Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 208 Stages Of Energy Practice

Minotaur was shocked after seeing Nathan admit.

'He really used a spark of a higher quality than legendary?!'

Minotaur felt his heart beating fast.

In the universe, legendary is the highest rating an item could reach.

That fact is known since a long time has passed.

However, from time to time, there are some special items that surpasses even the legendary quality.

Each of those items are known as treasure of the universe and possess strong powers.

And if that power is absorbed by someone, they can acquire a unique skill!

A powerful skill that has no duplicate in the whole universe!

Anyone will go wide eyed just to get something like that.

But it's been a long time since a universe treasure has appeared in the wide universe.

That is why, many people nowadays just consider this as a myth.

And now, right here, Minotaur saw Nathan confirming his thoughts.

The thought that Nathan, a human from Earth, a place with no powerhouse, has actually absorbed a universe treasure!

How could he not be shocked?

No matter how much Minotaur try to act calm, he still unavoidably showed a trace of his emotion at this time.

Noticing that, Nathan felt confused.

He doesn't know anything about universe treasure, even, in his thoughts, the spark that was given to him by the king of Solaris is nothing but a higher quality spark, which is technically not wrong.

Unable to take it anymore, Nathan waved his hands in front of Minotaur, even though there's a huge disparity in their height.

"Hello, is there something wrong?" Nathan confusedly asked.

At Nathan's gesture, Minotaur finally woke up from his daze.

When he did, he looked at Nathan intently for a while before sighing and shaking his head.

'Forget it. It has nothing to do with me anyway.'

With that thought, Minotaur finally got rid of those thoughts in his head.

Facing Nathan's confused eyes, Minotaur said, "No, there's nothing."

Then as if he thought of something, he added, "By the way, make sure to not tell anyone carelessly about yourself."

"Like how you absorbed a spark of a higher quality than legendary, okay?"

Since Nathan is not stupid, he immediately undertood what the words of Minotaur implied.

He thought, 'It seems like items that have a higher quality than legendary are very rare or maybe there are some hidden secrets in it.'

'I should take a look at it sometime later.' Nathan secretly decided.

What Nathan didn't know is that he is still underestimating the value of the spark that he absorbed.

If only the system is not in the process of upgrading right now, Nathan might be able to realize the value of the things on his hands.

Enlightened, Nathan looked at Minotaur with grateful eyes and said, "I will remember that, Sir Minotaur, thank you for the reminder."

Seeing that Nathan understood his meaning, Minotaur nodded, "As long as you know it."

"Anyway, let's go back to our discussion."

Saying that, Minotaur continued explaining the Stages in Energy Practice.

"Once you reach the Transcendent Stage, that means you have already become a higher being than a mortal."

"There are 9 levels in the Transcendent stage. Those that are in the first three levels are called low-transcendent, 4 to 6 are called mid-transcendent, and the last 7 to 9 are called high-transcendent."

"Next to the Transcendent stage is the Soul Master stage or Soul stage."

"Soul stage only has 5 levels. The main goal of Soul stage is to strengthen your soul and form a domain."

"And once successfully formed your domain, that is the time that you have stepped into the Earth Master Stage, the stage that I am currently in."

After saying all of this in one breath, Minotaur was not even tired.

He looked at Nathan and said, "There's more stages after the Earth Master stage. But this is all I will tell you for now."

Hearing that, Nathan nodded his head and immediately thanked Minotaur.

"Thank you, Sir Minotaur. I have learned a lot today."

Nathan bowed his head a little at Minotaur, sincerely expressing his gratitude.

Seeing Nathan's attitude, Minotaur felt positive towards him.

Waving dismissively, Minotaur said, "Don't mind it, it's just a small thing."

Nathan nodded, then as he fell silent, pondering about something.

Then he said, "Sir Minotaur, can you tell me what stage can be called a powerhouse in the vast universe?"

"Hmm, that's simple. In the universe, the sea of stars, a lot of very powerful beings exist at the top, those that we can't even dare imagine."

"But if just talk about what stage one will be able to roam the universe, then I can say that the minimum stage recommended is the Soul stage."

"As for why, you will know when the time comes." Minotaur said with a mysterious smile.

Watching the mysterious look on Minotaur's face, Nathan felt itchy in his heart.

At the same time, the two demon girls, Vanessa and Melissa, have also finished crying at this time and walk towards Minotaur and Nathan.

Standing in front of Minotaur, this time, Vanessa no longer felt any kind of pressure.

Instead, there was a smile on her face, a very pure and gentle smile.

The two of them bowed to Minotaur and Vanessa said, "Sir Minotaur, thank you for coming this time."

With a bright smile she said, "Please tell Gran- Archangel Theresa that I would welcome her anytime.

Then in a low voice, she added, "And also, please tell her that I already miss her warm porridge."

Besides Vanessa, Melissa didn't speak the whole time, but from the looks on her face, everyone could see that she is also feeling emotional at this moment.

Hearing Vanessa's words, Minotaur smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Miss Vanessa, I will surely tell Archangel Theresa."

Minotaur and Vanessa chatted for a while about a few things, especially things related to 'Archangel Theresa'.

Feeling a little out of place, Nathan walked away, distancing himself from them.

At this time, Nathan looked at the surrounding terrain.

"Such a beautiful place got ruined in such a short amount of time…" he murmured.

"If only I can give back the life that it lost… that's right!"

Suddenly, Nathan thought of a good idea.

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