Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 85 Baron Martoan (1)

Chapter 85 Baron Martoan (1)

Baron Martoan (1)

When I emerged from the sewers, I was greeted by the already darkened sky and two familiar faces.

“Mr. Bjorn! You’re safe!”

“Shabin? Why are you here?”

“Why am I here? I came because I was worried since you hadn’t come to report on the request even after several hours!”

Hmm, I see.

I’m grateful that she came looking for me.


“Just the two of you?”

If something really happened to us, wouldn’t the rational decision be to send other explorers after daybreak?

Instead of personally forming a party consisting of an administrative office worker and a library librarian.

“What! What’s with that look? Do you know how skilled of a mage Ragna is?!”

Only then do I properly observe the librarian who came along.

Her attire is definitely different from what I saw at the library.


A glossy robe.

Scrolls and potions hanging from her belt.

And she’s holding a magic wand that looks quite expensive.

I don’t know how skilled she is, but it’s definitely equipment that you couldn’t even dream of affording with a typical librarian’s salary.

Is she actually rich?

“Bjorn, who are these people?”

“Shabin Emuer. She’s the administrative office employee who gave me the request. And this is… Ragna Ritaniyel Peprok.”

“It’s Ritaniyel, not Ritaniyel!”

“Anyway, she’s the librarian at the library I go to.”

“Heeing, I see.”

After briefly introducing everyone, starting with Misha, I say formally,

“I’m sorry for making you come all the way here at night.”

“There’s no need to apologize.”

“Then I’ll say thank you. I didn’t expect you to come this far.”

“…Thank Shabin. I was just dragged along.”

The librarian says that and turns her head away.

Why does she seem even colder than usual today?

Just as I’m wondering if it’s just my imagination, Shabin grins and clings to her.

“Ragna, dragged along? You were worried too.”

“Wo, worried? When did I ever!”

“You said that they might have gotten lost because the sewer paths are complicated.”

“Shabin, stop fabricating things. I was just stating a possibility. And I meant that it wouldn’t be a big deal.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Shabin smiles as she looks at the embarrassed librarian. That alone gives me a rough idea of their relationship.

Well, that’s not what’s important right now.

“Let’s stop the chatter and report on the request.”

I need to move quickly if I want to get back to the inn and rest before the day ends.


The result of the sewer patrol is simple.

One vagrant found and killed, nothing else unusual.

Although there’s no evidence that we completed the request properly since the video recording device is broken…

…it was a good thing I kept the ID card.

“Hans Marcom. I remember him. He’s a criminal who was wanted for robbery and murder and then escaped. Including the request fee and additional reward, it’s 180,000 stones. If you come to the administrative office tomorrow, we’ll pay you right away.”

“Do I not have to pay for breaking the video recording device?”

“That’s… I’ll try to resolve it by talking to my superiors. I think they’ll be understanding. After all, you went through something quite extraordinary this time, didn’t you?”


It’s not wrong, but I didn’t expect them to be considerate of even that aspect.

However, it’s probably more accurate to say that Shabin showed me favor than that the administrative office is a flexible organization, unlike the guild.

“May the star that rises at twilight guide us…”

After a short wait, someone arrives from the temple that Shabin contacted.

It’s not a regular priest…

…but a paladin carrying a menacing greatsword on his back. He examines the corpse we presented and nods.

“It’s definitely the apostate Elisa Behenk. Our church will never forget this contribution.”

His voice is kind without any arrogance, and I can even sense respect for us.

But never forget?

Isn’t that a bit vague?

“By contribution, do you mean a reward?”

I ask directly, as befits a barbarian who doesn’t know how to sugarcoat things.

The paladin just smiles kindly.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding. The bounty was offered by the Explorer’s Guild.”

“So you’re saying we won’t get any money if we hand her over to you?”

“Haha, don’t worry about that. I’ll send an official document to the guild as soon as day breaks tomorrow.”

“…I see.”

Geez, that’s embarrassing.

He should have said that from the beginning.

“Um, paladin, we lost our memories while fighting that woman… could you check if there are any other abnormalities?”

