The Ascension Age

Chapter 46: It was Amazing!

Chapter 46: It was Amazing!

Aire and the others nodded at each other before heading to the platform marked in their communicators. Soon after, the door closed behind them, isolating their team from all the others on the airship. After that, Aire asked, "What do we do now?"

Altina smiled in response, saying, "You just need to wait for now."

Sometime later, Aire heard some sort of click sound. However, before he could even ask what it was, the ground under his feet opened, making him and his team members fall from the airship. "The hell?!" Aire was frightened once he saw himself falling from so high. "We're gonna die!"

However, Altina, Kymei, and Sera just laughed out loud in response. "Hahaha! Just enjoy the trip!" It was as if they didn't mind it at all.

Aire quickly pondered about what he should do, trying to find a solution to stop his fall or at least reduce the speed. However, he actually didn't need to do that as several rays of yellow light shot out from the airship above. In less than an instant, these rays hit him and his team. Not only that, but Aire also noticed several more rays of light hitting other teams in the distance.

His falling speed then began to slow down considerably due to the yellow light. Eventually, when he and his team were just ten or so meters away from the ground, the ray disappeared, leaving them to deal with the last part.

Fortunately, Aire was already in the Stellar Bones Stage. That was already enough for him to resist a fall of ten meters without any issues. Obviously, Kymei and the others had it even easier since their levels were higher, especially Altina.

"You guys could have at least told me that they would do that," Aire muttered in complaint while his face looked as pale as a ghost.

"Hahaha!" Altina and the others couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You should know that they wouldn't just drop us to die."

Altina then moved by his side and helped him come out of the mud below. "Alright, that's enough for now. Let's check out where we are."

Aire could only sigh and nod in response. They quickly checked their positions and found themselves somewhat closer to the border than the swamp's center, where the Stellar Bubbles were more frequent. "We're around 35 kilometers away from the best Stellar Bubble Gathering Area. Of course, keep your eyes open since there's also a chance of some bubbles appearing further away."

Aire and the other nodded as they began to move forward. Soon, Aire asked the others, "What about the other teams? Where were the top-ranked teams of our mission groups released?"

Sera pondered over the question for a bit before answering, "They have the best position, but they wouldn't be sent straight inside the place. If I'm not wrong, they would appear around 15 to 20 kilometers away. Of course, a swamp is a hard place to move about, so this 15-kilometer gap to them is a huge advantage. We'll need to put a lot more effort just to get there."

Aire's group used the roots of the trees to travel, trying to avoid the mud and water below. "Keep your eyes open for other teams as well. Just like us, they also saw where we were dropped. Although I don't think anyone will try to buy a fight without reaching the center of the swamp, you never know what to expect."

However, the first one to attack them wasn't another Riser student group. The water under the roots where Aire landed suddenly moved before an enormous jaw came out.


Aire was taken aback as that thing emerged in his direction. It looked like an enormous alligator, only several times stronger and faster. That was the result of Stellar Energy in the world. Not only did humans evolve because of it, but even animals.

Aire had never fought anything in his life, so he was paralyzed by the sudden attack. However, just as the alligator's mouth was about to chomp Aire in half, Altina appeared by its side like a ghost! Her hand then shone with a bright light as her arm was covered by some kind of yellow armor.

Stellar Suit Arm!

The armor had several lines of silver light running through. That was the color of Stellar Energy once it was gathered, showing that the piece of armor was fully charged. Altina's own Stellar Energy then burst out, increasing the power of the armor even more. Following that, Altina's hand then formed a fist as she punched the alligator's head.


The jaw that was just about to take Aire's life was then sent flying! Stellar Energy spread everywhere as Altina's piece of armor suddenly disappeared right after.

Aire, Sera, and Kymei then looked at the alligator that flew several meters away above a broken tree, which snapped from the impact. There was a huge hole on its head as its brain fluid gushed out. The alligator was as dead as it could be.

Only then did Aire come back to himself, noticing that his body was trembling nonstop. Soon, he muttered, "I...almost died just now, didn't I?"

Altina patted his shoulder as she shook her head, replying, "Not really. Look at the bracelet on your wrist."

Aire looked down and saw that it was shining with silver light as well. However, it began to disappear little by little before it came back to normal.

Sera then explained, "If the alligator truly got close to take your life, the bracelet would have activated, covering your body with a gel that would harden instantly. None of the Stellar Beasts of this swamp have enough power to break through it, so you were never in danger to start with."

Aire still couldn't stop his body from trembling, though. "I see...that's good to know."

Altina then smiled at Aire. "There's nothing wrong about being afraid. In fact, I would have been surprised if you were able to react on your first time in the wild. Sure, you had combat classes back in the Ascencion Age School. However, multiple theories can never beat experience. Now that you've experienced it first hand, I'm sure you'll be able to do something next time."

Aire nodded as he soon said, "I understand. Thank you, Altina."

Kymei then looked at Altina before asking, "Alright! Now that it's gone, let me ask. Altina, how was it? Was our Stellar Suit Arm any good?!"

Sera and Aire immediately paid attention to her as Altina's eyes lit up, replying with a toothy grin, "It was amazing!"

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