The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix

Chapter 47 - Private Meeting

As Feng Yu Die followed Bai Yuexin on the way to the Black Star market town, she was full of doubts.

How come she hadn't heard Ye Anping say he had a sister?

And how did he know she liked roasted chicken?

However, standing with Bai Yuexin in front of Ye Anping's store, Feng Yu Die was even more confused.

"Ye's Physiotherapy Center..." "Ye's Physiotherapy Center..."

Feng Yu Die and Xiao Tian stood at the entrance of Ye Anping's shop, looking up at the name plaque for a long time.

Seeing Feng Yu Die's ignorance, Bai Yue puffed out her chest and complacently showed off her knowledge. "Never heard of it, have you? Physiotherapy is a meridian unclogging technique..."

Feng Yu Die hurriedly replied, "…My master told me about it, it seems to be a medical skill of ordinary people, very common beyond the Thousand Great Mountains, but it is not of much use to cultivators, so there is no such thing here."

"Beyond the Thousand Great Mountains?" Bai Yuexin was stupefied for a long time. Wasn't that the Land of Desolate Spirits?

But she got over it and replied. "Why is it useless? My brother's technique is very good. Just one touch can unblock the meridians. It is better than pills. None of the ones who have tried said it's not good.

"Even better than pills?" Feng Yu Die was surprised. "Really?"

"Of course it's true, why would I lie to you? My brother is awesome."

Feng Yu Die was stunned and suddenly had this unspeakable idea of wanting to try it. She rolled her eyes, walked into the lobby quickly, and shouted with a smile. "Boss!"

When Ye Anping heard Feng Yu Die's voice from the back room, he hurriedly came out with a welcoming smile.


But after stepping out from behind the screen and seeing Feng Yu Die, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Although he was the one who called Feng Yu Die over and made Bai Yuexin run to and fro twice, he was still disappointed that it was not a guest.

The next moment, Ye Anping's gaze was attracted by Feng Yu Die's third 'boob.'

What's going on here?

It was true that Feng Yu Die was indeed wounded in her shoulder by "Fifth Brother" yesterday.

Swelling, he could understand, but how did it swell into a third boob?

Ye Anping stood there for a while, then quickly walked to Bai Yuexin, took out a few spirit stones from his storage bag, and handed them to her, planning to send her away first. Otherwise, it would be difficult to talk.

"Miss Bai, can you buy two roasted chickens for me?"

"Ah..." Bai Yuexin bulged her cheeks in dissatisfaction when she heard this request, but thought that as an elder, she should be more magnanimous and said, "Call me sister."


"Good boy!!!" Bai Yuexin rubbed his head, and this time, Ye Anping didn't dodge.

"Alright! You don't have to pay for it, it's just two roasted chickens. I'll get them for you. Do you want anything else?"


Bai Yuexin pushed back his spirit stones, then went to find a restaurant in the marketplace and buy roasted chickens.

After she walked away, Feng Yu Die came to him and asked, "When did you get another sister?"

Ye Anping glanced at her third 'boob' and asked, "When did you grow another boob?"

"Pfft——hahahaha..." Xiao Tian, who was flying next to Feng Yu Die's head, heard Ye Anping's words, couldn't hold back, and rolled in the air laughing. "I've been wanting to say it too... Yu Die, your swollen shoulder is... Hahaha—"

Feng Yu Die was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her breasts before realizing what they meant, and her eyelids twitched.


She subconsciously wanted to swear.

But on second thought, now was the time to gain the favor of her 'brother-in-law'.

Feng Yu Die coughed and replied seriously. "Ahem—you don't know what happened yesterday. Last night, when it was dark and windy, Sister Pei and I were walking in the forest when suddenly, six masked criminals jumped out of the grass, trying to take our lives. We all deployed all kinds of moves and skills, but unfortunately, the other side had too many people, and Sister Pei and I were about to be defeated by them. Just when we were about to be overwhelmed, I had the bright idea to leave an opening for my adversary and let him stick his sword in my shoulder. Then, Sister Pei and I cooperated and killed them with a single swipe..."

Ye Anping gave her a blank look and complained. "Shall I bring you a gavel and set up a storytelling stand for you outside?"

"Ah... hehe." Feng Yu Die scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly. "Really! Young Master Ye, believe me, it was a close call at that time. If I hadn't intentionally let myself be stabbed by that sword, Sister Pei and I would have really been in danger at that time."

"I didn't say I didn't believe it. Let's go to the back room, it's not convenient to talk here."

"Ah... Young Master Ye."

"Huh? What?"

"Do that physiotherapy on me. I want to try it." Feng Yu Die blinked curiously and said, "That sister said just now that your physiotherapy is more effective than pills. Wasn't it said that physiotherapy is a commoners' medical technique and is of no use to cultivators?"

