Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

158: Nothing

After removing her makeup. Returning to her residence, Eleanor’s outfit was surprisingly plain. In the past, she was always adorned with jewelry, fine dresses, and even luxurious fabrics in her school uniform. Even when her clothes got dirty, she’d quickly change into new ones, always maintaining her elegance. Now her appearance is quite different from the past. However, this was Eleanor’s hidden side. And her genuine self than ever.

’[The Golden Fox]… I don’t know who came up with it, but it’s a fitting name.’

Among all the titles that described her, the most famous was, none other..

[The Golden Fox] People called her that because she was obsessed with gold coins and expensive artifacts. Besides accumulating wealth, she had no interest in anything else.

But do these people know?

Contrary to what others thought, Eleanor lived a rather frugal life. Unless she had to go outside, she was more accustomed to her current simple appearance at home. The old, repeatedly mended negligee she was wearing was one of her mother’s keepsakes, something she’d been given a few years ago when she was little.

‘When you grow up and become a lady, ensure to wear it! It’s a promise.’

As a child, she didn’t understand.

On a day that wasn’t even her birthday. Why did her mother take her to an expensive clothing store to buy her clothes that didn’t even fit. But less than a month later, when her mother passed away, she realized. That her mother had been preparing for their farewell all along. That she was left behind.

Eleanor gazed at her clothing and suddenly thought

‘This isn’t like me’

There was no point in dwelling on sad memories. she knew that better than anyone. But for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to throw away this negligee. The bright white, fluttering nightgown with transparent, see-through material. When she was exhausted and suffering from insomnia due to business matters, if she didn’t have this nightgown, she would feel restless and start looking for it. Even though there’s no such thing like mother’s scent that not even clean magic could erase it. Only faint memories keep coming back and stirred up in her mind.

“This isn’t the time to be thinking about this. I need to focus more on the group matters. At worst, the continent could be plunged back into the era of wars.”

Eleanor quickly cleared her mind of the lingering thoughts and began to calmly reflect on today’s events.

“First of all, there’s no one in the imperial family that worth my support. That’s for sure. Maybe a lot of others think the same way.” Eleanor’s prediction was spot-on.

The power of the current imperial family that supported the Arkheim Empire was not what it used to be? It had been mentioned for years.

They had been clinging to the faded past glory of the emperor, Esteban. and if he were to die? The central part would face the risk of shattering completely. And when that happens, other merchants would struggle too.

‘The once-prosperous East fell into ruin after going through a period of wars, even turning into a place filled with illegal gambling houses.’

The East, home to Paracelsus and Prim, was originally a strong imperial state. With a central nobility that was so powerful no one dared to challenge them. The harsh terrain also made it hard for other nations to invade.

However, they were also torn apart due to one artifact called [The Philosopher’s Stone] The red stone, said to grant any wish, and can achieve anything. And in the process of searching for the Philosopher’s Stone, many people lost their lives.

In the end, the East became a hell, driven by endless human greed.

A land where the living could barely move. And even the dead could not rest peacefully. This desolate land, under the guise of neutrality, had places like Avilat, a gambling house. Even without explanation, they understand how dangerous it is.

Therefore, Eleanor told them that abandoning the faded empire, Arkheim, and investing elsewhere was a correct decision.

Though there were certainly those who agreed with her decision…

“The nobles suddenly changed their stance.”

Nobles are fickle, like moths chasing after whatever benefits them. And merchants?

“They’re even worse in that area.”

The Arkheim Empire is full of people who would easily abandon their country for their own gain. Their opinions gathered and became one at this point. It could only mean one thing.

“Who they support doesn’t matter. The one they are suppressing is… none other than me”

They are keeping her in check because she has the most capital. So, after gathering their opinions into one, they slowly began to distance themselves from her.

But a question naturally arose from this. What was the point of their actions?

Eleanor furrowed her brow as if perplexed. Who else was managing the group as well as her? She can say confidently no one. Who else can they entrust their fortunes to without worry? Again, only her.

People only sever ties when they are sure they can handle the situation or at least maintain the status quo. Her father Clarson said that in the past.

Eleanor couldn’t help but worry. Who could possibly replace her to make so many nobles turn their backs on her?


“Haha! Listening to your suggestion turned out very well! Please pass on my gratitude to the First Prince, Louis. Tell him that this deal with the imperial family was an honor, Rick.”

“Of course, Goff-nim. You are the head of the great merchant group after all, I’ll be sure to relay the message. You’ll be a help to the First Prince in the future.“

In the pitch-black night. With no stars in the sky, two people were engaged in a conversation. One of them was Rick, the accountant of the Rivalin merchant group, and Goff, a prominent merchant. They had just signed an agreement to supply materials for the approaching war between Goff’s company and the First Prince, Louis.

“It was a constructive deal, but I’m curious—how did someone like you, who I thought was a commoner, could have a connection to the royal family? And the First Prince of all people? I never would’ve guessed!”

“Haha, well, it just happened that way”

Rick replied, dodging the question. Goff quickly assessed the situation and laughed heartily.

