The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 124: The Dark Blacksmith - Part 1

Chapter 124: The Dark Blacksmith - Part 1

Everything was quite normal after he started resting. His sister came to visit him and so did his mom who had fainted earlier.

They were indeed shocked that he was an hunter and also hid those stuffs from them.

Jay's mother asked him to stop the hunter work but Jay was stubborn too.

He wanted to remain being an Hunter. His mother also knew about his dream of becoming the best hunter but she was traumatised after seeing him covered in blood.

"Mom please! I'm strong enough to take care of myself!", was what Jay said to his mom.

"...", she was already tired of denying it again and again and she wasn't so cruel to just destroy her own son's dreams.

But the more she thought, the more worried she became. More than anything she wanted the safety of her family.

She had already lost her husband and her eldest daughter had also gone missing, the only ones who remained now were Jay and Serena.

She already knew the pain of losing someone and no matter how many times she losed, the pain never got adjusted with her. It just kept increasing in a timely manner.

"Sera, convince her please!", was what Jay said to Serena.

But she herself was against the idea of Jay being an Hunter. She did know from earlier about him being Hunter when she had found him talking with someone in the phone but she didn't think that he did some difficult jobs and thus treated as nothing.

However when she herself was scared about that and that was why she was hesitant.

Jay wanted to convince his mother at all cost but she didn't listen to him at all.

She was now sitting quietly without speaking anything else and after a few minutes she just stood up from and walked out of the room.

"Mom...? Mom!", Jay kept calling but she didn't hear any of his words.

By chance even if she heard, she didn't bother to reply to him as she was quite sad at the moment.

Serena too left in rush and accompanied her mom so that she wouldn't get much depressed.

Both of them went back to the Room which they were provided since she was not completely fine right now.

'Sigh, mom doesn't understands at all...', was what he thought.

The door got closed automatically due to the wind and now Jay was all alone. His expressions were gloomy too and he was sad for a while.

"She doesn't understands that a Hunter is someone who is the lost valuable person in this era..."

"If a Hunter doesn't hunts the monster, then the humanity would end as the monsters would start hunting us...", he was just saying these all things to himself.

All he could do was show is displeasure and nothing else.

He just sat there thinking of what he was doing was right or wrong.

He was almost recovered mentally as well as physically and thus had the capacity to think normally without being annoyed or distracted.

'It's indeed troublesome but... this time I can't obey you mother...', was what he said to himself and decided that he wouldn't stray from the path of Hunting!

"Can you hear me?", he suddenly said this immediately after he heard a voice.

"Yes my liege, we can hear you...", the sound was quite familiar and why wouldn't it be?, it was Sebas after all.

The Vampire Overlord was maintaining the things in the Invisible dungeon where the great dragon akaluman as well as Wolfy resided.

Jay had asked Wolfy to return to go to the dungeon while he is away just before he entered Gate.

''Alright, listen to me Sebas...''

"Yes my liege?"

"I will be needing your help for the time being...", was what Jay said.

"My help?", Sebas was shocked all of a sudden when he heard this.

He was partially happy at the same time.

"Yes my liege, How May I help you?", Sebas asked.

"Well, it's not that rough a job but it's not easy at the same time..."

"Don't worry my liege, I will try to fulfill it with the best of my abilities...", was what Sebas said.

"Alright then, I want you to prepare monster corpses...", Jay said.

"M-monster corpses?", Sebas was shocked.

He had no idea as why he would order that and for what he would use but he didn't want to waste any time by asking that.

"Yes, I want the 9 generals of mine to rise again...", was what Jay said.

"G-generals!?", Sebas shouted.

Katherine who was taking a look at the walls suddenly heard that and came rushing.

Akaluman who was in his mini form also heard that and was surprised by it.

Wolfy just kept staring at Sebas innocently because he didn't understand anything in the first place.

"Yes, haha! Why are you shocked by it?", Jay laughed.

