Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 77 Request (1)

Chapter 77 Request (1)

Request (1)

It’s already been 15 days since I returned from the labyrinth.

In other words, there are about 2 weeks left until the portals open in the Dimensional Plaza.

It’s a bit of a stretch to say I’ve rested well.

Time has flown by as I’ve been doing what I need to do every day, like homework.

Well, I guess I’m not the only one who’s been busy.

“Hahaha! Isn’t this the famous Little Balkan, Bjorn, son of Yandel! If you’re free tonight, how about a drink downstairs—”

“I’m tired.”

Except for the dwarf, who has been living like a free spirit for two weeks, all the members of Team Misfits have had a busy 2 weeks.

First, Rotmiller.

“Hmm, I think I’m starting to understand now. How to utilize the Sixth Sense stat.”

He absorbed the Mimic’s essence during this expedition and has been diligently training every day to get used to his new ability.

Dwarkey is the same.

“…Ah, me? Don’t worry. I just haven’t slept for about two days.”

With his financial problems resolved, he’s been learning new spells at the Magic Tower, even sacrificing sleep.

The dwarf once expressed concern that he was pushing himself too hard, but…

“No one knows what will happen on the next expedition, right? I need to prepare as much as possible while I can.”

He’s commendable.

When did he become so mature?

I feel like I made the right choice staying on this team.

Although I absorbed the Orc Hero’s essence, if everyone improves like this, there’s no way I’ll be holding them back.

‘From the next expedition onwards, we should be fine even on the 4th floor.’

The growth isn’t limited to them.

Misha and I have also changed in many ways over the past two weeks.

First, as for me…

“Hahaha! Congratulations. To gain a title in 3 months and even get promoted to a 6th-grade explorer? I’m almost worried that I’ll fall behind soon!”

“If you’re worried, why don’t you put in some effort?”

“I’m already looking for a decent artifact!”

I was promoted to a 6th-grade explorer a few days ago.

Contrary to my expectations, jumping straight to 5th grade was impossible.

From 5th grade onwards, there’s a test, and to take the test, you need to accumulate a kind of achievement points by completing requests registered with the guild.

‘Phew, there was no such thing in the game.’

Actually, it’s too late to complain now.

The game I played was set about 150 years ago. There must have been countless updates to the social system during that time.

Just like the library, which was marked as under construction in the game.

“Oh, is that the new weapon you bought? It looks impressive.”

There have also been some upgrades in the equipment department.

First, I bought a new mace.

For reference, the price was 400,000 stones, which is more than twice as expensive as the one I used before.

Well, it’s only natural since it contains more steel.

「Total item level has increased by +185.」

Overwhelming size and weight.

However, since my strength stat has increased significantly this time, there’s no problem with actually using it.

“By the way, Miss Kaltstein also said she was going to change her weapon, how did that go?”

“Ah, that? I don’t even want to talk about it, ask him.”

Misha points at me in response to Dwarkey’s question.

Hmm, I thought she was done complaining…

“I bought dual swords.”

I changed Misha’s weapon a few days ago.

A pair of swords with a reach of about 70% of the standard longsword.

I bought them for 550,000 stones at the blacksmith that Hikurod recommended.

“Dual swords?”

Misha sees her chance and whines as the dwarf and Rotmiller mutter in unison,

“Right? It sounds strange to you guys too, right?”

“Strange? There seems to be some misunderstanding.”


“I was just surprised because it’s the same thought I had when I was playing solo. It’s good to use both hands since you’re ambidextrous, but I wondered if there was a reason why you insisted on using daggers.”

“…What do you mean?”

“If it were against humans, it might be different. But we mainly fight monsters, don’t we? And we’ll be encountering a lot of large monsters from now on.”

In short, he means that he found it a bit disappointing that she used short daggers before, but it’s a good thing that she changed.

Misha, flustered by the unexpected reaction, looks at the dwarf.


“Dual swords… that’s definitely not a bad choice. After all, we’ll be firmly holding the front line. Hahaha!”

The dwarf, a tank, is pleased with the melee damage dealer investing in full offense.

That’s when Dwarkey steps in.

