The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

Chapter 163: Bet (3)

Chapter 163: Bet (3)

Bet (3)

Its the Student Council President!

Shes so pretty

Whos that next to the President? He doesnt look like a Student Council member.

Thats Isaac.

  Why are those two together?

Isaac was called by the Student Council President earlier

Was he invited to the Student Council then?

Traits of the academy genre. Students became chatterbots when the Student Council President made an appearance.

Since I was strolling through the campus with Alice Carroll, the students attention naturally swarmed toward us.

I purposefully held a magic tool in my hand and pretended to be paying attention to training my mana mastery in an attempt to ignore the students gazes.

Well, I did understand their actions.

Alice is practically a celebrity here.

I had also cheered until my throat went soar when female celebrities came to perform during my time in the military.

Just starting with Dorothy, I was always in awe of her goddess-like beauty. It was similar to that.

But more than that

What brought me all the way here?

Right in front of me was the light gold-haired female student, walking with her hands behind her back.

Watching her from behind, I was maintaining a certain distance from her. She was the Student Council President and my senior in the Magic Department. Alice Carroll.

Just what is she scheming to suddenly call me and request a date?

In the Student Council room, Alice had left no room for conversation and immediately left the room after saying to me, Lets have a date, Baby.

So, I had no choice but to follow her out.

She hadnt given me a chance to respond, but it wouldve felt wrong not to follow her.

I ignored Erin, who had been standing in front of the Student Council room. I could still remember her flustered face.


Alice turned her head to look back at me but did not stop walking.

Thats one pleasant voice she had there.

It was different from Luces. Her voice was calm and whispery and had the knack of sucking the energy out of someone.

  In comparison, Alices voice sounded much kinder, as if falling into fluffy cotton candy. Just listening to her made my heart feel all warm and fluffy.

Yes, Senior.

While were at it, why dont you come walk over here? It feels a little lonely without someone next to me.

 Thats a little uncomfortable for me.

I intentionally swung my head around to our surroundings.

It was to express my discomfort with every single student passing by staring at us and to use it as an excuse.

Alice wanted to kill me or the disruptor of her plans, to be more exact.

So I could only relax when I stayed behind her like this.

I was scared that she would try something on me if I stood right next to or in front of her. It was similar to how someone would become irrationally nervous when showering.

Youre more conscious of other peoples opinions than I expected.

It isnt that I dislike standing out, but youre a little too much, Senior. Not only are you the Student Council President, but youre also pretty.

That is true.

Alice readily agreed.

It was basically a fact to her that she was considered pretty.

And Senior. You still havent said anything to me.

Ah, about why I wanted to have a date with you. Right?


Alice brought her slightly bent index finger up to her lip and fell into deep thought. Was she choosing her words?

Soon, Alice answered.

Just cause.


Because I wanted to. I had some time today and just happened to think of you. Thats it.

I knew she wouldnt reveal her intentions.

But what was Just cause supposed to be? She didnt even try adding effort to it.

Why does it matter though? Doesnt it make you excited to have a date with me?

Alice assumed as if that was obviously the case.

I wasnt excited. More like dumbstruck

Uh, Senior Alice. I couldnt tell you because everything happened so suddenly, but I have to train now Senior?

Alice suddenly stopped and locked her gaze on the display stand of a particular shop, almost as if she were hypnotized.

I also stopped next to her and followed her gaze.

It was a dessert caf called, The Sirens Face.

Inside the display stand, using an ice magic scroll, were parfaits sparkling with a small amount of mana.

Out of them, a parfait decorated in the shape of a cat stood in the center like the shops signature dish.

  It was a pretty cute parfait and the thing that likely caught Alices attention.

For a moment, time seemed to have stopped.

As my mind raced ferociously, one realization suddenly arose to the surface.

Many people discussed Alices identity within the Magic Knight of Mrchen community.

However, just one thing. Just one of Alices traits was seldomy mentioned.

It was the fact that she liked cute things.

When I played the game, I just passed over it as a simple character trait, but witnessing it in person caused the question to swell up in my mind.

Why would someone like her.

Just why would she try to kill Ian Fairytale and give up on everything and end her life when she failed?

What did that hollow smile she showed to Ian Fairytale and his companions just before death mean?

And why had Alice secretly become an informant?

It might be that I was missing something important.

I needed to find out.

Now that Magic Knight of Mrchen had become my reality, I needed to make a detailed plan for even the tiniest of details.

After all, Ive already lost to the Evil God once.

This current chance had been given to me by the sacrifices of countless people.

In my past life, before it was reset, I had to survive whatever it took. This also meant that everything may end if I had died.

So I must not strive for the best choice, but the most ideal choice, and reach a happy ending.

Just as I had defeated the Floating Island to receive EXP and save Dorothy.

And I am curious about her secret as well.

Alice was someone who knew that the Evil God was going to be revived.

If I figured out how she learned that information and why she decided to take the Evil Gods side, then it might help with my journey.

That meant it was important to avoid Alice.

But avoiding her at all costs might not be the answer.


Yes, lets go eat it.

So, I decided to stay with her for a short while.

It didnt seem like Alice was planning to harm me today.

And even if it seemed like something similar was happening, I could just run away.

Since I could train my mana mastery with the magic tool I had right now, I decided to change my planned schedule.

I like quick-witted ones like you.

Alice grinned happily.


At an outdoor table on the 3rd-floor balcony, under a pretty, petite-designed parasol.

I was sitting, facing Alice.

For a while, she gazed down with loving eyes at the slice of cake and cat parfait that was set down on the center of the table.

