There was nothing wrong with that, was it?

Unaware of Choi Yeonseung’s internal conflict, Valtor continued, “I’m a goblin from a different realm, and I’m angry, so I can’t even imagine just how furious Sabrons, the demon ruler, is. Now I understand why he has become sharper.”

Sabrons, the ruler of the demon territory in the Fourth Kingdom, was also furious with this change in competition. Some vile individuals were bringing about disgusting changes in the warm society of demons, who used to care for each other as they exploited souls.

Given what those problematic demons were doing, it was clear that humans would also be the target of the demons’ wrath.

-The human bastards are suspicious. They’ve been causing the most trouble in the Abyss lately, haven’t they? I bet they’re the ones instigating those disgusting demons!

-Master! There is no way demons can be instigated by humans, right? Even if they have lost their souls, they are still demons!

-It’s unbelievable. If you see a human in our territory, skin them alive and eat their flesh! Don’t let their poison corrupt your demon brethren!

“...You think there’s any way to reason with him?”

“With Sabrons? Not unless you cut his head off.”



“Apparently the humans are fighting among themselves.”

“See, their vile greed! The revolting desires of that revolting race!”

Sabrons spread his eight wings and furiously stomped the ground.

The humans who had entered his territory were so blinded by greed that they were now fighting each other. Given that they were in the Abyss, they ought to be humble and grateful, taking only the treasures they deserved...

Sabrons was utterly disgusted with human greed—they always took advantage of any hospitality they were offered, forming groups to drain all the wealth around them. No matter how he thought about it, these humans were polluting the Abyss.

If it hadn’t been for them, those demons wouldn’t have lost their conscience!

“Make those humans fight even more. Spread rumors and make them chase after each other’s wealth. If they want strength, lend them strength. If they want skills, lend them skills! Make them fight more!”




“A human wants to see you.”

“Why are you even telling me that...? Have you gone senile?”

Many hunters had been using all kinds of flattery in order to get an audience with the ruler of this territory. Of course, Sabrons had no intention of meeting the humans. As if it wasn’t enough that they were at each other’s throats in such a reprehensible manner, they even dared to ask for a meeting with the ruler?

“Well... The human intends to explain why those demons have been acting strangely.”



The demons held out a thick contract. “You need to sign this contract.”

“Don’t play tricks.”

“Do you know who this human is...? Ah, sorry.”

Valtor quickly stopped scolding the demons when he heard Choi Yeonseung.

“If you force me to sign a contract, I won’t go in. Get out of the way.”

“...Fine.” The demons could no longer stand in his way. This human in front of them knew why those demons had been acting strangely; he held all the aces.

The demons glared at Choi Yeonseung as he set foot in their realm. Hunters who weren’t used to dealing with demons would certainly be shaken by their intimidating aura, perhaps even crumble.

But Choi Yeonseung...

‘Yeah, keep staring.’

Having deliberately stayed in the realm of demons to train, Choi Yeonseung was naturally unfazed by the demons’ glares. Failing to make a dish would perturb him more than these demons.

“I’ve been told that you can tell me what’s wrong with those demons. Is that right, human?”

Sabrons was staring intently at Choi Yeonseung. He had allowed this human to enter his realm, but he was wondering whether he actually knew why those demons were behaving like that. If this human was lying and trying to deceive him, Sabrons would strike him down instantly.

“That’s right.”

“Then tell me. What makes them act like that?”

The spectating constellations, including the goddess of sloth, were looking at Choi Yeonseung with curious eyes. What kind of words would he use to persuade this demon ruler?

“Before that, let me ask you a question.”


“Why do you hate the demons that are sweeping through the Abyss?”

“Why do I hate them? Tch, you humans... Aren’t those demons spreading corruption?”

“Corruption? I see it as an improvement.”


Sabrons was lost for words, not because he thought Choi Yeonseung’s assertion made sense, but because anger overtook him. The demons behind him also looked furious, their fingers twitching. If they attacked, a vicious brawl would ensue in their ruler’s territory.

“I-improvement? What?! What bloody improvement?!”

“Before, demons would handle contracts in a lazy, superficial manner. They’d answer summons based on their disposition. If they’re in a bad mood, they’ll nitpick about some flaws regarding the magic circle or the offerings just to avoid meeting the summoner. Am I wrong?”

“That’s just demon tradition!”

“It’s not just that. Even after signing a contract, demons would cut corners in all sorts of ways, which has led the mortals of the Abyss to see them in a bad light. Go ahead and ask some mortals about this. I guarantee that most would say that they would never make a contract with demons.”

Sabrons couldn’t help shaking as his demon identity was being insulted by a human he had never met before.

