The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Twenty-Nine: An Expression of Love (R-18) – Part Two (Illustrations!)

Chapter Twenty-Nine: An Expression of Love (R-18) – Part Two (Illustrations!)

To say we had bathed would be correct in the simplest terms. The once pure water was just a clumpy mess of our bodily fluids, and we left sweatier than when we had entered it.  

At least we did get clean, though. The smell of roses and honey permeated our skin. If anything, we’d have to hop in the tub tomorrow morning and keep the sex confined to the bedroom if we were going to that go hard at it. When Sekh, Tilde, and I emerged from our room to the kitchen, Irisa and Ichiha were smiling and humming while distributing the contents of a pot to the bowls set at the table. Tonight’s dinner was a basic stew with more vegetables than beef, but it was still very delicious and filling. 

Guess they didn’t hear anything. That’s good. We did get wild... 

Specifically, the thick onions and buttery garlic broth cleaned my nostrils and warmed my stomach—the perfect meal to refill my biomass. Transfigurations like replacing my fingers with a tongue or penis didn’t require much, but I was starving after prolonged use. Other than the meal, the dinner’s atmosphere was so comforting. The topic of discussion was about the ‘continent’ I grew up in, and I was the center of attention. I’ve never had that happen before. Irisa, her mom, Sekh, and Tilde all smiled and hung onto my next word as if it was a drop of liquid gold.  

Sekh looked downtrodden because I had to re-explain stuff to her that Irisa and her mom already knew. She was probably kicking herself for not coming outside when she had the chance.  

Since prerecorded ‘videos’ existed in this world, albeit as a rarity, I decided to speak about my favorite movies, which all happened to be westerns or focused on the two ‘Continental’ Wars. One that I could watch until the end of time was about a B-17 Flying Fortress, whose crew had to complete 25 missions for their tour of duty to be completed.  

I’ve only seen short clips, but I bet it’s a good movie. If the articles on it are anything to go by, it’s gotta be a classic... 

Everyone but Tilde found it impossible for a chunk of metal to become airborne for that long or fly that fast. Even Sekh was oddly adamant about that until Tilde explained I was telling the truth because she had once ‘visited’ that ‘continent.’ 

She’s seen it via my memories, so she’s not lying, per se.  

“Master! Please tell me more!” Sekh exclaimed, almost yelling. Her gleaming silver eyes seemed to glow as she grabbed my hand. Her black tail wagged so incredibly fast I thought it was about to fall.  

I honored her request for the next hour, and we cleaned up. After washing the dishes, Irisa skipped over to Sekh and I and hugged us before departing off to bed with her mother. Not long after that, I shut the door to my room and adjusted the night vision aspect of [Eyes of the Huntress] to make it darker-- to set the mood. 

Although we undressed, Sekh and I didn’t make love. Instead, she rested her head on my thighs and played with my semi-erect dick, taking the time to practice her [Fleshcrafting]. When she sucked me off in the bath, she shrank my penis until it had a flaccid and erect length of 7”. 

Even if it was an inch bigger than she was used to, Sekh said she felt no pain, and I truly believed her because she had no reason to lie. Besides, I used what transfiguration percentage I could spare to make it that much smaller. She was too into our romp to notice it. After we got out, I canceled my alterations and remained at just over half a foot in length. 

I enjoyed the feeling of her fingers dancing up and down my shaft, so I relished the pleasure while leaning back against the headboard. I had the time, so I retrieved the mortar and pestle and crimson amita from my storage that I had bought from Ichiha. It wasn’t the best quality, but it was more than enough for someone like me. And it wasn’t that hard, either. Really, it only required crushing the crimson amita and adding a little bit of water, which I obtained from [Water Blade] by allowing it to drop down my finger until the mortar was about 10 percent full. Once everything was sufficiently combined, I focused on the red liquid. 