Then, finally eating a spoonful, she leaned her cheek against her hand and sank into pure bliss.

The Sirens Face.

They had a vast menu of delicious dishes along with a cute design, making it a famous caf to visit among female students.

Dorothy had also talked about this place countless times.

Is it good?

Far beyond my expectations. I didnt know such a place existed.

You must not come here often. I heard this place is popular.

Im busy. Ill be coming here often after I give up my position as President.

Alice would resign from her position as Student Council President once this semester ended, but she ended her life before that time came.

So in Magic Knight of Mrchen, she never came back to this caf.

Have you come here with Dorothy before?

No, its my first time.

I answered her while taking a bite of the cat parfait.

  Its good alright.

I still held the magic tool in my other hand, circulating my mana. It was challenging, but I had gotten used to it.

With a quiet, Hmm, Alice smiled meaningfully.

Thats unexpected. I thought you would have done all sorts of things with Dorothy.

I am close with Senior Dorothy, but we havent been able to have much fun. Im training most of the time.

You seem to enjoy training.

Alice peered at the magic tool in my hand.

If someone asked me whether I liked training, I couldnt answer. I was, in a way, addicted though.

Ah, it is nice when I feel a sense of achievement.

Nevermind the small talk. I should test Alices intentions.

Actually, Senior Alice.


I heard something on our way here,

Alice stared at me while continuing to chew the dessert in her mouth. Her chin was resting on one of her hands.

You called me because you want me in the Student Council, correct?

If that was also why you suddenly called me for a date, I understand

Suddenly, Alice scooped up a spoonful of parfait and popped it into my mouth as I spoke.

My mouth was filled with tingly sweetness and a faint, slimy texture.


I was stunned.

Youre hasty, Baby.


Its a little cold to jump straight to the point, dont you think?

Alice pulled out the spoon from my mouth. Her expression remained calm.

I swallowed the parfait that she fed me.

What you said. Its half right and half wrong.

Crossing her arms and legs, Alice leaned against the chair.

The way she crossed her arms accentuated her already large chest.

It is true that I want to recruit you into the Student Council. But you, Baby, dont intend to do so.

How would you know that?

I heard youve turned down the offer to enter the Four Constellations. Not only that but youre known to just study and train all day. Though, I do think rumors of you dating the second-year top seat are false. Anyway, I know you arent the type to immerse yourself in student council work.

Well, thats about right.

But I have taken a liking to you.


I have a good eye for people, you see.

Alice grinned, pointing at her eye.

She said that it was half right and half wrong that she wanted to recruit me into the Student Council.

Then what did she call me to suggest?

So, Baby.

Alice pointed at me with her spoon.

Why dont you make a bet with me?

Why a bet all of a sudden?

What bet?

Whether Baby will come to love me or not.


What sort of bet is that? How are you supposed to know how I feel?

There wasnt a single bit of objectiveness included in the bet.

If you come to like me, become my subordinate. Hows that?

I was so dumbfounded that I laughed.

What if I just dont express it?

Then Ill make sure you cant help but express it.

Alice responded to my question as if the answer was obvious, then bit the spoon that had entered my mouth.

Well, she would have also received a lot of confessions. Moreover, she believed it was only natural to be considered pretty, so she was probably confident in herself as well.

Whether they know it or not, the pretty and handsome students tend to receive confessions from many other students. I had heard that was also the case for Luce, Kaya, and Dorothy.

That reminds me, I havent received any confessions yet.

I thought this Isaac was on the handsome side, so whats the problem?

Whatever. It was meaningless anyway.

Do you really want me that much?


Alice nodded her head casually.

She spoke without hesitation, didnt she? I almost questioned whether or not she thought things through before speaking.

But if someone heard such a thing from such a pretty student like Alice,

It was clear that most male students hearts would have begun to flutter, regardless of their will.

That would have also been the case for me if I hadnt known Alices true nature.

Of course, this is likely a trap.

It would be easy to keep an eye on me if I became her subordinate.

Not to mention, if I fell in love with Alice, then it was likely that just a few right words from her would make me confess my secrets. Since, on the surface, it was impossible for the Nameless Hero to know that Alice was the enemy. That would be a massive stab in the back.

Even if it wasnt revealed that I was the Nameless Hero, I was a talented student that the Student Council would openly welcome. This was a winning bet for Alice.

But the question was

Why would she choose a bet that would only come out in romance dramas out of all things?

I cringed internally.

However, her confident attitude did help lessen the impact.

The more I thought about it, the only thought I arrived at was, What sort of stupid bet is this?

Back during the Trial of Frost, Phantom Cat Cheshire had said that I was Alices type.

A familiar knew their masters heart the best. That meant my outer appearance was closely identical to Alices ideal type.

This was why I thought for a moment that the bet might contain some personal feelings.

But after remembering her true colors that I had seen in Magic Knight of Mrchen, I shook my head immediately.

Instead, she was closer to a Nepenthes that lured the opponent to their demise with a sweet scent.1ED Min Note: A Nepenthes is a carnivorous plant in the form of a pitcher (Think the Bellsprout line if you know Pokemon). They release a sweet scent so insects will enter their body and then they close the lid to digest them.

So, for now, I wanted to suggest something that aligns with your current situation.

With her kind signature smile, Alice tilted her head slightly to the side.

Something in line with my situation?

What is it?

How about you become an Honorary Student Council Member?


I couldnt understand what her suggestion meant.

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    ED Min Note: A Nepenthes is a carnivorous plant in the form of a pitcher (Think the Bellsprout line if you know Pokemon). They release a sweet scent so insects will enter their body and then they close the lid to digest them.

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