The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 69

My Villains Episode 069

19. Escape (2)

When all classes in the Dark World reach level 15, they become incomparably stronger than before.

The reason is simple. It’s because you’ve acquired a rank 2 skill.

As I reached level 15, I also acquired 2nd rank skills and rapidly became powerful


The thing that stood out the most while leveling up was the fact that another ‘free score’ was added.

When I went from level 11 to level 12, there was a time when 1 point was automatically added to the ‘flowing blood’ skill. As before, this time, 1 point was stamped on ‘Hot Blood’, an enhanced version of ‘Flowing Blood’.

The original plan was to take three rank 2 skills at once as a saved skill bonus, but thanks to ‘Hot Blood’ being taken for free, the remaining points were invested in ‘thirst’, a rank 1 skill.

In other words, the new skills I learned were a total of 3 ‘Hot Blood’, ‘Loot’, and ‘Blood’.

‘Hot Blood’ is a lineage-type 2 rank passive skill.

It is a skill that allows you to control not only your blood, but also the blood of others nearby, and slightly increases your attack speed and movement speed.

The effect itself is good, but it is a skill that must be taken to learn ‘Boiling Blood’ and ‘Flaming Blood’, so I learned it right away.

‘Plunder’ is a 2nd rank special skill in the Blood Fighting series.

The effect is to strengthen the 1st rank skill, ‘Blood Blade’, which is, in simple terms, a ‘vampire’ skill.

It is a technique that gave blood knights the nickname ‘Blood Wheel’ because of its fraudulent performance of recovering vitality in proportion to the amount of damage and blood loss inflicted on the opponent. Of course, it is compulsory to take a photo.

‘Blood Bora’ is a rank 2 active skill in the Blood Sculpture series.

It is a technique that attacks the enemy by exploding the blood under its control, but its magic coefficient is high, so at this point, its performance was insignificant.

However, it was also a preceding skill for the blood knight’s best ranged control skill, ‘Red Thorn’, so I just took it.

While checking the character sheet, Trickster suddenly came to mind.

He was a rare fraudulent character who used three ultimate skills, including ‘Messenger of Lightning’, ‘Frozen Earth’, and ‘Dragon’s Breath’. Did he become such a scammer because he got ‘free points’ like me?


Anyway, there was something that contributed more to my power increase than learning skills and strengthening my stats.

It is ‘Hrunting’.

The Hrunting, which was taken from Luke’s Skeleton Soldier, is a unique one-handed sword and one of the exclusive weapons for the Blood Knights.

Well, it’s not enough to be called graduation grade equipment, but it’s too much equipment to give to a character who is running a campaign.

How did you get this… Yes, a few months ago I killed a laughing challenger and turned him into a skeleton soldier. I think he was a blood knight wearing a mirror armor in Hrunting…

but I can’t remember all the options. Didn’t you take a good look at it then?

Unique equipment comes with a total of 6 options. Depending on the equipment, one or two fixed options are attached, and the rest are random options.

Of course, I definitely remember Hrunting’s fixed option. It was ‘getting stronger by drinking blood’ and ‘20% chance of bleeding on hit’.

The ambiguous tooltip of ‘getting stronger by drinking blood’ was ‘Attack power increased by 0.1% every time you kill a new type of enemy’. Bleeding is always a honey-like option for a blood knight.

Both seem like pretty good options, but compared to something like a magic sword… no, let’s not be full.

The random option… wouldn’t it be possible to know when you use it? Judging by how much strength comes up when holding a sword, it seems like there is a strength bonus attached… but I’m not sure about the rest.

Thanks to these various skills and unique weapons, the bloody blade was also completely different from before.

First, there was a difference in color. The blood that wrapped around Hrun Ting’s heart-colored blade was not the glamorous crimson color it used to be, but a bright red color that grabbed attention.

The shape also changed. Before, it was just coating the blade, but now the blood pulsates little by little and is alive and breathing. If you watch it still, it’s like an animal flicking its tongue.

