The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 98

My Villains Chapter 098

25. Rainy Season (3)

Unlike the knights staying in cozy mansions, Prince Ulkar was still taking care of his lodging and meals in the plaza.

It is said that the prince insisted on staying in the old military tent even while the rain was leaking due to the untimely rainy season. Right in the tent, I

was having a private meeting with Prince

Ulkar .

…You’re having a private meeting with someone like me? Without an escort? Is this man really out of his mind?

No matter what I was thinking in my mind, the prince opened his mouth while leaning comfortably on the backrest.

“What do you think the reason is?”

“…yes? What reason are you talking about?”

“The reason why I insist on staying in this military camp.”

how do i know that Do you like camping?

“…I don’t know, Your Highness.”

“Because I have to leave someday. Once you get used to a warm fireplace and a strong roof, you will lose your will to leave.”

South Harbor has long since fallen into the hands of a prince. But you have to leave here? why?

When I made a puzzled expression, the prince naturally changed the topic.

“okay. Are you waiting for a covenant?”

“Ah yes. A comrade is crippled by a serious injury, and a covenant is needed to heal it.”

“is it. The schedule must have been delayed quite a bit because of me.”

The prince was wearing a wooden prosthetic hand because he had lost his left arm to the Underlord. Because the arm under the elbow was completely torn apart, it was impossible to recover with only healing potions or the prayers of the priest.

Of course, he expected to be treated by the bishop, but he didn’t seem to want to.

No matter how famous Prince Ulkar is, he is not a king, so he cannot give orders to the bishop. Then I should have paid and received treatment…

The prince continued with a wry smile as if he had read my thoughts.

“If I had enough gold coins, I would have been healed by His Excellency the Bishop.”

“Have you run out of money? It can’t be…

You’ve taken over the city, but you only have a thousand gold coins? does that make sense?

Prince Ulkar shook his head with an unusually cold smile.

“They say you can’t regenerate your arm with just one recovery prayer. That I have to take it at least three times.”

“Did you really ask me to pay 3,000 gold coins? at church?”

“Why not?”

Wow, bastards like net thieves.

Ellen’s leg was the ultimate reason that we, Ellen Utequai, and I had been in South Harbor for the past three weeks.

I wanted to finish treatment somehow. Seeing the efficacy so far, I thought it would be better with two or three more bottles. So, after the uproar, he asked the church to make a covenant.

But the problem was that Prince Ulkar was also seriously injured.

There were as many as one-armed men waiting for each other, and we couldn’t be bothered to ask for a covenant first.

At that time, a wealthy nobleman cursed at me for saving gold coins…

“Three thousand gold coins, so I’m greedy.”

At my murmur, the prince smiled.

“You are disrespectful to Your Eminence Bishop, Phoenix.”

“Oh, that.”

“It’s a joke.”

Hey, I was surprised. You thought I was going to go to the middle of the day for insulting the priest.

“As you said, there is a limit to greed. I can’t spend thousands of gold coins just to make my arm grow again. It is greed beyond the limit.”

Mmm. What if I was in the prince’s shoes?

Didn’t he regenerate his arm, saying, ‘It’s my money anyway, so why don’t I just close my eyes and spend it’?

“It was out of regret that I asked the church to make a covenant. I heard that you need to drink the covenant periodically so that it can be regenerated someday. I’m going to solve this damn fantasies as well.”

Saying so, the prince took out a box from under his feet and placed it on the table.

Four glass bottles were neatly placed in the box.

Holy radiance flowing through the burgundy contents and borders. It was a covenant.

why are you showing this?

“But it seemed that this covenant was supposed to be used for someone other than me.”


“Take it.”

take it? this? covenant?

“Something suddenly said


…Can I have this?

When I showed hesitation, the prince sighed and took a piece of vellum from his bosom.

“Miss Ellen has no time.”

“yes? What does that mean?”

“Hérenard La Dacalin of the Palace of La Palais. That’s Miss Ellen’s real name.”

what is this development?

“Suddenly, what did you say?”

“Simply recognized. They say that even in the Radakalin family, he is the one with the darkest blood of a great mage. Didn’t you know?”

“…I knew.”

“Good thing. So, that she killed her master and ran away?” I gritted my teeth and protested at the prince’s cold eyes.

“That’s a false name, Your Highness. Ellen had neither the reason nor the strength to do it.”

“is it.”

The prince glanced at the piece of parchment he was holding and nodded.

“It seems that there are quite a few people with the same thoughts as you in La Palais Palace.”


Prince Ulkar handed over a piece of parchment and continued.

“A pursuer is coming from the wizard’s palace. If it’s less, it’s two, if it’s more, it’s four.”

“The pursuer…

“There is nothing to despair about. If Miss Ellen was the obvious killer, dozens of wizards would have poured out as her pursuers.”

“You’re saying that the fact that there are few pursuers… is proof that the will of the palace has not come together as one.”


The prince knocked on the table and smiled.

“But you’d better avoid the pursuer. Even if you get caught by them or harm them, it will be a problem.”

“you’re right.”

“They say they will be boarding a boat in Ireland soon. It will probably arrive here in five days or so. Leave as soon as possible.”

I looked up at the note containing the pursuers’ trends and suddenly raised my head.

“…By the way, Your Highness.”

” hmm?”

“Why are you doing us this favor?”

The prince stared at my face, then smiled strangely.

“I am an impatient person when I see people in danger.”

“Wasn’t the answer enough?”

“…I want to know your true feelings.”


