The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 407

Chapter 407 - Shocking News!


Lee Zhanmu sprang up like a startled rabbit.

He had no intention of staying. After suffering a heavy blow here, he was ready to leave the imperial court and head back to his home country.

Su Ming, smiling, said, “Don't leave just yet. You've only just arrived, and you haven't even had a meal.”

“I'm not eating. I'm not hungry!”

Lee Zhanmu declared, eager to leave without wasting another second. He turned on his heel and strode toward the door.

But as he reached the entrance, he noticed several black sedans pulling up.

The doors swung open, and a few individuals stepped out.

Lee Zhanmu froze.

Several middle-aged men emerged from the cars, dressed in sharp suits and ties, looking very polished. Their faces were flushed with health, and they carried themselves with confidence.

They were none other than President Chen, Wang Guohui, and Boss Fong.

There was no need to introduce President Chen and Wang Guohui; they had long been acquainted.

Boss Fong had borrowed money from President Chen for a previous construction project, so naturally, they knew each other as well.

They had all watched today's live broadcast and, after a brief exchange, were aware of the situation.

Seeing these men, Lee Zhanmu's anger flared.

“President Chen, we were having a good talk. Why won't you extend me the loan?”

“Boss Fong, I asked for just two more days to repay you. It's not like I'm refusing to pay.”

“Boss Wang, we're old friends. You've shown me great disrespect.”

Lee Zhanmu stood with his hands on his hips, his posture broadcasting his fury and discontent.

The three men gave him a cool glance and greeted him with detached civility.

Lee Zhanmu then realized something. Today was the birthday of the Xiao family's patriarch, and all of Eastsea's notables were in attendance. As prominent figures in Eastsea, they were expected to be there, but why had they only just arrived?

The answer was simple: Su Ming had not yet arrived.

They all knew Su Ming would certainly attend, given his well-known connection to the Xiao family.

Thus, they had decided to wait for Mr. Su to make his appearance before they themselves would arrive.

Now that Su Ming had arrived, they had come together.

While Lee Zhanmu was lost in thought, the three men made their way to Su Ming in perfect sync.

“Mr. Su, as per your instructions, I've canceled Lee Zhanmu's loan.”

“Mr. Su, following your orders, I've terminated the lease for the house rented to Lee Zhanmu.”

“Mr. Su, as you directed, I've ended our partnership with Lee Zhanmu.”

They spoke to Su Ming with utmost respect.

“You've all worked hard. Please, have a seat.”

“Yes, sir!”

Once Su Ming had finished, the three men stood neatly behind him.

Others in the vicinity watched the scene with envy, wishing they too could stand behind Mr. Su as his bodyguards.

How did these three get so lucky? Especially that Old Fong.

Old Fong had clearly crossed Mr. Su before, so how was he still receiving such favorable treatment?

Lee Zhanmu's eyes bulged and his mouth hung open.

Were they all in league together?

Was it all a setup?

Was Su Ming actually the leader of these three?

It turned out he was the one who had embarrassed himself.

It made sense now why his endeavors had consistently failed.

They were taking advantage of him, a newcomer to the imperial court.

Just then, Lee Zhanmu's phone rang, catching him off guard.

He pulled out his phone and glanced at it.

This was his chance to change his fortunes!

It was a call from his father.

Lee Zhanmu thought, his family's business was a multinational corporation. Surely his father was calling to inform him that they had secured the billion yuan in funding. With that money, he wouldn't have to rely on these people anymore.

He was determined to reclaim the respect he had lost!

With this in mind, Lee Zhanmu stayed put, gleefully answering the call at the doorway.

“Dad, what's up? Have you managed to secure the billion yuan?”

“Son, your father's company has been accused of tax evasion and is now bankrupt!”

A woman's crying echoed from the other end.


Lee Zhanmu was shocked and exclaimed, “Mom, please, this isn't a time for jokes. It's not April Fools' Day!”

The voice on the phone replied, “I'm not joking. Your bank cards have all been frozen, and you don't even have enough money for a plane ticket home. If you can't make ends meet, you might have to beg on the streets. The people at the imperial court are quite generous. And don't bother calling us again; we're not going to use this phone card anymore.”

Lee Zhanmu was in a state of panic and blurted out, “No, Mom, don't we have that bank card at home with a lot of money on it?”

“Quit fixating on that bank card; it's where your father and I have saved our retirement funds! And to be honest with you, you're not our biological child. We adopted you from the imperial court.”

“We knew the company was going under before you left for the imperial court. The reason we sent you away was to get you out of the picture.”

With that, the voice on the other end of the line went dead.

Lee Zhanmu was utterly stunned.

When he tried calling his mother back, her phone was already switched off.

The room fell into an eerie silence.

What a spectacle this was.

Their visit today had certainly not been a waste.

Lee Zhanmu felt an overwhelming urge to cry. He had intended to boast about his father's wealth, only to discover his father's company was bankrupt and he was left without a family.

Poor Lee Zhanmu.

Had he known this would happen, he would never have come here.

Even if his family was bankrupt, if he had managed to secure a loan and start a company, he could have at least pursued a career here and harbored hopes of earning money.

But now, it was all over.

It took a while for Lee Zhanmu to snap out of his daze.

Seeing the looks on the faces of those around him, he couldn't bear it any longer.

He turned on his heel and walked out.

“Wait a minute!”

Su Ming suddenly burst into laughter. “I feel for you, I really do. Here, take this bracelet back with you.”

No sooner had Su Ming spoken than a shadow darted by. The bracelet vanished from Su Ming's hand, swiftly snatched by Lee Zhanmu.

Lee Zhanmu was quick on his feet.

He had purchased the bracelet for five million yuan, thinking he could sell it for three to four million yuan.

With that money, he wouldn't have to worry about going hungry.

However, when Lee Zhanmu went to sell the bracelet, full of hope, he was informed it was a counterfeit, not even worth three to four hundred yuan.

Lee Zhanmu saw red, rage boiling over to the point of making him physically ill.

From that day on, the world had one more heartbroken soul.

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