The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix

Chapter 248 - Yiyi Needs Answers


A clear sound resounded as the Black Ice Spirit Sword left the sheath, drawing ten silver rays through the air with an elegant shimmer.

Yun Yiyi stared unblinking at Pei Lianxue's graceful figure dancing with the sword, feeling dazed. Although she used the same Leaf Shadow Sword technique as Yun Xi, Pei Lianxue was far superior in both movements and sword spirit. She even saw the shadow of her father practicing swordsmanship in Pei Lianxue.

Yun Xi, who stood beside her, was also impressed by Pei Lianxue's sword dance but not stunned. Patting Yun Yiyi on the shoulder, she said, "Back then, you didn't believe me when I told you about the sword techniques; neither you nor Jiujiu have studied it as much as I have. Miss Pei practices the Leaf Shadow Sword technique, while Young Master Ye practices the Interrogation Sword technique. Both are authentic inheritances that only our stinky old man has mastered. These two must be secretly born out of wedlock."

Yun Yiyi fell silent, her eyes full of sorrow.

Ye Anping was rough with girls, and he was her biological brother.

This thought was quite exciting for her.

But it could only be excitement, nothing more.

In the Immortal Laws, it was clearly stated that blood relatives up to the third degree can never be a couple. If she insisted on marrying Ye Anping again, she would not only harm herself but also him.

At this moment, Yun Yiyi only felt that fate was unfair.

After living for nearly seventy years, she finally met a man she liked so much, but this man actually turned out to be her biological brother.

Unwilling to accept it, she bit her lip and retorted, "Although the Leaf Shadow Sword technique is genuine, isn't it possible that Dad passed it on to an outsider? Is it reasonable to recognize kinship based solely on a sword technique...?"

Yun Xi shrugged slightly as she pointed at the Snow Jade Spirit Sword in Pei Lianxue's hand. "Grandpa's sword can also serve as evidence. Do you think he would pass the sword to an outsider? He must have seen that Miss Pei has the blood of the Yun family flowing in her veins before passing on the sword to her."


Yun Yiyi had no reason to refute this argument, and her expression became even more bitter.

Yun Xi was right; the significance of the Snow Jade Spirit Sword was substantial for both the Yun family and the Moon Shadow Sword Sect. The Immortal Yun Jian wouldn't pass it on to an outsider.

Seeing her unhappy face, Yun Xi tried to comfort her. "I can see that you really have feelings for Ye Anping, but he is your younger brother. Be more rational. Big sister, weren't you always quite sensible before? Don't lose sight of the bigger picture over a small matter."


Yun Yiyi looked at Yun Xi and let out a heavy breath, only feeling more hatred for her father in her heart.

It was all because of her old man's promiscuity that those things happened, causing her and her sisters to turn against each other, causing her to miss out on the only person in her life that she liked, and causing her to almost die in the hands of a Sword Sect Elder...

All the disasters befalling the Moon Shadow Sword Sect were pits dug by her father in the past.

He didn't fill them, and his daughters suffered for it...

---That damn old geezer.

Yun Yiyi cursed in her heart, and her fists hanging by her sides clenched with a "click".

After a while, she said, "I understand. In a few days, I will talk to the Elders about the Thousand Sword Pool, and we will go there together to destroy Yun Kunwu. Let's settle it seven days from now, how about it?"

"I have no objections."

"Then, I'll say goodbye to you and sister Pei now..."

Yun Yiyi nodded toward Yun Xi and to Pei Lianxue, who was a little further away, before turning and walking outside the courtyard. She then stepped on her flying sword and left.

Seeing her leave, Pei Lianxue put away the Snow Jade Spirit Sword and returned to Yun Xi's side. "Have you mended your relationship?"

"... I suppose so." Yun Xi glanced at her with confusion in her eyes, then asked, "Sister Pei, why do you want us to reconcile so much? What happens between Yun Yiyi and me has nothing to do with you."

"Well..." Pei Lianxue pondered for a moment before answering. "Am I not your biological younger sister too? Of course, I don't want to see my older sisters quarrel."

"... So, you knew long ago that Ye Anping was your brother."

"... Uh-huh."

"And you still want to marry him?"

Pei Lianxue pretended to be dumb. "Can't I?"

"Of course not!!" Yun Xi reprimanded her, frowning. "Sister Pei, between blood relatives..."

Yun Xi put her arm around her shoulders and naturally began to lecture Pei Lianxue extensively on ethical matters. Pei Lianxue listened expressionlessly, nodding in agreement from time to time, but in fact, her mind was wandering far away.

She was now thinking, if Big Brother knew she had helped him, would he praise her? Would he no longer treat her like a little girl?

... ...

It was almost dusk when Yun Yiyi rushed back alone to the Sword Wine Peak, feeling the wind like a sharp knife on her face.

Ye Anping is her brother, Ye Anping is her biological brother...

This sentence kept repeating in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more reluctant and uncomfortable she felt. At the same time, a question was nagging her.

---Did Ye Anping know that he was actually her brother?

If he knew, why would he take the initiative to marry her? Why didn't he tell her about this when they first met?

Yun Yiyi bit her lip lightly, inexplicably feeling that Ye Anping seemed to know everything from beginning to end but just wouldn't tell her anything.

She complained. "Anping, how many things are you hiding from me?"

... ...

When Yun Yiyi returned to Sword Wine Peak with her sword, the sun had completely set, the red hue on the horizon showing that night had arrived. However, the Sword Wine Peak compound was still brightly lit, and there were still many people on the martial arts field, practicing hard.

She landed at the entrance of the Cloud Wine Mansion, and the two Core Formation stage disciples guarding the entrance hurriedly came forward and saluted. "Greetings, Eldest Miss."

"Mm..." Yun Yiyi frowned. "Is Young Master Ye still here?"

"Young Master Ye is drinking and chatting with Second Lady and Young Master Feng in the main house."

"I see."

Yun Yiyi considered how she was going to face Ye Anping and stepped inside the mansion gate, but perhaps the reluctance and desire in her heart were too heavy, and a shady thought suddenly arose in her heart.

Even if she could not be together with Ye Anping in the future, as long as she pretended not to know about all this, there would be no sin. It's all because of her depraved father.

She liked Ye Anping too much.

Even after listening to Yun Xi's words and thinking for a long time on the way back, she still couldn't erase Ye Anping from her heart.

He was the first person she had fallen for in over sixty years.

Yun Yiyi felt like her mother did toward her father; even though they had only spent a short time together, she was already deeply involved.

She stopped in her tracks and couldn't help but smile bitterly, asking herself, "Yun Yiyi, you are truly a love-struck silly girl. Is he really that good?"

Then, she answered herself, "Yes, he is."

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, clenched her fists tightly, and resolutely walked toward the main house.

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