The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 404

404 We still want to know what happened to Tala’s hair

Yi Chen couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up with the blue jade. As he drove back to headquarters he kept flipping it between his fingers. Something was definitely up with this thing.

While Yi Chen was trying to figure out what was so special about this blue jade, Zi Han was telling his mother all about the amazing wig on Tala’s hair. It wasn’t to humiliate her or anything but he was genuinely impressed by this craftmanship.

“I honestly thought it was her hair, I mean look at it. It’s so real. The hairline is so realistic,” explained Zi Han before sucking on the straw.

He had no idea what he was drinking but it was very refreshing. Zi Xingxi pretended like she didn’t know what Zi Han was doing. He was trying to suppress his true emotions by overly elevating another emotion. Was the wig fascinating? Sure. Was it worth this much hype? Nope.

“I am more interested to know what happened to her hair. I mean we have a lot of reconstructive surgeries available but she chose not to get it fixed. That’s more interesting than the wig in my opinion,” said Zi Feiji and the both of them looked at him like he had spoken words of truth and they had just received enlightenment.

Zi Xingxi glanced at Zi Han with a sly smile while asking, “Are you thinking what I am thinking?”

“If what you are thinking is what I am thinking then yes,” said Zi Han and Zi Xingxi turned to Secretary K,

“Wake her up.”

Secretary K nodded his head and walked over to the woman tied up like livestock.


“I bet she got into an accident and lost all her hair. Sad but more plausible,” said Zi Xingxi while starting a betting pool.

“I think it was a failed surgery. She wanted to change her hair but she had to use a back street surgeon,” said Zi Han transferring star coins in the betting pool.

“You two are evil. That poor woman. How could you find amusement in her misery? Shame on you...,” said Zi Feiji acting like he really cared but who was he kidding? He obviously put money on his own speculation.

“I think it was a dye gone wrong. You know those dyes that change your hair colour permanently by changing the genetics of your hair follicles?”

Zi Han, “...”

Zi Xingxi turned to look at him with a vexed look on her face. “How do you know about that surgery? Wait... is that even your real hair colour?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Feiji chuckled.

“Of course it is,” he replied as the woman who had been knocked out cold woke up with a start.

She coughed violently interrupting their conversation. As soon as her eyes opened she panickingly moved back her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her back hit the wall as she stared at the five people like she was staring at beasts.

“We haven’t even touched her yet but she looks like she is about to drop dead any second,” said Zi Feiji staring at this face that was very familiar to him.

He was there when this little union between the Emperor and her happened but he never really liked her from the start. He just felt like something was off about her from the get-go but it was never his place to speak.

“Wha-what are you going to do to me?” she said hugging her knees in fright.

“Really? Why bother asking? After all that shit you said and did... you thought that we would just let you walk away. It was just a matter of time before you join your son in the grave. The only difference is that you are going to suffer more than he did,” said Zi Xingxi the violent storm in her heart stirring up again.

This here was the mastermind of all things. She stirred the boat in the direction she wanted and she succeeded. She was like a viper hiding in the grass, watching everyone suffer after her preemptive strike. There was no way they were going to leave her alive after all she had done.

Zi Han could tell his mother was about to lose it thus he said, “We just want to know what happened to your hair?”

It was then Tala realised her wig was gone. She hurriedly covered her head with her hands like that would help the situation.

Zi Xingxi rolled her eyes and said, “We have already seen it so what is the use of hiding it.”

“Why should I tell you,” said Tala her voice brittle like she was about to cry.

“If you tell us maybe we will take it easy on you later and give you a quick death,” said Zi Feiji and Tala lowered her gaze her long eyelashes wet like she was on the brink of tears.

She thought her tears would move them but she didn’t realise that everyone in that room were tear resistant unless if the tears were coming from Zi Han.

“Oh, and don’t you dare say it was cancer. We do have all your medical records,” said Lynn Feng leaning back in her chair in a relaxed posture.

Tala who was about to play the sympathy card got caught off guard. It seemed the tactics she used on her son, who she didn’t seem to be too broken up about, weren’t going to work on these people.

“The truth only,” said Zi Han and the woman lowered her head even more as the tears started pouring down even more.

Her shoulders trembled as a wet patch appeared on her pants. Soon the silent whimpers and sobs turned to light laughter like her mind had snapped. Her laughter grew louder and louder making everyone raise their brows wondering if she had finally lost it.

Tala took advantage of this and got up trying to grab Lynn Feng who was the closest to her and use the knife she was using to peel an orange as a weapon to hold her hostage.

But she fell as fast as she got up. Zi Xingxi glanced at her with a gaze so terrifying it sent shivers all over Tala’s body.

“You think we would just let you walk around with no precautions? You must think we are stupid,” said Zi Xingxi as the woman writhed on the ground curling up in pain.

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