Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 135 Orculus (1)

Chapter 135 Orculus (1)

Orculus (1)

Orculus (1)

The Guardian of Balance.

We had already reached a conclusion about this field effect.

That the stats of those who entered the labyrinth are evenly distributed.

My companions all agreed with Rotmiller's guess after receiving several hints from me.

Therefore, no further explanation was necessary.

“It’s possible that other explorers entered this labyrinth.”

“Other explorers? But you can’t meet other explorers in the Tower of Heaven.”

Although the dwarf muttered as if he didn’t understand…

“Murad, you know too, right? That the situation we’re in is not normal.”

The 4th floor Tower of Heaven is an independent space.

Unless several teams entered at the same time, you can’t encounter another team no matter how much you wander around.

But this is a place that’s unknown to the outside world.

“Anything could happen here.”

The unknown.

A word that signifies things yet to be known.

It means that all possibilities are contained within.


“I understand what you mean. But what if our guess is wrong? Maybe a different rule is applied when you enter this space—”

I cut off the other possibility that the dwarf brought up and say firmly,

“That seems like a stretch.”

Because this place is not unknown to me.

It’s more rational to quickly wrap things up and move on to the next topic instead of wasting time.

“I think Rotmiller’s guess is correct. Dwarkey, what about you?”

“…I also think that’s more plausible.”

“So you agree. Misha, what about you?”

“Uh… I’ll just stay quiet.”

Misha abstains.

But since we already have three votes for the majority, I don’t force her to choose.

“Alright, then it’s decided. Let’s move under the assumption that Rotmiller’s words are true. If you have any objections, speak now.”


After the figurehead leader, the dwarf, nods dejectedly, I quickly summarize the situation.

Another explorer entered the labyrinth.

And they’re stronger than us.

My stats have at least doubled, so they must be an explorer who operates on at least the 6th floor or higher.

And a team, not a clan.

Then what should we do?

As I throw out the question, my companions each offer their opinions, and I take the opportunity to fulfill the condition for summoning the mid-boss.

「The demon of the labyrinth senses blood.」

Okay, this should happen if we just wait a bit longer.

“Hmm, it’s not a big deal, right? It would be better if we joined forces and found a way out…”

“We don’t even know what kind of people they are, how about we just stay here? There’s no guarantee that we’ll be trapped if the labyrinth closes.”

“Haha! What are you so worried about? Even if they’re stronger than us, it’s a special situation, isn’t it? Even if we encounter them, they won’t be able to do anything to us easily, so just keep moving as usual.”

“Hmm, still, it would be better to avoid them as much as possible and find a way out, just in case.”

I smile bitterly.

I listened attentively, hoping there might be something useful, but…

As expected, collective intelligence wasn’t very helpful.

Rotmiller was a bit better, but he was more focused on preparing for the unexpected rather than considering the worst-case scenario.

“Bjorn, what do you think?”

Their gazes turn to me at his question.

I organize my thoughts one last time and then speak.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

“If it’s not a coincidence?”

“An explorer with that level of strength was on the 4th floor at this time? It’s more reasonable to assume that they were wandering around with a purpose.”

“So you’re saying that their goal might have been this place from the beginning.”

“Yes. And if that’s the case, they must have also noticed our presence by now.”

Dwarkey expresses his disagreement at my words.

“Eh, there’s no way. To know about this place beforehand.”

And the dwarf laughs it off.

“Haha, even if that’s the case, you’re talking as if they’re already marauders.”

Rotmiller asks again seriously,

“So what do you think we should do?”

I answer.

They’re unknown entities.

Therefore, they possess all possibilities.

This variable could be a blessing, or it could lead me to death.

So, even if my actions seem strange to my companions…

“We need to get out of here quickly.”

…I have to assume the worst.


Not ignoring the unease in my heart…

…that’s the secret to my survival.


「Killed Baphomet. EXP +5」

「Higher Variant Kill Bonus. EXP +1」


We’re running through the labyrinth.

Not wandering around, but heading straight for our destination.

“This way!”

Rotmiller, who’s following closely behind me, is holding a map in his hand.

It’s not the map he meticulously created, but a map that details all the paths in this labyrinth.

The location of the boss room is also marked on it.

It’s loot we obtained after defeating the mid-boss, Baphomet.

‘I didn’t expect to defeat him that easily.’

We summoned Baphomet as soon as I finished speaking.

The battle with the guy, which would have normally required us to target his weaknesses and barely manage to win…

…didn’t even take a minute.

We were able to just overpower him with damage.

It’s a good thing, but the situation is a bit…

‘Just how strong are these guys originally?’

The unidentified intruders.

For reference, I’ve long since dismissed the thought that it might be just one person.

There’s a limit to how strong an individual can be.


I clear my thoughts and increase our speed.

It should be fine since everyone seems to be keeping up.

I subtly glance back, and even the dwarf, who lacks stamina, is running just fine while carrying Dwarkey on his back.

So I stop worrying about that part.


I smash the head of a Vykuntus that appeared from the front with my mace.

Although it staggers greatly, it doesn’t die in one shot.

But I don’t slow down and just pass by the staggering creature.

Misha is in charge of taking care of the trash mobs.


I hear the sound of flesh being torn and then see a scattering of light particles.

However, I don’t hear the sound of a magic stone falling.

Misha must have caught it in mid-air again.

“Turn left!”

I follow Rotmiller’s instructions and change direction.

Then I see four Vykuntus in the distance.

Actually, we could defeat them with just Misha, Rotmiller, and me now…

…but it’s better to save every second.