The prince knocked on the table for a moment, then stood up. Then he opened the military curtain and looked up at the sky.

“Phoenix. You are a hero.”


When I answered in a stupid voice without knowing it, Prince Ulkar burst into a small laugh.

“okay. you are a hero Countless bizarre rumors go around, but you can’t fool my eyes. You are a hero.”

“Oh, the prince. I’m sorry, but I think you misunderstood.” “Are you mistaken?”

“yes. I am not a hero.”

The sun, revealing its face through the dark clouds, was tilting toward the west. said Prince Ulkar, his eyes fixed on the distant orange-tinted horizon.

“Then why didn’t you run away?”


“When I sent you ashore. Why didn’t you ruin it too? Did you notice that I am suspicious of you?”

send it to the beach? Ah, when you deliver the letter and return to South Harbor?

“Did you doubt me?”

After a moment of laughter, the prince asked another question instead of an answer.

“The day I caught the fish-man witch. Why did you enter the salt city by yourself?”

“…there were comrades in arms.”

“The day the creeping dragon appeared. Why did you fight to the end without running away?”

I ran away and fell asleep, and I was the one the bastard was chasing…

Perhaps misunderstanding my hesitation, the prince turned his head and looked at me. The blue eyes were shining brightly.

“Why didn’t you ask for any reward in the first place after setting up those balls?”

The earthquake in the city was because of me, so how dare I get more compensation…

“Now, answer me. Are you saying you’re not a hero?”

“…it’s not.”

What was so funny, Prince Ulkar held his stomach and laughed for a while.

People gathered at the sound of that loud laugh.

Knights and friendly soldiers, commanders and sergeants, city officials who were waiting for the prince, and even the workers who sharpened the flagstone. They were drawn together by the sound of the prince’s laughter.

The laughter that had been going on for a while stopped. The prince raised his burning eyes and looked at me.

“You kindle an endless fire for my greed.”

“What is greed?”

“Do you think my favor is excessive?”

“Hmm, that doesn’t mean I’m in a bad mood… It’s just that I don’t know how to repay this undeserved kindness.” “

I’ll tell you the way. Get down on your knees.”

firm voice.


“Mercenary Phoenix, kneel. hurry!”

low whistle. Overwhelmed by the prince’s gaze, I unconsciously knelt down on one knee.


As Prince Ulkar drew his sword, mountains of the evening sunset scattered along the rippling blade.

The back of the sword extended by the prince slowly descended and landed on his right shoulder.

“I command you in the name of the Lord. Defend the church and destroy heresy.”

The back of the sword, drawing a soft arc, touched the left shoulder.

“I command in the name of the lion. Be loyal to the king and honor the nobles.”

The back of the sword, dyed in the sunset, touched the top of his head. And a clear whisper followed.

“I command in my name. Forget all the preceding, protect the weak and do good.”

…wait for a sec. Could this be?

“Phoenix, who was a mercenary, now rise as a knight.”

yes? Are you a knight?

I stood up with a trembling expression at the prince’s polite voice.

As soon as the words were finished, cheers erupted from all directions. The prince’s knights approached with smiles on their faces, wrapped their arms around their shoulders, and patted them on the back.

The voice of Sir Langbolt was heard then.

“Congratulations on becoming a knight, Sir Phoenix.”

Sir Phoenix?

Shouts rose in the twilight-drenched plaza. Shouts congratulating the saviors of the city leading to the master and servant’s kite.

okay. Through a ceremony close to snatching, I became the seventh knight of the silver prince.

…X-Arm God.

“what? Are you crazy?”

I sighed as Ellen opened her mouth and shouted.

“I thought I was crazy too. Uh- After all, the ordination ceremony was over.”

“…that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

…I have nothing to say. I didn’t even know I would be saying such stupid things.

“No, not even other nobles. Do you take orders from Prince Ulkar of the royal family of Zeore?”

“You don’t have to worry too much about that. You don’t have to serve as a servant, you just became a knight because of your status.”

“You idiot, do you think it’s that simple? How many enemies does Prince Ulkar have!”

“Hey voice.”

The car was just pulling into the square from Rouge Street, so Ellen quickly shut her mouth and took a quick look around.

I took advantage of the gap and quickly made excuses.

“Yeah, but the prince was very considerate. You don’t have to always reveal that you’re a knight of the prince, and if you feel like joining the army later, come visit me. Are there no obligations?”

“Ha, you don’t have any obligations? Please shut up if you’re stupid.”

“Hey, can’t you speak nicely?”

“You have to do pretty things to say pretty things! You drool right now, you idiot.”


“okay. The prince put saliva on you so the other nobles couldn’t find it.”

“…why is that a problem? I don’t intend to be a knight anyway?”

“But you… then you’re going to waste your life working as a mercenary for the rest of your life?”

“What about mercenaries? You make good money.”

At my words, Ellen stared at me as if she was speechless, then let out a big sigh.

“And I got this too.”

“What is this?”

I handed over the roll of parchment, and Ellen opened it with a frown. It was then that he opened his eyes wide.

“…’Lavalton Manor Title’? Did you get the land too?”

“Since the manor with two villages and a lake. It is quite spacious and there are about 300 people living there.”

“You idiot, if you blindly receive something like this… Ha ha.”

When Ellen dropped her shoulders as if she wasn’t annoyed anymore, I said with a smile.

“If you have that, you won’t be able to check your magician’s hand. It’s proven that you’re an aristocrat.”


“There’s no need to worry about going to a new territory or city. You have it.”

He stared blankly at me for a moment, then pursed his lips.

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