The Academy’s Weapon Replicator

Chapter 175 (1) - The Academys Weapon Replicator

Bonus chapter thanks to @Avidfan and @Seirra1172 from Ko-fi!

Selena stood in the Constel stables. As expected of Constel, known for its horsemanship, there was a wide variety of horses.

For a moment, she worried if she would be able to find Cassian among them, but that concern was also unfounded.

As Frondier had instructed, the moment she lifted the cloth, a horse approached her. Judging by its appearance, it was undoubtedly Cassian.

However, Selena couldn't mount Cassian yet.

"Why are you doing this!"

Selena shouted at Cassian in frustration. But Cassian simply turned his head away from her. He still hadn't allowed her to climb onto his back.

'He's suspicious of me.'

Selena broke out in a cold sweat. She understood Cassian's feelings. She had met Cassian with this cloth as per Frondier's orders, but there was no way Cassian could know the context.

Therefore, he was suspicious. He seemed to be looking at Selena with an expression that asked, 'Why do you have that cloth?'

'Cassian has a good sense of smell. His superior intelligence means he can discern information obtained through his sense of smell.'

Selena unconsciously hid her hands behind her back.

'...The smell of blood, I couldn't get it off, could I?'

Selena had gotten much more blood on her hands than other students her age. And it wasn't monster blood, but human blood.

Especially recently, while dealing with Indus's subordinates, she had killed even more people.

Selena didn't particularly feel any guilt for the killings she had done so far.

Above all, Manggot was a group of vengeful individuals who dreamed of one day swallowing the continent.

Selena, who was raised in such a place, had also let go of any sentimentality about killing people a long time ago.

But if that act was going to be a hindrance now...

If she couldn't carry out her master's orders, who was waiting for her return, for such a trivial reason, Selena wouldn't be able to bear it.

"I don't know what you're really thinking,"

Selena said, looking at Cassian. She looked into his eyes, meeting his gaze that seemed to read her identity, shining with an excessive wisdom for a horse.

"But if we don't hurry, that person will be in danger."

Right. Selena didn't know the situation over there. How the battle at the barrier was going, whether Frondier had joined the fight, or if he had already crossed the barrier. She knew nothing.

The only thing she knew for sure right now was,

'Lord Frondier doesn't have this cloth right now.'

Selena tightly gripped the blue cloth she had received.

Without this, Frondier couldn't use his full power. Even if she didn't know its exact nature, from the battles so far, she could tell that this cloth was important to Frondier.

She had received it. To bring this Cassian.

She had been entrusted with the lifeline that would protect Frondier.

"Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter. Actually, I don't care about someone like you. I don't know why that person asked me to bring you here even after giving me this. But I won't ask. I don't need to. I just follow orders."

Selena clenched her teeth. Did Cassian understand her words? No, was he even listening? She couldn't tell what he was thinking from his eyes and face.

"Please, help me."

Nevertheless, Selena spoke.

To persuade Cassian now, all she could do was use her voice.

She just believed that her heartfelt voice would get through. That was all.

"That person is in danger."

Cassian quietly watched Selena as she murmured those words. She couldn't read the horse's thoughts. However, Cassian soon shook his head once and moved his legs closer to Selena, offering his side.

"...Thank you."

Selena climbed onto Cassian's back. She covered his back with the cloth. As if pleased, Cassian tilted his head.

'This cloth, when I had it, I didn't feel cold or hot.'

So that's why Frondier was fine wearing light clothes at the Tyburn. She thought he was just being strangely arrogant, but a small mystery had been solved.

'...Then he must be very cold now.'

And her worries increased.

"Let's go, Cassian. There's somewhere we need to stop by."

Next, to Malia de Roach.

The Roach mansion, that is...

'No, wait. Teacher Malia said she doesn't stay at the Roach mansion.'

Malia was Frondier's mother, but she didn't reside in the mansion. Whether she had a discord with Enfer or was truly dedicated to her research as rumored, Malia usually resided and worked at Constel.

'...Then during the vacation?'

"Where should I go to meet Teacher Malia, kyaak!"

Right after she muttered that, Cassian started moving.

"You, you know where Teacher Malia is?"

There was no answer from Cassian. Of course not. However, that silent gallop was a sufficient answer for Selena.


Holding the reins tightly, Selena went wherever Cassian was heading.


The day after the first barrier battle.

The monsters were quiet. It seemed there would be no battle today.

The soldiers were relieved, but the knights, on the other hand, stiffened their faces and became tense. They had also heard information about the monsters from Sylvain.

If they weren't launching continuous attacks, then as Frondier had predicted, they were planning to gather a massive army and pierce through the barrier in one fell swoop.

Sylvain believed Frondier's prediction was accurate. It was a very desperate situation, but it also became an opportunity to place a sliver of hope on Frondier, who had read the situation.



Frondier himself muttered that.

[What do you mean?]

"Those guys, it seems they'll attack tomorrow."

At Gregory's words, Frondier spoke while looking at the paper on the desk.

He had saved the map he saw in the meeting room in the workshop and drew a war situation map on paper while listening to Gregory's report.

Looking at it, Frondier's complexion became even more serious.

"I knew there would be an all-out attack, but I didn't know it would be this fast. I thought it would take a few more days."

[It seems they're gathering their troops in a hurry.]

In a hurry. Yes, the enemy's current reinforcement speed felt like that. A movement that seemed to be pushing forward the timing of the all-out attack even a little.

At this rate, the monsters' invasion would be faster than Selena riding Cassian and bringing Malia.

[When will Selena arrive?]

"Well, even if she comes without any delays, it would be after sunset tomorrow."

Selena had to persuade both Cassian and Malia. Frondier thought both would be difficult.

Cassian was smart and had a very strong sense of pride, and Malia didn't readily come to places where Enfer was.

Above all, both of them wouldn't know much about Selena. She would need to appeal to them as someone trustworthy. As someone from Manggot, she wouldn't have many materials to persuade them with.

[Then we'll see some blood tomorrow.]


Gregory said it as if it were a matter of course. Without Fabric of Penelope, Frondier wouldn't be able to exert even 10% of his current combat power. Naturally, waiting for Selena was the right thing to do.

However, Frondier remained silent. That made Gregory uneasy.

[You, don't tell me... You're not planning to go, are you?]

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