  • HP Potion 
    • HP Recovery (Lv. 1) 

It was useable, of course, but I was still very much an amateur at producing alchemic creations. My technique lacked something fierce. Perhaps I used too much water because it was too soupy while containing small chunks of the mushroom’s stem. Since it wouldn’t hurt to drink it, I brought the mortar to my lips and tasted something distinctively stale and monotone. Sekh remarked that the potion she was given had a fruity aftertaste, so it was likely that you could add other ingredients to increase its effectiveness while making it tastier and easier to digest. 

“But you know? I’m proud of it... I made something drinkable that’ll save our lives,” I said, storing everything away. Liquids were free to be stashed in my storage in their natural state, so they didn’t require a container, which was nice to know.  

Everything I needed to get done was checked off my list, and now I could relax with Sekh and Tilde. The fairy didn’t have time for cuddling, though. She yawned and flew to the dresser because her little makeshift bed was there. In seconds, she was out like a light and snored. I eased myself lower onto the pillow and rubbed my fingers through Sekh’s hair. It seemed she wanted to use my thighs as her pillow, and I was okay with that.  She had stopped practicing and left my penis two inches bigger than before. Her mana was low. As it regenerated, she sometimes licked my penis—from the testicles to the shaft. Sometimes, she’d kiss the shaft or my thighs. Other times, she’d just smell it, whispering that my scent was comforting to her.  She gazed at it like a trophy--- Almost like it was something to be worshipped.  

I wonder if that has something to do with her submissiveness? We’ve never fucked harder than we did in the bath, and she still wants more? Or maybe this is just how she wants to relax? 

"Sekh.” All I said was her name, and we began to talk about the incident. 

“I am your blade of vengeance. I pledged an oath to bring you the heads of your enemies. Why did you deny me that right?” 

“When you were carrying me out, there were a lot of witnesses who saw you kick Max. The monster train incident is public knowledge, and if something were to happen to him and his siblings, we’d be the prime suspects because we have reasons to want them dead. In short, we’d be fucked. More so if they have friends or family in a position of power. They would fabricate false evidence if we were lucky. If not, they would come up with other bullshit reasons to get us behind bars, then we’d swing from the trees or lose our heads in a guillotine. We aren’t strong enough to handle all that comes out way. Not yet, at least,” I said 

It would be different if this world had due process or the right to an attorney, but it didn’t. “I figured they would bitch to someone, but it drastically backfired on them. The guild believed us, not them. It’s good to have their power because they’ll defend us if we see any retaliation.” 

Sekh was totally silent, but I continued.  

“We humiliated them in front of the guild and themselves. We stole what they had rightfully earned with blood, sweat, and tears, and they’re back at zero. Ah, but the eldest brother? He’ll feel like a failure because he wasn’t strong enough to protect his sister. She bared her nakedness in front us… At gunpoint, even, and that bastard just watched because he knew he couldn't do anything.” Before I knew it, I realized I had a smiling grin on my face.  

“He was faced with a situation he couldn’t emerge victorious from. He was made to look like a fool. If the monster train originated from a trap, I see the blame for everything being placed on the one who triggered it to make the others feel better. With tensions running high, there’ll be more fights and arguments, mistakes will happen more, and alcohol will be swallowed by the gallon. If we’re lucky, they’ll all pass out drunk and die in a ditch. If that doesn’t happen, we can hope Max’ll spiral into depression. They don’t have anything, so they need loans. Their reputation is shit, so there goes the high interest rate. 

“Repayment and a life free of slavery will rely on his successes. The smallest failure will be something he cannot accept, so the stresses will grow, like filling a balloon with more air than it could hold. Then when it pops? That’s when he’ll dance a knife across his neck. Ah, but until that happens, if he remains in this town, he’ll see us. They’re at rock bottom.  

