The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 53

My Villains Episode 053

14. Berserker (4)

‘Raid Chief Pageno’ is a very difficult pick for melee characters.

Fageno itself is threatening because of its excellent mobility and attack power, but the real problem was the archers.

I ran around frantically, shooting arrows and running away, but how hot I was getting.

Besides, if you get close to the captain, Fageno, the attack speed of his subordinates increases and he even kills them with one point, which is quite annoying.

So normally, you can only catch Fageno after killing all the archers

If you have the ‘Windwall Shoulder Tattoo’, the words are different.

Utequai rushed at Pagueno, deflecting arrows from all directions with the power of his tattoo.

Fageno quickly pulled the reins and tried to avoid it, but Ellen’s flaming arrow hit Nome’s horse a step ahead.

Fu Chemistry!

“Hee hee hee!”

The horse that had been pierced through the chest collapsed powerlessly, and Fageno, who was quickly rolling on the ground, encountered a huge dolme.

“Oh shit-!”


The dolme or rare item ‘Slonhe’s Maul’ turned Fageno’s upper body into mung bean cake.

…What a terrible power. Did you ever think of going head-to-head with something like that? I think it’s fortunate that it ended with some cracks in the bones.

Unlike blood knights, who had a standardized and limited skill tree, berserkers had very diverse builds.

The ‘Strike Berserker’, which specializes in ‘tribal combat’ type of hitting skills.

A ‘Ramen Berserker’ whose main focus is the ‘Ecstasy’ skill in the ‘Berrage’ series.

‘Stone Head Berserker’, which maximizes defense with ‘Steel Leather’ and ‘Iron Dojo’ and extracts a single extreme deal with ‘Headbutt’ that deals defense-based damage.

I like all builds, so I took turns developing my character.

And the most recently created berserker ‘Deep Gong Dark Company Fantasy’ was a ‘Tattoo Berserker’ specialized in tattoo-related skills.

“Athar- Marta!”

Utequai shouted an incomprehensible battle cry and charged at the archer.

When he moved, his long feathers and long braids fluttered brilliantly. That wasn’t all.

When an arrow flew in, the arrow and shield tattoo on his shoulder flickered.

Every time he wielded the maul, the tattoo of the hammer club and sledgehammer on his arm flashed.

When the blade of a spear touched her skin by chance, the tattoo of the Milky Way and clouds engraved on her back wriggled.

Thanks to the quick elimination of the archers, no one was caught in the maul, but the sight of Utequai rampaging here and there was ferocious.

By the way, the effect is not a joke? It’s different from what you see on the monitor, isn’t it?

Anyway, let’s talk about the berserker’s skill again.

These tattoo-type skills had some pretty annoying features.

There are several types of tattoos that can be engraved for each part, and you have to choose one of them.

The synergy between tattoos is excellent, and all of them are continuous effects or conditional activation skills.

Also, the effect of the tattoo does not activate on the part where the armor is worn.

That was the reason why high-level tattoo Berserkers walked around with only weapons, accessories, and underwear.

So, at first glance, ‘I’m not a berserk, am I just a pervert?’ I’d like to, but…

“What is this monster!”

“The captain was beaten!”

..In reality, it doesn’t look normal. Should I say it’s like a zealot?

Even if it’s only the top, it’s tidy, but if you take off your pants- Woo-wook Just imagining it is horrifying.

Anyway, Ute Kwai, who was rampaging over there, had his top uncovered to create a tattoo effect.

He had a ‘blunt weapon tattoo’ on his arm, a ‘wind curtain tattoo’ on his shoulder, and a ‘star guard tattoo’ on his back, so he couldn’t wear armor.

It’s natural that his defense is low because he can’t wear armor, but the tattoos on his shoulders and back ensure strong survivability, so it wasn’t a big problem.

No, rather, he didn’t wear cumbersome armor, so he looked lighthearted.

While watching Utequai’s fight, I diligently sliced through the archers.

Have you already gotten used to the fight with the horse?

Without hesitation, I threw myself into the horse’s head, threw it to the ground, and stabbed the horseman in the neck to finish it off.

It was more like a cat and a beast than a person, but… what do you think? As long as the effect is good.

