Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 80 - Noble's Gathering (4)

"Is there any parent who wouldn't be delighted at their child's growth?"

She said as a smile blossomed on her face like that of a young girl’s.

"Pfft… Hahaha! Truer words have never been spoken. To make merry together, and to be proud together— it's certainly the foremost job of a parent. Don't you think so, Countess Abenil?"

In response, Countess Abenil pressed her lips tightly, only muttering 'I do'.

"So, about what we were talking about earlier. It seems to me that your son doesn’t hold a desire typical of an ordinary person. It's apparent from his attitude toward the Academy, deliberately moving to the general dormitory, the matter with his fellow alumnus, and the explorer rumors.

A desireless human can never achieve great heights even if they're heaven's chosen… That's my pet theory. What do you think, 'Celia'?"

Meria skipped her usual formality and directly addressed Celia by her name.

"...I haven't seen him since the day of the result announcement. But if anything, he already had the face of a man— the face of a person who knows exactly what he wants, just like Bell's when I met him for the first time. I believe he would walk down the path of life in his own way."

Celia finished her words with that and put on a girlish smile once again.

"My, that's truly a wonderful mindset. And Bellwood, how long are you going to sleep there? Speaking of which, you did say it was the 700-year-old wish of the Rovenne family to get into the Royal Academy. So, what's the point behind it?"

Bellwood looked up on hearing his name being called out.

"......To be blunt, it's all about the protection of the Claubia mountain forest range."

Hearing the reason, Meria looked a bit puzzled.

"Oh? The protection, not reclamation, of that… Sea of trees?"

"Yes, the protection. Ah, a part of it has actually been cleared indeed though. More importantly, We, Rovennes, had cultivated that land, and it is the place where the Rovenne family was born. That mountain forest range is a treasure trove of animals, flora, and fauna. It houses a plethora of rare monsters and magical plants that are native only to that place and the potential that place harbors is something we know better than anyone else.

It's currently standing at an unfavorable juncture, and while we are somehow controlling the situation following the Rovenne family's policy and a gentleman’s agreement with the explorers, there's no doubt that the mountain range would one day face ruin if its exploitation goes up a level.

We either have to pass some development laws, something to deter others more effectively, or even enough funds just to maintain it— we simply need to secure a guarantee. However, there's not much a little viscount family can do… For the Rovenne family, the Claubia mountain forest range is like another mother, and it has been our goal since then to get into the Royal Academy for her.

Well, it seems like neither Allen nor our oldest daughter Rose have any interest in it though. Truly, nothing is ever certain in this world."

Bellwood replied with an assertive gaze, a complete flip from his earlier laidback expression.

Right at that juncture, the butler that Meria had instructed earlier came back with the past agriculture records of the Rovenne region and handed them to her, along with a certain note.

Meria slowly went through the documents, and then at the note. The next instant, her pupils dilated like a beast.

"Kakaka! Kahahaha! Rejoice, Bellwood, Celia. I just received another piece of information from the Royal Capital.

That geezer apparently had tasked your son with an abstruse assignment that concerned the Academy's training policy. He announced the result to be a failed one but then your son grabbed him by the collar and after a thorough lashing and argument with him, that geezer not only overturned his decision but also apologized in the end. Well, so the rumors go, which, to be honest, even I am finding it impossible to swallow.

However, this is confirmed to be 'true', from the looks of it. Godorfun had directly appealed to the king and despite being a first-year, your son got the right to join the knight order, which was the reward that he demanded. Following that, he became the disciple of the commander of the knight order's third legion— 'Efficient Operator' Dew Owiel.

Kahahaha! Truly, what abysmal greed! It's truly been a while since I’ve heard such shocking news!"

A gobsmacked expression colored the faces of the nobles at the table and around the table — who were straining their ears to catch the happenings — as if they couldn't believe what they just heard.

The bustling, passionate atmosphere of the venue suddenly cooled down as if exposed to the chilly wind when the strange atmosphere drifted to the others.

Meria, the only one who seemed to be in a merry mood, turned to address Count Abenil gleefully.

"Fufu, you made an error in your judgment, Nix. The biggest impostor wasn't the tree but the apple that fell from it. You talked about Parry-kun, right? Their son has taken my Fey, who earned my recognition as my successor at the age of 12, and the entire Royal Academy body as a stepping stone— his springboard, and made the biggest leap in the Yulia kingdom!

Moving behind the scenes, flattery, schemes, and strategy— a true noble command over all sorts of tactics!