Dwarkey, who got off the dwarf’s back at my shout, casts a spell.



It’s a 7th-grade attack spell with low single-target damage but a wide area of effect. It’s a spell we usually used against groups of 8th or 9th-grade trash mobs or to combo with Misha.

[Mee… huh?]

A blizzard, reminiscent of hail, is shot towards the other side of the passage, and the four Vykuntus freeze.

The 6th-grade monsters are completely frozen, not just frostbitten, from a single spell.

However, since that state will wear off in a few seconds…


…I quickly smash them with my mace and resume moving.

And when I feel like we need a break, we briefly collapse on the passage and catch our breath.

That’s when, during our third break…

“Phew, phew… Bjorn, aren’t you being too hasty? I don’t think there’s a need to rush this much…”

The dwarf cautiously expresses his pent-up frustration.

It’s something I expected to some extent.

[I keep getting this ominous feeling. So, please, just trust me this once.]

It was the first request I made.

They all agreed to go along with my nonsense.


[…Well, you have good intuition.]

[I, I don’t mind. And Bjorn, don’t think I’m repaying my debt with this. I’ll repay you properly later.]

As time passed, they must have started to have doubts.

“I, I also think this is enough. In the first place, it seems like a stretch to assume that they knew about this place beforehand…”

Isn’t it more likely that they entered this place by chance, just like us?

No, even if that’s the case…

“If you’re worried about the marks we left behind, it’s fine to slow down now. Even if they’re marauders, they won’t be able to find us in a place like this.”

Are they really marauders?

To go so far as to find and kill us… isn’t that closer to delusion?

“Honestly, I don’t even understand why you’re so sure that there’s a way out if we go this way.”

And above all, is there any guarantee that there’s a way out in the boss room… no, that place that wasn’t even marked as a boss room?

“Hmm, I don’t have any complaints. You know? I’m serious? Okay?”

They’re all valid questions.

It’s because they haven’t had the same experiences as me.

Hidden pieces aren’t that special.

Just look at Jensia, whom we met in the ‘Glacier Cave’ a while ago.

She used hidden pieces to open the rift.

And information about hidden pieces is spread through Ghostbusters as players exchange information every month.

“Bjorn, you’re not acting like yourself today. Even if everything you said is true, can’t we just fight them?”

The dwarf tries to persuade me, but that’s the biggest problem.

The Guardian of Balance is active?

It doesn’t change anything.

A situation where we would get completely destroyed just becomes a situation where we get destroyed normally.

That’s about it.

Even if our stats are the same, there’s a difference in the grade and number of essence skills.

And if we add equipment to the equation, the gap widens even further.

‘If we fight, we’ll definitely lose.’

That’s the source of my anxiety.


A lion can be carefree in front of a rabbit.

But what about the rabbit?

“We don’t have time. Let’s move if you’re done resting.”

If you encounter a lion, you have to run.


A stone chamber with paths leading in four directions.

A man standing in the center mutters,

“Larkaze’s Labyrinth…”

The man removes the hood that was covering his face and approaches the wall.

And he gently runs his hand along the wall.

“I finally made it.”

The corners of his mouth twist upwards, and the skin with burn scars is distorted.

But anyone could tell.

“Oh God, why would you give wings to such an evil man…!”

…that the old man in black priestly robes is lamenting.

Sighing and asking a meaningless question to the void…

…is the only thing the old man can do.

“Old man, should I rip out your tongue?”

“Why would I be afraid? Physical pain is noth—”

“Ah, of course, I meant your grandson’s tongue.”


As the old man clenches his mouth shut, the man chuckles and looks down at the floor.

At the end of his gaze is a middle-aged scout, collapsed in a shrimp-like position.

His forehead is covered in cold sweat, and his parted lips tremble as he lets out a pained groan.

“Keugh, heugh, keuh…”

“Geez, stop whining over just one arm.”

The man chuckles as he looks at the scout’s severed shoulder.

Who would have known?

That there was a way to enter this place, which he couldn’t find for a year, so easily.

“To readily reveal the way just for sacrificing one arm of a 5th-grade scout, that evil god is quite funny.”

“He… wasn’t he your companion?”

“Companion my ass. I just brought him along because he was useful. Hey, get up now. We don’t have time since we entered late.”

The old man’s forehead wrinkles deeply as the man puts his foot on the scout’s waist and shakes him.

“Stop it. He offered a part of his body to the evil god. That pain is beyond imagination—”

“Old man, enough.”

The old man flinches at the man’s cold voice.

He clenches his fist in frustration, but that’s all he can do.

He feels disgusted by his own cowardice, unable to do anything but watch the evil deeds.

But the old man has something to protect.

And the scout probably feels the same way.

“I’m fi, fine… High Priest.”

The scout struggles to get up, holding his empty shoulder.

The man nods in satisfaction.

But as if he realized something belatedly, he frowns and clenches and unclenches his hand.


He knows about the ‘Guardian of Balance’.

But even considering that, the change in his body is inexplicable.

“Old man, anything different? Your divine power or whatever.”

“…It’s decreased slightly.”

“Decreased? Not increased? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

The man turns his head and looks at the scout.

“Scout, what about you?”

“My overall physical strength, including So, ul Power, has decreased…”

“I see.”

The man smiles wickedly and looks towards the passage.

The old man, a former High Priest, is understandable, but for even a 5th-grade scout’s strength to decrease…

“Some rats have already entered.”

His eyes, illuminated by the flickering torchlight, are gleaming coldly.

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