Ellen frowned in embarrassment as she watched me insert a knife into Muzzara’s body and suck out her body fluids.

“…do I really have to do that? Aren’t you gross?”

“This is a place where you never know what will happen. You have to do your best.”

Actually, it’s a bit embarrassing.

I’m not a vampire, so there’s no way I enjoy sucking the blood of other animals. When he was Kim Seung-soo, he said he didn’t like Seon-ji very much.

But what can I do? You have to do this to stay in top condition.

After sucking the last bodily fluids from the last mumulra, the whole body is drenched with vitality.

After shaking my body to the fullest in the sauna, hitting a bowl of steamed rice with rice cake ramen and sleeping in the sleeping room… it feels like that. terribly cute


I let out a sigh of satisfaction in front of the shriveled insects, and Ellen, who was sitting against the wall, said with a tired expression.

“I say it just in case, but never do that in front of other people.”

“Yes? what?”

“It sucks blood. Especially if you do that to a person, you will be chased by the Heretic Questioners.”

I said frowning.

“Hey, what am I a leech mosquito? don’t do that.”

“That’s fortunate…”

Ellen continued, shaking her head.

“…I thought the phrase that a blood mage steals blood is a metaphor or a myth.

I never thought I would see this in reality.”


wait what do you mean?

“Uh, then don’t other blood mages do this?”

“Why are you asking me that? You are the blood mage.”

“No, just… I was curious how people knew.”

The guy answered with a look like ‘What is this bastard?’

“If blood mages had all drunk blood like you, they would have been treated as vampires rather than blood mages. Isn’t that obvious?”

…Suddenly, the necromancer Luke comes to mind.

Before revealing his identity, he only used extinction spells or spells from the abyss. Then, without blinking an eye, he said that he would never deal with necromancy.

In addition to that, he wrapped himself in a gentle and kind attitude, making it impossible to imagine that he was a taboo-violator.

Could it be that blood sorcerers

are in a similar situation to necromancers?

The social image of Middle World was similar to that of Europe in the Middle Ages.

It is a time when the power of the church is getting stronger day by day and myths, legends and superstitions other than those written in the Bible are rejected.

Necromancers and even the most powerful wizards are being pushed aside by the prestige of the Church. Blood magicians, who are extremely few in number, will have no choice but to save themselves even more.

Of course, even if it’s not because of the church, killing people and drinking their blood is something that should be rejected according to common sense. In fact, isn’t there a big difference between cannibalism and cannibalism?

In any case, you’d better be careful.

Seeing me lost in thought, Ellen shrugged and asked.

“so? When you say, ‘I wonder how people know’, do you mean that sucking blood is normal among you guys?”

“No, that’s not it… uh, it’s because I’m a bit of an outcast. I have a rather healthy constitution, so I can absorb a lot of things well.”

Ellen, who had raised her eyes in doubt, hesitated for a moment before opening her mouth.

“If the.”

” huh?”

“If you suddenly want to drink blood.”

“Hey, isn’t it like that? Am I a vampire?”

He waved his hand as if he was unfair, but he still had a determined expression on his face.

“But if so. You’d better drink my blood.”

“what? What is he talking about?”

“They gave me a lot of blood. So”

Somehow, I picked it up and a laugh leaked out.

“Hey, don’t make any weird noises, just get on your back.”


Ellen pursed her lips as she reached out to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

As Ellen and I ventured through the crypts, we encountered all kinds of monsters. The main ones he encountered were huge bugs, and other than that, all of them were dangerous, annoying, or uncomfortable, such as crocodiles, black slimes, and drowned corpses.

However, thanks to the new skills and Hrunting, I was in a state of rapid strength, and Ellen’s level rose soon, so there was no big threat.

However, it was only a little difficult when he hurried to avoid the pursuit of the underground lord.

After two days like that, we found our first magic trap.

When the ‘Altar’ event was activated, the topography of the crypt changed drastically, and the magic trap was one of them.