I ask you, no matter a fool, a coward, or a daredevil, who else can thump their chest and say that their family, too, can sturdy this Meria Dragoon?!"

Almost in a condensing way, Marquis Dragoon swept her gaze across the hall, however, everyone — except Celia — had their head hanging down. Bellwood was sprawled on the table once again.

Meria, still harboring that gleeful expression, continued.

"Speaking of which, Bellwood. I have come to hear that Fey, the successor of the Dragoon family, seems to have become quite fond of your son. Even going as far as to spend any amount just to have him turn his head toward her. The latest is that she has even built a magic tool development department at the Royal Capital, and the amount spent has reached the point of 100 million rea."

Viscount jumped from his seat with a pale face as if someone had shocked him. Should she ask to pay the amount, he could boldly claim that not even 100 years would be enough for the Rovenne family to pay the amount.

"Pfft. Really now, there's no need to make such a pale face. But truly, I never expected Fey to be so head over heels for a boy.

After seeing her lovestruck, I had never stopped thinking that she truly was a girl of her age in her personal affairs, maybe I was a bit too hasty to transfer the title of Von. It truly troubled me, but—"

Meria narrowed her eyes.

"It seemed like the eyes that were clouded weren't her eyes but mine. Of course, I wouldn't be asking you to pay me back. But it's natural to make the love of my larger-than-life, adorable granddaughter a reality— that's what family is like, no? I believe you wouldn't oppose it 'if' the Dragoon family and the Rovenne family were to tie a marriage knot, right?"

To have a low-ranking noble promise 'it would be our honor,' even though the marriage wasn't yet certain, was truly an expression that high-ranking nobles loved to play around with.

Viscount Rovenne hurriedly replied.

"Rather than opposition or anything of the sort, it's that our statuses are worlds apar—"

"Bell. Her Excellency isn't asking you to give her a generic, vague response— a spouse is to be chosen by the person themselves. Is it not the policy that you decided on, and that you raised your kids while telling them so? Sincerity can only be conveyed by your true words."

Hearing Celia's words, the gleeful aura from the 'Empress' Marquis Meria Dragoon instantly vanished. Then like the elderly she was, she weaved her next words in a more overwhelming tone.

"It's a no, is what you're saying? It's really rich coming from a mere viscount who can't even shelter themselves from the high winds. I take it as that… you've braced yourself for what’s about to come!"

Meria carried her words with intense intimidation, inducing shrieks from the onlookers. However, Celia followed up calmly and corrected her.

"It's not a 'no.' The spouse is to be chosen by the person themselves. This was what Bell said, the policy of the Rovenne family. It's as simple as that."

"And how is it any different from saying 'no'!!?"

The bellow of 'Empress' traveled to every nook and corner of the silent hall. Celia ignored her rage with a nonchalant face.

Meria, irked by her composure, repeatedly tapped on the table with her finger and gazed at the Rovenne couple.

"Very well, this is my loss. Let me rephrase my words again— Bellwood, you're the head of the Rovenne family. Ponder 'very' carefully the future of your family and then the answer.

The Marquis Dragoon family hereby officially proposes the marriage to the Rovenne family. Does the Rovenne family agree to the marriage between us two families — the marriage between Allen Rovenne and Feyrune Von Dragoon — or oppose it… What's your answer?"


The sudden change of atmosphere, like the calm tides or a sea transformed into a ferocious beast of calamity, brought back Countess Abenil to her senses. At the same time, a streak of tears silently rolled on her cheek.

The 'Empress' was no longer asking— it was an order.

A mere viscount family— that said, even if it was a Count family, they obviously no longer had the option to refuse after pushing that 'Empress', the ruler of the Dragoon family, to this phase.

This was the future that her son Parry had been so piously chasing after. To become the young lady's partner and to support the Dragoon territory together was certainly a dream out of their status.

He discarded everything to reach that unattainable flower and threw himself into the fiery pit of training— which was a milder way to put it. She had been watching everything from the very beginning.

His effort indeed materialized in the exam of the Royal Academy as he made his way to Class A. It was no longer a dream for him.

How they were above the clouds on the day of the result, hugging and crying when they saw it. However, it didn't last long before the bubble of illusion burst.

Everything was foiled by the appearance of that boy, whose arrival was like a storm that swept everything in its wake.

Countless Abenil turned to glance at the Viscount Rovenne, who then shook his head horizontally with an untimely carefree expression.

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