“Of course.”

Afterwards, the paladin casts [High-Grade Purification] on each of us and leaves. He says he needs to take the corpse to the temple right away.

“We’ll be going too. I think I’ll have a lot of reports to write tomorrow, so I should at least get some sleep.”

Shabin and the librarian also leave as soon as their business is concluded.

Hmm, then I guess we’ve finished everything we need to do for now?

“Let’s meet again tomorrow to discuss the reward.”

“Ugh, we’re finally going back!”

“I think I smell worse than when we came back from the labyrinth! Hahaha!”

We also disband and head back to our respective accommodations.

It’s 11:30 PM when I arrive.

I want to rest immediately, but I go into the bathroom first and scrub my body clean of the filth for a long time.

Only after that do I lie down on the bed and realize…

‘It was a tough day.’

I don’t know why I have to feel this way after going on a 150,000-stone request…

But I made it back alive again.


The next morning, we all gather and visit the guild to receive the reward.

Fortunately, it seems like the paladin took care of things quickly, as we were able to receive the reward simply by presenting our ID cards.

For reference, the amount is…

“10 million stones? I can’t believe it. Hahaha!”

It’s a huge sum of money, even when divided into five, it’s 2 million stones each.

Smiles bloom on the faces of those who were complaining earlier this morning that the sewer smell hadn’t gone away yet.

“Now that I think about it, Bjorn, you’re a lucky charm, aren’t you? Since I met you, it feels like money just falls from the sky!”

Yeah, you might feel that way.

I was the one whose head got smashed by that psychopath bitch.

Even Rotmiller adds,

“…I don’t believe in superstitions, but at this point, I can’t help but believe. Bjorn, the goddess of fortune must be with you.”

I know it’s meant to be a compliment, but it doesn’t make me feel good.

Why is it that what I achieved through hard work and suffering is thanks to some goddess I’ve never even met?

“Then I’ll be on my way.”

“Huh? Where are you going? We should have a drink!”

“I need to go to the administrative office.”

“Ah, they told you to come to receive the request fee. We’ll have a drink among ourselves, so have a safe trip.”

Hmm, they don’t even offer to come along, even if it’s just empty words.

“Bjorn! Should I come with you?”

“No, you rest since you worked hard yesterday.”

“Hmm, alright.”

After finishing the reward distribution, I head straight to the administrative office.

It’s a 5-story building reminiscent of the old Seoul Station building.

I climb the stairs to the 3rd floor Facility Management Department, and it’s easy to find Shabin.

“Mr. Bjorn! You’re here!”

Shabin is wearing her usual uniform, but since everyone is wearing the same clothes, she doesn’t stand out.

No, wait, maybe I’m the one who stands out?

“Hee, is that guy Little Balkan?”

“I heard he becomes huge when he uses that ability…”

“What are you all talking about! Oh my, how indecent…”

Is it a female-dominated workplace?

As soon as I enter the Facility Management Department, I hear excited whispers from everywhere.

It feels like I’m a monkey in a cage.

I decide to finish my business and leave quickly.

“Here, just sign this payment confirmation. If you don’t have a registered signature, just write your name.”


I receive the money and sign the document.

But just as I’m about to turn around and leave, Shabin stops me and says something.

“Ah! Right! If you have time, please stop by the library.”


“Ragna, that girl, prepared something for you, isn’t that sweet?”

She did?

Judging by her playful eyes, I should take it with a grain of salt…

“Alright, I’ll stop by when I have time.”

“Yes! Please do!”

Since she seems to have a reason, I should visit.


After leaving the administrative office, I return to the bar where the others are.

Needless to say, it’s a mess.

I thought they would at least show some restraint since it’s still daytime.

“No way, it’s true? Hwahahahaha!”

“Don’t lie, dwarf! How can someone’s name be Dick Johnson… Nyaha! Nyahahaha!”

The dwarf and Misha are drunk and laughing while talking, and Dwarkey is face-down on the table, giggling to himself.

“Kuku, I am the great mage Liol Wobu Dwarkey…”

As I sigh at the sight, Rotmiller greets me politely.