Ellen focused on attacking the legs of the horses with her wind fist.

Those who fell off the horse like that, such as Grania and Randel, rushed at them and cut their heads.

With Fageno dead and half of the gang down, the archers eventually began to pull their butts off.

“Stop Hatanka! There is no need to chase!”

After killing Fageno, Utequai, who had not even caught a single demon archer, was on high alert.

Maybe that’s why the archers screamed incomprehensibly until they were out of sight.

“Arak tark’ya qun-talil! Erpen Th-ral!”

I don’t know what it is, but just looking at it, it seems like an insult.

By the way, don’t you know that this kid is ‘Gidobinic’?

I’m worried that all the magicians around me will come in because my voice is so big.

“Hey dude, come to work!”

It wasn’t until after I screamed that I had a blood clot in my throat that Utequai spat his spit on the floor and turned his foot.

The resistance of the horsemen has significantly decreased thanks to the fact that they turned Pageno, the leader of the raiders who guarded the area, into mung bean cake.

There were about 50 horsemen left in the campground from the previous day, but they seemed to have no ability to block Utequai’s charge as they were silent minions.

“Gua lune’telil!”


“What is that bastard! Not even arrows go through!”

The sight of him screaming, deflecting arrows, and swinging his maul to wipe out the bandits… It was more like cleaning than a battle. Is that what a human butcher means?

Anyway, following Utequai, I joined the rampage, and they quickly scattered in all directions and ran away.

Just looking at it, these demons are weaker than I thought.

If Prince Ulkar comes head-on with his army, I think we can wipe it out… Oh, isn’t that hard?

Well, the ‘Baron’, who gathered the thieves and raised a force close to a military punishment, wouldn’t be so easy.

Considering the final battle in Chapter 2, he was definitely a scary guy.

The fact that we broke through the siege with ease was probably thanks to the prince’s army drawing attention from the front.

Fortunately, the secret passage was still intact and we were able to safely return to South Harbor through the sewers.

It was already dark by the time I came up to the ground and met the horrified soldiers.

Normally, the entire city should be asleep, but South Harbor was awake noisily.

Couldn’t it be because of us? While looking at the brightly awake city, I sneakily asked the guard.

“What is this fuss about?”

“That’s what you mean.”

The talkative guard, who had previously been a kind guide and made it difficult for me and Ellen, smiled.

“Don’t be surprised, listen. A little while ago, uh-a couple of hours ago, there was a lot of chaos. I saw it with my own eyes on my way to my shift, but I couldn’t believe it. Look at that light over there. If someone sees it, they’ll mistake it for a riot, right? Are you surprised too?”

…Ah, I feel like my ears are bleeding.

“But it is not like that. In fact, what happened?”

“The three princes came.”

“So the three princes- eh?”

Interrupting the chatter of the guardsman, the bulldog, or the chief of the guards, appeared wearing a thick cloak over a checkered insignia.

Leaving behind the chattering guard who had stiffened his heels, the captain of the guard came out and looked at the party with a puzzled face.

“Everybody came back alive. It’s great, but you too.”

…What is the tone of this disbelief in the subject they forcibly requested? Did you know it was a tough mission?

“I’ve been through three or four deaths, but somehow I’ve survived.”

“…follow me.”

“Where are you talking?”

“To the salt castle. Your Excellency is looking for it.” I thought about it every time I went to and from the workshop of the castle owner, but the salt castle was a rather ambiguous building. It didn’t have a castle or moat to be called a citadel, and it looked a bit fat to be called a tower.

At the four corners of the box-like, four-story building, there were gungtap (弓塔), all of which were topped with whitewashed tiles. There is no paint in this world, but to be able to paint it in such a pretty white color. It’s a bit strange.

Anyway, this was the residence of the great lord who ruled the vast land including South Harbor. As such, at a glance, it was thoroughly defended.

The outer walls were stacked with lime between large boulders, and seemed to be incomparably stronger than other brick and wood buildings in the city.

There were no doors or even windows on the first floor, and you had to climb wooden stairs to enter the only entrance to the second floor.

