The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 15

My Villains Episode 015

5-1. The killer’s debut stage (2)

Jumping in front of the pirates, I screamed and lowered my pulse.



A pirate wearing an iron mask raised an ax to block it, but I pushed Fulsion violently.

“Kkeuk kkeureuk!”

The violently pushed pulse split the guy’s neck in half.

Grabbing his neck, he threw the staggering guy behind him, then turned and stabbed Pulsion.


Pulsion dug into another iron mask’s stomach. The bloody blade soaked in his blood was shining brighter than before.

“Heh heh heh heh!”

The iron mask with its belly pierced

let out a scream that could not be distinguished whether it was a scream or a shout and swung the axe.


I quickly threw my upper body back and kicked my feet.

The guy rolled his body and collapsed when his romance was broken and the pulse was pulled out.

Is it because of the hot blood? My body felt like it was getting hot too.

I jumped at a pirate right away. He loved the way his eyes glistened with fear through his dirty hair.

This time, Pulse was swung without any skill.


The heavy blade swung almost horizontally and dug into the naked pirate’s armpit.


Pulsion tore through the breastbone and collarbone as if splitting the head.

I screamed madly and swung a pulse that emitted a magical light.

The head with arms soared into the sky, and astonished gazes gathered.

then i realized

A life as a killer that unfolds in the future.

The true debut stage of that life is right here right now.

The thirst that dominated the whole body was instantly satisfied, and intense pleasure wrapped around the whole body. I gritted my teeth at the sensation that ran up my spine.


I barely swallowed the moaning that erupted and looked around.


The spirited mercenaries were pushing them.

“Uh ha ha! Why did you come now!”

“I have a problem for a while.”

The angel uncle greeted me with a hearty laugh.

The uncle was wearing a leather armor with gongs in between, but the armor was full of blood as if he had already gone on a rampage.

While chatting with him, pirates with spears approached me.

It seemed like they were trying to keep me in check, who had cut down two iron masks and a beggar in an instant.

6( Ah

o —

As soon as I saw them, thirst rose again from the bottom of my stomach. The thought right before the intense hunger struck became clearer.

One thought.

Kim Seung-soo does not even

know the letter ‘-I’ in swordsmanship . I don’t know

how to do it. I learned Taekwondo, but I’ve never done a fistfight since I became an adult.

Phoenix must have learned swordsmanship. I must have learned a shield. Swordfighting is the basic setting of a blood knight.

So, the basic skills learned in the body are But

that’s Phoenix and I don’t know. I’m still completely new to swordsmanship or shield art.

Then how should I fight?

The answer was in the stats.

Strength 20 Agility 16 Health 18.

I didn’t invest in magic at all, so I reached level 11. As a standard, there can be no better physical spec than this.

If you add the unique item Dragon Slayer’s ring stats to

strength 23 agility 19 health 18. This

is a stronger spec than most melee characters in the 20 level.

The moment the stat exceeds 10 From this point on, you can no longer compare yourself to ordinary people.

If you exceed 20, you are a superman

. I had to use it. I had to use it

. It was stronger, faster, and stronger than the enemy.

The answer was to kill them in an instant without giving them a chance to practice their skills or use the principles of martial arts. .I

rushed, clearing the spearhead with a pulse. There was no shouting or cheering. A sharp

” greuk


I died in a foam of blood.

An iron mask hiding behind the pirates with spears popped out and swung a two-handed axe.

It was a fierce attack with full body strength.

I raised my buckler to block it.


! ”

Because I blocked it completely orthodoxly, the heavy two-handed ax bounced back along the trajectory it hit. My arm was tingling.

And while I was blocking the axe, I cut the pulsion sideways and blew off another beggar pirate’s arm. “ Keep


’s sharp scream ended with a sharp knife piercing his throat.

Uh, supply is lost.

It was the courteous female warrior who stole my supply and demand. The female warrior with scarlet hair was not very tall, but had a stocky body.

He was wearing a leather vest over the chain armor that covered his shoulders, and he was holding a large round shield and a straight sword like a Roman soldier would use.

“Come together!”

At the cry of the female warrior, six or seven mercenaries gathered around them.

In the meantime, she pounced on an iron mask.


Just as he was about to slash the ax with a roar, the female warrior stretched out her original shield and slashed the armpit of the iron mask with the shield blade.


The pirate tried to hit the ax in the middle of it, but the original shield that dug into his armpit at an angle prevented him from striking the axe.


While the ax scraped the surface of the shield and the metal in the middle.


The female warrior thrust her sword into the man’s chin.

Swinging the buckler and breaking the head of a pirate, I looked sideways at the female warrior’s movements and marveled inwardly.

that’s the skill

The female warrior’s battle was beautiful.

The blade that climbed up the opponent’s sword like a snake cut his throat.

The sword poking between the open guards of the shield pierced the eye.

While the sword tied the opponent’s weapon, the blade of the shield struck the neck.

She seemed to have a solution for every situation.

While the female warrior took care of the three pirates, the mercenaries banded together and formed a square in the enemy camp.

Whereas me?


With the three spears stuck under his armpits, he swung around greatly.

“Damn what power.”


Then the pirates who were holding the spears rolled on the ground and collided with other pirates, missing the spears in vain and bounced off.

When a pirate attacked from behind, holding his breath, I quickly turned around and kicked the shield he was holding.


He tumbled and fell, and I ran and trampled his head.

Then, he stabbed another pirate right next to him in the back.

