The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix

Chapter 31 - Brother Is Like An Old Father Providing For His Daughter Schooling

Black Star Sect's town square, in front of Shop No. 13

"Just put this in there and help me move that vase here! For the beds, put five in each room, and also, the screen is..."

The handsome young man stood in the doorway, directing a group of strong handymen to arrange the store he had just rented.

During the two days when Pei Lianxue and Feng Yu Die participated in the entry selection, Ye Anping had been running around to set up his physiotherapy shop.

After all, this shop will be the source of income for him and his sister in the future.

He has also been asking around the market in the past two days.

Normally, for disciples who passed the selection, the Black Star Sect provided endowments, and they didn't need spirit stones at all for their daily expenses. Moreover, they also got free pills every month, and in the future, they will also help them customize things such as spirit swords and imperial spirits.

But his sister was different.

As a companion student, she had to pay tuition fees.

And not just tuition.

She needed spirit stones to eat in the Black Star Sect's canteen.

The same for using the martial arts training ground.

It takes spirit stones to buy clothes, and even accommodation fees are required.

It was basically the same as the private schools in his previous life, and the price was still the price of an elite school, but there were no bonuses like 'scholarships' or 'subsidies for poor students.'

Therefore, in order to provide for Pei Lianxue and himself to practice in Black Star Sect, he, as a brother, must work hard to earn more spirit stones.

Although he thought about whether he should reach out to his father for help, in the end, he felt embarrassed. In this world of immortal cultivators, to still depend on his old man was something weird...

And by working hard, he will also accumulate experience.

At worst, if there was really no way out, he could still go home and inherit his father's sect.


Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Ye Anping looked at the plaque with the title "Ye's Physiotherapy Center" and was very satisfied, although if Ye Ao knew that he was doing such thing as physical therapy, he would definitely fly on his sword and rush over to whip his ass.

Oh well...

"Brothers, thank you for the hard work!" He patted the door panel, and took out a few jars of wine and food, "I bought some wine and roast chicken and duck, everyone, come and eat when you are done!"

"That's great! Thank you, little boss." The head of the renovation workers grinned, and his work became twice as fast.

At this rate, he could open his physiotherapy center tomorrow if he caught up a bit with work tonight.

Stretching his shoulders a little, Ye Anping looked at the sky and saw that the day was almost done, so he prepared to have dinner with the handymen and go to the back room to rest.

Today's sword test should be over, and according to the game's plot, the disciple named Bai Yuexin should be hiding in her bedroom, crying.

His "20% discount shopping coupon" was still waiting for him to comfort her.

As he ate the roast chicken, Ye Anping thought about how he could comfort Bai Yuexin.

He couldn't enter the sect now, much less go to the Heavenly Cloud Peak. If Bai Yuexin shut herself in the house, it would be difficult to see her.

"By the way, little boss, what is this physiotherapy center of yours, eh? We've been working in this market for decades, but this is the first time I've heard of such a thing as a physiotherapy center."

"It's just a massage."

"Massage? Isn't that something you do in a brothel?"

Ye Anping smiled, and said: "What brothel? There's no such thing here. If you are curious, just come and try it later. I will give you a 10% discount."

"How much is a 10% discount?"

"Forty-five spirit stones for a quarter of an hour."

"So expensive? How can we afford to come?"

The handymen shook their heads, stopped talking about it, and went back to eating.

Ye Anping didn't care either. Anyway, the customers he originally targeted were the Black Star Sect disciples, and this price was nothing more than a reward from a mission to them.

He took out a ledger and calculated on it running the pen with his spiritual power.

"Three thousand spirit stones, minus the rent, decoration... Sister's tuition, miscellaneous fees... And it's gone..."

Then he remembered that when Wang Shouren came to the Hundred Lotus Sect, he said that he could go with Wu You's ID tablet to the Black Star office to collect the reward money, but it was impossible for him to do this.

Once Wu You's identity tablet was exchanged for the reward, the news would spread around that it was a cultivator named Ye Anping who received the bounty.

Then, he won't be able to deny that most of what was in Wu You's storage bag was now in his possession.

He was currently in the Qi Refining stage but he carried a bunch of magic items for the Core Formation cultivators in his bag.

Once exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

He really had no good way to deal with those items now.

"Ah..." Ye Anping sighed again.

Suddenly, a small hand gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can you...can you give me another physiotherapy? Like last time... Sniff..."

Ye Anping was taken aback, as he was so engrossed in thinking about that matter that he was completely unaware that someone had snuck up behind him.

He turned his head and saw a dazed woman, but he didn't immediately recognize her.



"Bai... Sister Bai?"

"Mm-hmm." Bai Yuexin nodded with her lips pursed.

"You... what's wrong with you?" Ye Anping looked her up and down in disbelief.

He knew that Bai Yuexin had been dealt a blow by being defeated by Feng Yu Die and she became depressed.

But the way she looked now, this was not a blow but a blow-up.

Bai Yuexin was now like Meng Jiangnu who cried down the Great Wall*, her whole body exuded resentment, and even a few handymen who were drinking and eating roast chicken felt compelled to move their benches at a respectful distance.

Ye Anping thought for a moment, then took a plate of roast chicken along with a bag of spirit stones, and said to the workers: "Everyone, eat, this is today's wages, you can share it among yourself and if it is not enough, come again tomorrow and ask for it."


After a brief explanation, he held the roast chicken in one hand and took Bai Yuexin with the other to lead her to the physiotherapy hall.

Bai Yuexin looked at the current decoration of the physiotherapy hall, and asked weakly, "How much is a physiotherapy session?"

"Well..." Ye Anping hesitated for a moment and smiled, "It's not open today, no need to pay."

"That's not okay..."

"It's okay, it's okay, didn't you help me with the shop application? I'm just returning the favor."

Ye Anping pushed Bai Yuexin to the inner room, sat her on a bed, then lit an incense burner.

"Sister, just lie down and relax."


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