“If you see those fuckers, gloat about their failures and our successes. In this case, our revenge is driving them to kill themselves. Remember that. I can always make up for the lost power elsewhere. And don’t forget that I can track them. In fact, I already have them marked on my map. I hope you’re happy that Max is shouting at his two brothers because they acted like cowards and didn’t stand up for their sister, who is off crying in her room. Now he’s throwing empty bottles at them. His sister ran out to stop him, but he jerked his arm and threw her to the ground. Hahaha!! This is amazing! Sekh, this is revenge. We’re watching them fall apart, and it feels so sweet to be the catalyst.” My voice turned low. “When we’re stronger… When the suspicion wouldn’t fall on us... We’ll end their lives. All I ask is that you remain patient.” 

“Master… I never thought of it like that…” Sekh whispered. She pressed off my thigh and scooted up, bringing the draped-over covers with her. We warmed ourselves in the other’s heat. In seconds, we shared the same pillow while hugging each other. Our boobs pressed against each other in our tight embrace. 

“What? Did you think I had forgotten my promise of revenge? It comes in many flavors, you know. Death is but one of them. Sometimes, humiliation is preferable when you can watch the group self-destruct in real-time.”  

Sekh weakly nodded, her blue eyes avoiding mine. “It shames me, but I did. I was starting to doubt you, Master. I…” 

“No, you didn’t doubt me.” Sekh opened her mouth, but a kiss kept her voice from leaking. “Remember, you have total freedom. I do not restrict you at all. If you didn’t believe in me, you would have ended them then and there. But you still asked for permission. And you obeyed me when you didn’t have to.” I embraced my closest ally and gave her another kiss. In her eyes, she had committed a grave mistake. It caused no end to the heartache she faced today. Even during our bath, I felt she was preoccupied with trying to understand this. It was hidden behind her loveliness, but I knew her well enough to see beyond any façade. 

I told Sekh I was worried I would never have a chance to hold her again. Well, that really seemed to hurt her heart. She whimpered like a punished puppy and repeated her apologies no less than five times. She straddled my waist and cried into my chest. She begged me not to abandon her, nearly hysterically wailing that she didn’t want to be alone after experiencing companionship for the first time in her life. 

She took my hands and pressed them to her quivering breasts, then forced my fingers under her loose collar to brush her pretty neck.   

“I hate myself… I swore to not add to your pain, and I’ve done nothing but cause you harm and grief!! You’re disappointed in me. I know you are. Master… Just punish me. Beat me! Strike me! Choke me until your anger has subsided!” Suddenly, her leash materialized, and she forced my hand to grasp the cold metal. “Pull it! Beat me! Throw me to the ground and stomp me! Drag me along the floor! I deserve nothing less for failing you!” 

But I’m not angry. Not even a little bit.  

She was so loud and abrupt that even Tilde flew up in a daze and tried to reassure the crying Lionfolk. 

I was afraid Irisa and her mom were about to burst through the door, so I acted with no time to spare. Leaning up, I forcibly wrapped my arm around her shivering waist and tried to calm her growing fear with sweet words, but that didn’t do shit. She was still hysterical—on the verge of breaking down, so I attempted something risky... 

I focused on the metal leash I held and yanked as hard as possible. Sekh remained right where she was, but the leash snapped away from the collar and freely dangled from my hands. A moment later, it dissolved into black mana and vanished. 

“Why?!” Sekh complained. “That’s your symbol as my Master!” She touched her quivering hand to her collar and tried to forcefully conjure her leash, but that never happened in her ten attempts.  "You—you have to use it to punish me for failing you! Or else you’re going to leave me because I haven’t been trained. Because I haven’t been taught how to properly take care of my Master. Because--- Because--- Because---” Sekh grabbed her head and tightly pulled at her hair. No doubt she was experiencing a rather vivid flashback of her time at that slaver’s camp where she was forced to stand at a pillory. Some wires in her mind must’ve been crossed, allowing the emotions she felt now to be applied to that despicable moment of her life, and she was confusing the two time periods. That had to be it because the curse filtered any emotion that wouldn’t help Sekh fulfill her duties as the Dark Lord of Tyranny.  

