The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 372

372 Do you swear servitude to the Bloodgarde till death....,”

Zi Han also knew this thus he let out a sigh as he pressed his palm on top of the badge with his eyes closed before letting it go.

After that, he began to take out all his firearms. He started off with a simple smart pistol, a couple of hand grenades and an alternator submachine gun but that was only the beginning.

Zi Han took out three battle rifles, one havoc energy rifle, two special operation assault rifles, four sniper rifles and that was it for the rifles.

He also took out several other submachine guns, two shotguns, one archer-heavy rocket, one side arm and lots of explosives. Everyone’s eyes widened watching this. They couldn’t help but wonder if Zi Han had robbed the entire armoury or something because that was too much firepower even for an assassin. They usually travelled light and it is understandable why.

“Is that everything?” asked grandpa Zi but Zi Han pressed the tip of his tongue on his cheek and raised his finger before taking out a metal box with poisonous patches inside and a medical kit.

“Now that you have...,” said Zi Feiji only for him to pause when Zi Han raised his forefinger and removed the dagger inside his boot and the other one came from behind him. Only the heavens know where that one was stored.

“Seriously,” muttered Lynn Feng while Zi Feiji glanced at Zi Xingxi. Zi Xingxi shrugged her shoulders but anyone could see the pride in her eyes. Her son was like a hoarder for weapons and how he managed to get his hands on all that under strict military supervision was a mystery.

Actually, no it wasn’t a mystery. Let’s not forget Zi Han was dating a gold master who basically gifted Zi Han with anything he fancied as long as he didn’t use it to hurt anyone in the military.

“Are you done now?” asked Zi Feiji and Zi Han nodded his head but in truth, he was very reluctant to let all that go. Couldn’t they at least let him keep one toy? Zi Feiji wasn’t convinced, hence he snapped his fingers at Secretary K to scan him and the man walked over.


“My apologies young sir. May you please spread your arms apart for me,” said Secretary K and Zi Han sighed while spreading his arms apart.

It didn’t take long for the scanner to beep and Zi Han pursed his lips. Weapons in the Federation had a signature marker inbuilt with their technology so as to easily identify who the firearms belonged to or who made them so the scanner picked up a weapon from the military. not the ones his mother gave him.

Secretary K stretched out his hand and Zi Han took out a small incendiary throwing star. He kind of liked that one because it was a new-generation weapon and Yi Chen gave it to him on his birthday to add to his collection.

Secretary K was about to toss it on the pile but he made it disappear as he leaned forward and whispered, “I will keep it safe for you while you talk to the madam,” before winking at him.

Zi Han showed a suppressed smug smile as he watched Secretary K walk away. He was more than sure he would get to keep all his stuff. All he had to do was act cute and his mother would cave in. “Now take a step forward and let us usher you into your new life. Forget all past connections and commit your spirit, mind, body and soul to the Bloodgarde,” said grandpa Zi and as soon as he reached the bottom of the platform the man continued to ask,

“Do you swear servitude to the Bloodgarde till death....,”

“Do you promise never to betray the


“Do you swear to serve justice to the oppressed and never turn a blind eye to anyone in need...,”

“Do you dare sympathize with criminals blacklisted by the Bloodgarde?....”

Zi Han answered yes to all except the last question. Satisfied his grandfather stretched out his hand and Zi Han raised his head wondering what his grandfather wanted.

“The sword, give it to him,” whispered Zi Xingxi and Zi Han hurriedly took out the Executioner’s Blight that he had kept in his possession after delivering justice for hus father.

The sword shimmered under the lights in the hangar as a shing sound bounced on the walls sending shivers down everyone’s spines. It was a legendary sword well known throughout the history of the Federation as the punisher.

Zi Feiji took the sword and said, “In front of the ancestors and the entirety of the Bloodgarde you have taken this oath that can only be sealed in blood,” he said while cutting across Zi Han’s palm.

Zi Han grimaced as the icy chill from the blade seeped into his blood down to his bone making him shiver. His wrist was grasped by his grandfather and pressed onto the black book alongside the oath he had just taken.

After he was done Zi Feiji let him go and Zi Xingxi brought over a new cloak.

“Welcome to the brotherhood. Welcome to your new family. You are now a new youngling and under the guidance of your brothers and sisters you will thrive and flourish,” said Zi Feiji as Zi Xingxi put the cloak on him with a proud smile.

“Let us all join in welcoming our newest member,” said Zi Feiji as Zi Xingxi turned him around to face everyone. The group of people knocked their chests in unison and welcomed him into the Bloodgarde.

Now that this serious ritual was over Zi Han thought that he would be free but his mother dragged him away. The party was about to start and boy, he didn’t expect that at all. His mother went all out and even ignored grandpa Zi’s protests. She was committed all the way planning a party no one saw coming.

Everything about it had Zi Han wanting to run away like a cat running away from taking a bath but why would Zi Xingxi let him run? She caught him and hauled him over her shoulder bringing him back.

“I told you he would hate it,” said Zi Feiji almost rolling his eyes.

“Give him a few shots and he will be in tune. Time to heal your broken heart, baby,”

Zi Han, “WTF!”

“Save me...,” he whispered to his grandfather but who was he kidding. Except for his father who was already gone no one else could save him. Zi Xingxi was right. Two shots in and Zi Han was singing karaoke and dancing on the stage with the performers.

AN: Yi Chen, hurry up and come get your husband before you get robbed.

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