“What an idiot…”

he cursed and staggered. Then, as if the mercenary who was dealing with the pirate had waited, he slashed his sword and finished it off.

A female pirate was stabbed in the side by a spear that came out of nowhere while charging toward me.



Seeing her crouching forward, I wanted to finish her off, but another enemy was charging at me.

I aimed at him and swung a pulse, but boom!


It was short. It is because the gap is not familiar to the body.


I pushed my shoulder and pushed the pirate away. It floated in the air for a while as if it had been hit by a car, then rolled on the floor. A nearby mercenary finished him off.

“Crazy, I lost it again.”

It was not difficult to keep up with the supply and demand in this close to messy battle.

Whispering alone, I looked at the mercenary who had gone through the supply and demand…

Whoa, it was the angel from before.

“Heh O 三_” — —–

The man looked quite tired. Looking closely, the armor was cracked as if the side had been severely cut, and blood flowed down from the gap.

I immediately ran towards it and cut down the pirate who was aiming for the uncle’s back. The heavy pulse cut through the leather armor and shoulder and dug into the pit of the stomach.


After kicking him, he took down the nearby ones in turn.

One hit the neck, one cut the stomach, and the other cut off the leg and then stabbed the neck.

Even the most vicious pirates were fed up with the terrible sight.

“What is that crazy thing?”

“Besiege that crazy bastard!”

My fight wasn’t pretty at all.

There was no skill or skill.

Instead, all of the people who were attacked by me had their limbs cut off or their bodies cut in half.

Perhaps because of the brutal sight, no one jumped at me, and I had to move diligently first.

“You have to avoid it!”

“Someone bring a net!”

A few of them forcibly shouted, but most of the pirates were backing away little by little from before.

“Kk uh huh….”

During a brief lull, another intense pleasure soared. I trembled for a moment, trying not to make ugly noises.

Suddenly, when I looked up, I could feel dozens of terrified gazes.

Wow, I’ve never felt in my life… I feel like I’m the main character of the world.

I trembled with a feeling of superiority and shouted.

“Come on, you cowardly bastards!”

Unfortunately, however, my shouting became a proclamation of the end of the battle.

“I can’t fight something like that!”

“Run away!”

When the pirates turned their backs, the mercenaries’ eyes flashed. Then he abandoned his careful fighting stance and began to unleash his weapon as if hunting.

More pirates died in an instant than ever before.

I didn’t stand still either.

From the moment they turned their back on me, I took care of my supply and demand. Of course, I didn’t cut off the head from the corpse rolling on the floor.

Instead, he decapitated those who escaped.

That’s how I collected 20 supplies.

The battle was over before sunset.

The pirates were disorganized, and less than half of the many pirate ships escaped the pier.

About 50 of the 200 soldiers who were in charge of the center and right wing were killed, but they killed about 200 pirates.

Although the damage was great, it was a good criminal record.

Of the sixty militiamen who served on the left wing, twenty died. The number of pirates dealt with was as high as two hundred.

Thirty-three of them were killed by one man.

As he watched the battlefield being sorted out while brooding over the victory, the military commander suddenly frowned.

“…what is this?”

Looking at the mercenary who killed the thirty-three pirates, the commander made a mysterious expression.

“I had an appointment with a sergeant earlier. But you can’t see


The mercenary was remarkably tall and his body was stained with blood.

He was still holding the steel buckler, and in the same hand he was holding the ignorant-looking Pulsion in reverse.

As if it had been lost, Pulsion was revealing a white blade, but strangely, there was not a single drop of blood on it.

“What the hell did you promise to do like this…”

“Then I made a small mistake… He said he would forgive me if I brought him twenty supplies.”

Saying that, the mercenary wiped his face.

The blood that must have belonged to someone else was wiped away, revealing black eyes and a handsome face.

His eyes were sharp and his features were clear, giving him a ferocious impression, but his expression was submissive, so it was not obvious.

“I don’t know what mistake I made… but I can’t hold you accountable.”

“Ha is it? Fortunately, the.”

Twenty heads were scattered at the feet of the mercenary who scratched his head with a polite face.

Her hair was twisted and tied together to make it easier to move, and it looked like a potato pulled out by its stem.

The military commander swallowed the nausea and spoke to the mercenary.

“I should rather be rewarded. I will inform the lord of your achievements.”

“thank you!”

When the mercenary bowed his head politely, the military commander waved his hand.

“For now, go over there and get your reward. A message from the lord of the castle will arrive soon, so wait.”

“Yes, commander.”

As the mercenary left, the military commander involuntarily let out a sigh of relief.

‘…Somehow he’s creepy.’

I thought so for a while.

The mercenary, who was walking, turned his upper body and head slightly to look at the military commander.

The mercenary whirled and said to the military commander who stopped breathing.

“By the way… you don’t even know my name or where I’m staying, so how do you get a message?”

Instead of saying, ‘Tomorrow nobody in this city will know your name, so what does it matter?’

“…Come to think of it, I see. Then could you tell me your name and where you are staying?”

he asked.

The mercenary replied with a smile on his face.

“Phoenix. This is Phoenix staying at the inn in Batgo-dong.”

Seeing the blood-soaked smile, the military commander unknowingly gripped the handle of the iron flail.

The tall mercenary, who knew this or not, took a quick step forward and was receiving the reward while bowing his head politely.

He smiled broadly when he learned that he had received three times as much silver as the others.

The military commander thought he was someone to watch.

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