The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 110

My Villains Episode 110

28. Longville (2)

A young and beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere.

They wrapped themselves in a white kerchief and wore a light green tunic with wide sleeves, a white kirtle (one-piece women’s uniform), all of which seemed to be made of high-quality fabric.

Her small body, narrow waist, drooping eyes and a dot below it create a delicate and sorrowful impression. The white and thin neck stimulates an unknown protective instinct.

The gatekeeper, who had been hesitant, saw the woman who appeared and quickly lowered his head.

“Madam, why did you come all this way?”

“It’s noisy, so I’m curious about what’s going on.”

It was evident from the maids and guards that followed that the woman was a noblewoman.

Perhaps the lord’s wife?

“Who is this person?”

When the woman looked at me and asked, I gave a sneaky example. At the same time, fortunately, I was able to come up with an appropriate comment.

“It is an honor to meet you, ma’am. My name is Phoy Nyx, a knight of Prince Ulkar.”

“Of Prince Ulkar?”

The woman paused for a moment, then stared at me with a curious expression on her face.

“…Oh. It’s an honor to meet you, Sir Phoenix. My name is Dionea, the wife of Baron Mallory, Lord of Longville.”

Dionea. It’s a name I’ve heard.

The name that was captured and put to death by the robber baron and his men.

The woman naturally held out her hand.

…what is this. whatever?



I noticed belatedly and took the baroness’s hand and kissed the back of her hand.

The baroness gently touched the area I had kissed, then opened her mouth.

“Looks like Ross was rude. I will apologize instead.”

“Well, you don’t have to do that, Mrs.

“I am the hostess of the manor. I must apologize.”

The baroness’s words distort the gatekeeper’s face. Not much to complain about.

“I’d like to invite Lord Phoenix’s party to the permanent residence. Is it okay?”

…is it rude to refuse this? Well, there won’t be anything bad about being open with the lord anyway.

“Well, of course. thank you for the invitation.”

“Thank you for accepting the invitation.”

After saying that, the baroness left a soldier as a guide and disappeared. Do you have a place to stop for a while?

After passing through the gateway, Perso Haengsu handed over the money bag.

“You have suffered a lot in the past, Sir Phoynix.”

“The hardships were more than that of the rowers.”

Pockets are heavier than expected. I feel good.

“haha. We intend to stay here for a few days, but what do you plan to do?”

“…well, I’m thinking of taking a look at the situation.”

“When you say situation, do you mean monsters?”

At the mountain hut we passed, while we were absorbed in taking a bath and eating and resting, Perso Haengsu gathered information. According to what he understood, the northern road over Mount Graduil was blocked by monsters.

The reason why there were many mercenaries in the cabin was because rumors spread that the lord of Longville was paying money to wipe out the monsters.

“You don’t need to worry too much. Seven days should be enough.”

…well maybe? I nodded moderately and added.

“ah. and Mr. I beg you to crack down on people’s mouths.”

The mouth-to-mouth I was talking about was nothing special. He just meant to stop spreading nicknames like the bloody swordsman, the fire witch, and the red bear.

“of course. Rumors haven’t spread here yet, so let’s be careful.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

After the conversation with Perso Haengsu, he exchanged greetings with the mercenaries and merchants he had met during the journey. I said good-bye in advance, for in the next few days I would see him often in Longville, but if I was unlucky I might not be able to.

After that, I put on a little camouflage that wasn’t camouflage.

“I hate riding.”

“Don’t frown, get on quickly.”

Ellen, who was pouting, was put on a speckled horse, and Utequai, who had seized Dolme, took the reins. That alone makes wizards and barbarians look like ladies and horsemen.

With that in mind, we followed the guide to the Yeongju Hall.

However, camouflage and Utequai’s behavior are so unusual that people don’t know how to fall off their eyes. Besides, looking back at the lady on the horse, she was wearing a magician’s robe, and the man in the lead was unusually tall and was wearing plate armor, so it was strange that he didn’t draw attention.

…Ah, it’s not that far from South Harbor. No one will recognize us like this.

“Nice to meet you, Sir Phoenix. It is an honor to see the Lord, who has a reputation as a bloody swordsman, in person.”


“This savage must be a red bear. The lady in the back must be a woman of fire. It’s nice to meet people I’ve only heard about in person.”

I know the disease right away.

It’s not even a world without the Internet, so why is the news so fast?

Jang Han, a man in his 50s wearing chain mail, stretched out his hand with a happy face.

“Hey, look at my mind. The introduction is late. My name is Kilian Jennings. It’s Baron Mallory’s only knight.”

“Nice to meet you, Sir Killian. It is an honor to meet you


The hand holding it is quite strong. Looking at his eyes and size, I think this guy must be a pretty skilled knight.

“By the way, did you say you became a knight for Prince Ulkar? I hadn’t heard of such a thing.”

“…It is only natural that the Lord does not know, since I set out on the journey in two days after being appointed.”

“Huh, that’s right.”

Ellen ended up sitting on my arm because I left her spots and wads in the stable. Sir Killian didn’t care about that and continued chatting.

“I’ve heard of Lord’s feats. The story of a single person breaking through a siege and sending a letter reminds me of King Dogan and the Knight of the Lake.”

“Oh, you did.”

The single-eyed king?

It’s a name I’ve heard. Was it the 3rd king or the 4th king of Milanol?…

“I heard that even with one sword to kill the robber baron, the Witch of the Veil, he also cut the head of a dragon that was crawling.”

