Talismans Manifest Myriad Laws, Proving My Immortality

Chapter 5: The Invitation from Juyuan Zhai

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Invitation from Juyuan Zhai

"Hey, why are you here? Did you register for the talisman master assessment?"

Lu An's expression was calm as he slowly shook his head.

"I went to inquire today, but they said the assessment has already started. I'll have to wait until next year."

"How could this happen? Isn't there still a month left?"

Gu Yuer was clearly unaware of this and exclaimed in surprise.

"Wait for me a moment. I'll go call my grandfather."

Soon, they returned from the back hall together.

Gu Chuanfei had just learned about the situation and said to Lu An:

"Don't worry. I'll ask someone."

He then took out a communication jade slip and performed a strange hand gesture.

The jade slip flashed with light, and he began transmitting his voice.

After a while, he slowly put away the jade slip, looking enlightened.

"It turns out that the Su family from Yongning County City has arrived. No wonder the schedule was moved up."

Gu Yuer was somewhat surprised, clearly having heard of the Su family's reputation.

Before Lu An could speak, she asked:

"Grandfather, there's also a Talisman Hall in Yongning City. Why would the Su family come to our small place like Guyang County for the assessment?"

"You don't know this? Although there is an assessment in Yongning City, the competition is extremely fierce, and the spots are limited."

"So, major families bring their less capable juniors to surrounding county cities for the assessment."

"After all, the steward tokens are valid everywhere, so it makes no difference."

Gu Yuer curled her lip in disdain.

"Coming to a small place for the assessment and taking up spots meant for loose cultivators—what's so impressive about that?"

Gu Chuanfei chuckled, looking somewhat helpless.

"Loose cultivators don't amount to much in the eyes of big families."

He then looked at Lu An and asked:

"Friend Lu, now that things have come to this, what are your plans?"

Lu An lowered his head in thought and remained silent.

Gu Chuanfei continued:

"Everyone knows how difficult it is for loose cultivators. Without a backing force, it's hard to achieve anything."

"I've given you the steward token. I'm sure you understand my intentions. How have you decided?"

Lu An had anticipated the elder's offer. Joining Juyuan Zhai seemed like a good choice.

The sect had considerable influence, and with such support, life would be much easier.


After joining, he would likely be at their mercy. They were interested in his talisman-making skills, and only by proving his worth would he have a place.

But simply making talismans wouldn't guarantee immortality, and if he was consumed by this, when would he have time to cultivate?

In his past life, he had been a workhorse, bending over backwards for three meals. Did he want to repeat that in this life?

He was unwilling, so as soon as this thought surfaced, he dismissed it.

With that in mind, Lu An's gaze became resolute.

He raised his head slightly and asked with a hint of hope:

"Senior, is there really no way for you to help me rejoin the assessment?"

Asking for favors was not his wish, but at this point, he had no other options.

Gu Chuanfei shook his head, his tone full of resignation.

"If I were in charge of Juyuan Zhai in Yongning City, I might be able to help. But now, I'm powerless."

It wasn't that he couldn't, but it wasn't worth it. If he were to go to great lengths, he might manage to insert Lu An into the assessment.

But seeing Lu An's apparent disinterest in joining Juyuan Zhai, he had to let it go.

Lu An understood but would rather give up if it meant having to use joining Juyuan Zhai as leverage.

In his past life, he had been a cog in the machine. In this life, he didn't want to tread the same path.

However, Gu Chuanfei had already helped him a lot, buying talismans at high prices and even giving him the steward token.

He would not forget such kindness. After returning the steward token, he said:

"Thank you, Senior. I won't forget your favor with the token. If you need anything in the future, just let me know. I will help as much as I can."

With that, he cupped his fists and turned to leave.

His eyes no longer reflected the disappointment of missing the assessment. Instead, they sparkled with a new determination.

He had already made plans for the future.

Without the steward's credential and with the reduced purchase price, he would set up his own stall. As long as the pricing was reasonable, he could still sell many talismans.

Once he improved the quality of his talismans to high-grade and even top-grade, business would surely thrive.

Yet, he reminded himself that this stall was only for earning cultivation resources and should not become a distraction from his core goals.

Once the stall is up and running, I'll need to hire an assistant to handle the miscellaneous tasks, so I can focus on my cultivation.

After returning the token, there's another problem: Lei Er from the Juyuan Casino.

It's unavoidable; I can't refuse Juyuan Zhai's invitation here and then keep the token there, using it to wield power. That's not my style. I'll just have to take things step by step.

Seeing Lu An's resolute back, Gu Chuanfei was quite surprised.

The steward token carries significant weight in Guyang County; it could even save a life at a critical moment.

Unexpectedly, this young man returned it. Even with his Foundation Establishment status, Gu Chuanfei looked at him with renewed respect.

"This young man is no ordinary person; sooner or later, he will soar to great heights."

He pondered for a moment and then said to his granddaughter:

"Yuer, check this person's background and try to get close to him. Don't ruin the relationship."

Gu Yuer pouted. Although she had no disdain for loose cultivators, her grandfather's request to get close to Lu An was another matter.

"Grandfather, although Lu An has some skill in talismans, he's still not even a first-grade talisman master. Is it worth our effort to court him?"

Gu Chuanfei's expression grew serious as he scolded:

"Yuer, you can't judge people by appearances alone. You're going to take over the Guyang County business in the future. How can you be so superficial?"

Gu Yuer wasn't afraid and responded boldly:

"What's so special about a few shops? I'd rather go out and hunt some demons. That's much more thrilling."

Gu Chuanfei sighed with a smile. His granddaughter was good-natured but too straightforward, always thinking about fighting and killing.

He lowered his head in thought and suddenly spoke:

"How about a bet?"

"If you lose, you'll give up on hunting and focus on learning how to manage a business."

"If you win, I won't interfere with you anymore. You can do whatever you want. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Gu Yuer's interest was piqued.

"What's the bet?"

"It's a bet on whether Lu An can make a name for himself in Guyang County."

Gu Yuer scoffed and said disdainfully:

"What kind of bet is that? By the time he makes a name for himself, it will be old news. Can I wait that long?"

"Besides, your criteria are too vague. What counts as making a name for oneself?"

Gu Chuanfei smiled slightly and said confidently:

"The bet is for a year. I bet that the Talisman Hall will be begging Lu An to participate in the assessment. I bet he will become well-known in Guyang County. Do you dare to accept?"

Gu Yuer, not one to be easily swayed, considered the bet carefully and felt confident of winning, so she agreed:

"I accept!"


Lu An, unaware of the bet being placed on him, had already arrived at the market.

To do a good job, one must first prepare their tools.

Since he was setting up a stall, he needed to choose a location that he liked.

"Top-quality talisman materials, don't miss out."

"Ten spirit stones for one copy of Changchun Gong, first come, first served."


It was still noon, and the market was bustling with activity, with various vendors calling out their wares.

Stalls were lined up along the street, spaced only a person apart, set up on one side of the road.

On the other side were various stores with large rooms and all necessary equipment, though the rental prices were considerably higher.

Given Lu An's current financial situation, he couldn't afford such places.

He looked around and approached a vendor selling talisman materials.

He was not very familiar with this market but knew a lot about talismans, so he intended to strike up a conversation and gather some information.

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