“I’m not an expert in that area, but it seems like it would be difficult to adjust to a new weapon, especially two of them…”

“That’s right! That’s what I was trying to say! At this rate, I might even get hit by goblins on the next expedition!”

Misha gains confidence from Dwarkey’s agreement and glances at me. But no matter what she does, all I can say is,

“Then practice more so you don’t get hit by goblins.”

I repeat, the easy path is the slow path.

It might be difficult to master new weapons now…

…but in the game, the Frost Dual Swordsman was the strongest melee damage dealer in the later stages.

It’s because there’s an OP Numbered Item.

“Whew, alright, just stop nagging.”

“It’s not nagging, it’s advice for your future.”

“That’s what I mean by nagging.”

Just as Misha and I are bickering, Dwarkey interrupts without reading the room.

“But if you hate it that much, why not just not change weapons?”


“No, I mean… Bjorn isn’t your parent, do you have to do everything he says? Honestly, it was uncomfortable to watch from the side, it felt like he was crossing the line.”

Crossing the line?

Well, from an outsider’s perspective, he might be right…

But there’s one thing he doesn’t know.

“It’s, it’s not that I hate it that much. It’s difficult now, but there are definitely advantages compared to using daggers…”

“Is, is that so?”

“Yeah, so don’t give Bjorn too much flak. It was my decision.”

I’m not forcing anything on her.

I’m just strongly persuading her with valid reasons.

“Then let’s aim for the central area of the 4th floor starting from the next expedition. Hahaha.”

“If possible, I’d like to pass through areas on the 2nd floor that I haven’t been to yet.”

“Hmm, is it because of achievement points? Then I’ll have to review those routes again.”

We finalize our exploration plans while eating, and our weekly meeting ends quickly.

Actually, calling it a meeting is a bit much, it’s more like a gathering once a week to catch up.

“Bjorn, are you two going together again this time?”

“We’re heading in the same direction, aren’t we?”

“Hmm, you two have gotten quite close lately.”

Well, I think you and Dwarkey have gotten closer.

I ignore the dwarf’s nosiness and leave the tavern with Misha.

“Ah, right. Bjorn! The equipment I ordered is finished, they told me to come pick it up.”

“It’s too late today, so we can go tomorrow.”

“But what did you order that it took this long?”

Ah, I didn’t tell her, did I?


“Hmm, underwear…?”

Of course, it’s not ordinary underwear.

To be precise, it’s an equipment piece that’s referred to as ‘egg guard’ in slang among male explorers.

Simply put, it’s a groin protector.

“I paid a bit more because it needs to be enchanted.”

“Eek, wh, you even enchanted something like th, that?!”

“Something like that?”

“Uh, I mean, it’s not that… well, I guess it’s understandable since it would have been difficult to find one that fits…”

What is she talking about?

“I can’t just be naked every time I use Gigantification.”

Originally, it’s the player’s role to adjust their equipment according to the essences they absorb.

To prepare for [Gigantification], I had underwear, no, I mean, pants that go down to my thighs, made in the style I wanted and enchanted with ‘Automatic Repair’, ‘Shape Transformation’, and ‘Acid Immunity’.

Because there’s no way the kind of underwear I want would be sold in stores.

For reference, it cost about 900,000 stones.

“Ah, so that’s why you enchanted it. I thought…”

Misha sighs deeply as the misunderstanding is cleared.

But she seems to have become curious about something, as she asks in a strange voice,

“Um… then from now on, you’re just going to wear that in the labyrinth?”

“That’s right.”

I answer confidently.

I called them underwear earlier because I couldn’t explain it properly, but they’re actually more like pants that go down to my thighs.

Those things that cyclists often wear.

And they’re made of leather, not spandex, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

Hmm, I haven’t actually worn them yet, but…


They’ll definitely be fine.

I’m a barbarian, aren’t I?

I prioritize practicality over emotions.

Anyway, as we’re chatting and walking, we soon arrive at the inn.

“Then you should go in and sleep too.”

“Uh-huh, I should. But about picking up the equipment tomorrow, should I come with you…?”

“Stop slacking off and just swing your swords while I’m gone.”

“I wasn’t trying to slack off…”

Yes, you were.