True to its name, Simcheo’s magic trap contained all kinds of deadly magic.

It was normal to teleport to the side of a monster or summon a monster right in front of it, and there were also cases where it dealt damage or went berserk.

“Huh finally.”

When I let out a sigh of relief in front of such a magic trap, Ellen raised a questioning voice.

“Are you happy to see me?”

“of course. Having a trap… means you’re close to your destination.”

To be precise… I had to find a magic passage hidden between magic traps to enter the destination, the artifact room.

In a word, it means that you have to step on the magic traps one by one and pray for them to be instantly transported to the artifact room.

“Now the hardships begin…”

“What hardships?”

“Wait a minute.”

I put Ellen down and slowly walked in front of the magic trap.

Woo woo woo.

A trap like a glass window made of holograms was blocking the way.

The magic trap was a kind of magic circle, filled with all sorts of complicated symbols and letters.

Right now, it was just shimmering with light, but if someone touched it, it would immediately activate and pour out deadly magic.


I checked to see if there was anything different from the game, but nothing stood out. Just like in a game, it seems you have to rely on luck.

At that time, Ellen, who was sitting in the back, muttered a little.

“Is the land standing at noon?”

“huh? what?”

When I turned around, he shrugged his shoulders and replied.

“Is it written like that?”

“…can you read this?”

“It’s ‘rune’. It’s a bit different from the one used today, but it’s not so bad that you can’t read it.”

Is this completely unexpected? If so, maybe?

“Then do you know how to unlock it?”

“Um well. I want to see you up close.”

I immediately picked up Ellen and moved to where he pointed. Then Ellen began to examine the magic trap with twinkling eyes.

“The flow of mana and the process of activating it seem to be similar… Why the hell

did you put in a spell like this?”

I watched Ellen silently, except when she pointed in a direction, so as not to get in the way. After tilting her head for a while, Ellen looked up at me and asked a question.

“Poi, what shape does that look like?”

“What kind?”

“The one drawn in the middle over there.”

The magic trap was drawing a glowing circle, and it was largely divided into three parts.

First, the outermost letters and symbols. They were so small and so densely packed that at first glance they looked like patterns on carpet or wallpaper.

Next, large strings engraved to the size of a human body. Strings that seemed to be words or phrases were located one by one at the top, left, bottom, and bottom right.

Ellen said that the strings mean ‘land’, ‘noon’, and ‘stand’ in order.

The last was the symbol located in the center. It was the symbol Ellen was pointing to.

I looked at the sign for a while and then said with a lack of confidence.

“What is a maple leaf?”

“Doesn’t it look like a flame?”

“flame? Uh… I guess so. Then, does the wriggling on it represent the heat?”


Ellen was troubled again, but we didn’t have much time.

oh oh oh!

There was a roar that made the crypt rumble—the roar of the Underlord was clear. I was in a hurry, but he was following me all the way.


“Yeah, step back for a moment.”

As I stepped back, Ellen in my arms began to quietly recite a spell. Then, he fired his magic at the magic circle.

“In—fridge dando imbre!”



Before I could dissuade him, cold air was already emanating from his hand. It was a spell for ‘cold spray’, a rank 1 cold skill.

The magic circle hit by Ellen’s spell soon glowed brightly and began to radiate heat as if flesh were ripening.

Chi profit.

When the cool breeze collided with the shimmering heat, steam spread out with a loud sound. As soon as the magic trap lost its power and disappeared, I wiped my surprised chest and asked Ellen.

“How did you do it? Did you figure out the magic circle?”

Ellen shrugged her hands and replied.

“I was worried, so I tried it, but luckily it was a flame-type spell.”

“…what? What if it was some other magic?”

“Then there is nothing you can do.”

I swallowed a laugh and said.

“Hey, where are those irresponsible words? Then” “I don’t have time to nag. Just move fast.”

Nagging? This bastard…

I murmured inwardly, but hurriedly threw myself down the crypt.

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