Tangled By Fate



Arthur teased her smooth, sensitive neck and his fingers found their way to her chest. His lips pressed soft, feather light kisses on her neck while his fingers played with her small mounds. He rubbed them between his fingers until they hardened, eliciting a familiar ache in the depths of her core.

"Umm…" Veronica's voice threatened to leak. The electrifying sensation spreading through her entire body turned her into a moaning mess. As a result, her body trembled unconsciously. She bit her lower lip, trying to tone down the obscene sounds that were threatening to leave her lips. She didn't want to leak her voice out into the wild.

Arthur paused from kissing her and moved to her ear. He lightly bit her soft earlobe before licking it and suggested in a low, husky voice, "Let's stop here and stay for the night, shall we?"

Veronica moved her head to the side while pushing his chest lightly. She protested, "We can't…? We hardly left the houses."

"That's too bad. I just want to spend some time with you," saying that Arthur twisted his fingers.

"Mmn!" Veronica's face grew hot. A jolting pleasure rushed all over her body. Her quivering lips opened and replied in a shaky voice, "Aren't… we already spending… ahh… time with each other…?"

Arthur cupped her breasts. He responded with a mischievous smile on his lips, "If you don't mind spending time with me while still sitting on this camel, I don't mind either. But, the camel might feel uncomfortable."

Veronica grabbed his arms, but her hands had no strength to fight them. "Let's not…."

Arthur whispered, "Are you sure? But I didn't have enough…"

Veronica roughly nodded her head. She had a troubled expression on her face. Her body was wishing for him to continue but her mind was warning her not to do it above a poor animal. They couldn't stop their journey so soon. She looked like a desperate little bunny in his eyes.

Arthur couldn't control himself and laughed aloud. Her behavior was always entertaining. He had fun harassing her like that. 'What to do? I'm getting addicted to teasing her. This is not good,' although he thought that, he felt no regret.

However, he didn't overdo it and stopped harassing her. He then circled his arms around her and ducked his head on her neck. He inhaled her sweet odor and closed his eyes. 'I'm drunk,' he thought.

'This is bad. My heart is beating loudly,' Veronica panicked. Whenever his lips and fingers touched her skin, she would become excited. 'I should do something so that he doesn't hear my heartbeat. If he does, I know for sure he will make fun of me. Again.' Just as she planned, she hurriedly opened her mouth, "Arthur, I forgot to ask. Where are we heading now?"

Arthur rubbed his face against hers and inquired, "Where do you want to head? I'll go anywhere you want."

"I'm asking since I don't know any country." Veronica shrugged. "If you want my suggestion… hmm…" she pondered deeply for a while and then shared her opinion, "I think we should head to Silvarta. This is the biggest and strongest empire in the continent and the only empire with the most powerful emperor."

"Silvarta…" Arthur mumbled. He gave it a thought and commented, "This is a big empire indeed. That's why we should avoid it. If the emperor orders to get you, it will be hard to leave that empire."

Veronica realized only after he mentioned it. They would be truly at a disadvantage if they had to escape from a big country. She wasn't a cat anymore. "Ahh… you are right. But what can we do? We can't choose either Synetia or Riverhill. Except for those two kingdoms, only one kingdom is closer to us and that is Silvarta. If we want to go to other countries, we have to go through the passage of the Alss mountain range. I have a feeling that Lord Alexander had already posted his men there."

"Oh?" Arthur controlled his expression and questioned her, "Why do you think that?"

Veronica answered like an experienced detective, "I read the book of Marshall Nolmes. His enemies always hid there to ambush him."

Arthur's lips were twitching uncontrollably after seeing her expression. He was trying hard to control his laughter. Nonetheless, he praised her, "You have learned a lot."

Veronica's eyes were sparkling after hearing the compliment. She excitedly said, "Yes! I'm aiming to be a detective!"

Arthur smiled discreetly and said, "Let's save our as**s first. You can become a world class detective later."

They had traveled for three days continuously while taking short breaks to eat and take a nap. They didn't stay in the same place for too long. The further they were away from the desert tribe, the more alert Arthur became. Seeing him like that, Veronica too became weary of her surroundings.

Three days later, Arthur stopped their camels and said, "Let's stop here for tonight."

Veronica settled under a big tree and made some fire after clearing a small place, out of dried leaves and small twigs. Arthur went on a hunt and brought back a dead bunny. After he toasted it in the fire, they ate their fill.

"I never thought a rabbit's meat would be this delicious." Veronica leaned her back against the tree.

"Everything is delicious as long as you know what type of spices and the right amount of spices to use." Arthur looked at her, who was drowsy. He moved closer to her and pecked on her cheek. The back of his hand stroked her face as he spoke, "Sleepy?"

"Mhmm," Veronica nodded and leaned against his shoulder. "I want to sleep," she mumbled.

Arthur inquired, "Aren't you uncomfortable? Should I unbutton your clothes?"

She started to say, "It's fine…"

But Arthur interrupted her by saying, "Let me do it for you then." He unfastened her robe and then unbuttoned her brown colored blouse. Her smooth skin was revealed. In the fire, her pale skin showed a reddish yellow color.

His eyes traveled over her slender neck, curved collarbones, inviting cleavage, supple breasts that were covered by her blouse. The blouse ended shortly after. Her flat stomach was going up and down in slow motion. Her round navel looked like an eye, looking at him and judging him.

Arthur gulped. His throat was dry. The beast, that was living inside him, was trying to come out and devour her.

They were alone in the wilderness. No one was there to bother them. If they made out, no one would bother them.

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