“It’s fine even if you weren’t, I have somewhere to go alone tomorrow anyway.”

“Alone? Where are you going?”

I answer briefly,

“The sanctuary.”

I have money now, and I’ve also obtained the Orc Hero’s essence, which is the core of my build.

So it’s time to raise the level of my Spirit Engraving.


I wake up early in the morning and organize my budget once again.

‘Mace, underwear, and dual swords cost a total of 1.85 million stones.’

The [Beast’s Blood] I bought to raise Misha’s Spirit Beast level cost 2 million stones. And the cost of enchanting the Laetium breastplate and shield with ‘Acid Immunity’ was 510,000 stones.

‘If I subtract 90,000 stones for a month’s living expenses…’

I only have 3.7 million stones left.

Of course, I don’t regret it since I spent it all on necessities.

[Beast’s Blood] cost 2 million stones, but without it, it would have taken a long time for Misha to be able to imbue her weapons with the ice attribute.

‘…And I should have enchanted the equipment earlier.’

I skipped it when I bought the equipment because I had the Frost Spirit Ring and didn’t have much money.

As a result, the repair cost came to 500,000 stones.

Damn it, I should have just done it even if I had to save on other things…

“Bjorn, son of Yandel!”

The chieftain greets me as I arrive at the sanctuary after a long walk, having roughly washed up.

With a somewhat smug smile.

“I can’t call you a young warrior anymore. I heard you gained the title of Little Balkan?”

“That’s right!”

I nod confidently, acting like a barbarian who has returned home in glory.

However, this is the world of stoic barbarians.

“So what brings you here!”

After exchanging a few words, the chieftain gets to the point.

The introduction is excessively short, as befits a barbarian.

Honestly, I expected a bit more admiration, praise, or encouragement…

‘Well, I prefer it this way, it saves time.’

Maybe barbarians are the most rational race in this city? I seriously contemplate that question and immediately state my business.

“I’m here to receive a Spirit Engraving.”

“I see. I’ll call the shaman, talk to him.”

It’s all very quick and efficient.

The chieftain leaves as if he has something urgent to do, and the shaman’s disciple comes and guides me to the tent.

As I enter, a shaman with wrinkly skin greets me.

“Kuku, it’s you again.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“Because it’s rare for a warrior to thank a shaman.”

No, I meant how did you recognize me when you’re blindfolded…

I don’t bother asking again.

Well, he’s a shaman, so I guess he has some mystical abilities.

“Have you come to receive the second engraving of the Undying path?”


“The cost is 1 million stones.”

I freeze.

“1 million stones?”

“Don’t tell me, you’re not prepared?”

“…I am.”

I was just surprised because the price is the same as in the game.

The 1st stage was 150,000 stones more expensive than in the game.


Anyway, regardless of the small question, I take out the money as instructed by the shaman and put it in the jar placed in front of him.

The shaman then chuckles.

“It’s good that you paid the right amount this time. Last time, you paid 50,000 stones less, and it was a headache.”

“…Paid 50,000 stones less? What do you mean?”

“Young warrior, you don’t need to worry about it. It was all the stupid chieftain’s fault.”

No, I’m telling you I’m worried.

I have a feeling, so I ask again as I lie down on the blanket as instructed.

“Shaman, how much is the cost for the 1st stage engraving…?”

“550,000 stones.”

“…I see.”

All my questions are answered with that one sentence.

The cost the chieftain mentioned at the time was 700,000 stones.

Of course, I don't think he intended to rip me off by saying that amount.

He just didn't realize it at the time.

[The cost for the Undying Engraving is… hmm, about 700,000 stones!]

The chieftain was also a barbarian.

Very weak with letters and numbers.

‘Phew, and he even acted like he was giving me a 200,000 stone discount.’

Well, I ended up saving 50,000 stones, so I didn’t lose anything…

But I feel like an idiot for being genuinely happy about it—

“Then let’s begin.”

The moment the needle pierces my skin, all the worries, anxieties, and thoughts that filled my head disappear.

It’s a vivid pain that I haven’t felt in a while.

