The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 106

My Villains Episode 106

27. Cabin (2)

Wedge Liquid!

Leaning on Utequai, he quickly raised his shield.


Feces-stained arrows are lodged in shields.

“Such a fucking foot. Utequai jump out!”

Before I could finish my words, Utequai took out his dolme and launched himself into the forest.


The battle cry of the Milanese. The enemy responds very quickly.

Fifteen arrows rained down on Utequai as he rushed into the bush, but as soon as the black light flashed, they all stuck to the ground.

I watched the scene and shouted.

“Never mind the left! Look right!”

I cried and groped inside the carriage.

A familiar grip. As soon as he grabbed the javelin, he threw it with only his shoulder strength.


A small figure with a bow bounced off a tree with its belly pierced.

A childish physique, green skin, hooked nose, sharp teeth, and a harsh voice. It was a goblin.

He shuddered in pain and scratched the ground, but there was no time to finish.

second javelin. Disguised as a tree branch, he grazes a goblin holding a dagger.


A deflected spear gets stuck in a tree. The spear pole shakes wildly and strikes the camouflaged goblin in the face.

“Keek geeek!”

He grabbed his face and rolled on the floor. Goblins are weak to pain.

third javelin. Aiming at the swaying bush pierced something. Lucky for you.

Then something transparent passed in front of my eyes.


As I turned my gaze along the ruined castle, the goblin with an icicle on its forehead fell backwards. It was the frost awl that Ellen used in the carriage.


Goblins jumped out from among the bushes with muddy shouts.

Even in close combat, you can’t be careless. Those guys keep throwing arrows at their comrades regardless of whether or not the arrow is stuck in the back of their head.


Still defending himself, he swung Hrunting at the attacking guys.

Three ugly heads fluttering from the waist. It soars into the air, splits and breaks.

“Toviak! Quaksaka!”

Despite the deaths of their kin, six or seven goblins came, wielding crude spears and daggers. It is an action that springs from hunger and stupidity rather than courage or fighting spirit.

The blade soaked in goblin blood pulsates with a deep green glow.


The body that has been cooled at best becomes hot again.

“Key ek!”

“Ardai! Tzatguwi!”

A frost awl shot from the wagon pierces the goblin’s head. I’m thankful for getting rid of the annoying guys, but I’m also a bit sad.

Blocking the occasional arrows with a shield, he cut down the goblins one after another.

It was then.


“Kuh X arm.”

An arrow shot from a tree in front of me grazed my helmet.

Instinct commands us to kick the ground right now. I gritted my teeth and calmed my instincts. The important thing is not retaliation. We must protect Ellen.

Just then, Ellen’s angry voice was heard.

“Thulam ex pruin-eom!”

Orders memorized in succession.

Four or five frostbites are fired one after another. A goblin archer falls from a tree with his arm tangled in a nervous rampage.

For reference, three frost awls are the cost of one fire orb. There is no such thing as inefficiency.

“Save Ellen Mana!”

“…Whoa, it’s still okay.”

As the frightened goblins were hesitating, some welcome guests appeared to take my anger out.

“Gowoah billion!”

The sound of heavy footsteps and a powerful spirit. At the same time, a huge figure sprang out of the brush.

“Koag shahaa—!”


A blunt but heavy ax knocked on the shield. Handfuls of scales that had been tattered so far fall.

But it didn’t feel bad. To me, Orcs were such beings.


He put Hrunting between the axes wielding randomly. The blade extended greedily and licked the tough leather and the thick nape of the neck.

“Aosh! Zork!”

Orcs have a strong fighting spirit and camaraderie. The death of the first orc makes the following orcs even more violent.

“Koag tha hum!”

Seven angry Orcs appeared.

Well over 180 tall, with a well-balanced mix of flesh and muscle, a well-built body with tusks that

reach the cheekbones, crude and heavy armament. . don’t shoot arrows

As if to cut off a short thought, the frost awl suddenly flew in. One unlucky orc got his eye pierced.

“Keep it off!”

I managed to suppress the irritability that surged unconsciously. and yelling.

“Take care of the goblins, not the Ellen orcs!”

It was at the same time that he hit the ground.


Iron clubs of unknown purpose came rushing in, aiming for the head. At the same time as he stepped back, he struck the chest of the orc holding the club with the blade of his shield.


At the same time, Hrunting rode up the spear wielded by the other orc. The blade that had blown off a few fingers bounced off like a salmon.


When the blade cut through his thick neck, his entire right arm shuddered with resistance.

The blood of orcs is poisonously hot. Their blood spurts and soaks the nape of their necks. It warms me up like a muffler on a winter day….

“Ghr zivoel?”


Distrust soared in the eyes of the orcs. I can’t believe my colleague’s throat was blown off with a single knife.

To wake them up, I quickly gathered my sword and shield and lifted the head that was rolling on the floor.

and bloody


The blood that flowed from the severed neck bounced back before it even touched the floor. The blood splattered like rotten green juice fiercely clawed at the orcs.



“Tzatgu! Yaksa tzatgu!”

While they were making a fuss in surprise, I threw a piece of flesh and kicked the ground. At the same time, he drew his sword.

One before hitting the ground, and another after stepping down.

As two more heads fall, the distrust in the eyes of the orcs is erased.

“That guru,”

the one whose eyes were pierced by the frost awl is stomping on the floor.


Stepping on his head and blowing it up made the remaining orcs’ bright yellow eyes shake.


But after a while, they shouted loudly and then attacked all at once. It was an oak-like fighting spirit.

short melee. They couldn’t beat me in the end. His throat was cut, his stomach ripped open, and his heart pierced to death.

“Whoop whoop.”

Even after they were dead, I swept through the surrounding bushes with my shield raised. I didn’t feel any sign of anything.