“Ah, you’re here? How was it, everything okay?”

“That’s what I should be asking. Why are things like this already?”

“Didn’t we just make a lot of money easily? Everyone was in a good mood.”

“……I see.”

I answer and approach Misha.

And I take away the beer mug she’s holding, grab her by the scruff of her neck, and lift her up.

“Aak! Wh, who…? Bjorn? When did you get here?”

“Just now. And stop drinking.”

“…Ugh! Are you my dad?”

Misha looks at me with a disgusted expression and resists.

Just as I’m about to say something before she gets any more out of line…

Misha suddenly bursts into laughter.

“Ah! Right! Our dad wouldn’t care about this kind of thing? Nyahahaha!”

…She’s really not in a good state today.

Phew, I was just going to rest today…

“Enough, drink this if you’re bored.”


I can’t let her get any drunker, so I order tomato juice, put it in Misha’s mouth, and sit next to her.

I don’t care about the dwarf, but if she gets so drunk that she can’t stand, I have to take her home.

I’m the only one going in the same direction.

“Hwahaha! You two are so strange!! There’s something going on! There’s something going on, I’m telling you!!”

“Stop talking nonsense and drink some water if you’re drunk.”

“Kehaha, you’re still young. Does this look like beer to you? To me, it’s just water! Water!”

“…Do as you please.”

I decide to ignore the dwarf and order some food to satisfy my hunger.

After a while, as if she’s sobered up a bit, Misha fidgets next to me and stares at me.

“What… do you have something to say?”


She answers immediately, as if she’s been waiting.

I feel a bit uneasy, but I nod for now.

“…Go ahead.”

Misha slaps her flushed cheeks a few times, catches her breath, and speaks.

“Father wants to bring you—”

“Oh! Who is this! Bjorn, son of Yandel!”

“Huh? Who’s that?”

A man calls out to me in a loud voice, interrupting Misha.

I remember him.


“Did you forget my name already? It’s Hans! Hans Hodge!”

“…That’s right.”

I remember his name immediately, but I’m confused about the order.

This guy with a skinny physique and freckles is Hans code B.

For reference, I met him by chance at a bar when Ainar left the party. He even gave me advice to go to the guild if I wanted to find companions.

‘But what does this guy want from me?’

Is it because I’ve encountered so many Hanses since then?

I start to feel uneasy as soon as he talks to me.

Somehow, I feel like something shitty is about to happen.

“Can I sit down?”

“No, I have nothing to say to you.”

“Hmm, it’s a coincidence that we met like this—”

“I’m leaving soon. So just go.”

“I, I see. I was just happy to see you…”

Hans B looks dejected and turns to leave, as I put up a wall to avoid getting involved.

I feel like I’ve just overcome another hurdle, even though I have no basis for it.

That’s when…


The door on the 1st floor opens, and a group of knights with the same family crest on their chests enters the bar.



It’s one of the strongest military organizations in this city, with only knights of noble birth allowed to join.

“Why the hell are they in a back-alley bar like this…?”

As soon as they enter, everyone’s attention is drawn to them, as they have a reputation for leaving nothing but blood and death in their wake.

The bar is filled with silence.

“Over there.”

Following the commander’s instructions, the knights move towards one spot in unison.

Unfortunately, it’s the direction I’m in.

‘Damn it.’

What is this again?

Just as I’m retracing my recent actions, wondering if I made any mistakes…

[Always be wary of those with deep grudges.]

…the words of the tribe’s shaman during the fortune-telling suddenly come to mind.

And I see Hans B, who was walking back to his seat after making way for me, sticking close to the wall.

‘Wait a minute, those with deep grudges…’

Don’t tell me, he meant HansHans?

It’s true that things haven’t gone well whenever I’ve been involved with them…

That’s when…


The knights stop in front of our table.

And they look at us and speak in a deep and intimidating voice.

I freeze with my fork in hand.

“Liol Wobu Dwarkey, you are under arrest for insulting a noble.”

Surprisingly, it wasn’t me this time.

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