“Then what about those demons everyone is talking about? They’re breaking lazy habits and approaching mortals in a more efficient manner. There’s no obvious fraud in their contracts, so mortals are more satisfied with them. Who exactly is ruining demonic culture? Is it the demons trying to make a new path, or the lazy demons?”

“Demons... We have to be demonic! Using such a ridiculous argument...”

Choi Yeonseung ignored Sabrons and addressed the other demons, “Everyone, think carefully! The mortals of the Abyss accept contracts with angels without hesitation, but are reluctant to make contracts with demons. Angels are on the rise. Are you really going to stand by and do nothing?”



The demons seemed struck by Choi Yeonseung’s words. He had managed to hit a nerve.

Indeed, in the Abyss, no one hindered the work of demons more than angels. They weren’t doing it because of a sense of justice or righteousness; they just hated demons.

The demons behind Sabrons were starting to realize that angels might replace them entirely if they stubbornly clung to old ideas.

“I’ll tell you about those demons if you want. You better think carefully about this. Will you stay like this, or–”

“Master, humans are attacking our territory!”


Choi Yeonseung was interrupted by a sudden report. All the demons at the scene were suddenly looking at him as though they had woken up from trance.


Many clans considered that their only option was to launch an invasion on the kingdom of the Greedy Owner of the Treasure House. Of course, they couldn’t use force from the get-go. If they did that in an unknown land that they didn’t understand, they would fall before they even managed to fight properly.

However, after some time had passed and they had established themselves in the realm, things changed.

-Keep sending out hunters and making contact with demons. If any of them seem willing to sign a contract, lure them in.

-Acquire as much property as you can in the area.

-Once we’re ready, order the hunters to attack!

Other companies were trying to get some easy profit, but Alex Parker had been preparing for an aggressive raid from the very beginning. He didn’t care if he had to deceive the hunters along the way or if a fight broke out and problems arose. What mattered was to defeat the boss of the area. After all, this was a raid.

Gilbert Gerrity looked at the assembled hunters with a confused expression. He wasn’t the one giving instructions and directing the hunters here. It was another American A-grade hunter, Chris Aaron.

Gerrity was genuinely surprised, as he hadn’t expected to see Chris Aaron here. In his prime, he had raided so many demons and achieved so much that people were calling him the Demon Hunter.

However, he had been inactive for a while due to a serious injury, and everybody thought he was halfway to retirement.

But then he suddenly re-emerged.

Chairman Parker was indeed a frightening man. How had he managed to recruit this hunter?

‘Well, considering his resources, Parker would have an easier time procuring healing items than A-grade hunters.’

That was Gerrity’s assumption. He himself was an A-grade hunter, but he was in a different situation from Chris Aaron.

He had defied the chairman’s orders and acted on his own, only to later bow his head and ask to come back. Meanwhile, Chris Aaron was the hunter the chairman had personally asked for, which meant that if he gave an order, Gerrity would have no choice but to carry it out.

-Die, human bastards!

Demons pounced on the hunters. In response, Chris Aaron waved his staff and broke the enemy lines, sending the demons flying.


Gerrity was stunned. He knew Chris Aaron was adept at dealing with demons, but he hadn’t expected him to display such tremendous power.

‘What? How come he’s so strong? What has he been doing while on the sideline?”

Chris Aaron turned and looked at Gerrity, causing him to flinch.

“You... You want me to go that way?” Gerrity asked carefully when he saw Chris Aaron pointing his finger in a direction.

“Go... You have to go.” Chris Aaron nodded.

“Gerrity! Please help!”

“Just wait. I’ll go.”

Gerrity couldn’t help glancing back as he ran to help the hunters fighting the demons. Something was up with that A-grade hunter.


“The humans have occupied the outer area! They’re targeting Master’s territory! You have anything to say about that?!”

“Not all humans are on the same side. I have nothing to do with those guys,” explained Choi Yeonseung.

“Don’t lie!”

“Why don’t you just suppress them? Don’t you have the power to do so?” Choi Yeonseung asked casually.

At that, the demons seemed at a loss, unable to come up with a response.

‘What?’ Choi Yeonseung was puzzled. He wasn’t surprised by the fact that those hunters had lost their patience and resorted to force. If anything, it would’ve been quite strange if they had just endured all the scams and hadn’t exploded.

What was surprising was that the hunters had managed to push back the demons and gain the upper hand. How had they managed that?

‘Are demons that weak? No, that can’t be, given their level.’

-I guess there are many strong hunters out there.

-Even so, there’s a limit to what they can do against demons. Is it the power of a constellation?

The demons were already embarrassed, and after thinking about it for a bit, Choi Yeonseung decided to drive his message home.

“See, you can’t even subdue some humans. That’s because you’re weak! Embrace the new way!”

-The laid-back way of doing things isn’t necessarily a bad thing...

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