All the soldiers passing by were wearing chainmail and breastplates, and they were carrying large Federation plaques on plate-shaped iron helmets. All of them are tall and have lively eyes, probably because they are the guards of Seongju, whom they have only heard about.

Mr. Luke and Utequai could not enter the Salt Castle. It was inevitable because he was an unknown outsider.

It’s the same that Ellen and I are outsiders, but… well, we’re the ones who received the request.

Arnal also suffered severe wounds from the arrow and was immediately sent to the doctor.

The others were also minorly injured, but not to the extent that they could not immediately have an audience with the lord.

After passing through several narrow, dark hallways and stairs, we arrived at a large, less dark room.

There were about a dozen people in the room, among whom I knew a few.

The man who bought the crocodile skin of the unarmed commander who was in command at the Battle of the Docks} Sir Ankir, the mighty knight, and-

“You only say things I can’t accept, Your Highness.”

“What is not acceptable? It has always been since the founding fathers founded this kingdom that the able person should be in charge.”

It was Ulkar, a handsome prince who sat on a chair and asked with a dignified expression.

Unlike the silver hair that still shined thanks to the candles lit here and there in the audience room, the golden lion’s armor was covered in blood and dust everywhere.

… and crazy. did you really come?

Could it be that he broke through the siege head-on? Breaking through the countless hordes of demons?

“…Does that mean that I lack the ability to take on the responsibility now?” “I’m not blaming the count for his bravery. It means that what is most needed here is an experienced military commander like me.”

“Doesn’t that mean the same thing?”

“I can’t help it if you accept it like that.”

As the prince crossed his arms with an expressionless face, the man called the Count hardened his expression.

The count of Savon and the owner of the salt castle was a dwarf man who looked to be in his early thirties.

He was sitting on an ornate wooden chair with a circled cross engraved on it, and his sunken cheeks were more impressive than his well-groomed beard.

When the conversation stopped for a moment, the captain of the guard who had led us stepped forward and bowed his head.

“Your Excellency, the mercenaries have arrived.”

“Oh yes!”

Seongju, who had been crumpling his face, found us, and his entire face turned red.

Uh but- who should I say hello to? Is it right to say hello to the owner of the castle? Or first to the superior prince?

Cutting off my brief hesitation, Sungjoo exaggeratedly spread his arms.

“The proud warriors of South Harbor have arrived!”

Mr. Randell and Aibo, who were standing together, quickly slipped to the side, bowed to the prince, and stood behind him.

Either that or not, Sungjoo burst into laughter and approached, raising his tiptoe and tapping my shoulder.

“Jangha-kun is in trouble!”

…Why are you pretending to be friendly? We’re seeing each other for the first time, mister.

“Give the treasurers plenty of gold coins! Only the four of us did what His Highness the Three Princes, who are famous as heroes, couldn’t do!”

At the castle lord’s words, the prince’s expression hardened this time.

“The people will praise His Highness the Prince. Talking about the bravery of breaking through a siege with only three or four cavalry and knocking on the gates. Fools are seduced by what they see.”

‘Leading only three or four cavalrymen’…? Ulkar Did you really do that crazy thing?

While the army is dealing with the bandits, the prince himself leads only a small number of elite troops to break through – that crazy plan?

Seongju continued talking excitedly, as if he hadn’t read the surprise revealed on my face, or he wasn’t even interested.

“But I am different, warriors! It may have come and gone through the underground like a rat or a snake, but to return like this without anyone getting hurt. Isn’t this true wisdom and courage befitting the battlefield?”

What kind of bullshit is that who doesn’t get hurt? And this… the prince is sarcastic, right?

Looking sideways, I saw Lord Ankir, who was about to say something, and the prince, who raised his hand to dissuade him.

Either that or not, Seongju looked back at the prince with a round face.

“Isn’t that right, Your Highness?”

“…Right. Truly great dance and Count Ji Hye-yo.”

Contrary to what he said, the prince’s deep blue eyes were ready to spit fire. The word ‘management of expression’ seemed to give him a dog, and anyone could see that he was making an angry expression.

…I think I got this wrong.

Suddenly, the sentence ‘Shrimp’s back explodes in a whale fight’ flashed through my mind.

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