"...", Sebas has no answer to that. He was so shocked that chills were running down his spine and his neck was too dry.

He couldn't even utter a word even for a moment.

"Nothing my liege... I will try to get the best monsters from the nearby dungeon...", was what Sebas said.

Jay was about to accept what Sebas said but then again he thought that his generals had to be the strongest monsters.

Normal petty monsters wouldn't be that great and thus he doubted what he had initially asked.

"Pardon me master but only strongest monsters should be used for the generals...", was what Sebas said.

Jay smirked when he heard that as Jitu of them shared the same thinking.

"You think so too?", Jay asked.

"Yes master...", he replied humbly.

"Hmm...", but Jay couldn't afford to waste any time since once the soul would get accustomed to the body and oils get fused, then it would be hard to extract them.

That was the main problem right now. He couldn't possibly sacrifice some hunters who were genuinely helping others just because of some generals who were dead all along.

"Then Sebas, do you have something that can store souls?", Jay asked.

Sebas thought for a whole and concluded that he didn't have such a thing but then he asked others who were present there which Jay could hear loud and clear.

"Katherine... great dragon lord , either of you both have any idea if some artifact that can store souls!?", Sebas asked them.

Katherine thought for a while but she didn't have any idea about this whereas Akaluman had a brighter expression.

"Yes, there was! I know of an artifact that can preserve the souls.. it's called Soul Cage.", was what Akaluman said.

"That's Great!", Jay said as he was able to hear everything loud and clear.

"Then tell me, where can I find such a thing?", Jay asked.

Akaluman sighed and said, "Such a thing was already destroyed long ago..."

Jay now understood as to why Akaluman said 'There Was' instead of 'There Is'.

"Ah? Destroyed...", what would a destroyed thing be of any use? Jay was confused right now.

Either he had to force the souls to go inside some stupid monsters body and then had to extract them again and possess them on finding a new body. This was too much of a problem because repeated extraction might increase the chances of failure.

"Sigh, what do I do now...?", Jay sighed.

Sebas and Katherine were also having gloomy expression because they weren't able to help Jay.

Sebas turned his gazes towards Akaluman and found that he still had the bright expression and was actually waiting to say something.

"The great lord akaluman... do you wish to say anything?", Sebas asked with hesitation.

"Haha, yes! I know someone who can create the artifact that would be able to preserve the souls!", the dragon said it proudly despite its size right now.

"What!!? You know someone who can craft Soul Cage!?", Jay asked with happiness because if he were to really find someone ar some like that then he would be able to preserve the souls and use them afterwards!

"Yes...", the dragon replied.

"Ah! Then tell me! Who is this person and where can I find him?", Jay asked this almost instantly.

"...", the dragon was mum for a bit.

"Tell me...", Jay repeated.

"Hmm... actually, I don't know where the person is...", was what Akaluman said.

"Huh? You don't know his whereabouts?", Jay was annoyed.

It seemed as if Akaluman had decided to give him one good news and then bad news to break the mood.


"But?", Jay was curious to know if there was something else that Akaluman wanted to add to what he said.

"The person is is famously called...", the dragon paused for a minute.

"Famously called?", Jay was being frustrated because Akaluman was pausing at the very right time.

"Uhh... I don't remember... what was it again?", the dragon sure was intelligent but it didn't have aphotographic memory to recall all the knowledge almost instantly after all it had lived for thousands of years.

"Oh my God... do you even know anything!?", Jay shouted.

Suddenly Serena opened the door to see if everything as alright.

"Brother? You need something?", she came in hurry because she heard him shout.

"Uh, Yes, can you pass me a glass of water!?", he asked.

She immediately passed and said, "Do call me of you need anything else."

Jay drank it in front of her and just after she left he placed it on the table nearby.

"This Akaluman...", he was about scold him again when suddenly Akaluman said something which made Jay completely baffled:

"Ah! Now I remember! He was called the Dark Blacksmith!"



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