“Are you okay Ellen?”


“Where did you get hurt? Where did you get hit?”

“Not at all.”

“Then meditate. just in case.”

After getting a glimpse of Ellen closing her eyes, she looked up.


The damage is pretty big. At a glance, the damage seems to be over ten.

“Daddy daddy!”

“No, honey. Please-”

Two members of the tourist family are weeping. It is because the father and husband died after being hit by a blind arrow.

“On the count of three, I draw.”


“One two three!”


“Turn it off!” Eod, who had just been joking around, was trembling with the hem of his clothes bitten. It’s not very wise to draw arrows in the field, but wearing goblin’s arrows will make you sick.

“Damn what do you do with this?”

“Just pack your stuff. Let’s load the cart and share the excess as much as possible.”

The peddlers from Albibton sigh heavily surrounding the donkey that was stabbed to death.

“Only give first aid! We must move quickly!”

The persona line was encouraging the party, but well. It doesn’t look like we’ll be able to leave anytime soon.

Then Utequai broke through the bushes and appeared. Heoyeon steam rises from his shoulders.

“What are you hurt?”

“right. But it is getting better.”

He was limping and bleeding from his thigh. But the wounds visible through the pants were slowly healing.

Come to think of it, the corners of his mouth are covered in dark green blood, and it looks like he has eaten at least a few of the monster’s hearts. He must be recovering with the power of the ring.

…but I don’t think it will cause roundworms?

“O uh ” —

Utequai, perched on the trunk of a tree, glanced at the corpses of orcs. Then he ate it up.

“There were orcs.”

“You weren’t there?”

“right. There were only goblins, but they were very ferocious.”

They must be ferocious enough to injure Utequai.

If it was a plain with an open field of view, he wouldn’t have posed much of a threat. I’m sure I’ll get kicked out by one of Ellen’s fireballs.

“I am under attack here. Not much luck.”

Utequai shook his head quietly as I sighed as I pulled out a leather bucket.

“It’s not that you’re out of luck, Phoenix. They waited here.”

“…how do you know that?”

“Greenskins do that. They occupy good roads and hunt.”

I overturned the leather bucket and sprayed myself with water. The blood of the orcs was washed away and the fever cooled down a little.

“But isn’t this the first time this has happened? Until now, you’ve been rushing into the plains every time.”

“I like Greenskin Mountain. They often fight over the territory of the mountain. The guys in the plains were pushed out of the fight.”

I put on the quilted coat and started putting on the armor over it. He tightened the straps on his breastplate and nodded.

“aha. In short, the guys here are the majors.”

By the time I finished putting on my armor, the ascent resumed its movement. As the carriage rattled, Ellen opened her eyes.

“What about mana?”

“It’s almost at the bottom. I filled it up a bit, but…

“The bottom? already?”

Then he narrowed his brows and shot at me.

“If you didn’t waste just cooling off your sweat, wouldn’t this be tidy?”

“What a waste. If it wasn’t for that, I would have been spread out on the wagon until the goblins fired their arrows.”

Ellen’s mana ran out, but she wasn’t too worried. As long as I’m fully equipped, greenskins aren’t a big threat.

Ellen mumbled something and closed her eyes again. Continuing to meditate even when the wagon rattles is his concentration.

The mountain road was downhill for a while. Thanks to the shade of the thick bushes, there was no disaster where the armor was heated. It was still suffocatingly hot, but it was bearable.

how far did it go The ascendant came to stand in front of a mountain hut.

“…but can I call that a cabin?”

As I muttered, scratching the inside of my helmet, the Perso gangster who approached with the middle-aged soldier smiled bitterly.

“I heard that the building was built without the permission of the lord. You couldn’t have called it a castle or a fortress.”

A fence with logs on top of a large boulder, a high watchtower at the entrance guarded by armed men, and guards holding crossbows.

It’s not like a mountain lodge, it’s like a military base. When I saw it in the game, I think it was a bit more promiscuous image. well anyway

“So, do you plan to stay overnight?”

“yes. Today, we plan to take care of the injured in the cabin and depart as soon as the sun rises tomorrow.”

As we approached, the gatekeeper of the lodge said.

“Six pennies per head for mercenaries and soldiers, two silver coins for each head of the rest.”

It is in the mountains infested with monsters. Sleeping in a safe place was a great privilege and came at a high price.

Perso Haengsoo narrowed his brows and asked a question.

“Why do mercenaries and soldiers pay less?”

“Simple. If bandits or monsters come in, we have to fight together.”

“For that reason, I will pay you three pieces of silver. Instead, take it out of the fight.”

The gatekeeper shook his head resolutely at the suggestion of Hangsoo.

“It is the rule of the lodge that those who can fight should fight. If you’re injured, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Turn off” O.

Haengsu paid the price with a small moan, and Sanghaeng entered the fence of the mountain hut.

A very different scene unfolded from what I remember on the monitor.

In the game, one side of the wooden fence collapsed and the building serving as an inn was burned and only ashes remained. On one side, corpses were piled up, and the old

lord who had fled was gnashing his teeth at the memory of his lost estate and his young wife.

But the reality was different. Bonfires were lit everywhere, and mercenaries and merchant farmers sat around them. From the large mountain hut to the stalls lined up around the bustling tavern Well across the street. It is a very bright and lively landscape.

What caused this change? The right mix of memory and speculation yields the answer.

The robber baron Albianne is dead.

The original scenario was that Albiane, who had fled from South Harbor, led her men to occupy Longville. Defeating Alvianne and rescuing the lord’s wife was one of the main quests in Chapter 3.

Looking at the cabin, I wonder if Longville is also peaceful.

Um, somehow proud.

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