“Well, everyone has their secrets, right? I get it”

“Thank you for understanding. I’m sure the prince will be pleased as well.”

“Ho, but I was really surprised. No matter how self-righteous they are, I didn’t expect you to cast aside the Rivalin’s group and decided to support our Goff’s group. On the first day, I was quite shocked too”

“A merchant always follows profit. I judged that the Rivalin group was on the decline. And right now, everyone’s moving to take her down. She has too many enemies. I had no other choice, haha.”

“Well, in any case, I’m glad to have such a capable accountant join our Goff group. You’ll definitely be able to replace that Eleanor woman. How about we grab a drink sometime?”

“Sounds good.”

As Goff conversed with Rick, he felt a sense of tension inside.

‘I thought he was just some useless kid, an orphan from a commoner background… but he’s a much more dangerous blade than I expected. I didn’t think he’d turn on his master like that.’

Goff had only learned Rick’s true identity a month ago. One day, Rick appeared unexpectedly, without an appointment.

Goff initially planned to turn him away, but since Rick was the accountant for the Rivalin group, Goff had no choice but to meet him.

The story he had heard there was more shocking than he had anticipated.

– The Rivalin group will soon be absorbed by the imperial family.

– The First Prince is planning to support Goff’s merchant.

– Would you like to supply military goods to the imperial family?

At first, Goff couldn’t help but think it was a scam. But after some time, when he realized that Eleanor and Rick’s relationship had soured. Goff made a bold decision to seize the opportunity.

‘A direct connection to the royal family! Not only that, but supplying military goods to the empire? I can’t even begin to imagine how much wealth that will bring!’

This was, quite literally, a golden opportunity.

He never found out how Rick had formed a connection with the First Prince, but it didn’t matter. For any merchant, this was a chance they couldn’t afford to miss.

‘How many times have I been ignored by Eleanor and the Rivalin group? Even the citizens trust Rivalin’s products, while they mock Goff’s as cheap goods for poor people. This is my chance to settle the score!“

“Ahem, well then, I’ll be counting on you, accountant. I’ll take my leave for today.”

“Alright, Goff-nim. Take care.”

After a brief exchange of goodbyes, Rick watched as Goff left. Once Goff was out of sight, Rick spoke softly. Unexpectedly, a different name escaped his lips.

“Nox von Reinhaver…”

The disgrace of the Reinhaver family, the youngest son. Because of him, Rick had been forced to take a more aggressive approach this time.

The reason? Because he had interfered in his affairs while hunting demons until now. Rick couldn’t help but judge that his demons hunting wasn’t just a coincidence. Nox had taken down both Paimon and Zagan. Recently there were even rumors that he had even defeated Gremory, the demon sealed in the desert. The news had reached Rick’s ears. Even if he hadn’t done it alone, defeating three of Grand Dukes. This is nox, the ruffian achievement that unknown to the public

In such a situation, naturally, how is Rick supposed to react? Naturally, he had to ensure Nox couldn’t act easily. Even without that, isn’t he already in a situation where he had to be extremely cautious to revive the 72 demons? Besides, if it’s Rick who had the trait of [Coward] that is rarely seen in Inner Lunatic? He could only be susceptible to pressure in situations like these

‘I have to stop him, no matter what it takes.’

Then, the best way, of course, it’s important to bind the hands and feet of those around him, especially anyone who could be useful. And the easiest target? Naturally, Eleanor, who had spent a long time with him.

It’s going to happen anyway, he had planned to quietly handle things and wrap it up, but.. Nox’s movements made Rick change his plan, deciding to use the prince. Goff isn’t more than a dull knife to be used and discarded in the process.

As Rick gathered his thoughts, he imagined Nox’s despair-stricken face and let a twisted smile creep onto his lips.

“Nox von Reinhaver… will you survive this time?”


It’s been just about a week since I decided to protect Eleanor as Shane. Finally, the lessons of the [Joint Martial Arts] began. As Shane, I quietly spoke to Eleanor:

– Our family has a secret step technique.

– I’ll hide and enter the dungeon with you. If anything dangerous happens, I’ll save you immediately.

Since I relayed this message through an artifact without speaking to her face-to-face, I didn’t get caught in the lie. Besides, both Nox and Shane. aren’t those two people me after all? So it wasn’t really a lie.

‘But the situation isn’t all that favorable.’

The truth is. Splitting myself and acting as two people here comes with significant risks. This place is the dangerous setting of Chapter 3’s main stage. Even though I thought I could clear it relatively easily, but now that Eleanor’s life is in greater danger, I need to be more cautious.

There are at least two names moving behind.

One is Rick, Eleanor’s attendant, a piece of trash who’s now become a traitor.

The other one is…

“Students no minasan, greetings. I am Aleph von Dastein, here to lead today’s lesson, as Professor Fritzel has requested a sick leave.”

A man stood tall, holding the third volume of Elemental Studies that he wrote himself. Aleph von Dastein.

He, like Rick, is also a demonic human.

That’s right. To put it simply, if I want to survive this place, I’ll have to kill both of them.

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