“Young warrior, you can scream if you can’t bear—”


Damn it, I thought I would be fine thanks to Pain Resistance…

I can’t believe it wouldn’t work.

‘…I’ll have to get the 3rd stage tomorrow.’

It seems like I need to re-evaluate my plan.


「2nd stage of Undying Engraving activated. Endurance and Magic Resistance greatly increased.」

「Physical stat increased by +20.」

「Mental stat increased by +20.」


I said it would be the longest 15 minutes of my life?

Past me was foolish to say that.

“There, it’s done.”

The 1st stage engraving took 12 hours, but the 2nd stage only took 10 minutes.

However, the pain was beyond imagination.

It was as if the pain that should have been spread out over 12 hours was compressed.

“Kuku, this is the first time I’ve seen someone stay awake.”

The shaman chuckles like a psychopath as he looks at me, half-fainting.

And then he hands me something.

“Here, pick one. I’ll read your fortune since we have time.”

What is this? Fortune telling?

Since it’s a fantasy world, it seems like it would be quite accurate…

“Fortune telling isn’t anything grand, so just pick one. I can at least tell you whether good things will happen in your future or not.”

Hmm, if that’s the case…

I don’t sense any malice, so I randomly pick one of the dozens of sticks in the jar.

The shaman then falls silent for a moment.

Why is he making me feel uneasy?

“Young warrior, what is your date and time of birth?”

Uh, I didn’t expect to need my birth date and time for fortune telling…

As I’m contemplating how to answer, the shaman chuckles again.

“Kuku, I was just kidding. How could a warrior know something like their birth date and time?”

“…So how was my fortune?”

“It’s unique. I’ve seen the fates of many warriors, but this is the first time I’ve seen one with so much misfortune.”

Hmm, he’s saying the same thing as the shaman I went to with my mother a long time ago.

As expected, my fate is just shitty from the start?

“You’ve probably experienced countless hardships that others would only experience once in their lives, and you’ll continue to do so.”

“I see.”

Whew, it wasn’t fortune telling after all.

I knew it inwardly, but it makes me feel depressed when a shaman from a fantasy world says it so bluntly.

“Don’t be too discouraged, young warrior. Misfortune isn’t always a bad thing.”

“It’s not always a bad thing?”

“Your fate is not only filled with misfortune, but also with an equal amount of good fortune. And if you don’t get swallowed by misfortune, it will eventually turn into good fortune.”

“What does that mean? Speak plainly.”

This time, I’m not pretending to be a barbarian, I’m serious. Is it a custom in this industry to speak in a way that’s hard to understand, whether it’s on Earth or here?

“Kuku, it means that you’re destined to experience countless things that would normally only happen once in a lifetime, whether good or bad.”

Somehow, my head feels dizzy.

“It’s the kind of fate that many who are called heroes are born with.”

Honestly, I don’t know about being a hero…

But one thing is clear.

There have been countless shitty things in my life, but I’m still alive and breathing.

I thought it was because I had strong misfortune.

But now that I think about it, it’s not like only shitty things have happened.

“Kuku, it seems like something has come to mind?”

Just look at the Crimson Fortress incident.

I almost died because the Vampire Duke Cambormier appeared, but in the end, I was able to obtain his essence.

The Floor Master I encountered a while ago?

He caused all sorts of trouble, but in the process, I obtained the Orc Hero’s essence.

“If it’s the fate of a hero, does that mean I won’t die no matter what happens?”

“No way.”

The shaman smiles as if he’s dealing with a pure, young warrior.

And then he speaks in a dignified manner,

“Some are devoured by fate, some submit to it, and others overcome it.”

“Make it easier to understand.”

“It’s not up to fate, but up to you.”

Phew, he’s spouting nonsense until the very end.

Whatever, fate or whatever, nothing changes.

Instead of relying on something, let’s always stay alert and do what needs to be done.

So that I can endure whatever comes my way.


「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 3

Physical: 330 (New +20) / Mental: 124 (New +20) / Ability: 115

Item Level: 828 (New +145)

Total Combat Index: 772 (New +76.25)

Acquired Essences: Corpse Golem - Rank 7 / Vampire (Guardian) - Rank 5 / Orc Hero - Rank 5

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