Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 204 A Northern Devil


The sudden tremor from the ground surprised Nathan and Vanessa.

Nathan first thought that it was an earthquake but this guess was immediately denied by Vanessa.

"This place of mine is an independent space. Independent space doesn't experience earthquakes or natural disasters unless…"

A deep frown appeared on Vanessa's face and in it, there was even a hint of anger in her pretty face.

Feeling Vanessa's emotion, Nathan at this time walked forward and said, "Let's go take a look at it."

With that, the both of them left the castle and headed towards the epicenter of the 'earthquake'.

When they got there, the first thing that immediately got their attention was a person wearing a black cloak.

The said person has both of his hands on the ground and with that as the center, a black color spreads out like a spider web.

When Vanessa saw the cloaked figure, her face immediately changed and an invisible pressure suddenly appeared from her.

"Northern Devils!"

She muttered, full of anger on her face.

"Northern Devils?"

Nathan's eyes were also fixed on that cloaked figure.

Hearing Vanessa call it a name, he can't help but become curious.

'It seems like someone wants to cause trouble for Vanessa. From the way that name came out of her mouth, she obviously knows them.'

At this time, the cloaked figure not far away turned his head at the pair and Nathan saw the ugly red face of the figure.

Seeing Vanessa, the cloaked figure smiled mischievously and said, "You probably thought you're already free after escaping from the Demon Kingdom, haven't you?"

"Well, you're wrong," the figure sneered, "Demons like you who go along with livestocks such as humans don't deserve to live!"

Hearing the words of the cloaked figure, Nathan frowned and his eyes narrowed.

The pressure of the transcendent came out of his body.

His aura spread in all directions and compared to Vanessa, Nathan's power seems to be stronger at this time.

This fact surprised Vanessa.

Because, using her soul talent, she can see that she has a higher level than Nathan.

'I, a level 5 transcendent lost in terms of pressure compared to a level 1 transcendent? Impossible!'

Then a light flashed in her eyes as she thought of something.

'Unless, the Spark he absorbed was of a higher quality than mine!'

When this thought came to her mind, Vanessa was shocked because you have to know that, the spark that Vanessa absorbed before is already of Legendary quality.

That is the highest quality known to all!

Vanessa's eyes that were looking at Nathan at this time changed.

Before, Vanessa was thinking that Nathan was a special human because he was the first transcendent human that she met.

However, she thought that Nathan only absorbed a low quality spark because based on her limited information on Earth, she knows that there aren't any 'opportunities' here.

It seems like she was wrong.

'For him to get a spark that is higher than Legendary, which was known as the best, it seems like his identity is not to be trifled with.' Vanessa thought.

Nathan didn't know that at this time, Vanessa is already starting to question his identity.

Even if he knew, he would probably just laugh it off.

Anyway, the two fixed their eyes on the Northern Devil who is now having a hard time to keep himself on his own two feet.

"Kukh! I didn't expect it, another transcendent is actually in here with you."

The Northern Devil said as he fell on his knees while looking at Nathan and Vanessa with grim eyes.

But then, suddenly, his face changed and a wicked smile crept up his lips.

"It doesn't matter, you can't do anything now, anyway!"

At this time, when Nathan and Vanessa were putting all their attention on the Northern Devil, the black spider web-like mark under the Northern Devil had already spread throughout the whole independent space.

After hearing the words that came out of the Devil's mouth, only then Vanessa notices that there's something wrong.

When she looked around, Vanessa immediately noticed the changes happening inside her independent space.

Trees were withering, small animals suddenly dying, the land was becoming barren, etc.

All of those were captured under Vanessa's eyes.

The next moment, Vanessa felt something and she hurriedly looked in the direction of the garden.

With speed visible to the naked eye, the magical garden that she worked hard to build started to wither and turn to ash.


A scream full of grief came out of Vanessa.

Vanessa flew towards the garden and in just a blink of an eye, she arrived at the center of the garden, surrounded by withering flowers and dying butterflies.

But at this time, Vanessa's eyes were fixed at the ground where a gravestone that was hidden under all the beautiful flowers before, showed itself.

[Theresa Zamora 1946 - 2014]

[This is where a lady with a beautiful heart lies in peace.]

This gravestone is none other than Theresa's, the one who took care of Vanessa and Melissa when they first appeared on Earth.

At this time, just like everything inside the independent space, the soil on the ground where Theresa was buried also slowly lost its vitality.

Vanessa fell into her knees and a tragic cry sounded throughout the independent space.


Tears came out of Vanessa's eyes and flowed down like a never-ending stream.

A hurried footsteps sounded from behind her at this time, it was Melissa who came with a worried look on her face.

When she saw the withered flowers, drying soil, and Vanessa crying on the ground, her eyes seemed to have dimmed.

Melissa seems to be frozen in time, standing there behind the crying Vanessa, unmoving.

Inside the now withered garden, only the sound of Vanessa's cry can be heard.

It was a tragic and sorrowful cry.

Nathan, who saw all this from afar, felt a little heartache.

But just as he was feeling all emotional, a laugh suddenly sounded as if ridiculing all of the things happening right now.

"Kukukuku, what a noisy b*tch."

The Northern Devil said, full of mockery on his words.

Nathan felt something snap inside him at that moment.

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