“…I couldn’t cut it. To be precise, hanging from the neck”

“Huh humble.”

He said that the meal would be ready soon, and led us to a tour of the keep until then.

“You don’t have to be so humble in front of me. It’s not a virtue among knights. Of course, it would be nice to do that in front of the baron.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

“It’s even like advice.”

The knight shook his head, shining black eyes mixed with green light.

“As expected, rumors are not trustworthy.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Longville is a manor with a lot of people coming and going. So there are many news and stories are told without stopping. Weird rumors come in there as well.”


“Even if you look at him, he is not a completely different person from the rumors. Luxurious people like to exaggerate the word, so people who don’t know how to tell the truth are often fooled. Knights like us won’t be swayed by such things.” “Ah yes.” The conversation that followed was the same.

Sir Kilian seemed to be a man who was very proud of his knightly status. Since such a person was serving as the only knight in the territory, it was not unusual for him to become chatty with other knights.

However, if the time spent with Sir Killian was a disgrace, it wasn’t.

They said that there were a lot of bees on Graduil Mountain, so there was a lot of honey and beeswax.

However, it was a very special experience to go up to the keep and look down at the manor.


More than three months have passed since I fell into this world, but the scenery of Yeongji after dusk aroused a new impression.

The soldiers patrolling the fence raised their torches in unison. With the dimming residence in the center, scattered lights bite their tails as if juggling.

The serfs who finished their field work belatedly hurriedly gathered at the gateway. A dog barking vigorously drives the sheep into a sturdy enclosure.

A pair of drunken mercenaries groping each other on the sidewalk, and naive maidens screaming, unable to take their eyes off the daring act of love.

In the far away lighted tavern, I can faintly hear a familiar rhythm…

There’s a cool evening breeze.

Ellen, who leaned her back against my chest, murmured softly.

“…so peaceful.”

“I know.” It was quite different from what I saw on the ridge. Yeongji, which was just like a painting or landscape, was alive and breathing.



“Would you like to rest for a few days?”

“huh. good.”

Suddenly, the thought that I could stay here for quite a while made me feel strangely better.

It was after entering the hall of the Yeongjugwan that such thoughts cracked.

There were a total of seven people sitting at the table. The old lord and his young wife, Sir Kilian, the trainer and us.

“A knight of the silver prince.”

Upon receiving my greeting, the old lord twisted his lips. The lord, sitting on a chair decorated with a ringed cross, tapped the armrest.

tuk tuk.

“I don’t know why you came to see me.”


“Still, as the owner of the territory, you should treat him warmly. But don’t even think about staying at the Yeongju House. There are many inns near the gateway, so you can use them.”

At Baron Mallory’s words, the baroness hardened her face.

“But Baron, you are still a knight of the prince. How?”

“The prince’s knight, not the king’s knight.”

“Anyway, there are a lot of empty rooms. Serving three people”

“Stop saying unnecessary things and have a meal


“Baron. That’s it.”


The baroness’s face turned around as she spoke. The husband, who slapped his wife, bluffed and threatened.

“It’s not a woman to interfere, so shut up. If it’s hard to shut up, go to your room.”


Lips parted, the baroness took a small breath and left the hall.

…I can’t say anything crazy.

He couldn’t pamper his wife, who looked 40 years younger than he was, and slit her hands.

Seeing the lord and his wife sitting side by side, he was cursing in his heart, calling them thieves.


Sir Killian, who was sitting next to me, leaned toward me pretending to pick up a fork.

“I forgot to say this. He hates the silver prince who stood against the baron. You almost consider them enemies.”

You forgot something very important.

Contrary to the baron’s attitude, the dishes served on the large table in the hall were excellent.

Salad with herbs and young leafy vegetables Soup in thick chicken stock with green onions and peppers Chicken stew with chickpeas Raw lamb hind leg ham and white bread, etc…. But just because the menu is so good doesn’t mean it’s a good meal

. it wasn’t

The lord, whose lips were wet with wine, suddenly opened his mouth.

“ah. Still, I heard very good news after a long time.”

When I didn’t answer, the lord pointed at me with a wrinkled hand.

“Concerning Prince Ulkar.”

“What news are you talking about?”

“I heard that a monster ate his left arm. Is it true?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

As soon as I finished my words, Youngju knocked on the table and laughed.

“Ha ha ha ha! It’s ridiculous that a prince who is said to be a hero of the generation loses his arm to a mere monster!”

…umm. I’m pretending to be a knight for a famous prince. Can I stay still? What would he have done if he had been Lord Langbolt or Lord Ankyr? Did you throw away the glove?

While I was immersed in my thoughts, Ute Quai, who had been devouring bread and ham, swallowed the food and opened her mouth.

“right. Prince Ulkar was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life. He is benevolent, yet strong and takes good care of his subordinates. A man like that is a real hero.”

…Is he doing this on purpose?

When Utequai suddenly gave the prince’s compliments, the laughing lord stopped laughing.

“Ulkar was just a kid who was lucky enough to be born as a prince and get on the bandwagon. But is that person a hero? dog sound.”

The lord glared at Utequai, shining brightly under his wrinkled eyelids.

“And how dare you say that in front of me? The liver must have gone overboard.”

w O u w —M*.

As the lord growled fiercely, Ute Kwai stood up in surprise.

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