Ye Anping sized her up and shook his head. "I won't do it."

"... Why? I'll pay for it."

"You can't afford it."

"Eh? How much is it?"

"Starting from fifty spirit stones up."

Feng Yu Die shrunk her neck. "Huh? So expensive."

Ye Anping shrugged and said, "It's been said that it works better than pills. If I don't sell more expensively, I'll be surpassed by the boss of the pill store across the street."

"Although you have a good argument..." Feng Yu Die was still curious, so she asked, "Is it okay to pay on credit?"

"This shop does not accept credit."

"Not even for friends?"

"Since when are we friends?"


Speechless, Feng Yu Die didn't insist, thinking she would wait to get the monthly wage from Black Star Sect and then come over to pay. While walking toward the back room, she also asked. "By the way, why did you open a shop in the market? Are you short of money?"

"Short, very short."

"Even you, a Young Master, are short of money?"

"Can there be too much money?"


After entering the back room, Ye Anping took out talismans from the storage bag and pasted them in the four corners of the room. Then, he closed all the windows and locked the door.

Seeing this series of actions, Feng Yu Die was stupefied, thinking Ye Anping wanted to kill her to silence her.

"What are you doing?"

"I’m preventing eavesdropping." Ye Anping sat down, poured her a cup of tea, and said bluntly, "In short, you are being targeted by the Seven Slayers Sect."


"You should know that Magical Poison Sect hired someone to seek revenge. The Grand Master of the Magical Poison Sect died here, and when the Seven Slayers investigated the cause of his death, they found out about you. The purpose of the group you met yesterday was to capture you alive."

Hearing what Ye Anping said, Feng Yu Die's eyes widened, and even Xiao Tian, who was listening on the sidelines, looked in disbelief.

Now that they knew...

Almost instantly, they both reacted.

Feng Yu Die slapped the table and stood up straight away.

"How could it be!!" "How is it possible!"

"Yes, it is possible." Ye Anping took a sip of tea and said flatly, "After all, I tricked those people into thinking I was the owner of a Seven Slayers Sect shop and infiltrated their group."

"No wonder I felt that the masked little man last night was strange…" Feng Yu Die frowned and looked at him resentfully. "It turns out it was you."

"Sit down." Ye Anping shrugged and stated. "Actually, to be precise, they were looking for the person who killed the Magical Poison Sect's Grand Master, and you took the blame."

Feng Yu Die was happy to take the blame for Pei Lianxue, so she didn't say anything.

After a pause, she asked, "Then, if you were there, why didn't you come out and join forces with us to catch that person..."

"He was a late-stage Foundation Building Dharma cultivator, and who knew what was in his storage bag? The main purpose of my presence at the time was to prevent him from confronting you head-on. Otherwise, you could have a few more boobs..."

Feng Yu Die's eyes narrowed into slits as she said, "Can you stop mentioning boobs? You make me want to beat you up."

"And I have a purpose for keeping that person, which is to completely eradicate the Seven Slayers Sect from the Western Region. I’m doing it for me and my sister as well as for you. You must have heard the saying that hate can't last forever."

Feng Yu Die looked at Ye Anping and felt a strange sense of discrepancy for the second time.

The teenager, who looked about the same age as her, inexplicably gave her a very mature feeling, just like the last time in the Hundred Lotus Sect, when Ye Anping had asked her to help bring Pei Lianxue into the Black Star.

"Do you have any enmity with Seven Slayers Sect?"

"No. You want to know why am I doing it?"

"Tell me~"

"In the public interest, we must eradicate the scourge; that group of people is a great ensemble of treacherous and evil villains. In private, I just don't want to be bothered by them."

"It sounds pretty good... But it was fine if there were one or two people. How will you get rid of the entire Seven Slayers Sect?"

Ye Anping exhaled lightly and said, "Before I tell you about it, let's talk about the split profit. Thinking about what you're going to do this time, I'll give you a 20% friendship discount. How about fifty-fifty?"

Hearing there was a profit, Feng Yu Die's eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly asked. "Can we also make a profit from the Seven Slayers Sect?! How many spirit stones can we earn?"

"I can only say it's a lot, but I'm not sure how much. It mainly depends on your ability."

"My ability? I can carry two thousand pounds of spirit stones on the flying sword."

"Who taught you to measure spirit stones by pounds?"

Feng Yu Die smiled, then stopped suddenly and asked. "Wait, answer me another question first."


"How do you know I like roasted chicken?"

Ye Anping didn't expect her to ask this and was silent for a while.

It's written in the game.

Of course, he couldn't say that.

"Didn't you order roasted chicken at that inn when we first met?"

"You remember so clearly?"

"I have a good memory."

Feng Yu Die rubbed her hands together like a money grubber, her eyes shining brightly.

"Well, then, go on, what do I have to do? After that, we'll talk about the profit."

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