The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 11: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (11)

Chapter 11: The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (11)

Chapter 11 The best sister-in-law in the 1980s (11)

While we were chatting, there was a noise outside the house, and someone was calling Aunt Geng:

Axiang, Axiang, your military treasure fell into the stream.

Li Asiang was so anxious that she ran out.

Xu Yin suddenly remembered a plot in the novel:

Cannon Fodder originally had an uncle who loved her very much, and her aunt treated her well.

But after his uncle's child fell into a stream, he suffered from pulmonary edema because he was not sent to the hospital in time. The follow-up treatment required a lot of medical expenses. His uncle came to the Xu family to borrow money with a sack of mountain goods on his back.

The original person actually refused to save and refuse to lend him a hand.

She said she had borrowed it and no one knew when she would pay it back. She was about to graduate and had to keep the money to implement the trust relationship.

He also said that pulmonary edema is not cancer. At most, it causes chest tightness and shortness of breath. It is not impossible to survive, so why spend a lot of money to treat it.

After that, my uncles family no longer had any contact with the original family.

So much so that when he got into an accident and was sent to a farm to work in a labor camp, his uncle's family only asked someone to send him a quilt.

Auntie, Ill go with you.

Xu Yin followed decisively.

At this time, many people were surrounding the creek where Geng Junbao fell into the water.

"Junbao! Junbao!" Li Asiang rushed over anxiously.

"Axiang, don't worry, Junbao choked on some water and is fine now."

God bless you! Li Asiang held her son in her arms and rejoiced.

Xu Yin knelt down, touched her cousins head, and said to Li Asiang:

Auntie, change Junbaos clothes and lets take him to the hospital for a checkup. I heard that if a child chokes when he drowns, and dirty water enters the trachea, he will easily get pneumonia.

Ah? Is it so serious? Li Asiang looked at his son and then his niece, a little undecided.

Others all said: "It's not that serious. Children have fallen into the water before. Who would have sent them to the hospital?"

Thats right, if you dont wake up, send him to the hospital. If he wakes up and hes still alive and kicking, why send him to any hospital? Its a waste of money!

City people are poor and sophisticated.

Isnt it said that she is the Geng familys niece? Her family has moved to the city?

I said I am still studying, so I will stay in the city after graduation.

The topic gets further and further away.

Xu Yin had no time to take care of them, so she persuaded her aunt to go home and change her cousin's wet clothes, put on her bicycle, and took them to the health center in the countryside.

Afraid that her brother would suffer from pulmonary edema as described in the plot if she was delayed a little longer, Xu Yin rode so fast that her **** almost left the seat.

When I went to the health center, I actually received an extra 100 energy points as a reward because my "cycling speed broke the previous record."

This is really an unexpected blessing (money)!

Due to poverty, the rural health center could not retain a permanent doctor. After reporting the matter to the superiors, doctors from the county hospital took turns to come and treat the patient.

Today it happened to be the turn of the chief physician of the Department of Internal Medicine. He listened to the lung rales with the receiver and said while prescribing:

Theres a little crackle, but it was delivered in time. Ill take some emergency syrup and anti-inflammatory medicine and go back and check again after eating.

What will happen if we dont come for treatment? Li Axiang couldnt help but ask.

Its hard to say. In mild cases, its bronchitis, but in severe cases, it may be pulmonary edema. If we wait until then for treatment, let alone the child suffering, the medical expenses cannot be solved by just one or two bucks.

Li Axiang was extremely lucky to have listened to her niece and sent her son to see a doctor in time.

When I got home, I rolled up my sleeves and said I wanted to prepare something delicious for my niece. Xu Yin played with Jun Bao for a while, peeled a candy ball for him, stood up and said goodbye:

"Auntie, please stop working. I have to go. Before I went out, my mother told me to rush back before noon. My mother will be worried if I don't come back. Besides, I will go back to school tomorrow and I still have a lot of homework to do. It's really embarrassing. I'll stay. I'll come see you again after the summer vacation. I'll definitely stay a few more days then, so grandma, don't think I'm annoying."

"How could it be possible?" Grandma Geng pretended to be angry, "He came and then left without eating. How can it be like this?"

One of our own, not an outsider. Xu Yin said with a smile.

Li Asiang saw that she insisted on going back before noon, so she stopped trying to persuade her.

Packed up some dried fungi, dried fish from streams, etc. that I had saved at home a few days ago, and put them in cloth bags for Xu Yin to take away.

Xu Yin saw that there were not only fungus and shiitake mushrooms in the bag, but also a few red mushrooms, so she said to Li Axiang:

"Auntie, these red mushrooms have medicinal value and are very valuable outside. You can pack them separately from now on. If the collector doesn't increase the price for you, I will take them out and sell them for you."

"Really? This mushroom stew, even the soup is red. We here don't like to eat it very much, so we didn't deliberately look for it. If you say so, I will know it. I will ask your uncle to pay more attention to it and leave it for you to eat. "

Li Asiang thought it was just a little more expensive than fungus and shiitake mushrooms, so she didnt feel comfortable buying it at all.

Xu Yin didn't say anything more when she saw this, and hurried to the drugstore in the market to ask.

If you accept it over there and tell your uncle's family the good news, it's okay if you don't accept it. She will buy it herself.

Store it in the system warehouse and eat it later.

Counting this one, she has already traveled through three small worlds. Who knows if there will be a follow-up.

It is true that she has read too many novels and complained about a lot of them. But everyone who complained about them must wear them. It will only take years and months for the monkey to return to the original world.

I feel worried just thinking about it...

It would be fine if you were in a prosperous age with mountains and rivers, and the people were kind and kind, but it happened to be an era of war, fleeing from famine, or a period of hardship, and you would still have bad cards at the beginning.

In order to survive and not be cannon fodder, you have to work hard to turn things around at the beginning, and you have to be careful not to let the plot counterattack.

It is easy for her.

On the way home, Xu Yin was still riding fast.

Want to try to see if I can break another record, earn energy points as a reward or something.

Its a pity its not broken.

It is estimated that the speed at which she sent her cousin to the hospital exceeded her riding limit.

Fortunately, I cycled 50 kilometers round trip. Adding the previous kilometers, I rode a total of 100 kilometers. [Unlocked Intermediate Cycling Skills], and was rewarded with a set of intermediate cycling tools.

Xu Yin took a look and saw that it was actually a lightweight electric bicycle, as well as 3D model design drawings and a set of tools and materials.

Following this trend, if you unlock advanced riding skills, could the prize be a motorcycle?

Xu Yin rubbed her chin and thought about it for a long time, unable to figure out the rules of tasks and rewards issued by the living assistance system.

When she was a peasant girl, the tasks that came up were usually related to farming, which was in line with her status at the time.

But now she is a student, and it should be related to study. How come she is riding a bicycle?

If I dont understand it, I simply dont think about it. Ill think about it again when I have time, and put the reward into the system warehouse.

When she got home, her mother was simmering braised pork, and the aroma spread far and wide.

A group of children squatted in front of Lao Xu's house.

Some Xu Yin recognized them, and some did not. They dragged their noses, pointed their fingers, and hunched their little noses to smell the fragrance.

Its good to smell it even if you cant eat it.

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