I still had one more option to ease her heart, and it was one I was wary of using because I had been denied it for so long. But since we’ve been together for some time and experienced a lot in that short time, I was sure my heart was finally ready to let someone enter. Three little words contained tremendous amounts of power, and as I took a calming breath, I opened my mouth and let them flow out like softened honey. 

“I love you, Sekh,” I repeated that sentence thrice over, each time simmered Sekh’s rampaging anxiousness of abandonment. Her voice died out, barely audible above the sound of her heartbeat. We returned the pillow, yet she remained with her chest pushed so close to mine, a seemingly lifeless expression plastered on her face.  

“Is someone like me deserving of love?” Sekh weakly whispered. 

“I could say the same for me. I’m a murderer. I don’t feel a thing when I kill,” I replied. Tilde stayed silent, for even she knew when that was necessary.  

“Why do you love me?” 

“Because I do. Because you’re my closest and greatest ally. Because we were both abandoned by the world. Because I know I need someone to share my heart if I’m to remain sane on this bloody path I must travel. Because I’m grateful to you. Because—” 

Sekh kissed me, her lips carrying over the taste of salt. “Will you… Will you let a monster like me love you?” 

“We’re both monsters, Sekh,” I replied. She smiled when I cupped her cheeks. I wiped my thumb below her left eye, scattering an orphaned tear. “You’re much cuter when you’re smiling. It suits you far more. Oh, and this?” I patted her head and gave her fluffy ears a ton of love and attention. My lovely Lionfolk ate it all up, giving a bigger tear-stained smile than I thought possible. “There, you've been punished. I don’t want to hear any more talk of you hating yourself or wanting me to beat you. The thought of doing that has literally never crossed my mind at all. And about your leash... Honestly, I don’t know what I did, but there will never be a moment in which I would grab it to purposely hurt you. I’m glad you can’t summon it anymore because I never once regarded you as my slave. Not even for a microsecond because you’re my adorable Sekh. Now, is there anything I can do for you to prove it?” 

Sekh tearfully nodded. “I want to stay connected with you. Can you grant me that?” she whispered.  

I nodded. Sekh lifted her hips since she still straddled me, spread herself open with one hand, and used the other to insert my dick into her moistening pussy. I felt her warmth swallow me with affection, accompanied by a slight quiver. 

I wrapped my hands around her back while she rested her head on my heart. “We’re connected, Sekh. When you wake up, I’m going to be right here. I love you,” I said, rubbing my hands up her trembling sides, stopping when I caressed her cheeks. We talked a little bit about the curse and what Tilde told me. Sekh never once realized her actions were submissive in nature, then expectantly looked at me. Honestly, her submissiveness was cute because it allowed these moments that I loved. Me and her, cuddling together in bed while I slowly petted her head and played with her fluffy ears and tail. Sekh confirmed that when she was the Dark Lord of Tyranny, her mind only felt things related to destroying the world. Even something as happiness from slaughtering an army was replaced with a desire to spread more blood.  

With that in mind, it was easy to predict how someone like Sekh would react, and I was an idiot for not noticing it sooner. If I were smarter, I could have avoided a tumultuous period in which fear and havoc wrecked her heart.  Even if it only lasted for less than thirty minutes, it was pain that wasn’t needed. In that sense, I failed her as her ‘Master,’ but thinking along those lines would cause us to enter an endless feedback loop of feeling pity and sorry for the other. 

There was no need for that because we could progress beyond that.  

I spoke more about my world and told her some things I couldn’t tell Irisa and her mother. Sekh remained silent as she laid against me and listened to the sound of my voice. When I thought she had fallen asleep, I told her I loved her and closed my eyes, but then my sharp ears picked up a whisper. 

“I love you too, Master. Good night.” Sekh’s voice was still slightly weak and full of emotion, but she soon returned to the world of dreams. It warmed my heart to see her so relaxed and at peace, and after tonight? We evolved our relationship to the next level, and our trust could not have been any stronger. I had finally found someone I really did love.  

No, I was sure I loved her from the moment she listened to my story and showed me affection without abuse. 

More than ever, I was determined to free her from this curse. 

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