The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 385

385 The mysterious great auntie

“... Don’t give me that face. You need to get along with everyone in the Bloodgarde and the best place to start is the drunken beagle,” said Zi Xingxi scolding her son who was about to slip away into the grass like a snake.

“The what? Who the fuck named it that?” asked Zi Han his expression very very unwilling.

Zi Feiji and Zi Xingxi glanced at each other and didn’t want to talk about it. “Why is that important? Just follow Raya and have some fun. Isn’t he cute?” said Zi Xingxi and Zi Han took a fleeting glance at Raya standing there with his gorgeous shoulder-length hair in a half-up style while smiling at him.

Zi Han gritted his teeth and moved a few feet away before asking, “Don’t try and change the subject. What was that look? That look you two gave each other?”

“Nothing, psst nothing. Have fun yah,” said Zi Feiji before leaning towards Zi Xingxi and whispering, “She is going to eat him up.”

“That’s for sure,” replied Zi Xingxi her shoulders trembling suppressing a laugh.

“What do you mean to eat me up? Who is going to...,” he said only for Zi Xingxi to mute him.

“We aren’t too cruel, right? We should have at least warned him,” said Zi Feiji recalling his very very distant cousin. She was family but she was that family that everyone doesn’t look forward to meeting. This is why they never mentioned her. Now Zi Han was about to fall in her clutches and these two didn’t warn him in advance.

“You didn’t warn me so why should I warn him? You have grown soft old man. Oh, I am still mad about that. She cut my hair. She kept snipping and snipping until I had to cut it all off. She was like, ‘oh little Xixi your hair is too long. I can cut it for you. Don’t worry I am certified to do hair.’ Certified to do hair, where? I walked around like G.I. Jane for the next month. You do not want to see this face bald.”


Zi Feiji, “...”

He wanted to tell her that it didn’t look that bad but it most definitely looked very bad on her. Some women are goddesses with bald heads but Zi Xingxi, well, not so much. Thus he kept his mouth shut.

“I was so bald that if I wore a poncho I would look like a fucking broken condom,” she said and Lynn Feng couldn’t help but snicker.

It’s a good thing she was roasting herself.

Zi Han who finally figured out that he had been muted grunted feeling a little frustrated. The entire way to the drunken beagle he was leaning against the window watching the lights moving by outside. He impatiently tapped his thigh waiting for Yi Chen’s response. Forgive him for being impatient, he had shaved his legs for this.

Raya misunderstood his impatience for reluctance to go to a bar thus he suggested going elsewhere. “How about we go elsewhere? Like maybe the spherical gardens?” asked Raya only for secretary K to respond,

“No, the madam said you have to go to the drunken beagle.”

Zi Han, “...”

He slumped into his seat looking like he was resisting the urge to jump out of this hovercar. While he was sighing his light brain which had been silent suddenly buzzed. His listless eyes suddenly became lively as he sat up and swiped it open.

A slight quirk appeared at the corner of his lips but it vanished as fast as it came to hide his excitement. Zi Han opened the message and read it with the light reflecting in his bright eyes.

Unknown: Where are you?

Zi Han was very quick to respond.

Unknown2: I am on my way to the Drunken beagle.

Unknown2: Do you know where that is?

Zi Han waited for a very short time before his light brain was buzzing again. He pressed his lips together trying to mask the smile creeping up on him.

Unknown: I will come to get you.

That was a great idea but Zi Han didn’t want the future Marshal to walk right into a bar well-known for hosting Bloodgarde members. That would make for a good headline on StarNet. It was the type of news people would be very interested in.

Unknown2: No no no. Wait for me two blocks away and I will come to you.

Unknown2: Be discreet.

Yi Chen who was already walking down the hall to the elevator chuckled while reading this. He was unhappy about being separated from Zi Han but at the same time, he was thrilled sneaking around like this. It was exciting in a good way.

He entered the elevator and decided to pass by his home first so he could pick up their sons, thing one and thing two as well as the watch he wanted to give back to him.

He was so distracted that he didn’t notice his father following behind him. He didn’t even notice him at all. It was only after his father spoke when the elevator was already heading down did he notice his presence.

“You seem to be in a good mood,” said the Marshal but Yi Chen didn’t say anything. He just looked straight ahead with the fluffy cushy aura from before all but vanished. He was as steely cold like the snow cap mountains of Loch Ness star.

Marshal Yi was used to it. This wasn’t the first time his son was so mad. This was just the longest time he had been mad at him and from the looks of it, there was no coaxing him.

“Something good happened?” asked the Marshal. This time Yi Chen did respond but soon he was regretting even asking him that question.

“Why are you asking? Is it so that you can ruin it too,” said Yi Chen and that indeed shut the Marshal up for a while.

“What is your mother making for dinner?” he asked only for Yi Chen to retort once more,

“You should ask her. She is your wife... At least you still have a wife.”

After he said this the elevator door opened and Yi Chen stepped out taking the icy chill along with him.

Evan’s father standing behind the Marshal said, “He is really holding a grudge, isn’t he?”

“This is only the beginning. Wait until he starts being very petty,” replied the Marshal while watching Yi Chen’s disappearing figure.

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